
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

Son of the Demon King

Zeke woke up from his nap gasping for air. Red had plugged his nose and mouth shut. "Ah, I hate having to use you as an alarm." He said petting Red. "Good girl, let's go watch Moon kick this dude's ass." She nodded leaping onto his shoulder. With the sun setting over the hill. He enjoyed the shadow that the mountain side casted over the city, seeing it slowly begin to illuminate with bright city lights. "Mmm, I wonder how she went with classes." Red wrote the word bad on his cheek. "Most likely. Good thing we got those steaks." As they entered into the city, onlookers took photos of Red, adoring her cuteness. He found a crowd forming at the base of the Academy. They quickly parted seeing him. Word had spread like wild fire about him sending Obsidian into shock. Now new word spread about Red's existence. Pushing his way to the front, Raven sprinted towards him, grabbing Red off his shoulder. "Zeke! You have to help Moon!" "What!? What happened?" "Follow me!" He sprinted with Raven finding Moon on her knees. She was covered in burns, with her clothes in tatters and hair standing on end.

"Moon! What happened?" He asked holding her. "Little bitch couldn't handle the heat." Constantine sneered. Zeke inspected her wrist, seeing it bruised and swollen, spreading from what looked like a hand print. He turned back to Constantine, seeing his two lackeys in the crowd. "Now I believe her Death Knight's sword and tome is mine." Shock rang throughout the crowd. "Raven, take her to the Healer." He said wiping her tears. "Zeke, what are you going to do?" "I'm going to break every bone in his fucking body." He snarled. The crowd around them dispersed further increasing the diameter of their ring. "Oh? You her boyfriend? Fighting for her honour? Or is it you were lying about it, and now you can't afford-" "Shut your fucking cunt mouth up." He snapped. Adrianna watched from above. "You always cheat before these duels?" "What was that?" "I'm guessing your two lackeys there, went and hurt her before the fight?" 'Clever to spot that right away.' "I beat her fair and squ-" "Finish that lie, and even your great daddy, won't save you from me!" "Big man huh?" He said with a grin. Constantine fired a bolt of lightning, engulfing him in a blinding light.

Zeke marched towards him, with his clothes smouldering and smoking, with embers flaring. His eyes widened with fear, watching Zeke approach him. He fired another bolt with the same effect. Zeke lunged in with a haymaker. Constantine barely ducked in time feeling the wind graze him. "Alright you weird fuck! Take this!" He fired a stream of lightning, pushing Zeke back. Zeke grit his teeth, planting each step through the ground. His clothes becoming engulfed in fire. Constantine strained increasing the streams intensity, lightning crackled and engulfed him. He let out a roar forcing the lightning to completely envelop Zeke. It exploded with a giant cloud of dust. "Cocky piece of shit!" Constantine yelled, covered in sweat and short on breath. Zeke leapt out of the smoke with a wild and feral haymaker, shattering Constantine's jaw. Teeth and blood sprayed out with his neck twisting to the side. He collapsed onto the ground in a pool of his blood.

Zeke stood over his gurgling body, with scraps of clothing covering him. He glared at the lackeys. "Which one of you sabotaged her?" He growled. They both stumbled back terrified. He hoisted Constantine by his hair. His jaw dangled and hung in the wind with some teeth still inside his exposed jaw. "You have three seconds to answer me. Or I start torturing this fucker." They continued to tremble and quiver. Zeke rammed his hand inside, crushing one of the teeth with his finger tips. Constantine let out a scream flailing his arms to try and free himself. "I can feel at least ten more teeth in there still. You want this to end. Tell me which one you had cheat for you!?" He ordered. There was no response. Zeke reached inside grabbing a molar that was left. Constantine pointed to the lackey on the left. "Good, remember you're a cheating piece of shit, and a rat." He crushed the molar and threw him aside. Constantine was left rolling on the ground in agony, writhing in anguish. Zeke marched over to the left lackey. The right one sprinted past him rushing over to Constantine.

Zeke felt the fat fingers wrap around both his wrists. The lackey let out a smug grin. "It's over now! My Mana manifests as a neurotoxin! You won't be able to mov-" He froze in terror, seeing Zeke grab his wrists. "Is this what you used on her?" "Ho-how-how-AHHHH!" He squealed and screeched. Zeke crushed his wrists into a bloody pulp. Zeke drove his foot into the lackey's face. Making sure he swallowed his own teeth, and shattered apart of his nose and skull. "Don't ever touch her again." He growled walking back to the other lackey. "I call upon the god of life, accept my offering, accept me as your vessel. Bless!" Constantine shot up feeling his jaw slowly reform as he was bathed in white light. The lackey smiled at the sight before feeling Zeke grab his head. "Thanks. Now I get to break him again." He smashed the lackey's face in with his knee tossing his body aside. Constantine scrambled away from Zeke rising to his feet.

"What's wrong? Can't handle the heat?" Constantine raised his hand up, with his jaw healing. "I call upon the god of War, accept my offering." "Oh, this should be fun to watch." Zeke said stopping in place. "Accept me as your vessel. Grant me access to your armoury, let me wield your arsenal, allow me to slaughter my enemies in your name. Blade Hail!" Zeke watched from above as various swords, spears, lances, daggers, arrows and knives rained down upon him. He smiled at Constantine as the they bounced off his skin, only cutting his clothes. "All that chanting, for a shitty shower?" "No! Now I can do this!" He fired a bolt of lightning letting chain among the weapons, forming a circuit that connected to Zeke. Engulfed in a pillar of lightning. Constantine took a step back, and cracked a smile. "How's that asshole!?" "Think I felt more the last time I stuck a knife in the toaster." Constantine fell backwards, terrified out of his mind. Zeke approached him unharmed. The weapons around him disappeared into dust. "I suppose that was your big ace in the hole?" "See Moon would have kicked your ass just as badly, if you didn't cheat, but you did. Now normally, I would have just told her to kick your ass once she got better." He said taking a knee in front of him.

"But you made her cry. So I'm going to make sure everyone here knows three things, and that you remember them for life." He said placing a hand onto his ankle. "Firstly. Don't cheat." He crushed Constantine's ankle into bloody jigsaw puzzle. He cried out in agony clutching his ankle. "Secondly. There's always a bigger fish." He stomped his foot through Constantine's kneecap. It shattered with a sickening wet crunch. Everyone in the crowd winced, but couldn't look away at the sight. Writhing and screaming in agony, he spat and swore, heaving through his teeth with bloody saliva. "Lastly." He said lifting Constantine into the air by his hair "Don't ever fuck with the people I love." He growled dropping him to the ground. Adrianna watched on above disappointed. "Figured he would have broke something again, after saying a line like that." Zeke rolled Constantine onto his side, and crushed his pelvis with a stomp. Constantine laid on his back motionless, but still screamed his heart out. For if he moved the pain would cause a self cycling loop.

They cleared the way as Zeke approached. Adrianna looked at him with a proud smile. "Ah, Peter. Where were you hiding these kids?" Moon woke up in her room, with her phone vibrating nearly off the table. "What the..." She sat up looking at her phone. There was over a hundred messages from Han, and dozens of missed calls from her. She quickly answered. "Hello?" She answered groggily rubbing her eyes. "MOON! WHAT THE FUCK!? I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" Moon reeled away, holding the phone away. "Han, be calm." "GIRL! You have any idea, how long I've been trying to reach you? Zeke just said. U OK TTYL. As a text. Who the fuck does that!?" "That's his busy texting...but what's he busy with?" "How am I supposed to know!?" She snapped. Moon hopped out of bed inspecting her body for injuries. "Are you okay? I only saw the videos of Zeke." "Videos? He has videos?" "You haven't seen them yet!? Girl open your phone right now. I'll let you rub your oyster till it's cooked afterwards." "Han!" She hissed. "That was one time! It's never going to happen again." "Ooooh just watch it first and then talk to me."

"Immortal, kicks Constantine's and two douche bags ass. Who the fuck is the Immortal?" "Just watch it." Moon watched as from the angle of the onlookers, seeing Zeke stand over her body. His soft demeanour changing to silent rage. Her jaw slowly hit the floor, watching as he brutally dispatched them. "Did you watch it!? They're calling Zeke the Immortal! Isn't that cool!" Moon gulped. "Are you frothing?" Moon snapped out of her trance. "What!? No! Shut up!" She snapped blushing. "You better jump him quick, before someone else snatches him up." "I have to go and see him." "Wait, wait. Before you go I just need to know. Are you going to tell him how you feel?" "Why are you invested in this. Do you have a bet on us or something?" "....Yes." "Wait, what? Who did you bet with? What did you bet with or on?" "Ummm, that's a long list of names, and to answer your other questions. Money and that you two would get married." "Han..." She growled. "What? That's not a bad bet to make. I could totally be the cool auntie that gets your kids drunk." "What?" "Huh?" Han feigned. "Either way girl, tell him how you feel!" "I can't do that. He doesn't see me as an option." "Because you haven't told him that you're one." "I'm hanging up now." "To talk with him or cook the oyster?" Moon tossed her phone across the bed.

She left her room into the bright hallway, filled with heavenly fragrant meat and aromatics. "Moon! You're awake!" Raven yelled, holding two skewers of grilled meat and vegetables. Red was sitting next to her with her plate of skewers. She let out a delighted squeak. Moon entered into the kitchen seeing Zeke standing next to a mountainous plate of skewers. He wore an apron of his clothes, and stood way too close to the grill. He placed a several tall cups of dark sauce on the table. "These are amazing Zeke! Who taught you how to make these?" Raven asked wolfing down a skewer. "Copied a few recipes I saw on TV, then tweaked it to Moon's liking. These are her favourites." "You didn't have to make me a pity meal." She sulked sitting down. "It's not a pity meal." "You're only making this because I lost." She sulked, putting her head down. "Guessing you didn't read the note, I left for you." He said throwing on another stack. "Let me guess. Cheer up. It's just a sword?" She said imitating his voice. "That Constantine cheated before your duel, and it's been rendered a no contest." Adrianna said, walking in.

Raven spat her skewer onto Red, choking on the rest. "Headmaster Jaeger! What are you doing here?" "Informing Miss Kim of the good news." She said taking a seat beside her. Red shook the chunks of meat off, with Raven apologising. "And hopefully enjoying a meal?" "Help yourself, may have made too much." "This would have taken you hours to make Z. How long have I been out for?" "About 6 hours." Adrianna said taking skewer "Six hours!? Then it's almost midnight! We should be sleeping for class tomorrow!" Zeke spun looking confused at her. "You alright? Healer said, she fixed everything." "Do not worry Miss Kim. I'll let you have tomorrow off. MMM! This is delicious!" "Oh thanks. You can thank Moon though. She helped me tweak the recipe." "You have great taste." She said devouring another skewer. "Headmaster you gotta try it with this sauce." Raven said passing a cup. "You have got to give our cooks this recipe." "Eat up, Miss Kim. These things happen." "What? Being humiliated in front of everyone?"

"How were you humiliated? It's all over Youtube. Constantine cheated, no one is going to count that as a fair duel." "Well I do! There's no such thing as a fair fight in the real world." "That's a very wise mentality to have. However that does not apply here. Here, we duel fairly as possible. They are meant to be friendly challenges amongst peers, to show their strengths and weaknesses. To help each other grow." "And because Zeke proved he was cheating. There's an investigation into all his other duels!" Raven said excitedly. "I haven't made that announcement yet." Raven snapped her head to side, stuffing her face. "So, I didn't lose Soul-Taker? Or the Fire tome?" Adrianna shook her head. "Not to worry, they're still in your possession. Now eat, before Raven and I take it all." Moon pouted and stuffed her face. Zeke set a pitcher of lemonade on the table. "Are you not joining us?" Adrianna asked. "Oh, I will. Just gotta prepare breakfast." "Nonsense. Sit down. I'll have something delivered. Write down, what you want." He shrugged and accepted the offer taking a seat.

Raven retired first at 1am getting glares from Adrianna for staying up late. Zeke retired second, exhausted from the day. The two of them slouched in their seats, rubbing their bulging bellies. "That was a damn good meal." Adrianna said. Moon nodded, struggling to breathe. "You should know that I was watching your duel." Moon looked up. "It was impressive. For how little field experience you two have, and the neurotoxin at work, you continued to fight him. Any other student would have panicked and shat their pants." Moon gave a weary smile. "Still didn't win. Great Hunters always find a way to win." Adrianna reached over the table, tapping Moon over the head with a skewer tip. "The best Hunters also know, when they can't win. There is no shame in admitting defeat and asking for help. That being said, you need to stop holding back." "Huh? How am I holding back?" "You two have been doing patrols, and Citizen's are so damn fragile! Hold them wrong and they break, but here? Everyone's a Hunter. They can handle a little more...oompf from your attacks." She said eyeing Moon's right hand. "It's why we have a hundred Healers on standby." "I'll keep that in mind." "Good. Have a good night. Come to class when you're ready." She said with a smile.

"By the way. You should know that Constantine and his little posy. Have only been half healed, and haven't been giving pain killers." "Guess, I should thank the 'Immortal' for that." Moon chuckled. "I caught him blushing, as he grabbed your ass." Moon's eyes bulged and she blushed. "So you do have feelings for him." "No! I!-" Adrianna placed a finger over her lips. "If you want to wake him." She leant in to whisper. "There's a special wake up kiss you do on a different head." Her heart jumped. "YOU!-" Adrianna disappeared in a blink. Moon frantically spun around looking for her. Red came out crossed, frowning at her. She stood on her hind legs, pointing to the clock, before stomping back inside. Moon raced back into her room. She took her phone, finding the picture of Zeke taken by Han. A message pinged on her phone. 'Sorry to wake you, but I finally finished the photoshop on that photo.' Moon hesitantly opened the image. Her heart leapt out of its chest. Zeke was stretched out to have more muscle, his hair a pure snow white, his gentle eyes. Now a bright ruby red. 'Cook that oyster girl. ;)' "God damn it Han..." She muttered ducking under the blankets.

Adrianna visited Constantine in the infirmary. Hooked up to an IV drip. She could his wailing and bitching before she entered. "I SAID HEAL ME! DO YOU KNOW WHO MY FATHER IS!?" Adrianna entered into the room. "All that blustering won't get you, your treatment." "You..." He snarled. "I should be healed. When my father finds out-" "I'll do what?" Alistair said entering into the room. He towered over Adrianna. Standing nearly three metres tall and two wide. He ducked to enter into the room. "Father, I-" "Are an embarrassment?" He said walking over to him. Constantine bit his tongue, furrowing his brow. "You lost to E grade Hunter, with no weapon or magic. His only fucking ability is durability! Then to make that worse. You went and cheated to beat a little girl." "Her powers are-AHHHHH!" Alistair pressed his hand down onto Constantine's knee cap. "Don't make excuses boy. Several personal tutors to develop your Mana. Trips with me across Rifts." "That's illegal." Adrianna said. "Which helps my point of this loss being even worse. They're two weaklings from Australia. Fucking Straya! Of all the places." Alistair let out a sigh.

"Father, if I get another chance. I can beat them both! I just wasn't ready! There was no fight data for me to analyse!" "Did they have any on you?" Constantine looked away. Alistair sucked on his teeth. "If you're going to lose. Don't be so pathetic about it. You'll get a Healer before class. For now." He dug his thumb through the bandages, jostling the shards of bone. Screams of anguish rang throughout the entire infirmary. "Remember this pain. This is for losers." The two left the room. "A little harsh on the boy, don't you think?" Alistair face palmed shaking his head. "That boy has been nothing, but a damn pain, since his powers developed." "So at birth?" "Pretty much. Eugh...I hope he learns some humility from this." "Doubtful. Now can you help me-" Alistair ripped his shirt off. "Desperate are we-" Adrianna struck him across the face. He flew through several walls, sitting up with a red hand print across his cheek. "Jeez, you can't keep giving mixed signals like this Addy. You'll never find a Husband at this rate." She appeared in front of him grabbing his testicles, wearing a rage filled scowl. "I will end your bloodline, right here." She growled. He reeled back chuckling. "Ah,ah, Addy. I'm just joking!" He chuckled patting her head. She let him go, quickly sanitizing her hand.

"Just answer my damn question! How do you determine, if someone is actually a Child of the Nine?" "Hmmm, it depends which of the Nine gave birth to him." He said cupping his chin. "Some have a pungent smell of sulphur around them." "He doesn't have that." "Addiction to fighting?" "He's not like Serizawa. Quite the opposite. He cooks, cleans and takes care of a friend." "Mmm, definitely not like Ol' Seri. Does he smell super nice? Like of flowers?" She shook her head. "Neutral I guess? He had no odours." Alistair scratched his head. "Hmm...who called him a Child of the Nine?" "Drows in Mystara and a Healer." "Hang on. You can't just gloss over the fact, he was in Mystara." "I am. Now focus." "Well, not too sure at this point. They must have sensed something in his Mana. I'll have to see him in person to tell." "Fine, we'll do it tomorrow, before class. Do. Not. Make. A .Scene. Am I clear?" She growled. Alistair leant to the side, inspecting the several holes through the wall and the scared nurses and Healers looking at them. "Yeah...I made the scene."

Morning came with Moon being nudged awake by Red. "Nnnn, I'm not going to school!" She groaned ducking under her blanket. Red yanked on the sheet with her teeth. "NO WAIT!" She sat up screaming, and clawing at her blanket. Zeke rushed in. "What's wrong!?" He asked looking around the room for threats. He let out a sigh. "Geez, it's just Red, Moon." "Stop pulling on my blanket." She said flushed. "Red, let her go. She's up. Breakfast is ready. Raven and I are going." "Okay thank you..." Moon gulped spotting her panties on the ground. 'Don't look. Don't look. Don't look.' "Alright we're going. Red don't get into trouble." Red saluted him. Moon let out a giant sigh of relief as he left. Red hopped onto her bed, with the panties in her mouth. She gave Moon a sly smirk, raising her eyebrows at Moon. "It was hot!" 'Sure.' Red wrote onto her blanket. "IT WAS!" She squealed. 'Liar.' She signed a phrase that filled Moon with fear. 'You said a name last night.' "I'll give you anything you want, just don't tell him." A sinister grin stretched Red's face. 'Soju.' "No. You know he doesn't like you drinking that." Red tapped her panties. She grit her teeth. "Fine! Just this once. Deal?" Red nodded shaking her hand. "Can't believe, I'm getting blackmailed by a racoon."

Raven and Zeke in the bus. "You don't seem so tired today. Did you sleep well?" "Huh? Oh, yeah slept fine. Just woke up to something other than an alarm." "From what?" "I don't know. Had a weird dream. Or was hearing things. But swear I heard a woman calling my name last night." "Maybe one of your new adoring fans?" Zeke face palmed. "Don't remind me." "Why? You were so cool yesterday!" "Stop. I'm cringing to death here. I was practically naked yesterday." "I believe that's called asserting dominance over your opponent." Zeke snickered. "Look, don't make a big deal out of it. I'm not trying to be some big name Hunter. That's Moon's dream." "And what would yours be?" "Stay at home, watching shit, playing games and relaxing." He chuckled. Zeke stumbled in his seat shocked at Raven shedding a single tear. "Uhhhh...are you alright." "I see you're a man of culture." She bowed. "I'm guessing that's what you want to do as well?" "YES! Who wants to go out and potentially die!? That's scary! I just want to stay as far away as possible from the action." "Then...what are you doing here?"

"My family is making me go here. They want me to be like my big sister, but I'm not her. I'll never be her." "Huh...never thought I'd see white people comparing kids as well. Nice to know we're sharing ways to traumatise our kids." Raven snickered. "So what about you? Why are you here, if you don't want to be big Hunter." "Moon. As strong as she is. She's reckless in fights, and if I'm not there to help her. She'll get herself killed. So I tag along, besides it's not the worst thing to cross the Rifts. They're fun adventures." "Nope. Keep me away from them." "Well, what are you gonna do after this place then?" "Iunno, probably cover my Mark and get an office job." "What kind?" She shrugged. "Receptionist or something..." "Interesting...Would you still want to live with your parents?" "Oh god no. Sooner I can move out the better, but I gotta find a job first." "Eh not really. Me and Moon left when we eleven." "What? How? What did you do for money?" "Moon and Red panhandled in the streets, and I got hired to be a punching bag at the local gym." She looked at him askance. "You got what?" "You know how some people vent their rage on punching bags, because they can't punch people? Well I was guilt free way of doing that. Plus I was a kid, so people loved venting their frustrations of their kids onto me." Her eyes bulged with concern. "That sounds...really sad and scary." He shrugged. "Eh, couldn't feel a thing and I got free boxing lessons out of it."

"Well I still need a job. Or just one enough to let me stay at home all day." Zeke reeled back in his seat. "You ever done reception work before?" "How hard can it be?" "Not really that hard, but I hope this doesn't sound weird. You could always come and work with me and Moon." "Wait really!?" "Yeah, we're gonna Freelance after this. We're gonna need a receptionist or at least someone to write down things for us, while we work. Hate to suck my own dick here, but that video of me beating Constantine's ass is probably gonna help us find some jobs." "Do you mean it!? I can come and work for you?" "Well with us. You'll be a part of our team, that and we really need someone to watch our house when we leave. Sick of getting shit stolen." "I'LL DO IT!" She squealed hugging Zeke. "We'll still need to work a few things out Raven." "Do I get to stay in your house, playing with Red, while you two do the scary stuff?" "Most likely." "Then deal." "Let's...work out the details first. For now it's just an offer."

As the two hopped off the bus. They noticed the entire school lined up, as if they were waiting for their arrival. "Uhhhh, Raven...is this normal?" She shook her head. "I think maybe Headmaster is making an announcement." Alistair crashed down from the sky kicking up a dust cloud. Everyone turned away to cough and cover themselves. Zeke stood firm staring through the cloud, seeing two crimson eyes staring at him. The dust cloud instantly turned into a sparkling cloud of snow, gently falling to the ground. The students cheered and applauded as Alistair emerged. "Holy shit! Was he always that big?" Zeke asked. Raven was at a loss for words. "Hello students of Chiron Academy! It is a pleasure to see you!" Adrianna watched from above a nearby roof, snarling with her head bulging with veins. "I SAID NO SCENE!" Her scream fell on deaf ears. He spun around smiling and waving his adoring fans. "It's come to my attention that my son was defeated here, by a Hunter." A rush of air generated with everyone pointing at Zeke. Raven sprinted away, cowering behind a nearby tree, pointing at Zeke. "Oh you traitor." Alistair approached Zeke slowly, marching towards him.

Zeke stood firm. 'Interesting...he's not even afraid. Nervous, but not afraid.' Everyone held their breaths. "What is your name 'Immortal'." "Zeke Chen." Alistair held his hand out. Zeke hesitantly took it, shaking his hand, feeling it become enveloped by Alistair's hulking hands. "Thank you for showing my son that cheaters never prosper." "You're...welcome?" "Now, how about we have a friendly duel!?" "Wait wh-" Zeke was thrown high into the air, past the clouds. "AT THE FUCK!?" He screamed seeing himself so high up. "Oh crap." He groaned plummeting down. Zeke spun around landing back first, crashing into the ground. Everyone watched in silence as Zeke pulled himself out of the rubble. "Ah damn it! Another shirt!" He yelled holding his tattered shirt. 'Hmm, I was trying to rip his arm off with that throw. He's not even fazed about landing that high.' Zeke stood up and bowed at Alistair. "Okay you won. Can you not throw me again sir?"

'Polite as well. Which of Nine made you?' "A friendly duel among Hunters is nothing to be afraid of. Immortal." "I didn't give myself that name. I'm not immortal. Now, look I've done this song and dance before with Weaver. I couldn't even touch him." "You fought Peter Weaver?" Gasps and whispered travelled among the crowds. "Yeah...so did Moon." "You fought Peter Weaver. Former head of the Australian Hunter Agency." "Yes! Wait former? What is he now?" "As of last night, after a gruelling 15 hour duel. He is now the newest number 10 Hunter in the world." "Oh shit! The first Australian to crack the top ten. Good for him. Well, that just proves my point further. If I'm not a match for him. Then I'm not a match for you." "Activate your Demon's Blood, and we'll see how you go." "I don't know how sir." "Here this might help." He reeled back letting out a roar. The water in the air become frozen shards of ice. Everyone shied away their eyes freezing over. His hair wafted and pulsed with Mana, and his eyes burned a bright crimson, over obsidian sclera. Zeke cocked an eyebrow at him completely unfazed. "How does that help?" Alistair cocked his head to side. "Interesting. It has been a pleasure to meet you." He leapt into the sky creating a gale wind force, knocking Zeke down. "Christ...these world rankers are insane."

Alistair barged his way into Adrianna's office. She could see him visibly spooked. "What's wrong? Did you figure it out?" Alistair looked out the window, seeing everyone slowly disperse. "Do you have his entire file?" "Yes, will you tell me what's going on?" She asked handing him the file. He quickly skimmed the file. "If I have to ask again, I'm going to cut your balls off and feed them to you." "How many different children of the Nine have you met?" "Personally? Seven." "Well he doesn't fit any of those. Which leaves with only two options." "You mean to tell me that passive weakling-" "Is either the son of Samael the Destroyer. Or Lucifer the Deceiver. Either way he's born from a-" "Demon King." Adrianna said stunned. "I'd like to borrow him for a bit." "Dibs." She said coldly. "Hey wait! You can't just call-" "Dibs." "Hey come on." Alistair whined. "I want to play with him!" "Nope. He's here to do his refresher course anyway. You can play with him after." "But!" "No. Now go and be a nuisance somewhere else." He pouted at her. "You use to be more fun, before you got old and saggy." "YOU SON OF A-" She lunged at him only hitting air. She growled clenching her fist. "I'm going to kill you one day."