
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs


"Come you two. I'll show you two, to your rooms." Moon stood up pointing her finger. "Hey! Now wait a minute! You can't just give us orders, after what we just-" Adrianna raised her hand. "I call upon the god dreams." "You won't be using any magic on me!" Moon released a shockwave from her palm. Adrianna disappeared in a blink, appearing behind Moon. "Accept my offering-" Moon spun around throwing a hook kick, hitting nothing but air. Standing just out of her range, her hand was still raised with a sly smirk, across her face. "Accept me as your vessel." Moon cocked back her fist, lunging in for a punch. "Sleep." Moon fell unconscious mid punch, and was caught by Adrianna, by the back of her dress. She looked to Zeke and Red. "Are you two going to fight me as well?" The two of them shook their heads in sync, their eyes bulging. "Good, you can carry her." She tossed Moon onto Zeke. "I know you're both very weak, so I'll run using only 10% of my strength. Please try and keep up." "Hey wait-" Adrianna sprinted off going from zero to a hundred kilometres per hour. Zeke's jaw hit the floor. "THAT'S TEN PERCENT!?" He scrambled to his feet slinging Moon over one shoulder, with Red clinging onto the other.

Sprinting at full speed, he lost her in a matter of a few seconds, watching her disappear into the darkness. "Son...son of a bitch! She's a fast." He wheezed. "I forgot how pathetically weak E grade Hunters are." She said appearing behind him. "Yah!" He stumbled back startled. She read the incantation for the sleep spell once more. Red slumped over his shoulder. Zeke stood completely upright, looking at her puzzled, with her returning the same expression. "That normally works..." "Would closing my eyes help?" "Hmmm...you're too slow to keep up." "I mean if you tell me, where to go, I'll eventually-" She disappeared in a blink. He felt her fingers grab him by the nape. "Hang onto them. This will be faster." "Wa-" Zeke was dragged at top speed. The wind rushing past his face, his eyelids and lips fluttered in the wind and his head was pulled back against his will. Zeke clung onto Moon and Red for dear life. After a few minutes of sprinting, she tossed the three of them onto the ground.

The three tumbled and rolled with the force. Zeke quickly stood up shaking his head, before rushing to check on Red and Moon. "This is your dorm. Make yourself at home You'll be sleeping here for the foreseeable future. Remember it well. Be up and ready to leave at 8am sharp. If you have any questions use the phone inside." Zeke raised his hand to ask a question, watching her disappear in a flash again. "Mother..." he spun around seeing a dilapidated building, with a crumbling exterior covered in overgrowth, with grass taller than he was. "Fucker..." He entered the building, holding Moon and Red over his shoulder. The interior was dingy and dirty, it clearly had not been used for a long time. The paint peeled off the walls, the hallways were filled with trash bags, left over construction scrap. "Well...this is welcoming." He said opening the first door in the hallway. He found their suitcases tucked between two single beds in a plain room. A small desk at the foot of their beds. He laid Moon and Red onto a bed, unpacking their blanket and pillow. Across from their room was the bathroom. A newly cleaned and spackled sink with shower. He tested the hot water and pressure.

"Anyone else in here!?" He called out. His voice echoed throughout the empty building. "Well that;s creepy, but I can at least finally shower." He yawned entering into the shower, leaving the door wide open. He let out a sigh enjoying the hot shower. "God...not sure how much more shit I can handle." He slumped against the wall. A young woman with long flowing locks of teal, wearing nothing but a towel around her chest, approached the bathroom. She was tall and beautiful, with slender skin, a curvy body a face perfect for modelling and striking red eyes. She spotted the steam coming out and froze. She scanned the area frantically. 'What's going!? I'm meant to be the only person here!' She tip toed closer. She had to know who was taking a shower in her bathroom. 'Just a quick peek. No harm done. You can just say it was an accident. I mean they left the door open.' Slowly peeking around the corner, she looked at Zeke stepping out of the shower, with a towel around his waist.

She blushed. 'Oh my god it's a guy!' She darted behind the wall again, covering her mouth. 'It's a guy!? A what's he doing here!?' She shook her head frantically. 'I've never seen him before. Maybe he got lost? No...maybe I've seen him before. I should take a better look at his face.' She peeked around the corner again. Zeke leaned over the sink, pushing his hair back up. Her jaw dropped. 'Holy crap he's cute! He could use some more muscle, but he's cute!' He stared into mirror, lost deep in thought. She became lost in his intense stare. 'I wonder what he's thinking about.' "How long are you gonna stare at me?" He asked, eyeing from the reflection. 'He's thinking about me staring at him...wait a minute.' She snapped out of her trance locking eyes with Zeke. He raised his eyebrows at her. "Ummm, hello?" She let out a squeal sprinting away. "Alright...not alone. Good to know." He said walking into his room.

She slammed her door shut. "You idiot Raven!" She hissed. "He totally saw you!" She leapt onto her bed, burying her face into the pillow, screaming and kicking. Zeke got dressed and knocked on the door. "Hello?" Raven froze holding her breath, clutching her body pillow. "Um...sorry if I scared you. Didn't know anyone else was in here. So I took a longer shower. It's free if you want to use it." He waited to no response. "My name is Zeke by the way..." He trailed off. She could see his shadow underneath her door. He face palmed. "Come on Zeke, she's probably asleep." He sighed walking away. 'He has an accent, and sounds sweet as well.' She slumped off the bed clutching her pillow. The door clicked open. She peeked outside seeing Zeke trudging back in shorts and a shirt. "Sorry." She muttered, blushing. Zeke spun around, his wet hair following. 'This is bad. He looks like a damn K-pop star.' "I didn't mean to peek. I got scared from seeing someone else being here. I wanted to check if you were dangerous." He chuckled. "Well I am Demon Hunter." He said showing his mark. "But at least you got Kakashi to keep you safe." Her eyes bulged, and she trembled looking down at her body pillow. A picture of Kakashi laid out, with his shirt off. Raven went bright red.

She threw her pillow inside and slammed the door shut. 'Guess, she's somewhat ashamed of having that.' Zeke thought. "You didn't see anything." She growled. "Yep, didn't see a thing. Um, anyway sorry to bother you. Figured I let you know, that the shower is free." "Why are you here?" She called out. "Oh, we're doing our refresher course here." He waved her good night. "My name's Raven by the way..." "Nice to meet you Raven. I'd introduce you to Moon and Red, but the headmaster put a sleep spell on the them both, and I gotta go to sleep as well." He yawned. "Night." He said smiling and waving at her. She waited for him to enter his room and quickly sprinted into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. 'AHHHH! What the hell! I'm living next to him now!? For the next six months!? This is too much to handle!' Zeke slumped into his bed. He was happy to have a mattress, rather than sleeping on the ground like at home. Although with his powers, it never bothered him, he still appreciated it being soft.

Dawn broke Moon and Red woke first from the spell. They sat up looking confused. A note was left on her chest. 'This is our dorm. Shower is across the room. We have a roommate named Raven down the hall. We need to be ready for the day at 8am sharp.' It read with Zeke's lazy hand writing. She sat up still wearing her dress. Looking over to the clock, it was 6:43am. "Damn it, gonna cut it close to getting ready." She hoped out of bed, with Red slinking under the blankets, seeing Raven approaching the shower. The two locked eyes, saying nothing eyeing each other up and down. Raven wore a pink pyjamas. 'She just came out of Zeke's room. They were sleeping together. She's Moon!? She's so fucking beautiful!' Raven kept a straight face. 'That's Raven!? SHIT! She's totally Zeke's type as well.' The both had the same thought. She looks like a god damn super model. "You can shower first..." Raven said shyly. "Thank you." Moon bowed entering in. Raven's jaw dropped. 'What the hell!? We were meant to play the pleasantry game. Not just accept the offer!'

'What a rude girl.' She pouted. Raven stood outside the shower door waiting patiently. "You're gonna be waiting for at least an hour." Zeke said groggily from inside the room. Raven pushed the door open, seeing Zeke slumped over the floor face down. "Oh my god! Are you okay?" He nodded. "Just...tired..." "Wake up, you have to be in uniform by 8am, otherwise the teachers will punish you." She said. Zeke looked up, with one eye closed. "Did you just say uniform?" "Yes." We have uniforms?" "Do you seriously not know we had uniforms?" "No!" He leapt up. "SHIT!" He shouted. "Where do we get the uniforms?" She begun giggling. "What? What is it?" He said panicked. "Is this your first day here?" "Yeah..." "You'll get uniforms given to you." She giggled. "Did you really have to scare me like that?" "Sorry, someone did that to me on my first day too." "Are there other people here?" She shied away embarrassed. "Not anymore..." "What exactly is this place? Is this like the place for super shit Hunters or something?" He chuckled. His laugh trailed off seeing Raven pouting and tearing up.

"Oh! UH...I didn't mean...Um...Red code C." He hissed. Red leapt from under the blankets, standing on her hind legs, with her arms in the air. She twirled and spun around doing a dorky ballet routine. Raven froze. Her eyes bulged and her heart fluttered. Red stopped smiling at her. "Raven...this is Red, my famil-" "SO CUTE!" She squealed shoving Zeke aside. The sheer force threw him through the wall. Red reeled back terrified as Raven forced a hug onto her. She squirmed in her grip, with Raven nuzzling her belly and face. "SO FLUFFY! AHHHHHHH!" Moon popped her head out of the bathroom. "What the fuck is happening out there!?" Zeke pulled himself out of the rubble. "Motherfucker... " he groaned, standing up. Moon looked over to Raven cuddling Red against her will. "Zeke, how many times, have I told you to ease girls into seeing Red. Especially girl Hunters." "Yes. Lesson learned." He said with Moon darting back inside. "I JUST WANT TO LOVE YOU FOREVER!" Red looked away annoyed. "I have to take a picture!...." She cringed and winced looking at the damage of their room. Zeke stared back at her. "I am really sorry...I'll help set you up with another room. The entire building is empty. Pick one and I'll help." "It's fine. Just didn't expect you to be so strong." He said grabbing the suitcase. "Wait...are you not hurt at all?" "Nope, I don't get hurt by things. It's how my Mana manifested."

"You don't have to act tough." "I'm seriously not hurt." "Look, there's nothing wrong in admitting you're-" Zeke ripped out a piece of rebar and rammed into his eye. "OH MY GOD! WHY!?" Raven screamed, throwing Red into the air. He turned sideways to make sure, she could see the pole touching his eye ball. She cringed and winced. Red ducked under the blankets. "See? I'm completely fine." He said smiling at her. "But! It was in...It was in your eye! I saw it!" "Like I said. I don't get hurt by things." He said throwing the rebar away. "That's amazing..." "Except for emotional damage." Moon said peeking her head out. "What do you mean?" "Like this. Zeke, how does it feel to be living with two girls taller than you?" "She's not taller than me." "How tall are you?" Moon asked. "Five foot eight." "In non-retarded units please." "Um...I think that's approximately 175-" "HA!" Moon cackled. Zeke tossed his pillow at her. She took cover behind the door. "Like that." Moon said. Zeke blushed at Raven. "She's just being stupid. I'm not insecure about my height." "HA!" Moon cackled from the other side. "That's it!" Zeke yelled. "What? You gonna break the door down, while I'm naked?" "No, I'm going to ground your favourite red lipstick." "NO ZEKE!" She screamed running outside fully dressed, in a black and white suit pants. She tackled Zeke to the ground as he stood over her suitcase.

Raven watched as the two of them wrestled on the ground. "Umm...I'm gonna use the shower. While you fight your boyfriend." The two of them broke apart. "EW! Boyfriend?" They scoffed. "Don't be gross." Zeke said. "Oh, are you two...family?" "What no. She's just...she's basically my sister." "And he's essentially my brother." They both shuddered. "So...what are you two exactly?" "Childhood friends." They said in sync. "Sorry, I didn't mean to assume." "It's fine. Happens to all the time. I would never date her." 'Never!?' She screamed internally. Moon scoffed and snorted. "Yeah, he's a gross shortie." Zeke turned to her. "A simple no would have sufficed." 'OVERKILL MOON!' "Well, I just wanted to get the idea across, that we'll never be together." "Message received. I'm gonna go shower. The bus driver will be here soon." "Bus driver?" They asked confused.

The three of them stood outside the dorm, connecting to a single road. Zeke wore his best jeans and shirt, with solid colours and no holes or tears. Moon was dressed to be an elegant business woman. She still however marvelled at Raven's uniform. A cream blazer, over a white dress shirt, red tie and navy blue skirt. "AH!" She squealed. "I want a uniform like that! It would look so cute on me!" 'Everything would look cute on you.' Raven thought, leaning away from her. "Do we get one?" "Moon, we're just doing a refresher course. We're not actual students here." She slumped over, letting out a sigh. "That's lame! I think you would look good in that." "The benefits of dressing like a hobo, is that any upgrade will make me look better." He checked his phone. 7:59am. He looked both ways seeing nothing. "Are you sure there's a bus?" "It's never late." Raven said. "Hate to ask, but what's it look like?" Zeke asked. "Run down little thing. It's used to pick me up."

"Yeah I've been meaning to ask. Why are you in a shit hole like this?" Zeke signalled desperately for Moon to stop. She giggled and nudged Raven in the ribs. "Is this for like the super shit Hunters or something?" Zeke dropped his head in defeat, letting out a sigh. "What?" Moon spotted Raven pouting and tearing up. "Oh,oh,oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to...Ahh.....RED! CODE C!" Moon yelled turning raven around to the front door. Red came out standing on her hind legs, with her arms out and smiling. "AWWWW!" Raven melted on the spot, rushing over to hug Red. Moon let out a sigh of relief, wiping her brow. "You could have warned me." "I did!" Zeke exclaimed. "I see you are high energy, Miss Kim." Adrianna said standing in front of them. Raven threw Red inside. She squealed flying through the air. Raven spun around saluting her, and trembled on the spot.

She wore beige breeches, underneath a pair of black riding boots. Wearing a tight white blouse underneath her black crisp blazer. Her hair tied into a tight bun. "He-he-he-hea-" "Miss Frost. Are you adjusting to your new roommates well?" She nodded breaking into a sweat. "Hey! I got a bone to pick with you lady." Raven cringed at Moon pointing a finger in her face. "Oh? About what?" "About what!? Oh I don't know. How about the fucking BOMB!?" "Are you still angry about that?" Moon reeled back in disbelief at her question. "This bi-" Raven sprinted and leapt onto Moon's back, clasping her mouth shut. "Forgive her Headmaster! She's stupid!" "The word is ignorant." She pointed a finger at her, and pried Raven's hand off her face with ease. "I don't care who you are lady, but you don't get to just put a damn bomb on my plane!" She boasted. "The bomb was a test orchestrated by Weaver, to see if Mr Chen here, would spot it." "So you don't normally test people like that?" "Heaven's no. The mortality rate would be much too high." Zeke squinted his eyes, looking at her concerned.

"We normally use a more simple and archaic method, to test if one is worthy of attending Chiron academy." "Which is-" Adrianna drove her fist into Moon's gut in a blink of an eye. She fell to her knees retching, eyes bulging and red, and yakking up saliva." Zeke instinctively lunged at her. She disappeared, teleporting above him. She stomped into the ground, driving the heel of her boot into his spine. Grabbing Moon's hair, she pulled her up, with Zeke squirming under her. "We show them a pecking order." She dropped Moon and walked off Zeke, who quickly tended to Moon. "Miss Frost, please answer Miss Kim's question, about who I am." "She is Adrianna Jaeger, headmaster of Chiron Academy, and the 9th ranked Hunter in the world." "Very good Miss Frost. Now if you could apply that memory to your studies. We would allow you to stay and return to our dormitories." Raven bowed her head in shame. She snapped her fingers. "Come along you two. We have much to discuss. Miss Frost, your bus awaits you." From over the hill a rickety and squeaking minivan appeared. Raven bowed at her, and quickly hoped on.

"I'm gonna kill her..." Moon growled. "No you're not. She just whooped your ass twice." "I wasn't ready." Moon pouted. "Are you ready now?" Adrianna asked. "NO!" Zeke yelled. "She's just being an idiot." "I am-" "Moon! Do you seriously not remember how she one shot you? It happened only thirty seconds ago!" Moon growled, sucking on her teeth. Zeke helped up. She coiled over dry heaving, her stomach still twitching from the blow. "Come now. I was holding back." "I'm assuming, we're walking from here on out?" "I would be a terrible host, if I didn't show you around, and let you enjoy the scenic view." Zeke gave Moon a piggyback, letting her recover. "How charming, Mr Chen. Weaver's report on you two, said that you were inseparable. However here at Chiron Academy, we teach and train every Hunter to be able to hold their own. There will be no piggybacking. Am I understood?" "Crystal." Zeke growled. Adrianna smirked seeing the boiling intensity and rage behind his eyes. 'She is the key to triggering his blood to activate.'

'It is impressive that he's still moving. He should have a shattered spine, yet he's moving like I didn't even hit him.' Zeke followed Adrianna with Moon on his back. They strolled along the single road surrounded by grassy fields, overlooking the ocean lapping gently against the coast. "To our right, you can see our beach. Normally reserved for students who have aquatic based powers, but since you two are here doing a refresher course. You are more than welcome to use it, when you have free time." Moon clenched on Zeke's shoulders. He could tell she had not packed any swim wear to enjoy the beach, to its fullest. Crossing over a hill, staring down at the base of a valley, they gazed down at the entire sprawling and resplendent cityscape. "Where's Chiron Academy?" Zeke asked. "You're looking at it." "Huh?" They gawked in sync. "Butbutubutbut! That's a city!" Moon stuttered. "I have to agree with Jimmy here." Moon hit Zeke on the head. "You're telling me that entire city is solely dedicated to learning our powers?" Adrianna scoffed. "Do not compare this facility, with whatever hick academy you attended."

"We uh...we didn't go to." Zeke said. "What?" She snapped. "We did those after school special ones." Moon said. "And you two...still got your Hunter Licences?" "Why, is that bad?" she asked. "No, far from it. That's actually quite impressive." Zeke and Moon smiled at each other, getting praised by her. "Here at Chiron Academy, we ensure that our Hunters are equipped to handle every situation thrown at them." As the three of them made their way down the hill towards the city. Moon spotted three large buildings lined side by side. Coloured Blue, Red and Green. "What's that?" She asked pointing. "Those are the dormitories." Moon and Zeke quickly glanced over their shoulder, eyeing the building they just came out of. "The building you're in, was once an old dormitory for the top students, who liked to do what they wanted." "And it's no longer that because...?" She asked. "Because, they've all gone now, and no one has ever come close to their abilities." "So, do we get to live in those nice buildings?" Zeke asked. "If you can afford a $30,000 monthly tuition, and a have good grades. You'll get a spot in there." Both of their jaws hit the ground. "30,000!? Does that place have hookers and blackjack in each room?" Zeke exclaimed.

"Wait...does that mean Raven is paying the same amount to live in that place?" Zeke asked. "Her parents are paying for her to live there. Her grades are making her live with you two." "We should be friends with her." Moon whispered into Zeke's ear. "We're not gonna use her, for her money....you already have Han for that." "I wasn't!" She whinged. The three entered into the city, with students walking streets, eyeing them up and down, after bowing to Adrianna. Moon and Zeke looked around in wonder and amazement. The city was filled with patisseries, gourmet restaurants, and designer brands outlets and more. "Feel free to peruse our shops, we have only the finest. Before I forget, here are your cards that Peter sent. They have exactly $5000. Payments will be received first of the month, any later and please let us know." She said handing them two black cards. Moon spotted a Gucci store. "Put me down, I feel better now." She tried to hop off feeling Zeke hold her legs tight. "What are you doing? Everyone is looking at us!" She hissed. "They already were, but I'm not letting you waste your money on stupid things. Now stay." He barked. "I'm not!" She whinged kicking him.

"Miss Jaeger, can I ask are meals provided here?" Zeke asked. "They are to students. Since you two are not students, you will be paying for your own meals." "See? You we need to save money." Moon pouted slouching onto Zeke. "Not fair." "This is our shopping district, the large building you see embedded on the mountain side there. Is where you'll be attending your refresher course." "That looks like a school." Moon said. "Keen observation Miss Kim. It's where the students do most of their theory work." "Do well, and you should be out in six months." Zeke came to a stop. "Wait...should? Can we fail this refresher course?" "Of course you can." Moon and Zeke winced. "If you don't pass, you won't get your licence." "Are the tests...hard?" Moon asked. "If you did your test anywhere else, yes." Zeke and Moon groaned. "But since you're here at Chiron Academy." Their groans dragged on even louder. "You'll have to pass our standards, not the world's standard." Moon threw her hands in the air, with Zeke reeling back letting out a growl at the end of his groan.

"Alright that's it! After this, we're not doing anything for that man!" Moon snapped. "Even his apologies suck!" "When do we start." Zeke sighed. "Tomorrow, for now. Feel free to enjoy, Chiron Academy." Both nodded glumly. "Until then. Mr Chen. I would like to speak with you in person." He gave her an uneasy look. "Are you afraid of me?" "Not really. I'm more afraid of what this one is gonna do, if I leave her alone with 5K." "I won't spend it on stupid things!" She pouted. "Fine." He said letting her down. "Think you can go and buy us some supplies for dinner tonight?" "Sure thing." She said, scanning the fashion designer stores. He let out a sigh. "Oh, just go." "GOING!" She squealed in delight, sprinting off at top speed. "There are cooking utensils in our dorm right?" "There is. We're not animals." He took a fresh breath of air. "What did you want to talk about-Eh?" He stopped confused seeing the ground become smaller, and felt the rush of air past him. She had snatched him by the nape, before he could even process her disappearing.

She took him to the beach, tossing him across the sand. He tumbled awkwardly, limbs flailing about. He shot up to his feet dusting himself off. 'He's not faking, being thrown around. He physically has no strength to match it, what his body can handle.' "Most people say, 'Hey step into my office.' Or Just try whispering. Was there really a need to yeet me into the beach? Argh. I'm gonna be shedding sand for a week." "Why are you holding back your powers?" He rolled his eyes, throwing his hands into air, and reeling back annoyed. "Again with this shit? I already told Weaver this. It should be in my file. I'm just durable! Nothing else!" She paced back and forth against the white sand. "You'll have to forgive me. I find it hard that a previous alumni here, would not only recommend you two, but endorse you both as well. At least without any discernable reason for it." "At this point, think he just hates us." Zeke said rustling the sand out of his hair. "You don't mind, if I test a theory on you, right?" "At this point, I don't really have a choice, in what you're gonna do. So just go ahead."

Adrianna dragged her foot along the sand, creating a magic circle. "Hey, woah. Do you know magic circles?" Zeke said concerned. "Of course. Why? Are you scared that your durability is not all it's cracked up to be?" He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "We just never tested me against a magic circle before. Incantations yes, but never those." "Well then. Let's find out together." She said with a smile. Adrianna stood in centre of her magic circle. "If you don't mind me asking. What kind of magic circle did you make?" "One to cast a Smiting spell." Zeke's eyes bulged. "Hey, wait. Maybe we don't test something like that? I mean I found out Consecrated things actually sting. So-" Adrianna raised her hand into the air. "I call upon the god of light." "Okay, we're just doing this anyway." He said wearily, taking a seat. "Accept my offering, accept me as your vessel." "I wonder what this spell is called?" "Illuminate the darkness before me." Zeke's eyes bulged. "Hang on, there's more?" "Purify the corruption before me." The magic circle around her, shone a blinding white, rising towards the sky.

"Uhhhhh, starting to get a little bit worried here!" Zeke said watching the sand around him rise into the air. "Destroy the wickedness before me." "How long does this incantation go fo-" "HOLY LIGHT!" She roared. Zeke was engulfed in a blinding pillar of white light. The sand around it turned into specs of glass. The spell lasted a few seconds, boring a crater through the coast line. All that remained was a smouldering hole, with smoke rising. "Hmfh." Adrianna was not impressed. "Not as durable as I thought. That's going to be an annoying discussion with Peter later." She said walking away. "ARGH!" Zeke screamed out. She stopped stunned, with wide eyes. Spinning back she watched as Zeke crawled out of the hole naked, with pink skin. She cocked her head at the sight. "Son of a bitch!" He yelled quickly sprinting into the water. 'That's not right...That was a Holy Smite spell, casted within a magic circle and full incantation. And all it did was...give him sunburn?'

Zeke let out a sigh relief hitting the water. "Ooooooh, that is refreshing..." Standing up in the water, his skin instantly recovered. Adrianna was confused and irritated at the sight. 'He's already healing all of that off?' "Jesus Christ. How about a warning it would do that? I would have taken my clothes off." 'It doesn't extend to his clothes, only his body. There's not even a physical tell, for when it's on.' "Geez, I even put on a nice shirt and pants." He covered his private parts. 'No a single blemish, scratch or scar on him.' "I hope no one sees me like this." "Head back to your dormitory. Write me a list of things you want in the dorm, and then call triple nine." "Wait, what do you mean by-" Adrianna leapt away, heading back into the city. "Anything...." He sighed, looking around to make sure no one could see him. "Best to stay under the water, don't want anyone thinking weird things about me." He said scuttling under waves.

Adrianna found Moon surrounded by three male students. They leered at her up and down, like a famished predator. She recognised the leader of the group immediately. An Adonis of men, tall with golden locks, perfect sun kissed skin, over symmetrical bulging muscles. With dazzling sapphires for eyes, and the same devilish smile as his father. Constantine Nyx. She said nothing for now. Watching it unfold. "Hey girl, haven't seen you around here. You new?" "Yeah." Moon said uninterested, trying to push her way past his bloated lackeys. They blocked her path giving her seedy smiles, staring at her chest. "You fat cunts, want to get out of my way?" The three reeled back. "Woah, woah! Little lady has got a mouth on her." "What's that accent little lady? Sounds like yah from OAR-STRAYA!" Constantine jabbed. "Should I put another shrimp on the Barbie for you?" Moon clenched her fists.

"Alright last warning you fuck knuckles. Get out of my way, before this gets ugly." "Oh?" Constantine reeled back pleasantly surprised at her scowl. "You really are new here." "Don't you know who this is?" His lackeys said. "A cunt, that's interrupting my shopping session." "This is Constantine Nyx." "Cool story bro!" She said with a joy on her face. It disappeared instantly. "Don't care. Get out of my way." The left lackeys stopped her, wrapping his greasy sausage fingers on her outfit. "This is the son of Ali-" "We're all Hunters here right?" She asked staring at his hand. "Of course we are." "Good." She snarled blasting him across the street. The right lackey threw a right haymaker. His punched stopped in front of her face. He looked at her confused, feeling his entire body slow down. She smirked at, breaking his nose on her elbow and blasting him away. She adjusted her blazer, and glared at Constantine. He smirked back at her. "You're a little feisty." "You're a little feisty." Moon mimicked perfectly. He looked at her shocked. "You're not the first asshole. Now go away." She said shooing him away.

"Tell you what. How about an official duel." "Don't know what that is. Please leave me alone." She shook her head walking away. She spotted Adrianna amongst the onlookers. "Hey! Where's Zeke?" "Back at the dormitory." "Eugh, that lazy... Whatever, dipshit over there has ruined shopping for me anyway." "That dipshit there. Is the son of Alistair Nyx." Moon turned back eyeing him up and down. "What a shame, he has to exist and ruin his dad's image." She said strutting away. He grit his teeth, holding his hand out. Golden lightning surged and crackled around him. "Oi you bitch! You forgot something!"

A bolt of lightning shot from his hand. Moon spun around raising her barrier. The lightning came to a stop. A gasp rung out from the small crowd. Constantine stared on confused as Moon casually stepped out of the way, letting bolt whiz past. "Right, forgot to tell, that you should fuck off. Cunt-stantine." She gave him a big grin, waving him goodbye and left with a spring in her step. "Disperse everyone. Back to work." Adrianna said. Constantine left to lick his wounds, while his lackeys trailed behind clutching their chest. She watched Moon make her way out of the city, and smirked. 'I can see why you bet on these two Peter. It's going to be a fascinating six months.' Moon came back just before noon. She heard clattering and grumbling inside, with Red's claws clattering on tiles. "For fuck's sake!" Zeke shouted annoyed. Moon snuck in closer, peeking around the corner. Zeke was shirtless, wearing shorts, in a broken and run down kitchen. Red was beside him karate chopping the flimsy tiles.

He held up a singular hot plate, rolling his eyes. He inspected the cupboards, finding bags upon bags of microwave rice. Zeke shook his head disgusted, slowly putting the bag down as the filth it was. She snickered watching him inspect the rest of the nearly empty kitchen, with his back turned to her. "If you're planning on scaring me. You're gonna be hiding there for a while." Moon stumbled back startled clutching her chest. "How did you know!? You weren't even looking at me." "I could sense you." "Something to do with your Demon's Blood maybe?" "Actually it's because, I'm a jed-" "Call yourself a Jedi again, and I will smother you in your sleep." "Alright, alright. Just saying Sith lords can also-" Moon tossed a bag of rice at his head. "Ah! Don't throw that gross shit on me." "Stop saying Star Wars things. You know it's why you weren't popular in high school." He turned back to her, with an incredulous stare, his lips pursed to a line. "Really? That's why? That's the only reason?" He said showing his Mark. "I mean...Among other things, but it wasn't helping."

"I'm not gonna stop." "Yeah, and I'm telling you, that you should." "Would you tell Han to stop watching and quoting K-dramas?" "Never." "Point made. Who or what ruined your day?" "What do you mean?" Moon asked, stacking another pile of shoddy tiles for Red. "$5,000 to spend on expensive things you already have. You should still have a few more hours of 'browsing' to do. So something ruined that fun and now you're back." "Nothing happened." "So it was someone. What happened?" "It wasn't anyone-" Raven slid across the hallway. "YOU HUMLIATED AND REJECTED CONSTANTINE NYX!?" She screamed. Moon dropped her head, with Zeke staring at her with a smug smile. He always could read her like a book. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD-" She stopped seeing Red standing in front of the stack of tiles. "Is...is she about karate chop those tiles?" "Go ahead Red." "KA!" Red squealed, chopping the tiles apart. "AH! THAT WAS SO CUTE!" She lunged snuggling Red. "So...this nobody..." "Look, I don't want to talk about it. He was a seedy and corny fuck, especially after I fought back. He hit me with-" "I like em feisty line?" "Yep." "Yuck." Zeke groaned.

Raven stood up cuddling Red in her arms. "How are you two so calm about this?" "A better question, is why you have so much microwave rice packets." Zeke said. "Because...because I don't know how to cook rice..." She blushed. "Well, you've got Zeke here now. He makes great rice." Moon said patting Raven on the shoulder. She shook her head confused at them. "No, wait that's not the better question! Do you two not know who that is?" The two of them looked at each other and shrugged. "Does his last name not ring any bells? Any alarms at all?" She waited for the answers, seeing them look at each other confused. "ALISTAIR NYX! HE'S THE SON OF ALISTAIR NYX!" "OOOOH!" Both of them shrugged again, looking back at the kitchen. Raven's jaw dropped. "Aren't you scared of what he'll do!?" She exclaimed. "Raven take a deep breath." Zeke said. She did so with Red copying alongside her. "I'm sure he's use to getting any girl or whatever he wants. But you know what would make him look even worse?" Raven shook her head.

"If the son of the greatest and strongest Hunter, decided to pick a fight with two E grade Hunters, who come from the weakest country." She nodded. "Okay...when you put it like that...that makes more sense." She said taking calmer breaths. "Is that why you were so calm?" She asked Moon. "Huh? Oh, was weaker than me. So eh." She looked at Moon stunned. "Hey, do you have frying pans?" Zeke asked. "I-I-I-" "I'll take that as a no. I'll just ask her for everything." "Ask who for everything?" "Headmaster Jaeger. Told me to write her a list, of everything and anything I wanted in this place." "Anything?" "I didn't get the specifics, but I'll write the list of essentials out. Add whatever you like." "SWEET! Let me check, what I want." Moon said rushing out. "Wh-wh-why is she giving you things!?" Zeke shrugged. "Think it's her way of saying sorry, for blowing my clothes up." "How did she do that!?" "She hit me with this really big Smiting spell."

"Was it her incantation or magic circle?" "Both actually." Raven's jaw hit the ground. "Stung like a bitch for a few seconds. Really thought it would do more damage, considering it look like I got hit by an orbital cannon." He chuckled. "What the fuck..." Raven muttered. "Feel free to add, what you want. She didn't really specify, if it was just me or not." "I'm..I'm okay...I don't want to piss her off anymore." "You mean, how you're here right now, and not in class?" "I mean no one is in class right now. We all left to go see the crazy girl, who rejected Constantine." Zeke paused. "What do you mean everyone?" Raven pointed out the door. Zeke ducked his head around the corner, seeing hundreds of students lined up with their phones out. Moon came out dressed up in a white flowing dress, that could have her mistaken as a princess. "What are you wearing?" Raven asked. "Oh me? Nothing special, just gonna go for a walk-AH!" Zeke grabbed her by the ear. "Ah! No going out there and making this any worse." "But they're clearly my fans!" "They're not your fans." "They're her fans." Raven corrected. "See!" "Really? How many people hate this guy?" "A lot." "Can I go outside now?" Zeke sighed letting her go.

She strolled out in high heels, as if she was a model. "She's really got that runway walk down." "She's practiced it too much." Zeke sighed. "Out of curiosity, why did you think, she was going to make it worse?" Moon posed in front of the cameras. "That's right! I kicked Constantine Nyx's ass, and I'll do it again!" "That." Zeke said walking away. He let out a frustrated growl, sulking back into his room. "So you're gonna accept his duel!?" A student asked. "I!-...I'll be right back." Moon said, rushing back inside. "Raven, what's a duel here? Do we each take ten paces and shoot each other?" Raven looked at her confused. "What? No. It's a cage match, till one of you losses, by forfeit or knockout." "Ah!" Moon rushed out. "NO, MOON!" Zeke shouted after her. He missed her shoulder by a few seconds, watching her sprint out the door. "I gladly accept his duel!" "There are drastic stakes to this aren't there?" Zeke sighed. "Yep." Excited gasps and murmurs rung out with the crowd rushing back to spread the news. Moon rushed back in. "Zeke, I'm gonna have a duel with him!" "What exactly are the stakes?" "I'm sure it's about to be posted up on the duel announcement thread."

Raven took out her phone showing them a table of duels scheduled to happen. They showed the time, location, rulings, and the purpose or stakes. Zeke spotted an acronym he was unfamiliar with. "What's E.Y.O rewards? I keep seeing a few of those." "Everything you own." "Ha! Jokes on him, I don't own anything of value to him." "Soul-taker, and the fire tome." Zeke said. "Zeke, I may have-" "You done fucked up. Try not to lose, because I don't want to deal with it, while we're here." "Ummm...hate to add onto Zeke's point, but E.Y.O literally means everything. If you lose, he'll take everything you have here." "And if I win? Do I get his entire fortune?" Raven's phone vibrated. "Oh look, they added it. Let's see what the stakes are....Moon, you should really back out of this duel." "The stakes just say M.V.P's." "I'm guessing that means, most valued possessions?" Zeke asked. Raven nodded. "If you have a weapon from across the Rift, and a magic tome, don't risk losing them." "Hey, I might win!" "Moon. It's showing his record of duels." Zeke said, expanding Raven's phone. "100 Wins. Zero losses. Zero draws." Moon gulped.

"Why didn't you stop me from going outside!?" Zeke said nothing, rolling his eyes. "I'm calling the Headmaster. I'm getting specifics on this anything." "Zeeeekeeee! Help me out! Help me beat this guy." "How? I don't know anything about him. Just do whatever you did today again." "Do your thing! That Detective vision thing you do." Raven cocked an eyebrow. "Like Batman?" "Yeah! Be my Batman, and I'll go out and be Alfred!" Raven and Zeke locked eyes, both sighing at the same time. "What? Did I get the analogy wrong?" "Incredibly, but that's not important." "It isn't?" Raven asked shocked. "I need evidence. Something to analyse to help you beat him. Right now, all I know is that he's related to Alistair Nyx." "Well I can-" "Judging by how he reacted to getting rejected. Probably hot headed and short tempered." Raven lowered her phone. "Most likely exposed to a fuck ton of Mana, so he's probably built like a Greek god." She looked at him puzzled. "Has had a lot of duels before, which means he probably has someone do his analysing for him, or even himself. But we don't have any footage of powers in action, so nothing for them to analyse." He cupped his chin. Her jaw slowly started to drop. Moon kept nodding, letting him ramble on.

"Did you get a glimpse at his powers?" Raven swiped her phone. "He has-" "He shot lightning at me." Moon said. "Lightning kinetic. Guessing he can create freely, since he's confident enough to use it anywhere. Did it come out of his fingers?" "I spun around to see it somewhat crackling around him." "Could fight like a spell caster Hunter, but wouldn't put it past him to be physically trained. Probably not in something practical. I'm guessing as the son of the number one hero, he would have chosen something pretentiously dynamic and flamboyant. Like capoeira or taekwondo." Raven's jaw hit the ground. Zeke was completely right, without having even seen the man once in his life. "I stopped his lightning in my field." "Was he shocked?" "Yeah, like everyone is. Kind of looked like Raven right now." "He can probably increase the strength of his lightning, if he was focusing. Wouldn't rely on stopping it with the barrier." "So any tactics?" "Eh, the rules say there is no ring out. Only forfeit or knockout. I would just get within range and blast him in the face, call it a day afterwards." "When's the duel?" Raven asked. "After school." "Sweet! Are you gonna come watch Raven?" "Sure..." "Yay!" She cheered skipping into her room. 'Are these two like some genius prodigies?' Raven thought, watching them casually go about their day.