
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

Return to home.

Zeke sat alone in first class with Moon and Sunny snoring side by side to the annoyance of the other customers. He glared at those who tried to disturb them.

Han slapped the back of his head slumping into the seat next to him. "What are you over thinking about today?" "I'm not-" Han rolled her eyes at him.

"Zeke. Aren't we past this part in our relationship? I read you like a book, and you deny it, only for me to be right, and you ultimately seek my advice in the end? Can't we skip the part of you being a stubborn idiot?"

"Han, this isn't something you can help with." "I guess we aren't. What's your problem?" "I almost didn't save you, and them. I should have ran. I should have taken to you all and just run, but I-"

Han flicked him in the face. "Would you three quit beating yourselves up? Everyone fails. Let's say you didn't pick that fight. Did you even know Sakura was still sleeping?"

"Well-" "No. No you didn't if you didn't she would have drowned. Then Kenji and her would have fought, and started world war three." "I think that's a little dramati-"

Han flicked him again. "Don't interrupt me. Yes, the old pussy ass beta cuck with no bitches, would have run away." "Is that how you thought of me?" "But the new confident you. Doesn't take shit from anyone."

"And it's done nothing but get us into shit." "You could tone down who you pick a fight with, I'll say that, but you've always stood up for the little guy." Han looked over to Moon sleeping away.

"It's how she got to grow her hair. It's also how she didn't starve to death. Or how Sunny isn't a part of a cult anymore, and she's working on her 'accidental' racism." "She's struggling." "Yes she is."

"Point is. Stop beating yourself up. I'm okay, and I know all the risk of being a human that's friends with Hunters." She held up her visitor charm. "One of the few humans that's gonna see the other side as well thanks to you."

"It's not that special." "Says the guy who lost his virginity to a Drow." "I mean-" "Oh tell me again, what happened to you, on your first trip to Hell? Or going to Heaven?" "Alright. I get it."

"Now, go get some sleep. Because you know for a fact I'm gonna do some dumb shit while I'm over there, and I expect you to save me, like the hero you are." "Or you could not do that?" "Not gonna happen." Han said walking away.

Zeke reeled back in his seat rubbing his face. Sakura emerged from Han's shadow and crept beside Zeke. "What are you thinking about?" He let out a yelp jumping in his chair.

"Don't do that!" He hissed with her giggling. "Sorry couldn't help myself." "Christ...Wait. Where you eavesdropping on us?" ".....No...." She said shying away.

"Well maybe a little." He let out an exasperated sigh. "It's nothing." "What's on your mind?" "Have you ever felt like something is rejecting you?"

"I am familiar with that feeling." She said eyeing him up and down. "What do you do about it?" "Well you can't force it. As much as you would like to. Sometimes things don't work together, and if you force it. You'll only hurt yourself." She said edging her chest closer to him.

"Thank you for that." He left his chair climbing into the bed beside Moon and Sunny. "Or you know. Sometimes it works and you're being a blind idiot." She muttered.

"Yeah, he's like that. You should give up, or try another approach." Sakura jumped at Han standing behind her.

"Doesn't feel nice when people creep up on you huh?"

"How did you-" Han forced herself into the seat next to her. "Please, if I was a Hunter. Those two would be my bitches, but if you want a shot at Zeke, gotta try a different approach."

"What'd you have in mind? Lock us in a room together?" "Try thinking of something less rape-y and more contract-y."

All of them arrived at the Sovereign Champion's office, with Sakura and Alexander marvelling at their office, and Constantine pretending to be unimpressed.

"Holy crap! This place looks amazing. How long did it take you guys to put this together?" Sakura asked inspecting everything.

"Not too long. Things go a lot faster, since we got money to pay people to make the furniture for us." Zeke said.

"And people to move it." Moon added.

"Amen to that. Trust me these two do a lot of things well together, but building furniture not one of them."

"Is that why you two had no furniture at your old place? Or even a normal door?" Raven asked.

"You two didn't have a normal door?" Sunny asked.

"It was a concrete slab painted to look like a wooden door." Zeke said.

Sunny cocked her head to the side.

"Look, we were poor and needed some security. So we stole a concrete block and plugged it into the doorway. Don't judge us." Moon said.

"Coulda made billions if you filmed another doorway getting plugged." Han muttered.

"For the last time, I'm not doing nudes, even if it would make us rich. I'm only for Zeke." She said pinching his cheek with a smile.

"From my findings, I was under the impression Zeke was dating detective Shinsei there." Xi Xi said coming out from Zeke's office.

They all jumped as she emerged holding a glass box, with a lightsaber handle in it.

"Hey! I don't know who you are lady, but you put that down, and get out!" Zeke snapped.

"You seem protective of this fake prop."

"That's not fake, that's the same lightsaber that-Oh! My! God! You two lied to me about that one as well didn't you?" Zeke barked at Moon and Han.

"Come on man, you didn't really think we could afford that did you?" Han said. "Sorry Zeke...but you were really happy when we got it for you."

"Your lie was so elaborate!" "Dude, you didn't find it weird that we always had Star Wars items to be signed when we met them?" "I...." Zeke trailed off being bombarded by waves of realization.

"Ignore them. Who are you, and what are you doing sneaking inside our office. You've broken several laws." Sunny said, reaching for her dagger.

"Reckless use of police resources for intimidation, property destruction, hate crimes, and leaving an under-aged boy to sleep alone in a motel while in your care. Those were the crimes you committed on your first day with Zeke. Shall I list the other days?"

Everyone turned to Sunny appalled. "You did what to Zeke?" Moon asked furrowing her brow.

"The important thing is that we're all on the same team now, and happy together." She said forcing a smile.

"Alright lady, I don't know who you are, but you know too much. You gotta leave." Han said rolling up her sleeves.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." "Oh yeah? This place has sealing runes, you're a regular ass hu-" Han gasped as Xi Xi took out her revolver. "Zeke, all yours." She said ducking behind him.

"Look, we're getting side tracked. Who are you and what do you want?"

Xi Xi fired a round into Zeke's chest, making everyone jump. The bullet pinged off the tile ground. Red leapt onto Zeke's shoulder hissing at her.

"So they weren't lying. You are unaffected by sealing runes, and that must be the familiar that never needs Mana."

"Are you some next level stalker?" Sakura asked.

"No miss Serizawa, I am not. I am here to investigate the anomaly that is Zeke Chen. A boy in a happy polyamorous relationship; has the daughters of the Frost empire working as his receptionists, immune to sealing runes, owner of a familiar that seemingly has infinite Mana, friends with the children of three World Rankers."

Constantine and Zeke both shrugged. "Friend is a strong a word." They said in sync.

"Who are you investigating for? Because whoever they are a bunch of weird freaks for wasting this much time and effort on him." Sunny said.

"My name is Xi Xi and I work for the Vatican church and the order."

"I swear I didn't know he was a Demon until I had sex with him. He tricked me!"

Zeke threw his hands into the air shaking his head at Sunny.

"Miss Shinsei, I am not here to excommunicate you. You are free to love whomever you want, and in any way you want."

She let out a sigh of relief and a nervous chuckle, before seeing Zeke's glare. "I tricked you?" "It was a joke?" "You're finding your own dinner tonight."

"Why is the Vatican even researching Zeke? I mean other than those things, he's not really special, or ever has been." Han said.

"Thanks Han. Love you too." Zeke said annoyed with Sunny hugging him for forgiveness.

Xi Xi snickered placing the prop down. "Zeke has become a person of interest to the Order. In other situation, if you had fit the parameters. You would have been executed swiftly and buried as a foot note in history."

She set the revolver in her bag taking a seat and adjusted her spectacles.

"However, in my findings and research about you. I discovered you are the furthest thing from a Demon. While you may exhibit some of their worst qualities, those are human in nature. The want for more than one woman, to have the money to afford things, and others."

"Hey, lady you back off! Zeke's already got a church loving woman, that realized what a catch he is, regardless of him being a Demon, and that's my sister."

"You are Skye Shinsei, if I recall you came here, because you could not find a job in your field. Are you defending your sister so you may keep, your employment?"

Skye retreated back into the group. "I don't like her, she's knows too much."

Zeke let out a sigh pinching his brow. "Okay, Xi Xi, what does the Vatican want with me? I'm against the existence of Jesus and God."

"Why wouldn't you be? The existence of the other realms, is nothing but damning evidence that the God in the bible does not exist. No, I am here to give you, and only you, a job from the Vatican."

Zeke scoffed and broke out in a laugh. "What? The Vatican wants to hire me? Did you forget what I am? No Demon has set foot inside the Vatican, let alone even stand in its golden grounds."

"You are immune to the sealing runes, and the effects of the Consecrated materials are you not?"

"I am, but why the fuck would I ever work for you? You break into our office, and collect a creepy amount of information on me, my friends, loved ones and Constantine. Then expect me to work for you? What could you possibly offer me?"

"Request it and we will deliver."

"Come on girl. Anyone can say that. What kind of proof do you have that the Vatican church can ever deliver." Han said.

Xi Xi shot Constantine glance. He looked away ashamed. "Seventeen years ago, Alistair Nyx was recruited for a job by the Vatican, after completing it. He asked to have a child from a woman of his choosing. He chose Aurora Eve."

All of them turned to Constantine. "You were a bet baby!?" Zeke exclaimed. "Shut up. You were an accident I bet." He sulked.

"Incorrect, I was a disappointment. That explains a lot."

"So, you're saying if Zeke completes this job, and says ask to make you pregnant. You would do it?" Han asked.

"If that is what he wishes for." "Dude, do it." Zeke pursed his lips to a line.

"There's nothing I want from the Vatican."

"Money, fame, women, treasure, weapons, armour? Do none of these entice you?" Xi Xi asked.

"Got enough money, I already hate the amount of people interested in me, I'm in love with two women and they somehow love me back, and I don't need anything else."

Moon and Sunny both pinched Zeke's cheek, with everyone awing at him.

"That is why you have become a person of interest to the Vatican, Zeke. You do not exhibit any traits associated with prolonged Demon's Blood exposure."

"Yeah, well them that I'm not interested. We already got a job in place so we're not taking any new requests."

"Yes, you are to travel through a green Rift to aid the Drows of Mystara and Weaver, for the impending event known as Convergence."

Everyone shared a quick glance. "Yes, we know of Convergence, and if you complete this task for us. We will be happy to share our knowledge of it to you. So will you accept our offer?"

"Fine. Let me make them dinner and I'll come with you. Once this task is done, I want nothing with to do with the Vatican. Am I clear?"

"Crystal. Shall we head to your home?"

They hesitantly left the office following Xi Xi. "I've heard you're an excellent cook. Do you take requests?"

"Not from you." Moon said summoning out Soul-Taker. "Now, we're gonna have a real talk." Sunny said drawing her daggers.

"The feathers of Gabriel. How exquisite. I still find it hard to believe you refused a passionate night with Ivy Mandrake for these."

"You did what!?" They exclaimed. "You said these were a reward for busting the Surge ring." Sunny said. "They were. The reward was either have sex with her, or get the daggers. I chose the daggers."

"But, we weren't even dating at the time. You didn't even know if that would make me like you!"

"I didn't do it so you would like me. I got you those daggers, so you wouldn't keep plucking your own wings for feathers."

"If you weren't somehow getting threesomes on the regular basis, I would call you gay for declining Ivy." Constantine said in awe.

Zeke shrugged. "What's make her so special anyway? Because she's the top three?"

"Noooooo, because she controls every pheromone, neural toxin and chemical known to man and more. She could fill your head with so many chemicals that your next orgasm would send you through time and space!" Alexander exclaimed.

"Oh." Zeke shrugged again. "Eh, I'm not affected by that stuff anyway. Alright, lets-"

Xi Xi placed a hand on Zeke's shoulder snapping her fingers. The two disappeared in a blink of an eye, with the others stepping back.

"THAT BITCH! SHE CAN TELEPORT!" Moon shouted, summoning Iziel, leaping in the air.

"Where are you even going!?" Han yelled after her.

Sunny followed suit summoning her wings. "She's back at the house!"

The others shared confused glances before Han raised her hand proudly into the air. "TO THE UBER MOBILE!"

"Go...oh...." Zeke trailed off looking around seeing his front door. Xi Xi, took the spare key hidden beside the doorknob, letting herself in.

"You...you can teleport." Zeke said following after her. "You've also been doing a crap ton of research on us."

"Mainly you, but by extension your loved ones. I have to say, the key hidden in plain sight, was that your idea?"

Zeke snatched the key out of her hand placing it back. "Yes, but Han was the one who made it."

"See I've been struggling to understand your little trio. Han has too many accolades to list, but she chose to abandon her perfect scores and life, to be with you two."

"She's someone who should have been a Hunter. She'd be a World Ranker in a matter of days."

"So she chose a life with you two, as her best would always be human. I see, well that leaves me with one question then. If you're the brains of the operation, and now the strongest, what do you need Moon for?"

He looked at her confused.

"You clearly have a more suitable partner in Miss Shinsei. Puzzle solving minds, a disposition to aid those with your power, and manners to not lash out at the first sigh of conflict. Moon seems like nothing but pointless trouble."

Zeke summoned Shadow and his suit. His next breath released a cold fog with his eyes going black. "Think real hard, about the next thing you say about her. I will gladly go to war with the Vatican." He snarled.

Xi Xi smiled. "Another trait not exhibited in Demons. Genuine and pure love for another. Come now, let's make lunch together. We do have much to discuss."

She entered into the kitchen taking out ingredients. "Do you intend to stand there looking mean and scary at me the whole time? You'll cause water damage to your house before you scare me off."

Zeke banished his suit and Shadow entering into the kitchen. "I cook alone." "Surely I can help with the prep work. What do you intend to make?"

"What do you want?" "Cu Chao Mian." "Huh?" "Did your family never teach you Mandarin or Cantonese?"

"Did you even research my family? The day I learned how to use the kettle at the age of four, they up and left me to my devices. What makes you think they'd teach me their language?"

"A chicken noodle stir fry using hokkein noodles." "Say that next time then."

"Implying there will be a next time?" She asked with a coy smile.

"Just sit down in the kitchen, you'll most likely get punched in the head when they get here."

"Could I get my plate with extra bean sprouts?"

"That is a forbidden vegetable in my house hold and in all my meals. Am I clear?"

She threw her hands into the air retreating away.

Moon and Sunny crashed into the front lawn exhausted and huffing rushing inside with their weapons drawn.

"WHERE!....HAAAAA! IS! WOOOOO!" Moon keeled over struggling to catch her breath.

"BITCH!" Sunny pointed to Xi Xi at the table, falling to her knees clutching her side.

"You two shouldn't exhaust yourself like that. Flying that distance in our polluted airspace is not good for your lungs."

"FUCK!....YOU...." Moon rolled onto her back with Sunny joining her.

Zeke rushed out standing over them. "What the fuck!? What happened to you two? The flight isn't that far."

"Improper Mana channelling and breathing techniques. A rookie mistake amongst Hunters when flying." Xi Xi said grabbing her bowl of noodles.

Zeke slung them both onto his shoulders. "Both of you take a bath and then come down for lunch."

Returning to the dining room table. Zeke sat awkwardly across from Xi Xi as she slurped down her meal with gusto.

"Mmmm! This is amazing! It could use a bit of crunch with some vegetables."

"What do you want from me? I've played your game long enough now. Tell me what the task is."

She passed her phone to him. It contained the image of a large glowing black sphere. He cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Am...am I meant to know what this is?"

"No, but I believe you are destined to help us understand it. That item is referred to as the Chaos sphere. Alistair was tasked with moving it to the Vatican for investigation."

Zeke chuckled. "Alright, I'll bite. How could I possibly connected to this...thing? That's so dangerous only Alistair could be tasked in moving it?"

"Because it came into our world five minutes after the Blue Star became black and disappeared. Or as you would know it."

"The moment I became a Demon..."

"The Chaos Sphere currently resides within the Vatican. When you are ready, simply come with me and prove my hypothesis. Result or no result, you will be compensated for your time."

"Fine. After this you will leave me and everyone associated with me alone."

She smiled offering out her hand. Shaking her hand the front door burst open with everyone rushing in.

"ZEKE DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID!!" Han shouted. Everyone paused seeing Zeke and Xi Xi shaking hands. She reeled back letting out a groan.

Han sprinted over punching Zeke in the face. She fell to her knees clutching her fist, clenching her jaw and tensing her body to the searing pain.

"Mother!MMMMMM!" She squealed biting her knuckles.

"That was the dumbest thing you've ever done!" Raven yelled.

"Am I even going to ask what that was-"

Han struck him again with perfectly executed high kick. The act surprised everyone with her speed, flexibility and perfect execution. She fell to her side clutching her shin.

"You piece of! AHHHHHH!"

"WHY WOULD YOU HIT HIM AGAIN!?" Raven shouted rushing into the kitchen grabbing frozen goods.

"Because...Because he normally moves. Why aren't you moving!?" Han whimpered. Raven iced her shin.

He shook his head at her. "Why are you hitting me?"

"Because you just did something stupid. I know you fucking did! What did you agree on? Tell us now, or I'll let them all know what happened when we went to the pool together." She said rubbing her shin.

"I walked into the wrong toilets at the wrong time and got hit by a dangling old man wang. I now shudder every time I see winter melons. Let me get my things, we'll leave right away."

Han stared on stunned as Zeke left. Xi Xi scoffed smiling at Zeke walk off confidently. "May I ask what you are all doing here?"

"You! We're here because of you!" Han snapped limping up.

"I meant the important people. Children of three World Rankers and the daughters of the Frost empire all under one house, is not a common situation."

"Hey! Don't call me irrelevant! Take away your damn powers and-"

"Sit and be quiet." Xi Xi ordered snapping her fingers. All of them went stiff waddling over to the seat taking seats like perfectly placed marionettes.

Moon and Sunny came running down in wet clothing trying to attack her. She evaded their attacks as if they were frozen in place, ending up behind them. "Sleep." She snapped her fingers.

Their eyes glazed over and the two collapsed onto the ground with a solid thud.

Han tried to force herself to move. "Don't strain yourself against my powers. You'll break yourself before anything happens." She said setting Moon and Sunny in the living room.

Xi Xi took a seat beside Han. "I assure, I have no malicious or ulterior motives with Ezekiel. When we are done with our business, you will have him back, and I will be gone. Your love and care for him is quite admirable."

Zeke came down the stairs holding a backpack, he stopped and scanned the room confused. He let out an exasperated sigh, pinching between his brow.

"Whatever magic, power, item, weapon, or some mystical bullshit that's controlling them. Turn it off now."

"It was a power." Xi Xi said with a smile. She snapped her fingers and everyone leapt to their feet scurrying behind Zeke.

She pouted at Constantine and Sakura. "I expected more from the children of the strongest men in the world."

"You got some freaky ass powers lady! Teleportation and some weird verbal mind control!" Han snapped. "Get her Zeke!" She said pushing him forward. "She's too dangerous to be left alive!"

"You know right after that quote, he gets his hand cut off and thrown out of a mega skyscraper by lightning." Xi Xi said.

"Did...did you just reference Star Wars?" Zeke asked surprised. "I quoted Revenge of the Sith."

"You...you like Star Wars?" He asked with a twang of excitement and joy. "Oh no..." Han said mortified.

"No, I love Star Wars." Han slapped the back of Zeke's head. "Hey! Don't listen to her! She's trying to seduce you!"

"Will you cut that out? I have no intention of cheating on Moon or Sunny. Now I'm leaving. If a green Rift opens up, you six go first, and I'll join later. Red, Raven, Fiona, and Skye you'll take care of the house and office."

"Bold of you to assume, you'll find them in Verdancia. It's-"

"We'll find each other. Always do. Now let's go. Han. Don't do anything stupid in Verdancia. I'll be back. Let them know I'll be okay." Zeke said walking out.

"No change of clothes packed?" Xi Xi asked following him out. "Won't be gone that long. Now get in the damn car."

The others watched as the car pulled off. Moon and Sunny let out a gasp shooting to their feet. "Where is that bitch!?" Moon shouted. "Gone." Han replied stunned. "None of you tried to stop her!?" Sunny yelled.

"We haven't had much luck in doing that." Constantine said.

"She's got some weird verbal powers and you saw how fast she was. You two couldn't even hit her with a surprise attack." Alexander said.

"She's also the Vatican's personal investigator. She'd be a Contender rank or S grade at least." Sakura added.

"Well you three aren't helpful at all! I'm gonna go cut-" Han shook her head at Moon. "He's not gonna listen. He's in that state."

"That doesn't mean we should let him just go off on his own and-" Sunny was interrupted by their phones buzzing at once.

A green Rift had spawned. Their phones vibrated violently to leave at once. "He said he'll meet us there. That we'll find him once he arrives." Han said.

Moon bit her tongue. "Fine. Let's go help Weaver and see what this is all about. Zeke will find us later."