
Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Jen is an independent businesswoman who sacrificed her love life to save her family that had gone through a bankruptcy. In the process, she lost her father, had a falling out with her mother and also broke up with her boyfriend. After the sequence of events, she moved away from her city to study without letting anyone know of her whereabouts. There she met a younger and richer man that was very persistent on making her, his. Following their journey on how their relationship develops unconventionally and the things they will go through and experience as they learn more about each other. -------------------------------------------- Snippet: "Jen" Lucas called out to her making her look up from her phone. "What is it?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "Let's go home," Lucas said as he got up from his seat and put on his suit jacket. "You're done?" she asked as she too got up from the sofa, she stretched her body as she was sitting in one position for too long. Lucas walked towards her and hugged her from behind. "Mmh, let's go home," Lucas said next to her ear making goosebumps rise on her skin. * "Home?" Jen repeated as she leaned against his chest. "Mmh," Lucas said and kissed her bare shoulder. "Let's go," Lucas said as he released her... ---------------------------------------- A/N: If you aren't 18 and above, try not to read. This is as much persuasion as I can give. I know people will read it anyway. PS: Feel free to join the discord server for Convincing Her to connect with other readers and the author at https://discord.gg/Auyvas5 You can also support me on ko-fi: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/PinkCotton

PinkCotton · สมัยใหม่
527 Chs

So Was It Intentional?

David had gotten busier after Lucas left. He went to work early in the morning so he wouldn't come back home too late. He was thankful that Lucas had shoved Michael to him because Michael had also had a rapid increase in his workload. Fortunately, he was a quick learner and a perfectionist, so David was also gradually delegating more important work to him.

After going through another busy day, he drove back home tiredly. He was only thinking about how he was going to shower and go to bed once he arrived. He parked his car in the garage and took out the keys to open the door connecting the garage to the kitchen. 

He had ignored it before because of his fatigue, but the lights in the house were on when he entered. There was a subtle change in his gaze as he looked around the house but saw no one. He only noticed that there was food left on the dining table.