

Chloe: Oh no, my food Chloe rushed to see her food. FLASHBACK: Chloe was so hungry and didn't know what to doChloe: I'm so hungry and i don't know what to cook, maybe let me fry scrambled eggs since its so easy to makeChloe went to the kitchen and switched on the stove and placed the frying pan on the stove, she then cracked two eggs and placed the shells of the eggs inside the bowl and took tomatoes and sliced it big big, she then poured oil inside the pan when the oil became hot she poured her eggs with shells from the bowl

Chloe: Now, all I have to do is cover it up

Chloe covered it up and went to the hall and began dancing Lalisa by Lisa Blackpink. 10 minutes later, she remembered her food and went to the kitchen and opened the food, the hot lid burned her hand. Ouch said Chloe, Chloe took a green napkin and used it. It's burnt said Chloe, Chloe switched off the stove and began to cry When would I ever ever know how to cook so well and be a chef said Chloe Rebecca was cooking some soup for her boyfriend Dave who was sick of Malaria, Dave began coughing Rebecca: Dave, I'm comingShe said as she got a bowl from the Cabinet and scooped soup into the bowl and placed a spoon by the side, she then grabbed a tray and placed the bowl full of soup on it then she went upstairs and saw Dave coughing more. Rebecca played the tray down and helped Dave to get upRebecca: Let me help you Dave sat down, Rebecca began feeding Dave soupDave: It's so delicious Rebecca: Thanks, Dave. Now keep quiet and finish drinking your special soup Dave drank all his soup, Rebecca peeled an orange for Dave and he ate everythingDave: You are such a daring, girlfriend Promise me you would not leave me all alone Rebecca: I promise Dave placed his head on Rebecca's shoulder. Chloe didn't know what to do when her dad called herDad: Chloe, we would close from work soon. So, are the foods ready for tonight's dinner with the Santos family?Chloe: Yeah, would soon be done. I have to go now Chloe hanged up and called her momChloe: Hello, mommy Pls come cos it's so urgent Mom: I'll be right there Few minutes later, Chloe's mother cameMommy: Chloe, what's wrong?Chloe: Mom, I need your help with cooking againMommy: I can't help you this time, you have to cook on your ownChloe: I can't mom, I even burnt my fried egg today Mommy: No, I can't be doing this for you again Chloe: Then, I guess they would eat burnt food tonight Mommy: Okay,,I'll help you but promise me you won't tell your dad Chloe: I won't Mommy: Okay, let's go to the kitchenChloe and her mother went to the Kitchen