
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

The Black Hammer

Deep within a giant ivory tower billowing white clouds. A Giant sat hunched in front of a roaring white fire contained in a kiln. Golden chains wrapped around his collar sitting under his long braided sunburnt shaggy beard that matched his hair. His features and muscles were akin to a sculpture carved from stone. His skin made from the same material. He spat at the flame watching it dissipate into steam before even reaching him. He scratched at his chained collar blowing out a bored sigh. An Angel with azure wings flew into the forge wearing a thin golden set of armour. "Is it ready?" She asked with an excited voice. "Nay." The Giant said, waving her off. She fit into the size of his palm comfortably. The Angel took off her helmet, fluffing her deep sapphire hair. She pouted at him with her sapphire eyes and porcelain skin. "What do you mean neigh? Are you a horse now?" "Can't be ready, if I ain't make it." "Rexgan, I need a proper weapon." "I made ye yer armour for free. Don't abuse my charity little pigeon." "My sister has been taken by those animals. What good is this armour if I cannot strike them down!?" She snapped.

"Yer a feisty pigeon Kayle, always have been. You've made my last two centuries here bearable, but ya cannot break that barrier." "You are Rexgan! The greatest blacksmith in all the realms. Forge me something akin to Polaris, and I will rid our realm-" "Your realm." He corrected tugging on his chain. "Please Rexgan. I beg of you. I will deliver you a hundred of those chickens you like." "Blegh, and eat them the exact same way? Roasted in the presence of Arafel's flame?" "I-" "Yer cannot bring me anything but good company little pigeon. Ya can't even bring me something to drink other than water. Because taking from them animals is stealing, and that's wrong."

"It is wrong!" She exclaimed. "Tell that to the animals holding ya sister. See if they care." "What can I get you to make me a weapon strong enough to smite them?" "Free me from this blasted fucking chain!" He roared. Kayle retreated taking a few steps back as his shook the tower. The two chains on his throat went taut. "Fucking Nephilim trying again." He craned his neck yanking the chain loose again. "You know I cannot free you...only Amalgam can-" "I KNOW! I know..." He quieted down defeated. "That blasted pigeon Michael...my only key to freedom is what binds me to this prison..." She gulped nervously. "About that weapon..." "I won't be making ya anything." "What? Why not?" "Because yer too damn weak." She reeled back in disbelief. "I'm what?" He reeled back taking a deep breath. "TOO WEAK!" He roared at her, the force from his voice made her stumble back. "Ya hear me now pigeon?" She nodded rubbing her ears. "Ya got as much Mana as my nose hair, and a brittle soul. Anything made from this forge would kill you."

She fell to her knees. "Then what do you expect me to do!? Leave my sister to those vultures!?" "You want to save yer little sister?" He grabbed on his chain. "Find a way to free me, and I'll smash those cunts for yer. Make a real bloody splash. Just for you." "How am I meant to free you? No one can bring Amalgam to you, or you to it." "Then say a prayer, and hope one of your little Arch Angels come down from their high seats. Because we're at impasse little pigeon." He sat back down staring at the fire. The two noticed the chain become taut quickly. Rexgan felt the collar yank him back choking from a second. He gasped and threw his body forward making the chain loose again. "Fucking!...There's a strong one down there this time." Rexgan smirked rubbing his throat.

Zeke reached the next level. "What's this level called?" "This is the floor of Sabriel." "Great..." Zeke groaned. The air on this level was warm and gentle. Autumn trees filled the horizon with orange and mahogany leaves on the ground. Each one had a satisfying crunch under his feet. He scoffed touching the leaves. "Something you have to say?" The Seraphim asked. "My mother's name is Sabriel, she reminds me of these leaves." "Warm and pleasant like the grace she was named after." "Up until you touch them, and they're nothing, but cold and wet leaves." He said throwing them to the ground. Walking onwards with the Seraphim flying beside him, he stopped seeing a group of Angels run away from him. "Take me to a level where Nephilim have entrenched themselves here. A place like that has to exist here." "You wish to see the blight of Heaven then." "Take me there." "Very well. However we cannot take you inside. We refuse." "Just show me it."

Zeke sat atop of them as they flew back the way they came from. "The seven levels...what are they for?" "What do you mean?" "Who lives there? Is it just a paradise for...humans?" "They are lands for the Angels born here. To call them human is an insult. Why do you ask?" "We have theories on Earth, about what happens to our souls, when we die. Some believe when we die, that's it. We join the eternal darkness." "And what do the others believe in?" "That if we're good, and righteous. Our souls are saved here." "You humans and Nephilim are always asking questions beyond your understanding. The only one who can understand the purpose of a soul, is the Creator, and only the Creator." "Then it'd be nice, if the Creator told us, what happens. Would save a lot of grief." Zeke said making a fist. He was taken high above the clouds. He smelt a putrid smell sting his nostrils. The air felt thin and frigid.

The Seraphim stopped hovering in front of a giant landmass floating in the sky. A top of it, was a lavish set of mansions arranged like townhouses. Angels wore spiked collars were paraded around, forced onto all fours. Their wings clipped, broken or both. They sobbed with bleeding hands and knees. A Hunter waved Zeke down. "AYE! BRING THOSE FUCKERS IN HERE! WE'LL HAVE SOME FUN WITH EM!" "What are they doing to those Angels?" "Defiling them." The Seraphim growled. "Why haven't your precious Arch Angels dealt with them?" "OI BRING EM OVER! COME ON! I BET YOU TASTE LIKE CHICKEN!" The Seraphim flew away from the Hunter and the others gathering around him. "They have entrenched themselves within, and-" "Your bosses don't believe them to be a problem do they?" The Seraphim were quiet. "Stay close, I'll need a lift, once I'm done." "Done doing-" Zeke leapt off landing on the edge.

The Hunters gathered around him. "Ayeee! You're pretty damn small, but I bet we could find a little bird for you. A fresh one for you to break in." Zeke ignored them walking over to the collared Angels. "Ohohoho! He's pent up. Give it to them!" He knelt down inspecting the collar on the terrified Angel. The ridges of her nose had been rubbed raw, red veins coursed through her eyes. "How many of you are in there?" She looked at him confused. "How many of you are in there?" "I...don't know..." "That's okay." He said with a warm smile. He inspected her wings. "Are there healers that can fix this?" She nodded. "Hey! Hey! Are you gonna fuck her or what?" The other Hunters chuckled.

The Angel shakily took off her torn robe. Zeke snatched her wrist shaking his head. "I'm sorry, this happened to you. I'll..." He stopped seeing the same hammer branded on her skin. A fresh wound. "Did they give you this brand?" She wept nodding. "Are there others inside with this same brand?" She nodded. "Seraphims! Get ready to catch them." All of them snapped Zeke a confused look. He summoned Shadow severing her collar. The inside of the collar was lined with runes that dug into her skin. "HEY! WHAT ARE YOU-" The Angel watched as Zeke crackled with red lightning and the roots of his hair turning white, before he appeared behind the Hunters in a red flash. The Spectre stared them all down. The Hunters were blown away by the delayed gale wind force their halves flying into two different directions. Zeke took the knife off one of them tossing it to the Angel. "Free those who come out." He echoed walking into the mansion.

She quickly rushed over to the other Angel cutting his collar off. The two embraced before hearing blood curdling screams filled with terrified shouts. Angel after Angel came sprinting out crying out for freedom. The two helped release the others from their collars. Others leapt off letting the Seraphim take them down, and some knelt by the others still too weak or in shock. Zeke emerged drenched in blood, patches of his snow white hair bleached crimson and black from the blood. He knelt down returning to normal trying to catch his breath. "Have any of you seen this girl here?" They all stared at him in shock. "That's okay, I'm sorry to have asked so soon. Let's get you all-" "What's your name....?" The same Angel asked. "You can call me Zeke. I saw more houses further back. Can some of you stay to help cut their collars off?" Some of them nodded. Zeke walked off wiping his face.

He walked through the next mansion with Hunters leaping out attacking him. Their attacks did nothing but knock Zeke slightly off balance. Before they could react to their shock, Shadow cleaved through their limbs like butter. They fell to the ground crying out in pain blood spraying out like a fountain. He spotted the sexual paraphernalia littered around, some of them covered in blood. Zeke continued onwards using Shadow to cleave a path through the walls. An Angel with fiery red wings and long blonde hair spotted Zeke. She sprinted to him pulling on her collar, with blood seeping down her collarbone. She reached out to him with a desperate gaze and tears streaming down her face. Zeke looked up to sky noticing a golden ethereal fluid dripping down. It shot down like like arrows slicing the buildings apart. Zeke summoned his Spectre using it to rip the Angel free from the Hunter's grasp. The transparent golden wall came down with the Hunters smirking at him. He tapped it with Shadow. It flew out of his hands as if shot out of a cannon. The Angel was on the ground looking up at Zeke's Spectre in awe.

"You the asshole touching my property?" A gruff voice asked. From the crowd emerged a stocky man. His skin glistening from being covered in various fluids. Zeke winced seeing his naked body. "Let them go." Zeke snarled. He broke out into a deep cackle. "What's this? A Demon Hunter playing the hero? These little birds are our property." "They're not your damn property! I said let them go!" "Or what?" He asked grinning at him. Zeke struck the barrier with his Spectre and was launched back through the house. The Angel spotted the Hunters and quickly bolted for Zeke. The barrier rose up and another Hunter tried to grab her. The burly man spotted the crackling of red lightning and shut the barrier instantly. He reeled back stunned seeing the Hunter turning into a bloodstain on his barrier, with the tip of Shadow digging through. Zeke let out a roar using. The Spectre dug its hand into the ground anchoring them. Shadow dug deeper. The other Hunters stumbled back terrified. "Impressive, now let's see how you handle the barrier at 50%."

The barrier became thicker and more opaque. Zeke was thrown back into the sky reverting to normal as he tumbled through the debris. The fiery winged Angel came to his aid. He stood up letting out a grunt shaking his head. "Fucker!" He shouted punching the ground. Zeke stomped back staring the Hunter down. "Oh? Back for more?" "Why are you doing this to them!?" "What do you care?" "They don't deserve this!" "Deserve what?" He asked with coyly. "OH! Do you mean this?" The man snatched another petite sobbing Angel, slamming her against the barrier. He tore off her robe. "HEY! STOP!" Zeke shouted. She gnashed her teeth screaming in agony as he penetrated her. He pressed her face into the barrier. The other Hunters jeered and laughed with him. "You mean a good fucking!?" He chuckled. His Spectre emerged glaring at them. They started to laugh even harder. "Here! I'll give you the top." The barrier rose up for a second letting out her top half. She clung onto Zeke before the barrier came down splitting her in half. "I only need the good part!" He chuckled.

Zeke stumbled back holding her lifeless corpse. Her face frozen in a mixture of relief and fear. "You're gonna die." He echoed. "Ohohoho! How are you gonna do that? You can't even touch me!" He mocked. "Seven days. I'm going to kill you in seven days." "That so? How you gonna do that huh?" "Do you even know who this-" "Former World Rank number 8. Gregory 'Great Wall' Barnes." "Then learn your place little Demon." Zeke placed his hand onto the barrier, digging his fingers into it, glaring into their souls. "I'll be back for you." He snarled walking off. Zeke made his way back to the edge of the island, seeing the Seraphim helping Angels down. He sat down with a scowl twiddling his thumbs staring at the shimmering golden barrier. "You're back..." The fiery winged Angel said. She looked at him engrossed at the barrier. 'We don't have the strength to break that barrier.' He spotted it shimmering. 'He'll have to drop it again, but unless I can find him, he'll just raise it again. Need to get inside and close kill him fast.'

She wiped some blood off his face, catching his attention. "Why aren't you leaving with the others?" "I wanted to thank you-" "Angels don't thank Demons. It's how the world works. Go get healed and be with your loved ones. I'll make sure everyone of those fuckers inside is dead in seven days." "Can I please have your name? I won't sleep at night if I can't put a name to my hero..." She said shyly. "Ezekiel. You can call me Zeke. Now go. I need them for a lift as well." He said scanning the barrier once more. "I will not forget you Zeke...My name is Rayiel..." "Go Rayiel, this hero can't do much more against that stupid barrier." He sighed sucking on his teeth. She nodded jumping onto the Seraphim. "What level did you belong to?" "Please take me to my sister Kayle." "Right away." She kept her eye on the enigma before her. The Demon that saved her. The Demon that saved Angels for no reward. Her hero, the Demon named after the Fallen Angel.

Kayle sat next to Rexgan holding her knees. Standing at two metres tall, Kayle still only came up to Rexgan's waist. "Cheer up missy. Rayiel is a tough girl. She'll be okay." "Don't lie Rexgan. It's a sin." She said burying her face. He rolled his eyes. "Remind me to never try and cheer you pigeons up." "There's nothing you can say to help me...or even do to change how I feel." "Ya right. She's probably got seven dicks in her." Kayle shot up glaring at him. "One in each hole, one between them nice little tits, another two in her hand, and one lad ready to tag in." "How-wh-why would you even say that!?" She exclaimed going teary eyed. "You said nothing could change how you feel." She looked at him confused. "And you think that would make me feel better!?" She yelled. "Wasn't going for better, make yer feel worse is changing how you feel right?" Her right eye twitched at his smile. "If I could kill you, I would." "Many have tried, but the odds of that happening, would be the same as Rayiel flying through that window saying she was a saved by a Demon."

"KAYLE!" Rayiel cried out. Rexgan's smug face changed to shock with his eyes bulging. The two looked up to the window seeing Rayiel floating down on a small gathering of Seraphim. She sprinted over hugging Kayle. A continuous confused squeak came out from Rexgan as the two embraced tenderly. "How!? How!? How!?" Kayle asked inspecting Rayiel up and down, kissing both her cheeks. "I was saved, by a Nephilim, and you're never going to believe this part. He was a Demon." Rexgan's jaw dropped and he hunched over. "Say more things like that Rexgan! Say more!" Kayle said. "Did they hurt you? What did they do to you?" "They branded me, and forced me to wear a collar with sealing runes on them. They tried to force themselves onto me and the others, but I stopped them. Clawed, scratched and bite whatever they threw at me." She said confidently. Kayle embraced her like a vice grip squishing her. "It's alright. I'll never let anything like that happen to you again. I swear it on my life as soldier of the Silver City."

"Come. We need to go help him." "Help who?" Kayle asked rubbing her back. "Zeke." "Who's that?" "The Demon." Kayle's eyes opened and she pushed Rayiel at arm's length looking into her eyes. "What? You want to do what?" "Help the Demon named Ezekiel, but he wants to be called Zeke." Rexgan let out a seedy chuckle. "What's so funny!?" "Can't ye tell? She's smitten." "NO!" She shouted at Rexgan. "NO!" She scolded at Rayiel. "No Demon! None of that!" "It's too late. Look at her, she wants to go see him again, and have some-" Kayle blocked her ears. "LALALALAALLALA!NOT LISTENING CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Rayiel pulled her arms down. "Sister! He needs our help. How long have the garrison tried to rid that blighted land, and save our kind? He saved over fifty of us in a few minutes." She clenched her hands tightly. "I promise you, there is no smitten or anything like that happening. I want to help him, because it will save our kind. So please sister. Help him to save our people."

Kayle looked down at her hands being squeezed with such intensity. Her mind raced with mixed thoughts. Rexgan leant in. "Don't help her, and she'll find him alone. Wonder what will happen then aye?" He asked with a sly smile. "I will go help him, and you will stay far away from him." "He's not going to seduce me sister." "That's what they all women say before they're seduced." Rexgan said. "You shush! Rayiel tell me where he is." "He is with the encampment of Nephilim above. The thousandth group to try and claim Amalgam for their own." The Seraphim said. "Ha. I'd like to see those little cunts try." "We will go together, and you will not say anything. Am I clear?" Kayle ordered. "Yes sister, but please do not harm him. I still wish to thank him properly for saving me." "Yes...I suppose even a Demon deserves thanks once in a millennia." "Remember to go on top. Men occasionally like it when the girl is rough with them." "SHUT UP!" Kayle threw her helmet Rexgan with it bouncing off like a small pebble. "Have fun!" He said with sly smile.

Moon and Sunny were flown to Amalgam by a bed of Seraphim, with the sun setting and the clouds a warm hue of orange. "Did you find anything?" Sunny asked. "I found out your kind, like you, are a bunch of racist assholes." "Hey! I am not a racist." "Do not stoop her level, your grace." The Seraphim said. "They're right. I won't stoop to your level." Sunny said holding her head up high. "Only a racist wouldn't want to be on the same level." Moon said with a smug grin. Sunny ground her teeth in secret facing away from her. "Here's hoping Zeke found something, because you and I didn't find shit." "Hey I found-" "Your little racist assholes also found nothing." "I was gonn say I found nice people." "Yeah you and your clan get along great." Sunny sucked on her teeth folding her arms.

The two stopped seeing the giant camp and Amalgam bound to the ground. Tents gathered around a roaring fire, with one singular tent pitched off to the side with a smaller fire. "I'm getting the weirdest sense of déjà vu right now." Moon said. The two were set down gently by Zeke simmering a large cauldron of food. "Zeke, we have brought them back as you requested." The two looked at the Seraphim confused. "...Are you being nice to him now?" Moon asked. "We...we were quick to judge him." "Oh really? That sounds familiar." Sunny let out a sigh. "You guys find anything?" Zeke asked stirring the pot. "Yeah, Moon is an aggressive animal that assaulted over several dozen Angels today." "Several...dozen?" "Hey! Those assholes had it coming. Kept calling me a stinky lizard. Or slimy snake, and worst of all. Dry skin Dragon. Have you seen my skin?" "Yeah, I've tasted it, and it's amazing." Moon blushed with a confident smile. "Still doesn't change the fact you shouldn't go around beating people at random." Her smile disappeared instantly.

"But! If they said that stuff about me, you would have-" "I would have made them eat their teeth. My point is that 'you' shouldn't do that." Moon sat down pouting. "Fine, I won't do it again." "Did you find anything?" Zeke asked Sunny. "She didn't do anything. She sat down getting pampered by other Angels and had two men massaging her shoulders and feet." Zeke stared Sunny with her jaw hanging. "I can explain." "Go ahead." "I...I really thought you weren't gonna let me say anything. Can you give me like five minutes?" Zeke rolled his eyes. "It's fine." He said stirring the pot. Sunny let out a sigh of relief. "But don't expect me to massage you again." Her dropped her head sad, taking a seat.

"Did you find anything?" Moon asked. "Yeah...I've got a lead on her." "But?" Sunny asked. "She's surrounded by other problems." "Oh no, he's got stuck face." Moon said. "He's what face?" Sunny asked. "He gets that look, when he's stuck on a problem and doesn't have the answer." "I don't have a face." Zeke sulked. Sunny inspected his face closer. "Oh that is his stuck face. You looked like that translating the pages in that tome." "Let's just move on." Zeke said handing them both two large bowls of a beef stew. "Is it, how you got these guys to give you their stuff to cook with?" Moon asked chomping down. "Did you trade the sandwiches you made?" Sunny asked stuffing her face. "Not exactly...." "Hey, hope we're not too loud-" Moon spat standing straight up. "AH! YOU! ZEKE! THAT'S HIM! THAT'S THE GUY WHO-" "Moon, I know who he is. I recognised him the moment I saw him. Sit down. Zack gave Moon a smile.

"No hard feelings right?" He asked reaching out his hand. He stopped feeling Shadow pressing under his crotch. "Close enough asshole." Zeke said. "Fair enough..." He nervously chuckled taking a step back. "We're here for the Black Hammer, nothing more." "Zeke, we can't trust this guy!" "I know. We're not going to, but he might be the solution to our problem." "What's our problem?" Sunny asked. "Right above us is a place worse than Hell." "The blight of Heaven." The Seraphim added. "Hunters have bunkered into the fancy place, and started kidnapping Angels to be their...fuck toys." "Oh crap..." Moon and Sunny groaned. "The Angels were all branded with the same tattoo that Fiona had." "And if you're here with that face, it means something up there stopped you." Moon said. "That 'it' is the former World Rank 8 Gregory 'Great fucking Wall' Barnes." "Shit...." "Fuck..." "Yeah...I could only explore maybe...a hundredth of the place, before he blocked me out."

"Well if that's the case. Let's fly up there while he's asleep and murder those fuckers right now!" "I agree! They need to be punished for their crimes." "They've got collars with sealing runes on them. One mistake with any of you up there and it's over!" Zeke snapped. Zack took a few steps back. "You know, the description she gave of you-" Zeke summoned his Spectre letting it glare Zack down. "If I need your input or presence. I will ask for it. Go back to your party and fuck off." Zeke snapped. Zack quickly sprinted off, with Zeke returning to normal. "Wow...You're really stuck aren't you?" Moon said putting her bowl down. Zeke bowed his head burying his face into his hand and nodding. She cuddled up to him stroking his head. "Well, I know you've got a backup solution. You always do." "It's moving that hammer and using it to break his barrier." "We can't move that hammer can we?" Sunny asked. The Seraphim shook its head. "What's your other solution then?" Moon asked. "Somehow sneaking in, but they would recognise me on sight."

Zeke reeled back letting out a frustrated groan, pushing hair back. Sunny cocked her head with him. "Did they see Ezekiel or did they see Zeke?" He looked at her confused. "What?" Sunny took a seat next to him combing his hair down. She locked eyes with Moon. "That...that could work." "What could work?" "Right? With the right tools." He slapped away their hands. "What are you two planning?" "Uh well...you know how you're immune to sealing runes?" Moon said. "Yeah...?" "And how your hair goes up when activate your Demon's Blood?" "Yes, what's your point? How does that help the situation?" "Well-" Moon stopped Sunny. "Let him figure out. It's gonna be more fun to watch." "Figure what out?" Zeke asked annoyed. "Can we give him a hint?" "Yeah, I've never seen him so lost before." Moon said. Sunny tied the small amount of hair she had into a pony tail, pushed the rest of her hair up. "How would you describe this look?" Moon asked. "Uhhh...man-ish?" "Correct. Now describe this look." Moon asked as Sunny reset her hair and gave him a bashful look. Batting her eyes at him and pouting. "Girly?" "Correct."

The two stared at him as he stared back. "What the fuck was the point of that!?" "He's not gonna get it." Sunny said. "I believe in him." "Get what!? He exclaimed more irritated than before. Hair back and up looks manly on her. Hair down and shying away looks!..." Zeke trailed off, with the two of them smiling at him. "Girly...Oh no! No! No! No! That is not happening!" "We're not asking you to get fucked Zeke, but with some proper make up and prep work. We could make you into a hot ass bitch." "It's not happening." He said firmly. "Zeke, you wanted a way in. Sneak in kill the guy in his sleep. Who cares if you've gotta wear a dress." "I'm thinking pencil skirt would really accent his thighs." "Ooooh it would." "Stop! I'm not doing it!" "Wow, are you really gonna let those Angels suffer for your pride and social standing?" Moon asked aghast. Zeke frowned sucking on his teeth going bright red. "Fine! But not a single fucking word from the two of you about this." The jumped up letting out a whoop. "Can you get us something to touch up his skin?" Sunny asked the Seraphim. "I do believe I can." The Seraphim chuckled. "Hey! That secrecy applies to you as well!" "I heard nothing. I am nothing but an eye with wings." They said flying off. "Those motherfuckers..."

"There! There he is!" Rayiel shouted out. The three of them looked up into the sky. "Uh, Zeke. Who's that?" "Looks like one of the Angels I saved." "I think she meant the other next to her with the long swo-" "DIE DEMON!" Kayle roared flying towards Zeke with her sword drawn. Moon blasted her away. Kayle recovered in the air flying towards him. "YOU WILL JOIN HIM VILE-AH!" Kayle squealed as Rayiel tacked into her. The two crashed in front of the three. Rayiel pinned Kayle to the ground pinching and twisting on her wings. "AH! AH! STOP!" "Let go of your sword!" Rayiel shouted wrestling with her. "Never! He must die-YAI!" She cried out with Rayiel plucking a feather. She kicked and screamed with Rayiel pinning her down. "Um...Zeke, what are we looking at?" Moon asked. "I have no fucking idea." Rayiel let Kayle go seeing Sunny. "Your grace." She bowed. Kayle quickly scrambled to her feet bowing at Sunny with a pout. "Your grace."

Zeke handed Kayle her weapon. "You dropped-" She snatched from his grip placing it under his throat. "You will die today for defiling our realm with your presence." "You will not lay a finger on him." Sunny commanded. "But...but your grace, he's a Demon." "Are you defying my orders?" Kayle lowered her weapon quickly bowing. "A thousand apologies your grace. Please forgive me." "Do you remember me?" Rayiel asked with a bright smile. "Rayiel right?" She nodded happily. She nudged Kayle. "You promised." "MMMM!" Kayle whinged. "You said you would!" Rayiel hissed. "Th...th...thank you...There I said it. Can we go now?" "Say it properly." "Thank you for saving my sister! There! Happy?" "You had an eventful day." Moon said. "Yeah and the day still isn't over." Rayiel took a few sniffs, smelling the intoxicating and savoury stew. "Ooo, what is that. It smells divine." "That does smell divine." Kayle said sniffing. "Help yourselves to a bowl." Zeke said.

The two sat down greedily eating his food. Their eyes widened with shock both of them locked eyes devouring it without tact. "Who made this?" Rayiel asked with filled cheeks. "It's amazing! I've never had anything taste this good before!" "I did." Zeke said. Kayle spit out the food, wiping her mouth. "BLeh! How could you let me at this filth!?" "Getting a weird déjà vu feeling right now." Sunny said holding her head. "Why is it so hard for you to believe that a Demon could make that food." "Because you're a Demon. You don't make nice things." Zeke and Moon looked to Sunny. "Are you getting some flashbacks Zeke?" "A little bit." "I did not sound like her!" Sunny said defiantly. "I know you saved my sister for your own nefarious reasons." "Could that reason be I wanted to do something, because I thought it was right?" Zeke asked staring at Sunny. "No! You're playing a long con. I know it!" Sunny sat down with the revelation before her. "Oh my god...I was a racist." "She finally admitted it."

"Look at me when I am speaking to you Demon! I am soldier for the Silver City, and I will smite you in the name of the seven Arch Angels." Zeke turned his glare to her. "Then where were you, when they were being raped and butchered?" He asked walking towards her. "Where were you seven divine warriors to protect your people? Why was I the one to help them?" Kayle pressed her sword into his throat feeling it push back. Zeke slapped the sword out of the way grabbing Kayle by her breast plate, bringing her down to his level.

"You want to hate me for being a Demon? That's fine. I hate being a Demon more than anyone else. But unless you got a reason to be here, leave us alone, while we fix your problem. I don't need any headaches right now." He said tossing her back. Rayiel fell to her knees in front of Zeke. "Please forgive my sister." She said bowing. Zeke rubbed his face. He let out a grunt. "I'm going for a walk." "I-" Moon and Sunny shook their heads at Rayiel. "Don't worry about him. He just needs some time to think." Moon said. "You two might be able to help with our problem." Sunny said. "Of course your grace. How may we be of assistance?" Rayiel asked. "For one, you could start with why everyone calls her that." Moon asked looking at them annoyed. "Her wings...they are the same colour of the first Angels." "Out of curiosity, what are the lowest born coloured wings?" "Black." "Ha! That explains your racist ass." Moon snorted.

"Your grace. Why do you mingle with these two?" Kayle asked frowning at Moon. "I'm in love with that Demon you keep insulting." Rayiel and Kayle froze on the spot. "I think you broke them." Moon whispered. "Well they're gonna have to get use to it." She whispered back. "That....that is unexpected your grace." Kayle said. "My apologies your grace. I bear no judgement at your choices." Rayiel said. "I can't help but notice a lack of we in that apology." Kayle said. "It's too late for you. Beg for your own forgiveness." Rayiel shooed. The Seraphim returned with a palette of colours on their back and flowing white gown. "Will this suffice your grace?" "Oh wow!" Moon and Sunny said looking at it. "This is some amazing stuff...this is better than my own make up...I'm taking this." Moon said. "Are you so vain?" "Christ, how did Zeke even fall for you, when you were like this?" Sunny bowed her head. "I don't know." She said defeated. "Listen birdy. This isn't for us. It's for-" "Aw crap...you actually brought it." Zeke groaned.

"That was a fast walk." Sunny said. "I got no wings, I'm a Demon in Heaven, and I'm tired." "Fair." Moon said. "Eugh....just get this over and done with." Zeke groaned taking a seat. Moon and Sunny giddily knelt beside Zeke. "Wh...what are you two doing?" Kayle asked. "We're going to dress him up as a girl, and sneak him in." Moon said styling his hair. The two shook their heads baffled and struggling to comprehend her words. "Make some fish lips, I need to make your lips pop." Sunny said. "I hate you both right now." "You can hate fuck us later. For now we have a woman to save." Moon said pinching his cheeks. "You're going back up there?" "Yes." "If they think you a woman, they will place a sealing collar on you." "I'm unaffected by sealing runes." "Lies! I knew you could not escape your nature Demon." Zeke's eyes darted to Sunny. "Alright, I was a racist to you! Happy?" "I would be, if you weren't currently pinching my nipples to make them puff out." "Gotta sell the part sweetie."

"Are you serious? Are you really going to dress up?" Kayle asked. Zeke let out a sigh. "I need a way back in there, and sadly this is going to work." "Woah-hoho! Look at you, you hottie." Moon said. "This is working for me." Sunny said. "Let's just get this-" Everyone craned up hearing rock sizzle. They gazed up to see a giant golden sphere in the distance. "Is that his barrier?" Moon asked. "Something's spooked him." Sunny said. "Yeah...but what spooked him?" They peered up into the fading light, with the clouds slowly glowing a bright white from the moon rising. All of them detected movement in the clouds. "Do you all see that?" Zeke asked. "There is something in the clouds." The Seraphim said. Kayle's eyes lit open with joy. "It's the Garrison! They've come to deal with the blight!" She jumped up letting out a whoop. Black splotches started to cover the bottom of the sphere. "We gotta catch them!" Zeke shouted.

"What are you talking abou-" Zeke sprinted off with Moon and Sunny following after him. "Seraphim! Move your ass!" Zeke ordered. He leapt high into the air summoning his Spectre. Kayle watched him turn into streaking red lightning bolt stepping off the air. The two watched on dismay as armoured Angels fell from the sky, with limbs and weapons lagging behind. The three caught as many Angels as they could. Zeke returned stumbling on the ground holding wounded and corpses. He sprinted towards Zack's camp. "HEY! HELP US NOW!" He ordered with his Spectre echoing it. Kayle fell to her knees in complete shock at the Nephilim helping the Garrison. Rayiel flew up with them catching who she could. "LEARN YOUR LESSON ASSHOLES! I OWN THIS LAND! YOU ALL BELONG TO ME!" Gregory declared. "I'LL FUCK, EAT AND KILL WHATEVER THE FUCK I PLEASE!" His cackle rung out. "I CAN'T BE KILLED IN HERE! NONE OF YOU CAN EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN!" He roared. The barrier became an opaque golden wall, with a shimmering pulse every second.

The three returned panting carrying bodies of groaning and moaning Angels. Zeke snarled at the barrier. "We're moving onto a different plan!" He snapped walking towards Amalgam. "What is your plan?" The Seraphim asked. "I'm taking the fucking hammer and breaking that cunts face open!" Zeke summoned Shadow standing over the chain. He let out a roar bringing Shadow down with all his might releasing a slash at the same time. The Spectre followed up. Zeke was blown back returning to normal. He rushed over finding the chain completely intact. He raised Shadow one more time. "Stop! That chain is unbreakable! It can only be broken by the soul it is attached to!" The Seraphim shouted. "THEN TAKE ME THAT SOUL!" Zeke roared. "Why do you care so much Demon? This is the affair of-" Zeke snatched the Seraphim. "I don't give a flying fuck, who or what it is. If I can help them. I will. Simple as that!" He shouted throwing it away.

Kayle approached Zeke. "I can take you to him." She said meekly. "Kayle. You are forbidden from sharing that knowledge." The Seraphim scolded. "I don't trust you Demon...but only you may meet him." "You will be punished for this transgression." "If he isn't worthy, he'll get nothing out of it. Follow me Demon." Moon and Sunny sprinted over. "Zeke...are you sure this is safe?" "It feels like a trap." "Then you two can come save me afterwards. I'm gonna fix this damn problem." The two watched them take off. "If anything happens to him, I'll make Hitler look like a saint compared to me." "Jesus." Sunny said looking at Moon. "Who's Hitler?" Rayiel asked. "Oh he was-" "Don't tell them!" Zeke was flown far below Amalgam noticing the long stream of golden chains running through the bottom of the island. The Seraphim and Kayle flew straight down through a giant pluming cloud that kept spewing more and more fluffy white clouds.

Losing sight of island above him. The ivory tower that housed Rexgan appeared. The sight of it troubled him. A magic circle he had never seen before etched into the ground with the golden chains splintering around the base of the tower. A singular window atop the tower. "What is this place?" Zeke asked being lowered to the window. "A prison." Kayle said hovering down. Zeke peered down seeing Rexgan sitting front of the fire idly scratching his beard. "Rexgan. I've brought you a guest." "If they've got feathers they aren't a guest." Zeke dropped down stopping his descent with a Mana step. "I don't have any feathers." Rexgan smirked at Kayle. "Well, ain't this something." He said standing up. Rexgan towered over Zeke over ten times in height and in weight. "Who might this dainty little thing be?" He said grinning at Zeke. "This is the one who saved my sister."

"Well! Well! I have to say you're much smaller than the last Nephilim to greet me." Kayle frowned at him. "Who greeted you!?" "A tiny little man going by the name Alistair. Do you know him pup?" "Yeah, he's our strongest Hunter. I also know he failed to free that hammer of yours." Rexgan's grin disappeared. Zeke scanned the surroundings. A singular bed, a hole in the ground, and an anvil that stood up to his waist. "You've met him. It's time to go." Kayle said. "Do you know Samael the Destroyer." "Aye. I do. A cruel, sadistic and vile spawn of Hell." He chortled. "I would very much like to have a drink again with him. He knew how to party." "Anyone over a century old would know who he is. How do you know of him?" Zeke summoned his Spectre using it to off its hand to Rexgan. He shook the Spectre's hand with a grin stretching across his face. "Well...ain't you something different."