
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

Post Examination

Zeke laid on his bed, as Moon did push ups in the room. She wore a pink tank top and black tights, with her tied into a pony tail. A thin layer of sweat glistened on her skin. "Zeke, sit on my back. I need more weight." "You're up to like 10,000 push ups. More weight won't help." "Stop being lazy. Our souls won't look like that, if we sit around doing nothing." "You heard him. We need to cross the rifts more, and the Mana will fill our bodies." Moon sat up hissing at Zeke. "See, this is you're a D grade Hunter, and I'm a C grade." She said, holding her head up high. "Hey dumbass, did you forget? We're both E grade now." Moon froze, remember the news, she had only received a few hours ago. He tossed her his pillow. She buried her face into it screaming. "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" Zeke nodded listening to her muffled screams. "Feel better E grade?" She hurled the pillow into his face. He wiped his face spitting. "Argh. It's covered your sweat." "Hey! People would pay to have my sweat on them." "Doubt." "Hey! They are all sorts of weirdos out there." "Then set up an Onlyfans, and let us be rich." "Ew! Don't be gross." "And there's my doubt."

"AHHH! Why can't that green Rift open already!? I want my privileges back!" She cried. "You only got a 15% discount." She frowned at him. "Of course you don't care. You get your clothes from the donation bucket. I have a reputation to keep up." "Of wasting money, on clothes you only wear once. Then proceeding to complain you have nothing to wear. Greaaaat reputation." She shot him in the face with a small blast of air. He let out a long sigh through his nose. "Really?" "You don't know anything about women." "Nope." He said proudly. "That's not something to be proud about." He shrugged, tucking his hands behind his head. "Well, you should throw that pride away, because we're not gonna have nice things for a while." She rubbed her head furiously. "Ahhhh! How are you so calm about these things? Are you not bored?" "Because I can't do anything about it, and incredibly so. However if I turn on that TV. I'm not gonna hear anything, over your screaming." "Why would I scream?" Zeke rolled his eyes, and turned the TV on, flicking it onto the news.

"The World Hunter Agency's new grading criteria has now been implanted. Hunters all around the world are enraged." The reporter said, behind her desk. "Enraged? Enraged!? ENRAGED!?" "Here go we go." "Every Hunter has been demoted by nearly three ranks, resulting in almost all Hunters, losing their privileges. Outraged Hunters have started rioting against the World Agency." She turned back to Zeke. He groaned looking at her. "We're not rioting against the World Agency, because they made us mega super broke." "But!" "Appeals have all been rejected and Hunters around the world, are waiting patiently for the announcement, from the number one Hunter." "Alistair Nyx." Moon said. "The Demon Hunter you should be trying to be." Zeke turning onto his side. "Yep. I'll take his spot, while I work on activating my Demon's blood." "If you apply your-" "Finish that sentence, and I'll take a shit, in the morning coffee I get you." She shrunk back pouting.

The reporter placed a finger to their ear. "We have word. Alistair Nyx is coming to make his announcement." "That this whole thing better be a joke." "I'll bet you he makes it worse for us." "Loser has to get dinner for us." "Deal." Zeke said confidently. Alistair exited the building towards the centre podium. He was devilishly handsome, with white hair slicked and pulled back, and had a deep piercing gaze with crimson eyes. Moon could hear Zeke suck on his teeth upon seeing him. She turned to him with a smug smile. "Jealous?" "Look, we should all have a downside alright, but he's got everything. Tall, handsome as fuck, powerful, wealthy-" "Hung like a horse." "Probably." Zeke agreed. He cleared his throat taking the podium. "To all Hunters. Let me first say one thing." He said in a deep soothing voice. "Come on, he even sounds good." "You think he smells like super manly and amazing?" "At this point, I'm pretty sure he could attract women could sneeze and a woman would fall in love with him."

"I understand the new criteria has sparked some outrage. However this is for the benefit of everyone." "Doubt." Moon and Zeke said in sync. "The amount of Hunters who have perished, from not being prepared, for their Rift level, has only increased. In order to combat this, we have to reassess everyone on a new criteria." "What criteria is that? How much money can you afford?" Moon scoffed. "Most likely a reset, to make sure people go in proper teams or can solo anything." Zeke said. "In the past, Hunter teams in the past have not been properly monitored, with low grade Hunters being taken through Rifts with higher grade Hunters. This also applies to Hunters relying on their powers, with no proper equipment. In order to combat their needless deaths, and guarantee their safety as much as possible, we will now stick with this criteria from here on out." "Damn it!" Moon shook her fist. "Well, looks like no one wins." She looked to Zeke. "Don't be so sure." Zeke said eyeing the TV. She turned back seeing him clear his throat, and look down at his notes. "Oh come on. Just go back inside."

"We are also aware that Hunter Academies, have...lofty expenses-" "That's a shitty way to say fucking expensive." Moon snapped. "And that is has only ever taken in the wealthy." "That's because it has." Moon said. "Resulting in many Hunters, in a...lower economic bracket." "Just call us broke bitches." Moon booed. "Not being able to enter into any Hunter Academy. Which has resulted in a poor lack of training and education." "Yeah! Look at how dumb, you made Zeke!" "The fuck?" Zeke sat up throwing his hands up in the air. "However. We aim to correct this error. Starting in March, all Hunters who did not attend an Academy." "Here it comes." Zeke said. "Will report to their closest Hunter Academy, and attend their 'compulsory' six month refresher course." "There it is." Zeke groaned tossing his pillow back to Moon. It fell at her side. Moon's jaw dropped, she glared at the screen. "Please say this is a joke! Say G-G's gottem. Psyche! Say something!" "Thank you." He waved walking off screen. "Motherfucker!" "Large chicken chow mein, no crunchy water." Moon sighed. "Spicy or non spicy?" "Mild." "Mild spicy, Chicken chow mein, with no bean sprouts. Got it." She slumped off the floor, grabbing her wallet, on the night stand between their beds. "You know, you really should eat vegetables, they're good for you." "Thanks for the advice. Take the bok choy out as well."

They sat in silence eating their dinner. Zeke with his one box of take out, Moon with her three, and Red with a plate of dumplings to herself. Moon let out a sigh, before taking a bite. Zeke rolled his eyes. "Are you gonna do, before every bite?" "Do you know how expensive this all was? Four large meals, and Red's dumplings use to cost $40 bucks at max. Now it's $65! This is bullshit!" She yelled, before stuffing her face. "You could always just...eat less?" She glared up at him, crumbs and rice grains stuck to her face. "You need to activate your Demon's blood. That's what needs to happen." She snapped. He let out a low mumble, handing his leftovers to Red. She took the plastic fork and begun scooping out noodles. "You didn't even finish your food. I didn't waste money for you to not finish your dinner." "Red's eating it, and I'm full. I'm going to sleep." He said walking into the bathroom. "You can't keep feeding Red, everything. She's gonna get fat." Red growled at her, smushing down her fur. Moon rolled her eyes. "Fine, fluffier." "She's fine. I'm going to sleep." He said brushing his teeth. "I'm sure, something is gonna happen soon enough." "It better! I'm sick of all this waiting."

In dead of night, their room illuminated by ambient standby lights, and a thin veil of moon light. Moon stared up at the ceiling. Her mind racing with thoughts. She looked to Zeke, gently sleeping away, with Red asleep at his feet. 'What did he want to talk to you about? Why alone? Why did you look so bothered by it?' She sighed, creeping out the room with her phone. Sitting out on the curb, she made a phone call, with it being answered nearly instantly. "Hey Dad, sorry to call you so late." She said in Russian. "What are you on about? It's nearly dinner time for me." He said with a deep throaty voice. She chuckled, rubbing her face. "Sorry, for about the time difference." "What's wrong, my darling? Is this about the demotion? If you need money, you can always-" "Nonono, dad. It's not about money." "Are you sure? Your mum and I. We're happy for you to live with us, or stay in the vacation home." She sighed, rubbing her face. "I know you are, but you're not okay with Zeke." Her father went silent. "You know, why we feel that way. He's a mo-"

"Dad!" She raised her voice. Taking a deep breath, she composed herself. "I've told you both before. Zeke is not a monster. He's the furthest thing from it, but this isn't why I'm calling you." "Then what is it darling?" "I just wanted to let you know, that I might be gone for a while. We're going to go through a green Rift, the moment it opens. I'll call, when I get back." "Darling, is that really what you wanted to tell me?" "Is mum there?" "She's.....busy..." Moon sighed, rubbing her face. "Put me on speaker phone." "Darling, she's-" "What do you want?" She asked in English. Her mother's voice always felt like ice touching her skin. Sending a shiver down her spine, and made her muscles tense. "Hello, to you as well." "I'm very busy, please make this fast." "Not surprised. Fine, mum. Don't worry about it. Go back to your jobs!" "Tell me now!" Her mother ordered.

"What happened with Zeke and his dad?" The other end went quiet. "I know you two saw, what he did, and ever since then. You've hated him. So tell me, what happened? What did he do, that made you hate me, for being his friend?" Her voice broke. "Moon..." Her mother's voice trembled. She was terrified. "Moon." Her father said commandingly. "We do not hate you." His voice was filled with warmth and love. "But." His voice changed. Now quivering and shaking. "Zeke is a monster. What we saw, would give even monster's nightmares. We are past trying to stop you, from sticking with him." "Alexi, don't." Her mother snapped. "That day. Zeke-" "Don't!" She snapped, the call disconnecting. "Mum? Dad? Hello?" The phone vibrated in her hand. 'Do not call us about this again. We won't speak of it. Goodbye.' A text clearly from her mother. She reeled back looking at the remnant of stars, before looking back to the room. 'What happened that day?' With a heavy head, she trudged back inside. She placed a hand on Zeke's head, feeling nothing but warmth. His hair black as obsidian. His eyes, always dark and soft. Moon sank into her bed, filled with exhaustion, and the same question from seven years ago, unanswered. 'What did Zeke do that day?' repeated in her mind.