
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

Sovereignty Champions founding day.

Moon and Zeke let out a big whoop seeing their run down house, bathed in the nice spring sun. "We're finally home!" She squealed in delight, dragging open their concrete door. Red followed her inside. "You gotta be shitting me." "It needs some work, but we got the money for it." "I'm not living in this place." "Why not? I saw your room at the dorm. It was worse than this." "I! This!" "ZEKE! ALL OUR STUFF IS GONE!" "WHAT!" Zeke shouted. He sprinted inside. Raven followed inside, reeling back at the horrid interior. "All our stuff is gone!" She sobbed. "What'd they take. We can go to the police." Raven said. "They took our computer and TV." "...And...?" "That's it." "How is that all your stuff!?" Raven snapped at Moon. "Well, you actually fucking came back!" Han said in the doorway. "HAN! OUR STUFF!" "Girl, calm down. I took your stuff to my house. I got sick of climbing through the window." Moon rushed over hugging Han.

The two embraced jumping up and down in joy. "RED!" Han shouted. Red leapt in between them. "They...they always like this?" "Should have seen them, after Han went to see her family. So much ugly crying." She eyed Raven. "Aye! New girl! We haven't met properly. Han. Nice to meet you." "Raven Frost. It's a pleasure to formally meet you." "Woah. So formal and proper. Come on girl. We're gonna be working together. Helping these two idiots pay us." "Shouldn't be calling your bosses idiots!" Zeke said in their room. Zeke came out in his usual attire and look. Han frowned at him. "What the fuck man?" "What?" "I was told that, you had been given a proper make over. You still look like a mop wearing shit." "Missed you too Han." "We didn't have time to prepare our depature. Our belongings are coming to us." Moon said. "Well come on whip it out." "I'm...I'm sorry?" Zeke asked confused. "Oh not that. Your Demon's Blood. Come on show me." "I'm not going to do that." "Hey! I've waited 20 years to see it, and I only got to see it through a crappy feed. Now show it to me."

"Firstly, we're not even 18 yet. Secondly, we haven't even known each other for that long. Thirdly, no, it's not a parlour trick." "Don't make me tell Moon, what I found." "You already told her, what I have on the folder." "Oh right. Not that. I meant what I found in your room." "There's nothing in my room that would convince me to-" "Three paces in, six to the right, second brick from the bottom." Zeke activated his Demon's Blood. Her skin bumped from the frigid air and she stepped back in awe. Moon and Raven looked at each other concerned. He reverted back to normal. "Okay there! Happy!?" "Very! That was so fucking cool!" "What the hell does she have on him?" "I have no idea..." "It's still safe." She whispered into his ear. "It's very...very...very...sweet." She said with a sly and sinister smile. He growled at her. "Is it safe?" "Of course. I'm not a monster Zeke. It's just in a safe place for me to use later." "You evil little..." "Well! Now that you two are back, I think it's time to discuss my payment." Zeke pretended to hand her chips. "Uh Zeke. Feeling a little light here." "For six months, and to make sure our stuff was not stolen."

Zeke panned around the house with a smirk. "And we were gone for less than two months, and our stuff is stolen." "Your stuff wasn't stolen. I'm..." Han came to a sudden realization. "What's it gonna be Han? Payment or evidence on me?" She growled at him. "Fine. It's in my-" "Raven. If something is stolen, when would you classify it as not stolen?" "Um...when you have it back in your possession?" "Correct!" He smiled at Han. "Payment comes. When our stuff is back, and you look over this house for six months." "I liked it more, when you were a beta male." "Well, since we know where our stuff is, and we got cash. Let's throw that shit away, and start fresh." Moon let out a ear piercing whoop. Zeke took out a large pouch. He handed Moon 250 chips. "Okay, I'm trusting you all to buy proper things to furnish this house and office." Her eyes lit up with pure glee. "It would be cheaper to just buy a new house and office space." "Constant work, is not something we have locked in just yet. Once we have that, I'll gladly pay for a vault, and office space for you." Zeke said looking around the house.

"What are you gonna be doing then?" Raven asked. "Booking contractors to fix this place up." "I can help you with that." "You don't want to go shopping with..." He panned around seeing no sign of Moon, Han or Red. "They left the moment you turned around." "Forgot how fast they are to go shopping. Well, you can get comfortable then. It was a long flight." "You ever gonna let anyone help you do anything Zeke?" "Sorry, not use to actually having someone work under me." "It's fine. I never realized just how tough you guys had it. Thought with how smart and capable you two were, I always just assumed that you both grew up in the middle class." Zeke chuckled. "We did for about 10 years, before we started our plan to run away together." "I hate to ask, but how bad does the rest of your childhood get?" "Depends on you how look at it." "How so?" "Others see a pair of abused kids. I see us leaving and making it on our own." "Very optimistic outlook, so where do we start boss?" "Hmm...I never really took a good look at this place, and noticed how dog shit it is." He said inspecting the cracked foundation. "Just needs a little work."

"Look up some new houses, that can fit the six of us." "Six? Even with Red getting her own room, we're only five people." "Han is right. We'll need to recruit a Blue Hunter. It will let us freelance in all three realms." "Got it. I'll start looking right away boss." "Don't call me that. It makes me feel like Constantine." "Should I call you Mr Chen when we get calls?" "Feels weird, but yeah, go with that." Zeke opened the fridge, seeing it completely barren. "She steals my stuff, and empties out our fridge as well. Eugh...." He groaned heading for the door. "Are you gonna go shopping for food?" "Nope. Need to go pay a visit to someone. I'll Moon and Han know to bring back food." Raven slumped against the wall, taking a deep breath. "Come on Raven. Time to be a hard working girl. No more using daddy's money." Zeke arrived at Edelgard's new office, still under repairs, with the sun reaching its peak. He entered into the office, completely oblivious to everyone gawking and gossiping about him.

Walking through the hallways he found Edelgard have a meeting in clear boardroom, filled with other men and women in suits. Her hair was frazzled and tied into a messy bun. Her partner Brianna stood by her side. She wore a white tank top and cargo pants, with black military boots. Standing at two metres tall, her dark moss hair fell to her shoulders, and over her soft face. Brianna gave an excited wave to him. "ZEKE!" She called out. Everyone in the boardroom turned to him. He gave an awkward wave back. She rushed out hugging him. "Been meaning to give you one of those for saving Eddie for me." "It's alright. You were across a Rift at the time." "Then I missed you at Chiron academy of all places! How'd you manage that?" He shrugged. "Honestly, a series of lucky things happened. Can I ask what's happening in there? Edelgard looks hella stressed." "Those are the other state agency heads. They're discussing who should take over Weaver." "Still? I figured Weaver, would have given one of them an option to take over." "He did. Gave each and every one of them to take the role." "So they're arguing who gets the role?" "Kinda..."

Edelgard frantically waved the both of them to come in. Zeke followed Brianna inside, both standing beside her. She hugged Zeke. "Follow my lead." She whispered into his ear. "I assume you all know who this is?" She said taking a seat. They nodded. "Zeke Chen. Champion of the Chiron Academy Hunter Games. Killer of the Colossal Centipede." Edelgard said. "Yes, he is an excellent Hunter. All the more reason you should take the job." Another agency head said. "If you'd let me finish. You should know, he is also a thief, thug and all around degenerate." "Huh?" He looked at her confused. "And I've over looked all those transgressions to hire him. If anything that is concrete proof showing, that I am incapable of being the Head of all Australian Agencies." "It shows you are compassionate. Something that everyone would love." They all agreed and mumbled. "Uhh...not exactly sure what's happening here...but I only came to say hi, and maybe see Edelgard had a job for me." "YES! YES I DO! I'm playing favourites! Please don't give me this role!"

"Having a close relationship with a renowned Hunter, is good publicity." They all nodded. Edelgard face planted into the table with a solid thud. "Wait...have you all been in here, trying to pawn off Weaver's job?" "Ever since he quit." Brianna added. "...Why?" "What do you expect, from a Hunter that represents an entire country?" Brianna asked. "Iunno. Well spoken, dressed knowledgeable, strong-" "And therein lies the problem. Everyone in this room is a B grade hunter. Weaver was our country's only S grade Hunter." Edelgard said. "And our only A grade ones were all killed during a job to return a..." They all trailed off looking at Zeke. "What? They all died during what job?" "They were tasked with returning Grimoire." "Say Zeke-" "No!" He snapped at Edelgard. "Zeke! I don't want this job. People challenging me to test their strength.." "Edelgard. If you take this position, you'll have the highest authority over everyone. If someone challenges you to a fight, just get one of these idiots to fight for you." Zeke said. Edelgard reeled back in her seat, locking eyes with the other Agency heads. "Go on."

"We'll just say no." "Okay, but then she can just punish you all, for not following her orders?" Edelgard lurched forward intrigued. "That is true..." "Then we'll...We'll..." "Okay, but what if I have to meet other World Rankers and other agency heads. I don't want to meet those scary people." Edelgard asked anxiously. Zeke took out his phone, shaking it in front of her. She let out a sigh of relief. "You're so smart." "Okay, is this all sorted?" "I want the role!" "No, Weaver offered it to me!" The room erupted into bickering and screaming. Brianna face palmed, dragging her face, and letting out a low growl. "This is never going to end." "I only came here to get my freelance agency started." "Well nothing is going to happen, while they're fighting like this. Someone needs to settle them." An idea popped into Zeke's head. He left the room quickly coming back with the landline. "Hello? Who is this?" Weaver asked. Everyone in the room went silent. "Hey Weaver, it's me. Zeke." "Oh. Mr Chen. What can I do for you?"

"I'm standing here in a room, with everyone who was offered your old job." "Why is that?" "They're fighting about who gets your job." "Still? I left over a month ago." "Well, they're still fighting about it. I can't start my agency with Moon, until one of them goes through the checks with me." "Hmm, that is not good. However they are all good candidates to lead our countries Hunters. I would have to make an informed decision and-" "Could you pick Edelgard for me, and we can move on from there?" "This is favouritism! We won't stand for this!" Zeke shushed them. "Hmm, they are correct. However given your achievements, I will trust your judgement. I officially appoint Lillia Edelgard, the head of Australia's Hunter Agencies. Anyone who wishes to disagree with my decision, may request a formal duel with me."

The room fell silent, with angry glares at Zeke. Edelgard and Brianna leapt up hugging each other with joy. "Thank you Weaver." "Not a problem. I wish you all the best with your agency. Oh, before I forget. I'll be traversing a red Rift, I'll be gone for a few months." The phone call ended with a click. "Okay! With that sorted. Edelgard, can we talk about my agency?" "Of course! Alright, I think this meeting is adjourned. You can all return back to your agencies now." They all left grumbling and mumbling angrily to themselves. Edelgard gave Zeke a tight hug. "Thank you so much! That was never gonna end." "That and you were worried for nothing." Edelgard broke away, looking Zeke up and down. "You've grown so much." "I look exactly the same." "Yes, but the old Zeke would have never done that. You would have walked out and waited patiently." "Well, got a lot of work to get this all up and running." "I'll have someone print out all the paper work for you. Fill them out, and I'll handle the rest."

"Alright! That was faster than I expected. I'll wait for the papers down stairs then." "Oh, wait a minute." Brianna called out. "Are you two looking for work right now?" "Well, we just got back, but yeah we'll need it. What's the job?" "Simple monster extermination contract. It's a C grade job at max." "I won't be able to take it, but Moon can. What are the details? I'll pass them to Moon." "A dungeon has been shooting spiders-" Edelgard could see Zeke's soul visibly leave his body. "Out like a fucking cannon, and we just need a temporary relief team." He shuddered and cringed. "Pay and time?" He twitched. "150 chips, over three months. Food and accommodation paid for. We'll need hands on deck in a week's time." "I'll uhh.." He shivered. "Let her know." "Do you want to come? My girlfriend did just become the head of all Agencies." "Bree. Zeke doesn't do spiders. I'll have the paper work ready for you soon."

Zeke sat in the foyer for a few minutes, still oblivious to the people whispering about him. Scrolling through his phone, he was bombarded by pictures of Moon, Han and Red browsing through furniture. Raven had already sent him an entire list of possible houses. "Hmm...six bedrooms, three bathrooms, garage can fit two cars. Quiet neighbourhood, if it has a basement, we could turn that into a temporary vault. 600k...that would leave us with 150 chips. Food and new cars...rough amount 50 chips. Plenty to last Han, Raven and Red till Moon comes back from the job. I might also find work in that time." He cracked a smile. 'This could actually work.' "That's a rare sight." Edelgard said approaching him. "What is?" "You smiling. That looks like actual genuine happiness." "Came into a lot of money, and I have a friend in high places. Why wouldn't I be happy?" She handed him the stack of papers. "I'll come visit you two soon." "Be in touch." "Ah wait, before you go Zeke, can I see it?" She whispered to him. He looked at confused. "I thought you were gay?" She slapped him on the arm. "Not that!" She hissed. "Your Demon's Blood." "Why is everyone so interested in that?" He groaned. "You know, how long I've waited to see it?" "Fine..."

He activated his Demon's Blood. Everyone gasped at the sight. Edelgard stepped back stunned and chuckled. She stared at the Spectre in awe. It disappeared into particles, with Zeke's hair falling back down. "Broadcast didn't really do that justice. It looks beautiful Zeke." "Thanks, hopefully the monsters I fight, feel the same way." "You'll do fine. I saw that thing fight Alistair." "Why does everyone bring that up? You know he could have ended me in a second right?" "That's not what it looked like." "Well it's true. Now I'll have the papers back to you tomorrow. Have a good day Edelgard." He said walking. She cocked an eyebrow at him walking back towards her. "Um, quick question. What's this G.P.S.A section mean? Do we do public service announcements now?" "Government policing services assistance. It means you, may be asked to help law enforcement with whatever they ask." "That doesn't sound good at all. Don't police hate us Hunters?" "They normally pay 50 to 200 hundred chips per month on those contracts." "Definitely gonna be putting my name down for that." He said eagerly.

Red sat on Han's lap with Moon giddily driving on the highway. "So what's it like to finally be dating Zeke?" Moon slammed on the breaks, launching them forward. They came to a screeching halt with cars behind them honking and dangerously veering off behind them. "WE'RE NOT DATING!" She squealed bright red. Han gave a annoyed and disinterested glare. "Are you fucking kidding me? Is she fucking kidding?" Han asked at Red. She shook her head. "We're not dating!" Moon squealed quickly pulling off. "We're just friends with benefits." "In the history of mankind, that has never worked out well, for the people involved." Red pawed at Han's leg. "Did Zeke say the same thing?" She nodded. "Look, we're both adults-" "You're not an adult. He's an adult. You're a horny girl who can't admit her feelings to him." "I don't have feelings for him!" "We gonna keep doing this song and dance?" "Look...for hypothetical reasons, let's say I do." "You do." She gave her the side eye. "IF I did have feelings for him. They wouldn't be reciprocated."

Han reeled back sighing. "And you know this how? Did you tell him that you were seeing him in a new light?" "Kinda? I told him, that he was hotter? Does that count." "No. Eugh...when this blows up in your face, for not telling him sooner, I'm gonna laugh at you before I help." "You mean if, it blows up in my face. For now any girl that wants him, has got to compete with my body." "Of course. He won't have any women chasing after him." "Exactly. It's Zeke. Women don't go after him. "He's only about to start his own Hunter agency at the age of 17. Can now activate his Demon's Blood. Won the Chiron Academy Hunter Games, fought with Alistair." Moon felt her heart race with anxiety. "Well...he's still short and insecure about that. Women are turned off about that." "Noooo, we would never waste our time on that. Unless, he was dressed nicely, and had a new sense of confidence." "...It's fine...Nothing is gonna happen." She said with shaky confidence. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

The three entered into IKEA with Moon holding her pouch of chips tight to her chest. "Okay, what do we need first?" Moon asked. "Girl, you're literally holding a small fortune in your hand. Let's go ham!" Red nodded along. "We have to be smart about this. Zeke wouldn't want us spending all of it on stupid things." "Need your boyfriend's permission now?" "He's not!...Let's just start with the fridges." Moon sighed. She received a text from Zeke. "Well that's interesting..." "What is?" Moon showed her the picture, of the house Zeke was looking at. "We're moving houses and have to fill it up." "We splurging?" "We are fucking splurging!!" The two let out joyous squeals sauntering down the aisles. Zeke sat with the real estate agent, who stared at him filled with reservations. From his clothing, posture, age, and choice of house. Zeke was a throw away meeting for sure. A waste of his time. "Thank you for meeting me, on such short notice." Zeke said offering out his hand.

The real estate agent didn't shake his hand, and instead reeled back in his recliner. Zeke pulled his hand back pursing his lips to a line. "I was told by my colleague that you're interested in purchasing the deluxe two story house?" "I am. Judging by your attitude, you have a problem with that?" He scoffed and gave him a self-righteous smile. "Mr Chen. Let's not play games. I can see your credit and job history. You and little girlfriend, run around as Hunters. A low grade at that. Not a very stable source of income." He said sneering at him. "Even without your prior conviction, no bank would ever give you a loan. So! Let's not waste our time here." "What's the commission percentage?" "5%." Zeke nodded impressed at the figure. "That's a shame. You missed out on a big commission for being a dick. Just remember this day for next time." "Is that a threat sir?" "Oh no. I would never threaten you. I would just kill you, before you even knew it was me. No, what I'm going to do is this."

He placed the pouch of chips onto the table. The real estate agent's eyes bulged, as Zeke made nice stacks of ten with them. "See, I know everything you just told me. I was going to buy the house outright. I saw on the ad, it was actually a nice 590K. Figured I tip the nice agent who sold me the house, the rest and round the price up to 600K, but surprise, surprise. The agent was a gigantic fucking cunt." "Sir, I am sorry, we got off on the wrong foot." "Oh we didn't even start, and you decided to bring up my past. Didn't even let me say that I was going to buy the house outright." "Please, I am so sorry. Let's start again." He said offering out his hand, with a nervous smile. "Let's. So here's my new proposal after you ruined my happy day. You sell the house to me for 450K and you can get the 5% commission on that. Or I'm gonna go and find another agent, who won't judge me, and go back to my original plan." The agent gulped. "Sir...that's-" "Don't call me sir, as if you care. You see me as Demon. Now you're gonna make a deal with it, or it's going to walk." "Please, what you're asking for is...it's too much and-" Zeke stood up leaving. "No wait! I can do 480." Zeke pulled the door open. "475!" Sweating and panicking. "450! I'll do 450!" Zeke spun around with a smug smile. "See? I knew you could do it. Email me the paperwork. I'll meet you at the house." He sauntered out, leaving the agent to slump in his chair.

The five of them met up at the new home. The others frolicked through the house, squealing in awe about the new and beautiful two story house. "SO MANY ROOMS!" Moon yelled. The real estate agent stood next to Zeke with Raven beside him, at the front door. Han, Moon and Red came sprinting down panting in excitement. "Which room is mine?" They asked. "Pick one. We each get one." "WOOO!" "Zeke, I've been looking into home security, and a place this big would cost at least 100K to get properly fortified." Raven said. "That's fine, book them in." "Are we gonna have enough money to last, till you and Moon get a job? I mean the ad said this place cost 600K-" "I said. It's fine. Call them and get a quote. Moon!" Zeke called out. She came sprinting down, bouncing up and down giddy. "Guessing you like the house." "Are you kidding me? How are you not screaming right now? Look at this place!" "Well, I need you to sign this document, and it's ours." Moon scribbled her signature faster than lightning. "You should really read those." Raven said.

Zeke gave the paper work to the agent, and the pouch of chips. "You can count it again, but the 450 chips are in there." Raven looked at him confused. "Well! Congratulations are in order. Mr Chen and Miss Kim. You are now the proud owners of this lovely home." "I'M A HOME OWNER!" Moon screamed running through the house, with Han and Red following behind her. "If you need anything-" Zeke shoved him out the door. "Nope, and get the fuck out of my face." He said slamming the door shut. "What did he do, that got this place reduced to 450?" "He was a cunt. That's all you need to know. Come on. Let's go pick our rooms." "Hey Zeke!" Moon called out. "This spare room-" "Is to be a guest room till we find a third for our agency!" "Awww..." He could hear disappointment through the walls. The five sat on the ground, eating a mountainous stack of pizza for dinner. "How'd the furnishing shopping go?" Raven asked. "We did great. There are so many things we've already got our eyes on, to fill this place." Han said. "We're thinking modern, with flowers and carpets. We saw this totally adorable cabinet that could fit everything." "Maybe you let Zeke see it, before you guys come back with something absolutely crazy?"

"It's fine. Make the place look nice." "You're not worried, they're gonna get something incredibly weird or stupid?" "Probably, but I can't really stop them." Zeke said replying to a text. "Who have you been texting this whole time?" Han asked, she eyed Moon taking a sip from her 2 Litre bottle. "Is it your girlfriend?" Moon choked on her drink. "Just a girl from Chiron Academy. She just wants to know how the agency is going. She's also dating Alistair's son. So no. Not my girlfriend." "How's Sakura doing anyway?" Raven asked. "She's fine. Says Constantine is happier now that I'm gone." "Figures. You were absolutely humiliating him every time you two met." "You were?" Han asked. "Girl! I said keep me posted. I have not been posted." "That's actually because she was getting posted by-" Zeke cleared his throat at Raven. "The...forums?"

*Knock* *Knock* "How does this house not have a door bell!?" Moon snapped. "I'll got it." Zeke said. Edelgard and Brianna entered into the house, hugging Zeke and marvelling at the house, both dressed in match pyjamas. "Someone has done really well for themselves, and-" Edelgard froze locking eyes with Raven, letting out a high pitched squeak. "Look at this place. It's better than our house, and-" Brianna froze locking eyes with Raven. "You two okay?" They both quickly bowed. "Miss Frost! What a pleasure it is to see you." "You guys know Raven?" Moon said with her mouth stuffed. "Of course we do! Her father is the reason, all of Australia can detect blue Rifts." "Miss Edelgard, Miss White. There's no need for that." "Zeke! How do you know her? Why is she in your house?...Did she buy this house for you!?" Edelgard hissed. Raven raised her hand. "Actually, I'm going to be working for them as their secretary." Edelgard and Brianna looked to Zeke completely stunned. "Well that wasn't the reaction I expected." Zeke said. "But your father. He's in the top 100 wealthiest men in the world." Edelgard said. "He is? Why were you gonna slum it with us?" Han asked.

"Because I don't want to live off his money, or become a Hunter. I just want to live a normal life. Zeke pointed it out to me, that I don't need to listen to him, and offered me a job." "No, you just strongly suggested it." "Well...that is something...I now feel like an idiot being dressed like this." Edelgard blushed. "I think it's very cute." Raven said. "Yeah, Moon and Zeke could rock a pair like that." "Dude!" Moon groaned. "Oh these two won't be a couple any time soon. Always with the, he's like a brother to me." Brianna said. "You should know that they've recently become friends with benefits." "WHAT!?" They shouted at Han. "DUDE!" Moon and Zeke groaned. Edelgard hugged Zeke. "Oh! I have been rooting for you two, to end up together the moment you came to my agency." "We're not-" "When's the wedding!?" Brianna asked excitedly. Zeke face palmed dragging his face. "We're not dating!" Moon squealed. "Still just us, but with benefits." "In the history of mankind-" "I know! I know!" Moon snapped.

"Okay, can we not talk about Moon and my sex life, and talk about why I invited you over." "You don't find that weird?" Brianna asked. "You two still think of each other as siblings, and now you're fucking. Are you two into incest?" "For the love of god!" Zeke snapped. "Han! This is why we don't bring shit up like this." "Admit you love each other, and it won't be weird." "Not gonna happen, because we're not in love." Moon felt her heart sink. They had said those words so many times before, but why did it hurt this time? "Edelgard, is everything done?" "Yes it is." "Good." Zeke said handing everyone a glass. "You making toasts now?" Han asked. "Special occasion calls for one. Today, Moon and I, not only became home owners, but we are now the directors and lead Hunters in our agency." The room erupted into cheers. "And let us drink to our first two members. Raven Frost our secretary, and Han So-Hee our stylist and publicist...which we need for some reason." "Had to ruin it, didn't you?" Han asked. "My house, my toast." "What are toasting?" Raven asked. "To the Sovereignty Champions. As of tomorrow we are officially open for business." Zeke said. They cheered clinking their bottles together.

Brianna and Edelgard stayed late into the night, discussing with Moon and the others about the job. "So, let me get this straight. You're gonna pay me 150 chips to kill spiders for 3 months?" "Yes." "There's no catch to this?" "Well, I mean their legs and fangs are coated in venom, that will instantly paralyse you, so they can feast on you slowly while you're alive." "I'm out." Zeke said standing up. Raven and Edelgard pulled him down. "Come on. You have to listen to the whole job, and make sure there isn't anything wrong with the job." Raven said. "You mean-" "Yes, other than the spiders." Edelgard said. "Fine...What else should I know about this job?" "Well each spiderling is about the size of a large dog." Zeke shuddered and cringed, feeling his spine and skin crawl. "When you say large dog..." "About the size of a mastiff." Zeke buried his face into his hands. "Thank you for the nightmares. Moon, are you okay with the job?" "Hell yeah! Sign me up." 'Killing spiders will not in any way, make him fall in love with you.' 'Shut up.' 'While I do not wish to sully myself in killing spiders, I relish the idea of returning to a realm with actual Mana.'

"Okay, she's good with the spiders job. Can I please leave and not hear any more about them?" "For an Australian, you sure have a weird fear of spiders. Isn't this place like the holy grail for them?" "Why do you think I have a fear of them?" He growled at Raven. Zeke shivered. "Call Pest control tomorrow, and have them spray this place. Get extra for spiders." "What about Huntsman spiders? They're harmless." Brianna asked. Zeke glared at her. Han entered the room handing him his phone. "You got an email. For a job offer." She said quickly taking a seat behind Moon. "You snooped through my phone." "No I didn't! How dare you assume that-" "I don't have notifications appear on my phone. Only way you knew I got an email, is if you looked through my phone." "It was already unlocked?" Han said with a nervous smile. He rolled his eyes, unlocking his phone and reeling back. His background set to a picture of Moon in a bikini, winking at him. "Why?" "To make sure you remember her, while you're gone."

"Why is Zeke gonna be gone?" Moon asked. "Because of that job offer he accepted." She said with a smug smile. "For fuck's sake Han. You can't just accept jobs on my..." He trailed off, inspecting his phone closer, cleaning the screen. Reeling back he looked at Han. "Am I reading this right?" "Trust me, I read it a few times as well." "What is it!?" Moon snapped annoyed. "Defence partner contract for a detective in New York." "Okay...but why would you take that job?" "Food and accommodation paid for, business class flight, with an hourly rate of..." He chuckled. "$200 an hour." "Go pack right now!" Moon exclaimed. "Pack what? All my stuff is still being sent over." "Did you even read who sent the contract?" Edelgard asked. Han glanced around the room, avoiding everyone's eyes. Zeke let out a groan, sitting down and reading the contract. "Han..." He growled. "What? Is it bad?" "It says, that this contract is indefinite." "What happens if you leave early?" "We have to cover a contract breach of 50K." "Uh-oh." "Zeke, we'll discuss with the contract owner tomorrow. I'm sure we can get this sorted." Edelgard said. "Someone's getting fired." Raven whispered. "I'm not getting fired...right?" Zeke glared at Han.

"Alright let's just take a breath. I'm sure it will be fine. Once a green Rift opens in the Oceanic region, we will be on our way." Brianna said. "I can't wait, hope it's after our stuff comes. I want to get Soul-Taker bonded to me." "I recommend getting a set of armour bonded to you. It's terrible to carry that shit on, and have people strap you in." "Oh, I got that covered." Moon said summoning Iziel. Edelgard and Brianna scurried back into the corner. "What the fuck!? When did you get that!?" They shouted. "Oh right, forgot to tell you. I got this bonded to me shortly after Zeke got his weapon." "What weapon?" They asked. Zeke summoned Shadow. "What the hell happened to you two, at Chiron Academy?" Edelgard asked. "A lot of things happened. Now hopefully our stuff gets delivered soon. I don't want to go shopping for more clothes." "But shopping is-" "It is not fun!" He snapped at Han. "I'm going to bed, you guys can clean up." "I feel like a good boss, would help and-" "Han. Don't push your luck." Moon said.