
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

Short night

Mister Linette awoke to giant splash of freezing water in his face. He gasped then yowled in agony feeling each broken bone click. He thrashed around bound to the chair. "Wake up fuck knuckle." Han said. "Untie me! I need a Healer! I-" Han shoved a sock into his mouth, as she poured a bottle of whiskey into his wound. He let out a muffled scream trying to break free. "It's just you and me. Mister Linette and it's going to be a long-Ah!" Zeke slapped the back of head turning on the lights. "What did I say about the whole CIA torture shit?" "What? It's not like I caused those wounds." Zeke took a seat in front of him. He clasped his hands together giving him a glum stare. "Sir, you have a few options right now. I'm going to lay them out for you. So pick wisely. I'm going to take this sock out of your moth now. Please be quiet and pick after I list them out." Zeke took the sock out. "DO YOU HAVE-AHHHHHHHHHH!" Zeke jabbed his broken femur. "Sock in the mouth it is." He said stuffing it into his jaw.

"Your security detail is probably on its way, but I highly doubt your business partner, would approve of you making his daughter cry. However, if you think I care about what legal ramifications there are to torturing you, or holding you captive for information." Zeke pulsed his Demon's Blood. "You'll be dead before you can see what happens." He echoed. Zeke waited for him to calm down. "Here's your first option. Tell us exactly what happened to Fiona, and spare no details. We'll go find and drag her from whatever shit-storm you've put her in. Then you'll never bother her or us again. Option two. Is pretty much option one but I leave you and Raven alone in here with every torture instrument we can find." "Option three, is I stick a dick on your blender and we see how long your head can wear that hat for." Han said.

Mister Linette strained raising one finger. "Good choice. Now you're gonna tell Sunny everything." "Wait you're not staying for this part?" "No." She spotted his hair pulsing black and white. "I don't think I could stop myself if I heard the rest." He echoed walking away. Han followed Zeke out with Sunny taking a seat in front of him with a note book. "I would never do this as a Detective. Unfortunately for you. I just recently quit my job." She said taking the sock out of his mouth. "Start from the beginning." Moon sat with Raven outside with the sun setting in front of them. "Are you alright?" Moon asked breaking the silence. "I thought...I thought she just forgot about me..." Raven sniffled. "I thought she hated me...and I hated her for leaving me..." "You didn't know-" "What if she was expecting me to save her? What if she was waiting for me? And I just forgot about her!" "Hey. We're gonna find her." "You don't even know if she's still alive! How can you even say that?" "Because we are. Zeke's not gonna let this go, and he won't rest until he fixes this for you." "I-" "So when we bring her back. I expect this entire fucking house to be broken." Raven hugged Moon tightly.

Han followed Zeke outside to the front of the house. "You feeling alright?" "Yeah..." She slapped the back of his head. "Come on man. You can't lie to me. You got something on your mind." "I do, but you're not gonna be able to help them." "What? Because I'm human? Did you forget who actually taught you how to box?" "The coach, the guys punching me, the mirror-" "And me. The national girls champion in Muay Thai, Kickboxing and Boxing." "Can't help but noticed you left out 16 and under." "Still a champion alright." She said shoving him. "I've got a rich billionaire tied up my living room, being interrogated by one of my girlfriends. A statement I would have never thought in my wildest dreams of saying. Moon is attached to the soul of an ancient Dragon, and I'm the product of the Demon King. Got any advice on dealing with that?" "I've suggested therapy for years, but that ship sailed a long time ago, for all of us. But, if you're after advice. I've only got one for you. Focus on what you can fix, not what you want to fix."

Zeke looked at her surprised and stunned. "You look surprised. Amazed at my profoundness?" "How long did that take you to find on tumblr?" "Not important." Zeke chuckled. "What's important is that I look amazing. So you got something you can try and fix?" "Just one." Zeke raised his hand crackling with red lightning. "I have no idea what the fuck this magic does. It doesn't even need an incantation to activate." "Give me a sec." Han sprinted inside the house quickly coming back with a bowl of fruit. "Here, use your power to catch this. From what I saw it looked like super speed, but a little different." "I've been meaning to ask...did I do anything crazy when I lost it?" "You mean other than attack three world rankers and look like a crazy Demon King yourself? Not really." Zeke became flustered. "Sorry." "Why you apologising to me for? You didn't do anything to me. Except for the concussion, lack of sleep, cuts and bruises. Kinda sounds like you fucked me as well." Zeke furrowed his brow at her. She nudged him in the ribs. "I'm kidding. Now get ready to catch this thing."

Han hurled the apple with all her might. Zeke activated his Demon's Blood and the red lightning. He stopped seeing the apple crawling through the air. He stood in front of Han watching her face slowly morph. He waved his hand in front of her face, seeing her eyes gradually blink. "How fast am I moving right now?" Zeke jogged over grabbing the apple stopping the lightning as he caught it. To Han in a single blink, Zeke disappeared beside her and went barrelling down the street releasing a sonic boom. She stumbled back at the force. "Zeke!" She shouted sprinting over. Zeke laid face down on the road with the essence of an apple in his hand. "You good?" "I don't get this power..." He said defeated. "Seems like super speed to me." "I had time to wave at you. If you couldn't even register that, I had to be moving at almost light speed, and yet I barely caused any drag." "You really gonna question the magic given to you by a god with science?"

Zeke groaned sitting up. "It doesn't make any sense for me to bond with this. It drains my Mana like crazy." "I'm sure you'll come up with a way to use it. A better question is what you're gonna name it?" "It doesn't need a name." Zeke said dusting himself off. "Give it something cool. Like Red Flash or bleeding bolt!" "I'm not gonna name it anything, if I don't even know how to control or use this thing without being violently thrown around afterwards." "It's alright. I'll workshop it. For now, I have an idea to use it. Do whatever you have to, in your super speed then come to a complete stop. Here let's try again. Bring me back to the front door." "Han, you could be ripped apart by the sheer force. I'm not doing that." "You a bitch?" "That's not gonna make me potentially kill you. We're walking back." "Something a bitch would say." "Han, we're walking back." Han leapt into chest, with Zeke instinctively catching her. "ONWARDS!" She roared. "I'm putting you down now." She clung to him tighter. "For the love of god Han. You could seriously die!"

"Awww, you actually make it sound like you care for me. You're ruining our dynamic. Like a biggity bitch." Zeke took a deep breath. "I trust that you can carry me from here to the house, without killing me. It's like 70 metres top." "Han, I am not going to-" "I faked the signature on your Star Wars DVDs." "You did what." "Come on. Do you really think George Lucas actually signed those copies?" "But-" "I just traced over his signature. Search your feelings. You know it to be true." She said mimicking Darth Vader. "Alright that's annoying, but I'm still not going to risk killing you-" "Playing it tough huh?" "No, just being sensible. Now if you don't want to walk. I'll just carry you back." Zeke said walking back. "You know, you became less fun the moment you activated your Demon's Blood." "Gotta act like the prince I am, and also somehow raise an army for something." "Oh, can I be your army's designer?" "I don't have an army." "But you do have a castle. What about I start with your flag first?" "Sure. Go for it."

Nearing their home the two heard a roar come from Raven. "Raven?" Han looked up to Zeke seeing his hair turn white and a streak of red lightning. In a split second Han found herself on front lawn followed by a giant gale wind force. "MOTHER-" She blown away tumbling across the lawn with the windows rattling. Zeke found everyone holding Raven back inches away from Mister Linette. She clawed and stretched trying to rip his face off.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" "RAVEN!" Zeke shouted. "I WAS TRYING TO SAVE HER! FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOU! TO MAKE SURE HER SOUL WILL ENTER INTO HEAVEN!" Zeke activated his Demon's Blood using his Spectre to hold Raven back. "AND FROM MONSTERS LIKE YOU!" "Did you get everything you need?" Zeke asked glaring at him. "Yeah...got all we need." Sunny said panting. "Good." Zeke growled grabbing his arm and releasing Raven. "Do what you want. We don't need him anymore." "WAIT YOU CAN'T-" Raven yanked his arm, dislocating his shoulder and elbow. Before he could scream Zeke clasped his mouth shut as Raven wrung his arm, shattering every bone like bubble wrap. "Feel better?" "Much better." Raven said tossing his mangled arm away. "Get him an ambulance. We're done with him."

The paramedics arrived within minutes with police shortly after. They questioned Zeke at the front door for a good hour. The police officer stood dumbfounded with his touchpad in hand. He took a breath. "Let me get this straight. Mister Linette's grievous wounds that consists of a; shattered tibia and fibula, a broken femur, and what your associate miss Han So-Hee and the paramedic described as. Fucked beyond comprehension. All stem from him falling down your stairs?" He asked cocking an eyebrow. "You can accept that answer and walk away with it, or you could keep digging and see how I fought with the Berserker." Zeke snarled. The officer tipped his cap to Zeke. "Remember to wax your staircase. Have a goodnight sir." "You too sir. Goodbye." Zeke said slamming the door shut. Everyone gathered in the living room. "So are we going to jail?" Han asked. "No, they'll leave us alone for now." Red snuggled with Raven soothing her. Zeke took a marker approaching the whiteboard. "Here comes the sexy leader version, I was talking about." Sunny whispered to Moon. She enthusiastically watched on.

"Alright, we're behind on this, but we're gonna have to make do. Exactly one month ago, Fiona's security detail lost track of her in Heaven. We know from Camilla's logs, she hasn't returned because only one came back to report her missing. It's safe to assume she's still over there. Raven, does she have any way to fly?" Raven shook her head. "Okay, that means she won't be mobile enough to traverse Heaven that well." "What if they have her already, and just haven't reported it to him yet?" "Then we'll go in and free her." Zeke said. He looked to Moon and Sunny. "If it comes to that. Do not hold back for collateral." The two nodded. "Now one of our other problem is what those Conversion camps can second as. According to Camilla, the D.E.A has long suspected that the manufacturing of Surge has been done through them. So if we find evidence of that happening over there." "We take it back?" Moon asked. "No, we destroy their entire fucking operation and everything with it. Camilla says we'll be compensated if we do." "Yeah, but how is she gonna know?" Moon asked. "There'll be less to peddle, which raises the street prices." Sunny said.

"Exactly. We just need to destroy it. We got two more problems about this job. Han, Raven, Skye, Red. You'll be handling things on this side, while we're gone." "I should go with you. She knows me-" "Raven, I need you to stall the legal ramifications. We'll bring her back, but I want a home when I'm back." "You can count on us." Han said. He tossed her a piece of paper with a pen. "Write down everything that only you could know about her." "Wh-why?" "She's not gonna trust us otherwise." Zeke said. "What's our other problem?" Moon asked. "Funding and timing. We've got no help for this job. This is gonna be an out of pocket job, with no ETA on when a blue Rift will open." Zeke pinched between his brow. "Everyone try and get some sleep. We'll continue this tomorrow morning." Everyone shuffled into their rooms with only Han and Zeke in the living room together. He slumped into the sofa covering his eyes.

"You almost killed me you know." "You asked me to do it." "Didn't think you would, but was I right?" "Yeah coming to a complete stop works, except for all that drag that happens afterwards." "Come on, you should get some sleep. You've got too much on your mind." "Trust me I want to, but shit keeps coming my way, and now this." "We got this. You're gonna go save Raven's girlfriend, and we'll make sure this place is still yours when you come back." "Eugh...this is not what planned on doing as a freelance Agency." "What were you expecting?" "Simple pickup jobs. Shaking down some stingy assholes. Carrying heavy things. Easy shit." Han nudged Zeke. "Like you could pay me six chips a month taking those jobs." "Yeah....you were definitely gonna get a pay cut." Han and Zeke chuckled. "Come on. Let's get some rest."