
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

Power of World Rankers

Noon arrived the next day. Zeke wore his Hunter Games clothing with Moon doing the same. Raven stood by them with Red in her arms. Alexander and Constantine wore the same armour. However their weapons were different. The quality them was exquisite. A golden lance crackling and teeming with lightning, the spear head vibrating and shimmering the air around it. Alexander wielded a giant kite shield shaped to a lion's head, and gleaming heavy scimitar. Sakura wore black tight leather armour, with a short sword tucked behind her waist, and a mask covering her nose. "It's not even Halloween, why is she dressing up as a sexy shadow." Zeke, Raven and Red looked at puzzled. "She's clearly not dressed up as that. Back me up Zeke." Raven said. "Yeah, she's obviously dressed up as sexy assassin." Raven face palmed. The three greeted them. "Looks like I was right." Zeke said eyeing their gear. "Why would we ever go all out against the likes of you?" "Talking a lot of shit for someone, who's lost to us a lot." "Alright, boys. Let's not fight." Sakura said getting in between them. "We could always let them tussle a little." "Girl you need help." Raven said.

"I see you five are ready." Eliza said with Adrianna beside her. She carried Spine on her hip. "Remember now. Come at him with everything you've got." "Or you know, take it easy. It is a friendly duel." Eliza elbowed Adrianna in the ribs. "Let's get started already! I've been dying to see what formation Z is." "What's formation Z?" They asked. "Nothing." Zeke said blushing. "It won't be happening with us working together." "Could you three resign?" Raven asked. "Let's just go. He's waiting for us." "He really doesn't want anyone to see it." Moon said. "I get that, but what is it!?" Raven snapped. "Guess you'll never know." Moon said following after Zeke. Raven glared at her, with her eye twitching. "You can't keep blue balling me like this! It's cruel and unusual punishment! It goes against the Geneva Conventions!" "That only applies to Civilians. Hunters are fair game." "Really?"

The five stood in the empty coliseum with; Eliza, Adrianna, Raven and Red watching from the stands. "Well at least it's not being broadcasted. Question now is, where is-" A shadow flew over them. Damien crash landed in front of them creating a giant cloud of dust. Moon blasted it away for them. Damien wore an exquisite red three piece suit. "Right-o. Apologies, for my tardiness. You lot got anything, that you don't want me to do? Aside from the implied. No eye poking, ball kicking, stuff like that." They all shook their heads. "Okay then! Let's get started. Ready whenever!" "Hunters! Your duel starts...NOW!" Adrianna shouted, starting the stop watch. Constantine, Alexander and Sakura quickly sprinted away and scattered around Damien. Moon summoned Iziel engulfing herself in fire, and flew in with Soul-Taker. Zeke activated his Demon's Blood, taking Sovereign stance one. Damien stared at Adrianna disinterested. Moon stopped before reaching him and flew above him, creating a barrier over him. "This is an interesting feeling." "NOW ZEKE!"

Releasing the attack, Damien rolled his eyes looking at Eliza. He waved his right hand. Moon suddenly flew in front of the attack. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Zeke roared. The wave clashed into Moon's back, cracking her armour. The second shattered Iziel apart, knocking Moon unconscious. Damien waved his left hand and launched Moon across the field. She clawed at her back, writhing in agony, with Iziel screaming in her mind. "Yeah mate! That attack was stellar! Got another?" Zeke charged in. Damien waved his right hand. Shadow was ripped out of Zeke's grasp by an invisible force. The blade in the Spectre's hand disappeared. "Aw, I'm sorry. That's mean. I shouldn't take this from you. Here take it back." He waved his left hand. Shadow flew into Zeke's stomach, launching into the sky creating a sonic boom. Damien looked up to the sky. "Hold your breath mate!" 'What the fuck!? I'm stuck to Shadow! I can't banish it either!' Zeke soared through the clouds taking a deep breath, and used his Spectre to rip himself free of Shadow.

Moon rolled onto her back, panting and heaving, trying to breathe through the pain. Constantine eyed the clock, seeing only 15 seconds had passed. He sucked on his teeth. 'I fucking knew they couldn't do anything.' "Uh boss! What's the plan?" Alexander said trembling. "Did your egg, just call that twat boss?" Adrianna nodded glumly. Raven looked up at the sky deeply concnered. "Is Zeke gonna be okay?" "He won't leave the atmosphere, if that's what you're worried about." Eliza said nonchalantly. "I AM NOW!" "Polarization manipulation. Left and right hand set different polarizations." "Smart little thing. Figured me out in a few seconds did we?" "Omega attack." The three activated their Demon's Blood in perfect sync. "Bloody hell. Fuck me that's chilly." Damien shuddered. Alexander grew in size, towering over Damien, and leapt high above him letting out a monstrous roar. "You know that shit, makes your pecker small right?"

Sakura appeared in Damien's shadow, ready to sever his Achilles tendon. To her shock, he was already looking down at her, and she couldn't move her weapon. "Ah-low love. I don't think ol' Kenny, would be happy with you right now. Being in the perfect tea bagging position and what not." Alexander flailed in the air, slowly spinning out of control. Constantine released crimson lightning bolt, that tore the ground apart, and ripped through the air. He smirked at Damien. 'He won't be able to dodge and hold those two in place. It will hurt, but I'll get them Healer afterwards and-' The lightning bolt veered off shooting into the sky. Alexander was tossed beside the dumbfounded Constantine with Sakura retreated to his shadow. The three reverted back to normal. "Now, word of advice. Don't call something an Omega attack, when it's weaker than a crippled infant. Secondly." He pointed at Constantine scowling at him.

"Using your friends as a way to land an attack, that's not guaranteed to win the fight. Don't matter what realm, you're in alright. You've just declared to the world, that you're a massive cunt. Yeah?" Constantine snarled throwing his lance. It stopped in front of Damien, who closely inspected the lightning crackling around it. "Fuck me...Is this what I think it is? Is this. Is this Raijin's lance? Did you steal this from your daddy?" "I EARNT IT!" Constantine screamed firing a stream of lightning.

Each bolt veered off an invisible force field. Damien continued to inspect the lance walking around it, ignoring them. "Fuck me..." He marvelled. "What's a muppet like you doing using something like this? A weapon like this. Needs to be respected and wielded by someone with power." He shrugged. "Oh well, not my place to say." Waving his hand the lance flew through the air, piercing through the stream of lightning, impaling through Constantine's leg. He fell back stunned and silent for a second, before howling in agony. Alexander activated his Demon's Blood, charging in, flailing his weapons. Damien made a fist. The armour around Alexander crumpled and contorted, instantly breaking and crushing his limbs. He fell face first screaming, writhing in anguish, with blood rushing out. "Sorry Addy!" Sakura appeared in his shadow, trying to thrust her weapon into his back. It shattered in her hands, the fragments flying into her hands and chest. "These kids, really don't learn do they?" He said waving his hands and sending the three of them flying out the door.

Raven watched on stunned, looking at the clock. 45 seconds had passed. 'This is the power of a World Ranker?' They all looked up hearing screams grow louder. "AHHHMOTHER-!" Zeke crashed through the ground. "Huh. Don't remember, letting him come back down." The Spectre's hands shot up from the crater, clawing and dragging Zeke out. "FUCKER!" He shouted, reverting back to normal. Damien looked up to the sky. "Bloody hell, you just fell from at least the thermosphere, not even a single scratch on you. Clothes are little scuffed, but over all you're okay." "Where you gonna send me into space!?" He exclaimed, gasping for air. "Nah mate. I would have stopped at the exosphere." "Are you fucking crazy!?" Zeke yelled getting up to his feet. Damien threw his hands up and looked at him hurt. "Mate, people would kill for a view of the stars like that." "Damien!" Adrianna called out. "I've still got a minute. I'll deal with him."

Zeke rushed over to Moon's side, helping her up. "Are you alright?" "Your attack fucking hurts." She groaned. "Yeah, that's my bad." "Tell me you have a plan to beating him, because we can't use any metal against him." "Yeah, but I hate it." Moon shot up to her feet invigorated and brimming with energy. "ALRIGHT! We get to do formation Z!" "The fuck is formation Z?" Damien asked confused. Zeke let out a sigh, laying on the ground. Moon held Zeke's ankle like a sword. He stiffened his body acting as one. "THAT'S FORMATION Z!? THAT'S SO STUPID!" Raven shouted. "Gotta agree with the girl mate. You look like a bunch of wankers." 'While I hate to agree with our enemy. I do want to see you use this boy as a weapon.' Moon smirked charging in. She swung Zeke face first at Damien with a telegraphed swing. He leant back. Zeke reached out grabbing his suit. Damien locked eyes with Zeke stunned, as he reeled back for a headbutt. Moon blasted Zeke in the back, helping drive Zeke's headbutt and cracking Damien's nose.

Raven's jaw hit the ground. Adrianna and Eliza lurched forward. Damien stumbled back holding his bloody nose. "THAT ACTUALLY WORKED!?" Zeke looked to the clock, with 40 seconds left to go. "Fuck me! Was not expecting that." Zeke jumped into the air going stiff. Moon took him by the ankle. "Keep the pressure on." Moon nodded, rushing in. She threw a thrust attack with him. Damien flicked his right hand, Zeke felt a force pull on him, and he was ripped out of her grasp. Moon held him in place with her barrier. He activated his Demon's Blood, throwing a right hook in the air, the Spectre's punch sent Damien flying across the field. He stood up holding his bruised and purple arm, his suit in tatters. "Ah...that thing packs a wallop." He shrugged rolling his arm. "Oh my god. Am I actually going to lose because of this?" Adrianna said mortified. Zeke leapt into the air going stiff. Moon took him by the ankle, sprinting in full force.

He waved his left hand freezing Moon in place. "Enough of that now." She threw Zeke at full force, following it with a blast attack. He sucked on his teeth, holding his hand to stop Zeke in place, just shy of reaching him. Zeke smirked at him activating his Demon's Blood, and summoned Shadow , taking Sovereign stance one. "Won't miss you here!" Damien's eyes bulged. The others watched as Damien was enveloped in the attack. Zeke fell to the ground, and Moon felt the force gripping her release. "Did they just beat Damien?" Raven asked.

From the smoke and rubble, Damien emerged holding his shoulder, dripping a small amount of blood. He dusted himself off looking at the time. 20 seconds left. "That was pretty fucking spectacular, you two, but! Addy wants me to win." He gave them a glum smile and shrugged. Holding his hand, Zeke quickly banished Shadow. "Not the weapon, I was aiming for mate." Zeke spun back to Moon. "GET DOWN!" Soul-Taker flew through the air. Moon tried to dodge, only to feel the same invisible force hold her in place. Soul-Taker slashed her down her leg. Zeke charged in. Damien tossed her out of the stadium, and held out his hand creating a giant green Rift that encompassed the sky. Zeke stopped to see the bottom of a paw breaching the Rift. Red leapt out of Raven's arm, hiding behind her. "Keep your eyes on the prize mate." Zeke looked back down to see Damien in front of him. He placed a hand over Zeke's head. "Night night." His eyes glazed over instantly. Zeke fell to his knees, collapsing face first.

Adrianna let out a big whoop stopping the time at 1 minute 57 seconds. "Told you I'd win the bet!" She said punching Eliza in the arm. "Alright. We done here?" "Yeah, we're-" Red screeched, jumping up and down, pointing at the Rift in the sky. "It's his familiar Rift. It's nothing to worry about-" "Fuck me..." Damien trailed off. Adrianna drew Spine, and Eliza summoned Choppy. Raven stopped looking at the Rift in the sky turning bright violet. "Close your Rift!" Raven yelled. "That's not me you muppet!" "Then...what the fuck is it." "Get out of here right now." Adrianna ordered. "What about-" "GO!" Eliza ordered. Raven took Red in her arms, sprinting off. The three waited anxiously as the Rift grew in size, creating storm clouds. "CHAOS INCURSION DETECTED! CHAOS INCURSION DETECTED! STAY AWAY! STAY AWAY!" The robotic repeated. "Of course they're gonna stay away. What fucking idiot, would go running into that!?"

Eliza and Adrianna leapt of the railing standing over Zeke. "Ever seen anything like that before?" Adrianna asked. "Can't say I have. Whatever it is. Your machines think something has come out. Which means something incredibly fucking powerful is on the other side." A deafening explosion radiated out, shooting out violent bolts of lightning, tearing up everything in its path. A crimson and sapphire ball of fire crashed from the sky. The three leapt out of the way. Zeke was blown away from violent explosion, and thrown into the wall. They winced. "One of us should have really grabbed him." Adrianna said. "Thought you had him." "He's fine." Eliza said. A woman's scream rung out, from the dust cloud. As the cloud settled, they stared on in disbelief. An Arch Angel stood before them. Standing nearly three metres tall, clad in glorious and bulky golden armour, with two pairs of giant snow white feathery wings, and wielding a burning great sword that resembled the North Star.

"Any last words Akasha?" The Arch angel said filled with glee. The dust finally settled revealing a Succubus beneath her sabaton. A beautiful and voluptuous crimson skinned woman, with a long thin tail, and two large bat wings wearing nothing but a thin bikini. Was pinned under her boot, panting and bleeding, clawing at the Arch Angels boot. "Do it Astarte! I will not give you the pleasure." She hissed. "Ahem!" Damien cleared his throat. Astarte turned to them, her eyes shone a pure white, over her porcelain skin. She glared at them filled with disdain, and pure repulsion. "Nephilim." Zeke groaned slowly waking up. Astarte drove her blade into Akasha's wing. She screamed in agony, with her flesh sizzling away. "Don't go anywhere Akasha. I have some vermin to kill." She cocked a sinister smile. With a beat of her wings, she created a sonic boom. The three of them lunged in as well, creating their own sonic boom. Zeke was blown back into the wall, fully waking up seeing hundred of sonic clouds being made ever second. "What the fuck."

Astarte blocked Choppy parrying it to the side, and countering with a round house. She flew through the air crashing beside Zeke. She stood up immediately her hair floating in the air. "What's-" She let out a roar, disappearing in another sonic boom. Zeke was blown away by the force. He looked up to the sky at the violet Rift. Damien held his hands out. Astarte flew directly towards him screaming. "YOU DARE USE YOUR FILTHY MANA ON ME!?" He pulled himself out of the way, summoning a bulky leather suit of armour, adorned with the fur and pelt of lions. "Worth a shot love." He said summoning out a silver warhammer. Adrianna drove Spine into Astarte's lower wing, snapping the tip off. It grew rapidly in size protruding wicked serrated spines. Astarte growled spinning around releasing a flurry of feathers and separating the growth from herself. Akasha shrieked in pain being hit by the hail. Zeke looked through seeing her. 'A Succubus? What the fuck is happening!?'

The three appeared before Zeke sliding back, heaving and panting, covered in cuts and slashes. Astarte let out an twisted cackle. "You Nephilim never cease to surprise me. You invade our realms, steal from us, and cannot be invaded by us. Even with all these advantages given to you by the Creator. You are all still SO WEAK!" "We done with the warm up ladies?" "Let's kill this fucking bitch." Eliza growled. She adopted Sovereign stance one. Adrianna leapt into the air, with Damien launching her forward. Astarte raised her Star sword ready to cleave her in twain. Adrianna summoned an armour similar to Iziel, only that her armour was a matte black. She spun out of the way at the last second, driving Spine into Astarte's side. She grunted and snarled, grabbing spine in her gauntlet. The spikes protruded out, burning crimson blood sprayed out, lathering Adrianna. She fell back screaming as the blood melted through her armour like hot butter. Astarte ripped Spine out of her sword, ramming it into Adrianna's shoulder.

Damien leapt in cracking her across the face with his hammer. She spun around spitting teeth and blood out. She snatched him out of the air, slamming Damien into the ground, and rammed her sword through his right arm. He howled in agony clutching his sizzling elbow stump. Eliza released her attack. Astarte parried the attack, disappearing in a second, and amputated both of Eliza's legs. Zeke stared on stunned in complete fear. Astarte paid him no attention walking over to Damien.

She rubbed her jaw. "You three were quite strong, but vermin will always be vermin." Damien grit his teeth, forcing a smile. "Thanks for the compliment love. Gotta say not a fan of being stepped on, but for you I'd make an exception." She raised her Star sword above his face. "Well, this isn't how I expected to go out." He chuckled. Zeke sprinted in diving over Damien's body. She drove her weapon into his gut. Zeke screamed in pain, feeling his flesh sizzle and sear. "THE FUCK YOU DOING MATE!?" He screamed trying to push Zeke off. "How is this possible?" She said stunned, seeing her sword unable to pierce him. Zeke gnashed his teeth together, activating his Demon's Blood, and struck Astarte with his Spectre. He sat up clutching his chest, at his red and sunburnt torso. "You can move! Get them out of here now!" He ordered, tossing Damien to Eliza.

He stood up summoning Shadow, staring Astarte down. She fluffed her wing, and chuckled. "This Mana..." She smirked. "I didn't think the rumours were real, but I guess even The Destroyer would even dabble in making his own Nephilim." "Samael's child?" Akasha said, forcing herself up. "Mate!" Damien hissed. "You need to leave!" "You need to listen to me!" He snapped, with his Spectre echoing behind him. "Get them to safety now!" Zeke drew Shadow, and took Sovereign stance one. 'He even knows the Sovereign stance?' Akasha thought. Damien grit his teeth grabbing the two of them and leaping into the air. "Where do you think you're going!?" She yelled throwing her sword. The Spectre's hand reached out grabbing it. Zeke winced gnashing his teeth together, as it seared and burnt through it. "YOU LOST THIS!" He shouted, throwing it back at her. She dodged grabbing it from mid-air, and spun back to him. 'How is he able to hold Polaris?'

'I have less than 10 seconds left. What the fuck was I thinking?' "You got ten seconds to leave!" "Or else what?" She growled. 'This is why we think, before we speak Zeke.' "Or you're never gonna see your home again." She took a step forward flourishing Polaris, it grew in size, and the intensity of its heat, liquefied the ground around it. 'Oh shit....' "He's right!" Akasha shouted. "Look Astarte." She pointed to the violet Rift, rapidly shrinking in size. "If you fight now, who knows, when you'll return to the Silver City. Leave while you still can." Zeke forced a confident smile. Astarte growled, raising Polaris to him. "This is not over. I will take your head next time." "Good to know." 'Hurry up and leave! I can barely keep my eyes open.' Astarte took off through the Rift, it disappeared with her crossing over. Zeke fell to his knees, turning back to normal, and fell unconscious.