
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

Zeke vs Gregory

Zeke tore the barrier apart terrifying Gregory and the Angels. "Run." He said returning to normal with Shadow in hand. The two faced off with the Angels running off. He groaned rolling his eyes. "You have to be the most persistent Demon, I've ever met. Why couldn't you just leave me alone?"

"What you're doing here is beyond, a fucking atrocity! They are women, not your fucking toys!" Gregory scoffed and chuckled. "I'm getting lectured now. Like you're any better! You cut my men down like animals, and you want to take the high road with me? How many have to die, to fill your hero idealism?"

Zeke lunged in with a thrust attack. Gregory held his hand out making a small barrier in front of him. "You're years from fighting as an equal to me. So go home kid." "I made you a promise, and I'm going to keep it!" Zeke banished Shadow striking it with his gauntlet.

Gregory's barrier shattered by the shock of the after image. Zeke kept his assault up charging in. Gregory weaved and slipped each clean punch. He summoned a barrier slamming it on to Zeke's head. It knocked him down to his knees, but stunned him to see it not split Zeke in half. "That's not gonna work on me!" Zeke roared rolling out of the way.

Gregory chased after Zeke's roll cracking him in the face with his hammer. Zeke felt his entire brain rattle in his skull. It sent him flying through several walls. He stood up dizzy and dazed. "You might be a good fight after all kid!"

Zeke was encompassed by a barrier with Gregory grinning at him. "But this fight is over!" He said making a fist. The barrier forced Zeke into a ball before it refused to shrink. Gregory frowned straining to squash Zeke. "What the-"

The barrier exploded with the Spectre bursting forth. Phantom blades whizzed through the air. Gregory responded by shrouding himself. He spotted a red flash of lightning, before seeing Zeke appear against the barrier. Unable to react his barrier exploded with the force of the after images.

Gregory was thrown into the air feeling all the air in his lungs get knocked out. Zeke fell down to one knee clutching his right arm. The searing pain radiated out from fingers to his shoulder. He gnashed his teeth forcing himself up. Gregory sat up coughing and throwing his helmet off for more air.

'Durability like Alistair, speed like Adrianna, and the craziness of Kenji. Tsk, of course I'd run into an asshole like this.' Gregory sat up holding his chest. Zeke approached him in his normal state his right arm trembling. 'Looks like that attack has some serious blowback, and he can't keep his Demon's Blood active for long'

Gregory smirked sitting up and dusting himself off. "That all you got?" He asked slapping his hands together. Ten barriers surrounded him, all spinning in different directions. "Let's see how you get past this!" He boasted puffing out his chest.

Zeke let out a long controlled breath. Activating his Demon's Blood, the layer of frost crawled across the ground, ignoring his barrier. Zeke smirked at him. "That's interesting." "What-" A Phantom blade formed from within his barrier piercing his side. Gregory let out a gasp feeling his body into shock from the frozen blade.

Pushing through the cold shock response he leapt out of the way from the next Phantom blade. The barriers came down, and Zeke took chase. Gregory leapt into the air, creating a barrier to stand on. 'Let's see how you keep-' His eyes bulged seeing Zeke chasing after him with Mana steps.

"FUCK OFF!" He roared creating a large wall barrier. He sent it flying down crush Zeke into the ground. Zeke shoved against it with his Spectre. "STAY THERE AND DIE!" Gregory felt a murderous force soaring towards him.

He barely evaded Moon flying past with Soul-Taker. She grazed his armour leaving a nice long scar against the back of his cuirass. "You want to die as well little girl!? Fine!" He raised his hand to create a barrier around her. Zeke's roar from beneath caught his attention.

Gregory spun around creating a barrier. Sunny stopped millimetres from his barrier placing her hand against it. "What are you gonna do huh!?" She blasted it creating a blinding light. He reeled back covering his eyes. Moon flew in ready to finish the job. "GET BACK!" Zeke ordered.

She stopped as Gregory let out a shriek creating a bubble around himself. "ENOUGH! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU ALL!" He held his hands out with the bubble around him shimmering and expanding. Zeke threw a Phantom blade at the bubble.

The frozen weapon was eviscerated in thousands of pieces as it came into contact. Gregory lunged at Sunny. She flew out of the way, narrowly avoiding his razor sharp barrier. Zeke surged with lightning leaping up and striking the bubble. The after images shattered several layers knocking Gregory inside upwards.

Sunny caught Zeke by the wrist. He scrunched his face trying to hide his pain. "Ezekiel! You can't keep doing that. It's hurting you." "It's the only damn thing that can hurt him!" He snapped looking up at Gregory trying to catch his breath.

He punched his own barrier snarling at Zeke. "THAT'S IT! TIME TO DIE!" Gregory held out his hands. A bubble started to form above Sunny. Zeke snatched her wrist hurling her away, with enough force to dislocate her shoulder. He was encased again breaking free with his Spectre. "MOON! KEEP SUNNY SAFE!" Zeke ordered.

She nodded flying off. "YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" A bubble started to appear in front of Moon. Zeke crackled with lightning, Mana stepping directly above Gregory. He struck him with his left hand, knocking him back into the island.

The two were blown away by the force. Moon flew after Zeke catching him in the air, spotting his mangled left arm. "Zeke! Your arm! It's-" He coughed and spat, barely able to open his eyes. "Broken..." He panted. "He's feeling that force as well." "You're gonna die before he does!"

"No...I'll break, but he's gonna die for two broken arms. I can live with that." Zeke said clinging onto Moon. "Throw me back, I'll finish this." "Zeke, you're running low on Mana. I can see it. Get somewhere safe, I'll finish this." 'Get too close and he'll crush us to death. Trust in him.' Iziel said. "I can't risk you dying. Now let me finish this."

"Make it flashy Zeke." Moon said dropping Zeke off at the edge of the island. Gregory sat in his barrier coughing up blood and wheezing. The blood vessels in his eyes completely ruptured. Zeke haggardly approached him. He spotted Gregory's chest barely lifting with each breath.

"St...st-stop...We...we can work together..." He said coughing up blood. Zeke stood over him. "I made you a promise. I'm here to keep it." "THEN DIE!" Gregory lunged out of his barrier onto Zeke palming his head into the ground. He let out an evil cackle feeling Zeke's limp body.

"You thought you could beat me!? Doesn't matter how damn tough you are, when I make a hundred barriers in your brain!" Zeke giggled under his palm. Gregory gasped trying to pull away. The Spectre caught his arms crushing them, and pulling them taut, ripping his shoulders out of their sockets. Zeke sat up grinning at him.

"Do it...finish me." He said accepting his defeat. Zeke stood up summoning Shadow. "I will, but you deserve to be punished first. This should do it." Zeke banished Shadow and caught a Phantom blade. "What are y-"

Zeke castrated Gregory with the Phantom blade instantly cauterizing the wound. He froze in shock before he felt the excruciating agony. Zeke dropped him as he thrashed in screamed with his broken bones creaking and crunching. He kicked his face into his severed genitals, letting him sob and wail on the remains.

He staggered to the edge staring at the onlooking Angels, holding his right arm, and gave them a weak smile. "Feel free to do whatever you want to him. I'm done." A Seraphim hovered in front of Zeke. "You are hurt. Let me fetch you a healer."

Zeke giggled. "Don't worry. We're almost done here. I have one more thing to do. Can you take me down to Amalgam?" "Of course." Zeke was gently flown down to Amalgam. Moon and Sunny flew down beside him, helping him up. "Zeke stop. You need to rest." "She's right. You're hurt." "I'm fine...besides can't you feel it?"

The two shook their heads. "Feel what?" They asked. "That fight just alerted some big dogs didn't it?" Zeke asked the Seraphim. "Yes...Astarte is on her way." "The bitch who cut off Eliza's legs, and beat; Adrianna, Damien and Elizabeth? The same Astarte?" "I do not know of her accolades but yes the Arch Angel Astarte is on her way."

"Then I'll make a return Rift, we know where Fiona is. We can come back for her." "They're gonna sell her out to Astarte." "He is right. They will talk. Her safety is no sold the moment you leave." "We're bringing her home now." "How? She can't cross through a Rift, because of that stupid seal." Moon said.

"Let's see if my new friend has a way to remove it. Grab Fiona, follow the Seraphim below and tell him...tell him to brace." "Zeke-" "Go! We're wasting time we don't have." Zeke ordered. "We're gonna talk about this when we get home Zeke." "Yes we are!" The two took off with the Seraphim.

Zeke stood over Amalgam. He gave the chain a yank, and stood back watching it jerk back. "Don't say I don't keep my promises." Rayiel and Kayle flew in beside him, both panting heavily and covered in sweat. "Astarte is coming. You need to leave. Right now!" Kayle exclaimed. "I will, but I got a promise to keep."

He tapped Rayiel on the shoulder. "Can you fly me up to there?" "Oh no! You stay away from my sister!" Kayle snatched Zeke by the back of his suit flying him up. "Set me against the bottom." Kayle left Zeke clinging to the underside of the island.

Amalgam sat directly beneath him. "Thank you Kayle." Zeke said. She blushed. "Just do what you have to do. Astarte is almost here." She said flying off. Zeke took a few deep breaths summoning his Spectre. He conjured all the Mana he felt surging in his body into the lightning of Themestis.

The Angels watched as a condensed ball of red lightning crackled and sparked violently. They watched on anxiously as it grew larger and larger with each pulse. Zeke let out a roar, pushing off the island. The force shattered the base of the island.

He appeared over Amalgam in a blink his fist connecting to the ground. Behind him almost a hundred after images of him and the Spectre. The after images snapped into place. Zeke's right shattered into pieces along with the island that housed Amalgam. The force created an seismic explosion sending everything in a hundred metre radius flying away.

Moon, Sunny, and the Seraphim holding Fiona were blown away, before being hit by the deafening explosive shockwave. Moon and Sunny caught Fiona out of the air. She screamed and squealed, angrily kicking at the frozen Seraphim.

"What the fuck!? You're meant to keep me safe! What the fuck are you staring at?" "I think...he's staring at that." Moon said looking up astonished. Sunny's hung in the air. "Looking at whaaa...." They stared on mesmerised at the floating remains of the island.

Sunny spotted Zeke plummeting through debris. "There!" She yelled. He crashed through Rexgan's ivory tower, and bounced off the ground. They flew in after him, finding him unconscious on the ground with his right arm twisted and contorted.

Moon and Sunny raised him up. "Zeke! Ezekiel! Hey!" The two froze feeling a shadow cast over them. They gasped at the sight of Rexgan glaring down at them. His terrifying glare quickly turned to a deep throaty guffaw. "He wasn't joking. He really does have a Dragon and Angel as his girlfriend."

Zeke peeked through his fluttering eyelids. He gave a weak smile. "Tol...told ya..." The top of the ivory tower was cut open with a high pitched shriek of materials sizzling away. Astarte perched herself on the smouldering ring. She smirked.

"Son of Samael. You've come to die." She said slinging Polaris over her shoulder. Moon and Sunny drew their weapons. Rexgan placed gigantic hands over their heads shoving them down. "Fuck off pigeon, before I pluck yer."

Her smirk changed to disgust. "This doesn't concern you Soul Smith. Go back to sleep." Rexgan wore a grin from ear to ear. He yanked on his collar with a firm tug. A whistle rung out. Astarte craned up, her eyes bulging as Amalgam plummeted through the air. "NO!" She shouted flying in.

Rexgan caught Amalgam in the air, with one hand, releasing a gust of force. He swung Amalgam, like it weighed nothing, and swatted Astarte into air as she was a fly. "HAHAHAHA! OH that was amazing! How I've missed you."

He shattered the chains connected to his collar. Rexgan reeled back taking a deep breath. The freedom washed over him. "Thank you prince. I owe yer a debt that can't be repaid." "Could you start with breaking that seal on her?" Moon asked pointing to Fiona.

Rexgan lumbered over to her. "Bloody shit work that bond is." He pinched the tattoo. Fiona let out a yelp scurrying out of his grip, running to Moon and Sunny. "Holy shit! It's gone!" Sunny exclaimed. "Then get us the fuck out of here, before that bitch comes back!" Moon yelled. Sunny created the return Rift and they left without any hesitation or delay.

"You are free to go Rexgan. Why do you stay?" The Seraphim asked. "Taking one last look at this shit heap before I forget it." Rayiel and Kayle flew in. "Where are they? Are they okay?" Rayiel asked. "They've gone home." Kayle gasped.

"Rexgan...your collar it's..." "Aye. I'm free now little bird. I thank you for keeping me company. Perhaps we'll meet again and-" Kayle sprinted over hugging Rexgan. "I'm going to miss you. You sweaty bumbling idiot." She sulked. "I will too." Rexgan smiled. "REXGAN!" Astarte roared.

"It's time I leave." He said patting her head. "Let's see if I still know how to make a-" A black Rift emerged in front of him. He scoffed and lumbered through with it disappearing behind him. Astarte came crashing in afterwards. She let out an enraged roar.

Rexgan emerged before Samael, with barrels lining the throne room and giant banquet platters littered about. Succubi's sauntered around. "Sammy, I suppose yer want me to thank ya?" "I did nothing. Simply guided my son to you. What do you think of him?"

"Yer lad is one of a kind. Ain't nothing like his pop." Samael and Rexgan chuckled together. "I hope your time in that dreadful realm, hasn't dulled your sense. It's been eons since I've had a good drinking partner." Rexgan dropped Amalgam snatching a barrel. "I'll drink yer under your throne."