
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

Hunter Games

Raven stood anxiously beside Moon and Zeke. The three wore matching beige breeches under leather boots, and a cotton shirt. Moon had Soul-Taker and the fire tome by her side. "I'm not comfortable wearing these.." Zeke said stretching in his clothes. Raven spotted Moon staring at Zeke's behind. "They're pretty comfortable...." Moon nodded entranced. Raven nudged her. "Either fuck him, or be a little bit more discrete." She whispered. "Fine!" Moon hissed. "If I knew we had to wear these, I would not have signed us up for this." Zeke groaned, squatting down. "It's not the worst..." Moon said licking her lips. Raven rolled her eyes. "Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for waiting! Let us begin the Hunter Games!" The announcer said. Zeke gave them a glum smile, clearly embarrassed at his clothing. He spotted Raven visibly trembling, and Moon entranced at something. She had been acting strangely for a while, but he couldn't tell what it was. His best guess, was the savage lessons from Pendragon had given her a week long concussion.

"Our first team. The five time reigning champions! The Demon Lords!" "Wait, we were meant to have team names!?" Zeke asked concerned. "Yeah, of course we were. I thought you filled out that form." Raven said. "I went over that sheet three times. There was no team name...." He trailed off looking to Moon, who averted her gaze suspiciously. "Descendants of the greatest Hunters in the world." "Did he just say descendants? As in plural?" Zeke asked. "They need no introduction. The members are Constantine Nyx, Alexander Jaeger, and Sakura Serizawa!" "Jesus titty fucking Christ!" Zeke exclaimed. "Dick mongering fuck knuckle!" Moon yelled. Raven looked at them stunned at their profanity. 'Australians, really do swear like crazy.'

"Our next team is uh....Moon and friends?" Zeke face palmed, dragging his face, letting out a long groan. "Is it not a good name?" "Raven Frost, the youngest daughter of the Frost empire." The two turned to her. "Empire?" "It's just a name. It's not that big of a deal-" "One of the five biggest technological companies to exist." She let out a sigh. "You're a part of that Frost family!?" They exclaimed. "Their strongest member..." Moon wore a proud smile. "Zeke Chen, the Immortal!" Her face froze mortified. Raven stifled a laugh, sucking in her lips. "He's killed a Colossal Centipede." "I helped." Moon pouted. "Charmed a Drow to sleeping with him." Zeke fell to his knees burying his face into his hands. Raven looked at him surprised and impressed. "His latest achievement, he defeated a Night Creature all by himself." "That's nice to have on your résumé right?" Raven asked wincing. "And their last member. Moon Kim." "That's it!? I have a Death Knight's sword, and a fire tome! That son of a bitch! I'm gonna rip his head off!"

Zeke and Raven held Moon down, as the announcer finished his announcement of the three other teams. "Let's welcome our contestants, and begin our first Hunter Game. The Cursed Item Marathon!" The door opened in front of them, and they were greeted to a deafening roar of cheers and applause. The stands of the coliseum were filled to the brim with over 100,000 seats, lined with broadcasting cameras lining the stands. Adrianna and Alistair with the other instructors watched from a private room, overlooking everything. "You went all out this year Addy. Any reason in particular?" Alistair asked, stuffing his face with pretzels. "I expect this year. Our children will not be winning." He looked at her confused and scoffed at the notion. "You think those three...three fucking idiots are gonna win? Two of them are in the retard class." "We prefer the term slow learners." Sylens said. "You just said retarded with extra words."

"Care to make it interesting?" Adrianna asked. "What are you wagering?" Alistair asked with a grin. "Make your call." He stroked his chin. "Your three idiots lose. I'll take Spine." He said raising out his hand. "Deal." The other instructors looked on shocked. "When they win. You'll give that boy there Devourer." She said holding onto his hand with a smug grin. "Agreed. I've got nothing to lose. That boy beat Constantine by sheer luck. He's prepared this time." "Eliza. How has their training been going?" She said with a grin at Alistair. "Wait, they've been getting private tutors from you?" Alistair said worried. "They have improved, but they're still terrible. Madame." "HA!" Alistair snorted. Adrianna blushed, frowning at her. "Why wouldn't you tell me that, before I made the bet!?" She snapped. "I didn't think you'd be so stupid to make one like that." Eliza shrugged taking a slice of cake. "WHELP! Remember to give me Spine's sheath as well. It will rust in my bucket collection otherwise." Adrianna glared at him. "Games haven't started yet. I haven't lost this bet yet." "Nope, you only did a 1000 to 1 odd bet. Totally haven't lost." Eliza said indifferently.

Zeke scanned the other teams. They all had shiny glossy matching sets of armour or clothing. The other teams didn't seem of any of concern. The biggest threat to them winning, was standing across from them. Constantine wore sleek golden plate armour, adorned with pauldrons to resemble a ferocious lion's head. Across his cuirass were different engagements, too far for Zeke to discern what they were. In his hand a golden lance that sparkled with a blinding radiance. He glared at daggers at Zeke, gripping his lance tightly. Beside him was Alexander Jaeger. His perfect appearance alone made Zeke annoyed. Tall handsome, with long flowing snow white hair, blue eyes, sharp and strong facial features with a devilishly handsome smile. He wore a thick set of heavy and layered plate armour, coloured a cool shade of azure. By his side was a large bladed kite shield, and great sword that stood over two metres long. "I don't like this..." Raven cowered behind Zeke, while Moon waved to the adoring crowd.

Zeke felt uneasy staring at their last member. She had been eyeing Zeke and analysing him the moment they had walked out the doors. Sakura Serizawa. Daughter of the Berserker. Ranked number 2 in the world, and known as the Demon Hunter without fear. Her short messy bob cut matched the colour of her name. A vibrant pink. Tall and beautiful with a soft face, her eyes told a different story behind the crimson eyes. They radiated an aura of malice and murder. He scanned her outfit, different to what the other two had. She wore a seductive and tight fitting black mock neck bodysuit, over a pair of black oga pants. The choice of attire made no sense to him. The other two were clad in armour. Constantine was clearly a Warrior, and Alexander was the Tank, but what would she be wearing that? Zeke was slapped on the back of his head. "Stop checking her out!" Moon snapped. "It's creepy and weird." "I'm trying to analyse our damn opponents." He growled.

"Really? Looks like you were checking out the girl, who thought this was a yoga session." "I wasn't. And girls don't wear that to yoga, they wear-" The two looked at him raising an eyebrow. "Never mind. Let's just go and get ready for the-" The ground beneath gave way and the three fell through a bottomless pit falling nearly fifty metres down. Raven felt herself become weightless, before gently touching the ground. Moon nodded to her. "Oh my god! That was amazing Moon! Wait where's Zeke?" She pointed to Zeke face first on the ground, raising his thumb up. He let out a growl sitting up, and dusting his face off. "Where are we? I thought the first game was the Cursed Item Marathon." He said scanning the cave structure. "This is probably the Escape room game. They mixed things around." Raven said. "Where's the puzzle? It's just an empty cave with the light above-" The hole above them sealed shut, leaving them in pitch darkness. Moon let out a squeal latching on to Zeke, with Raven doing the same. "Us...eugh....." He let out a defeated grumble. "I hope this works." He said grabbing the fire tome. "I call upon the god of Fire, accept my offering, accept me as your vessel. Ignite."

Zeke became engulfed in a azure fire. "Alright we have li-" Raven and Moon shuddered and cowered away from him. "What? What's wrong with you two?" He asked staring at them weird piercing and crimson burning eyes over obsidian sclera. "Are you seeing the same thing I am?" Raven asked. Moon nodded hugging her. "Seriously. What's wrong with you two?" He asked waving at them. "Zeke...do you see the blue fire?" Moon asked. He shrugged. "Maybe my Demon's Blood changes the colour? Who cares. Let's go, before I run out of Mana, and you two start screaming." Zeke started to follow the path in front of him, not hearing their footsteps behind him. "Guys! Let's go!" He ordered. The two hesitantly followed after him. "Are you deeply concerned about him right?" "Yes!" Moon hissed. "I've never seen his eyes like that before. At least not, when I'm awake." "Huh?" "Nothing." "What the hell is this escape room. There's no goal or anything. It's just a damn tunnel. Unless there is some Cursed Item we missed." He scratched his head confused. "Did you two see anything back there?" They let out a startled scream. "What's wrong with you two?" He frowned. They shook their heads. "Didn't see anything back there, boss." Raven said. "Don't call me that."

"Seriously, it's terrifying!" Raven whispered. "Yeah...yeah..it's terrifying." Moon whispered aroused. "For the love of god." Raven rolled her eyes. They approached a diverging path, with two stone Sphinxes sitting beside each one. Their eyes came to life with a golden light. "One of these paths will lead to failure, the other to victory. To solve which is which. You may ask us only one question. Be warned only one of us will tell the truth." "Oh! I've heard of this riddle before!" Raven said excited. "Me too. It exposes one as the liar, and we can go on there." "Now we only get one shot at this, so we should be careful with how we word it." Raven said, with Moon nodding. The both of them cupped their chins deep in the thought. The Sphinxes giggled. "How will you determine which of us speaks the truth?" "What's one plus one?" Zeke asked. "DUDE!" Raven and Moon groaned.

The Sphinxes were both silent and stunned. "Well, both of you are gonna answer. Now one of you is gonna tell a lie and get the answer wrong. Which means the other is telling the truth. So, I ask again. What's one plus one?" The Sphinxes cracked and fractured resisting the urge to answer. The one of the left answered with three, and shattered into pieces. Zeke gave a smug smile to the Sphinx on the right, and nodded walking along. Raven and Moon stared on with a hanging jaw. "Come on. I'm sure the other teams are already ahead of us." Everyone above watched through a screen completely silent and stunned. The path continued before they hit dead end, in a watery cave. The water dripping from the ceilings echoed constantly. "Solve the riddle." Raven read. "Enough of this. Let's just cut our way through." Moon said, slashing the stone wall. Soul-Taker cleaved through the stone like butter. They watched as the wall reformed instantly. Her face became mortified. "Did you seriously think that would work?" Raven asked. "AH, I hate riddles! They always make me feel stupid." She said rubbing her head frantically. "I disappear as you say my name. To pass say my name for a minute." Raven read. "What the fuck does that mean?"

Zeke panned around the cave, stroking his chin. "I disappear as you say my name....Silence." "That can't be the answer, the door didn't open." Moon said. "Shh..." He hushed them with his finger. The water continued to echo and drop. "We need to make the entire cave silent. Moon stop the water from dripping. Raven..." "You don't know what my powers are do you?" "I....I completely forgot to ask." "Super strength." He looked at her impressed. "Alright, we can work with that." Moon raised a barrier the water droplets from the ceiling came to a stop. "It's still not opening Raven said." "Everyone hold your breaths." They took a deep breath, holding it in for a minute. The stone wall crumbled aside and the three gasped for air. "Great job Zeke!" Raven raised her hand for a high five. Zeke turned and smiled at her. She screamed cowering away.

"Okay, that's getting old real fast. When we get topside, you're gonna tell me what the hell is going on." The three continued onwards, with Raven and Moon lagging behind. "How long has he been on fire for?" Moon asked. "Iunno, like 30 minutes. Hard to tell down here." "I've used that spell before. It eats Mana like crazy." "Maybe not for him." They approached a giant flight of stairs with a light at the end. "It's our way out!" Moon and Raven cheered. A stone soldier emerged ,and the stairs disappeared. "I swear to God, if this is another riddle. I'm going to kill him." She growled. "To ascend to freedom, answer my-" "YOU PIECE OF-" Moon screamed lunging in. Raven held her back. "Christ, you really are strong!" She shouted thrashing in Raven's full nelson. Zeke sighed face palming. "Go ahead buddy." "A warrior's weapon I am now, when I speak a different vow, I transform. What am I now?" "HUH!?" Moon grunted scratching her head. "I'm equally as lost." Raven said. Zeke did a formal bow, with a hand over his heart and one behind his back. The stone soldier did the same and disappeared into the ground, with the stairs returning. "What the fuck was that? What was the answer?" Moon asked.

"B-O-W. Depending on how differently you pronounce the vow, it changes from a weapon. Bow. Or to a bow." "Damn...that's really smart." Raven said stunned. "Come on. I'm sick of being on fire, and you two looking at me like that." The three ascended the stairs in a sprint reaching the surface to the adoring crowd. They winced at the bright lights, seeing no other teams around them. The fire disappeared off Zeke and his eyes returned to normal. "Oh thank god we're out. Are we the last ones?" Zeke asked as the others rubbed their eyes. Adrianna appeared in the blink of an eye, standing before them with a gold medal. "Well done Moon and Friends." "I did not agree to that name." He growled. "You're the first to-" A lightning bolt shot out from the ground beside them. The Demon Lords emerged with smiles, and high fiving. "Sylens out did himself with those riddles this year, but we..." Constantine's smile faded as he saw Zeke about to grab the gold medal.

"To answer your question, Mr Chen. You are the first team to emerge from the Escape room game. Congratulations." She said draping the medal around his neck. "Mr Nyx. I'll get your team its silver medal." He snarled at Zeke, as she disappeared. "Holy crap we actually won!?" Raven squealed in delight holding the gold medal. "Of course we did. Because we're Moon and-AH!" Zeke flicked her forehead. "Stop calling us that. Here Raven, hold onto that. I hope they're gonna give us a break, before the next game." "Why? You scared shrimp?" Constantine jabbed. "Talking a lot of shit, for someone who got his ass beat by me. Twice! Might I add." Moon licked her lips. 'He's doing it again.' Constantine took a step forward. Alexander held him back. "It's only of the Games. We'll beat em on the next ones." He said with a charming and elegant voice. "Let's a have good game." He said waving and smiling at him. Zeke sucked on his teeth. 'Dude even sounds good too.' Sakura continued to eye him up and down. "Probably would have had beaten them, if we jogged up the stairs." She said with a sweet and soft voice.

The three retired to the locker room taking a relaxing break in their room. Raven held the gold medal tightly in her hands. With Moon slumped over the bench, and Zeke deep in thought. 'So this is what a first place win feels like?' "Ladies and gentlemen! Let's welcome our Hunters back for the next game!" "Ah? Finally! Something to do. I hope this is the duel!" She said excitedly. "The Cursed item marathon!" She slumped over. Moon sulked out behind Zeke and Raven. The three came out to a long obstacle course stretching nearly 200 metres long. They stared wide eyed. Spinning blades, rings of fire, spikes, and every death dealing contraption was laid bare. "What the fuck is that!?" Zeke exclaimed. "We were only inside for 20 minutes! How the hell did they set this all up!?" "That's what you're worried about!?" Raven yelled. "Teams! Please select a Hunter from your team to run this marathon." Zeke felt Moon and Raven nudge him forward.

"Oh, nonono. We are assessing and voting-" "I vote for Zeke." "Seconded." Raven said." "Well two against one." Moon said nudging him. "You got this!" Raven cheered. Zeke rolled his eyes, taking his position beside the other Hunters. Behind him were three Cursed objects. A blackened and gangrenous toe, a black pendant with a blue sharp eye inside, and lastly a undulating and throbbing finger. "Hunters! Before you are three Cursed objects. The goal of this game, is to bring as many of those Cursed objects to the finish line across the other side." The announcer said. "Allow me to explain each item before you." "Holding the toe, will give you incredible speed and agility, but will make your bones incredibly weak." "Ha!" Moon snorted. "That item is perfect for Zeke. It won't even affect him." "Have you ever tested Cursed items on him?" Raven asked. She shook her head. "Actually no, but it's Zeke. He could take a nuke and walk it off." "The pendant, will rob you of all other senses, and in return allow you to see through it." "Who the fuck would want that!?" Moon snapped.

"The last item. Will grant you incredible strength, however it's price is your Mana. It will feed directly off you. With that being said! When you are ready to run the marathon, raise your hand to begin and then grab your items and go. The winner will be determined by the total amount of Cursed items brought to the finish line. If there is a draw, we will go based on time. If you are knocked off at any point, you will have 30 seconds added to your time." Zeke looked over to see the other Hunters deep in thought, and locking eyes with Sakura. He stumbled back startled, quickly putting his head down, his eyes darting over nervously. 'Why is she staring at me? Hmmm...it's probably someone behind me.' He looked back at her, taking a few steps out of the way, watching her eyes trace him. He quickly spun away. 'Okay, definitely staring at me....But why?' He shook his head. 'Not important. The obvious answer is to take the toe, and use my durability, but...' He quickly glanced up, see Sakura still staring at him intensely. 'There's no way, she would only take one. Whatever their powers are, they're confident in her abilities. She's not wearing any armour like them, which means she's not expecting to get hit.'

Moon snarled and glared at Sakura from the stands. "That bitch. Eyes front!" She yelled. Raven took a step away from her, acting inconspicuously. "Don't stand close to her, you won't die with her." Raven muttered. 'These items are too weird. The finger will let you bulldoze your way through the obstacles. The toe will let you manuever through it, if you're careful enough, but...The pendant is an outlier. It makes no sense to purposely cripple yourself, unless...' He eyed the obstacle course ahead of him, filled with blind spots hidden behind posts and climbing walls. 'There's something I need to be able to see through this thing.' He glanced over to the other Hunters limbering themselves up with their hands hovering over a single item. 'I won't win by time, but I can definitely win by sheer amount.' Sakura waved and smiled to him. He blushed putting his head down.

Zeke was the first to raise his hand. "Get it Zeke!" Moon cheered. "Hunter Zeke Chen. What item have you chosen?" Adrianna asked over the speaker. "All three!" He said. "WHAT!?" Everyone shouted. Sakura stared on stunned and impressed. "Very well, take your marks. Get set! GO!" The announcer said. Zeke took the toe and finger, and took the pendant by the teeth. His vision was lower than normal, and threw him off balance. The finger was draining him quickly. Zeke barged his way through the traps and hazards, without a care, bulldozing his way through. The others watched on stunned. He quickly came to a stop at the half way point, a small diverging path. The right one was a straight path, the left a set of pillars on fire with blades swinging above them."GO RIGHT! GO RIGHT! ZEKE!" Moon shouted. He stopped staring at a magic circle he had never seen before. It pulsated with Mana from each rift.

Zeke leapt to the left, grabbing onto a pole, before being knocked off by a blade. The crowd winced with him. Moon face palmed. "I SAID GO RIGHT!" Zeke pushed on reaching the end of the obstacle course, with his clothing in ruins, drenched in sweat and exhausted. He threw the cursed items away, and quickly sat up looking back at the diverging path. The magic circle was gone. 'Whatever the fuck those things were, glad I didn't walk into them.' He took the finger and toe, noticing no difference in his body.

"That boy is clever." Alistair said. "You think he figured it out?" "Hmmm, he is an over thinker, wouldn't put it past the twig." "Scared Alistair?" Adrianna said with a smug smile." "Nope, because looks like Sakura, is ready to go. She's smart as well, she'll grab the pendant and floor through the course." "Hmpf. Let's find out. Hunter Sakura Serizawa. What item have you chosen?" "The toe and finger." "That dumb bitch!" "Oi, watch the way you speak about my daughter.." A gravelly voice growled behind them. Sylens and Obsidian leapt to the side of the room bowing, completely trembling. Eliza stood at attention gulping and trembling on the spot. Alistair and Adrianna both grimaced, before turning around forcing a smile. "Kenji!" They said with a forced smile, and opening their arms for a hug.

Kenji was a short lean man, with long slicked by snow white hair, and crimson eyes. Over his harsh and grizzled face, were three giant scars that stretched across his face. He wore a dapper black suit and tie. Kenji ignored them walking past their open arms. "Tsk, that girl should know better." He scoffed, pushing the microphone button. "Sakura." His voice silenced the entire stadium, filling it with a sense of dread. "Father?" "Be better." He growled, taking his finger off the button. "Holy shit...is Kenji in the sky box?" Moon asked. Raven nodded trembling. Sakura gulped taking all three items. Zeke felt an ominous pair of eyes on him. It made him anxious, more so than the Night Creature that stalked them a week ago. Sakura took a deep breath grabbing all three items. She strapped the pendant to her forehead, keeping its vision as identical to her own. "Damn, that's smarter." Zeke said. She gracefully and nimbly stepped over the obstacles, as if following a dance. Zeke looked on stunned.

Sakura could feel her strength waning at the half way point. She stopped in front of the same diverging path, seeing the layered magic circles. Taking a deep breath she took a step onto the magical circle. Red lightning engulfed her, and she let out a scream of anguish. The crowd reeled back stunned. "Sakura Serizawa, is the first victim of the magic traps!" The announcer said. "The circles will now scatter themselves across the course! Be careful Hunters!"

Kenji sucked on his teeth, scowling at her. She winced standing up, smouldering and burnt. "Holy shit!" Moon said. "Is that why Zeke went left?" "Pro...probably." Raven said in shock. The other Hunters smirked. "If she can't finish the course, the fastest one of us, can get the silver medal!" The other Hunters nodded with a sinister grin, and took off with one item. Zeke curled his fists watching Sakura struggle to stand, holding back her tears from the pain. She grit her teeth, pushing through the pain trying to make it towards the next obstacle. Two Hunters were caught in the magic circle traps, being engulfed in lightning and incapacitated. One of them sprinted past Sakura, waving at her. The other Hunter a petite girl, stood over Sakura with a twisted grin. She drove her boot into the base of Sakura's spine. She cried out in agony, breaking down into tears. "Better luck next time bitch." Zeke snarled, watching as the two of them closed in for the win. "HEY!" Zeke snapped. "Is that allowed!?" "No rules against, sabotaging the competition." Adrianna said. "No! No! BAD ZEKE! DON'T WHITE KNIGHT! NO!" Moon shouted from the side lines. "What about helping them!?" He called out. Moon slumped against the railing defeated. "God damn it..."

"I don't know why you would-" Zeke sprinted back onto the course, standing over Sakura, as she desperately clawed herself closer to the finish line. "Get away! I don't need your damn help!" She cried swatting away his hand. "Well too fucking bad!" He snapped. Zeke ripped his sleeve off, stuffing into her mouth. "Bite down. This is going to hurt like hell." She let out a muffled scream as Zeke carried her over the finish line. He gently placed her down, as they carried her off. The other Hunters scoffed at him. "We passed the finish line first. She won't even get a-" Zeke snatched her by the collar, pulling her in close and snarling at her. "You pull some shit like that again in front of me, and I'll kill you with my bare hands. Am I clear!?" He snapped. Moon gulped. "Should I get you a new pair of pants?" Raven asked. Moon shooed her away, gawking at Zeke. He tossed the other Hunter away. "In case you forgot. She passed the finish line with three Cursed items. Which means 'you' don't get a medal, because you passed the finish line before that cunt." He said pointing to the other Hunter.

"Actually, Mr Chen." Alistair said. Everyone stopped to look at the sky box. "Only you and Sakura will be awarded medals. The fingers and toes were not Cursed items, but old Halloween props. The only Cursed item on those tables, were the pendants." Zeke gave the stunned Hunters a smug smirk. "Better luck next time." Raven and Moon sprinted to Zeke. Raven hugged him. "That was amazing! And so-" Moon did a gentle blast onto his face, pouting at him. He pursed his lips to line. "Did you forget their our enemy?" "It's a competition. Not a death match. Besides, we're up two Gold medals, there's only two games left. We win those and we're good." He said with a smile. "You're going to go see her aren't you?" "Yeah? I want to make sure she's okay." "She's the enemy." "Are you jealous Moon?" Raven asked with a smug smile. Moon shot her a glare, that made her cower behind Zeke. "Again, not an enemy." "Do you like her or something?" "We've just met!" "Then why do you need to go check on her."

"Moon. Which one sounds better? Being the friend of the Berserker's daughter, or her enemy?" Moon sucked on her teeth, moping and crossed her arms. "Fine. Go visit her. I'm gonna go get ready for the next game." She said stomping off. Zeke shook his head scratching the back of it. "What's gotten into her?" He muttered. "Do you seriously, not know?" "Do you?" 'My god. He's an actually anime protrag. A reliable dumbass!' "Nope. Just asking since you know her so well." "Thought I did, but she's been acting so strange recently. She keeps spacing out while staring at me." 'DUDE! PUT THE PIECES TOGETHER!' "I mean, I know I'm a boring guy, but I didn't think I would make people zone out, just by looking at me." Raven screamed internally , while smiling at him. "I'm gonna go see Moon. Let us know how your greeting goes." He nodded waving her off. Raven found Moon sulking in the locker room. "Are you seriously not gonna tell him, that you're in love with him? He might actually tap that."

"I'm not in love with him!..." Raven looked at her bored. "Okay, feelings have been...brewing, but it's not love." "Moon, it sounds like there's an earthquake every night." Moon went beet red. "Yeah. I can hear it." "What time do you go to sleep!?" "Iunno, when does the sun rise?" She shrugged. "Look, it's just a phase. Once I get some, the feelings will go away." "So, go and have sex with anyone here." "I!...." "It has to be Zeke doesn't it?" Moon sighed face planting into the bench. "What's wrong with me!? I've never felt this way about him before. Ever! Now he starts acting like a badass, and.....AHHH!" She screamed scratching her head. "Late puberty or something?" Raven asked. "I don't know, but he needs to stop, or I'm going to ruin our relationship." "You're gonna rape him?" "What!? No!" She snapped. "I'll seduce him? Why did you jump straight to rape?" She shrugged. "I've seen the way you look at him. You look like those hyenas from the Lion King. Crazy eyes with drool and everything." "Shut up." She pouted.

Zeke knocked on the Healer's door. "Come in." Sakura growled. He entered seeing her getting changed. "AH!" He squealed turning around. "Sorry! I didn't see anything, I swear!" She snickered. "For a Drow fucker, and someone who just carried me. You sure are shy around a naked girl." "I'm going to kill you Moon." He growled. "You can turn around, I'm decent now." She said putting on a new shirt. Zeke hesitantly spun around, making sure. "Why are you here?" "Just wanted to make sure you're okay." "We have the best Healers here. A few broken vertebrae isn't difficult for them to heal." "I meant about you and your father." She looked at him stunned. "I mean, I'm not gonna pry, but I'm guessing he's always been...c...callous. Let's go with that word." "That's none of your business." She snapped. "Sorry, I'll go. But good to know you're doing okay." He said smiling and bowing.

"Zeke..." She called out. "Yeah?" "Why did you come back for me? No one in their right mind would do that." He shrugged. "Didn't seem right to standby. You needed help, even if you were too proud to ask for it. Moon is like that as well." "Really? You have no ulterior motive?" He cocked an eyebrow at her. "Like what?" She squinted her eyes at him, doubting his stupidity. "This." She said quickly taking off her shirt. He spun around covering his eyes. "Come on!" He groaned. "I was told that you have no feelings for your friend." "I don't save people for a reward, of any kind..." She spotted his ears going red. "Even if your body is more honest than you?" "Good to see you're okay. See you out there for the next game!" His voice cracked, quickly leaving. She snickered.