
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

Han, Moon and Zeke

The three sat in Han's car driving, at night, towards dinner. Zeke slept in the back with his earphones in. Moon rested her head against the glass. "You sure it's okay, for you two to leave your new loot at home? I mean didn't your car just get its tires stolen?" "It's fine. We got Red on look out." In the dark night around their home. Three young hoodlums giggled and snickered around Moon and Zeke's home. Red sleeping beside Soul-Taker, had her ears prick up. "You sure they got some new loot?" One whispered. "Yep, I saw that hot Asian bitch, come in holding a sword." "Come on, they're windows are weak." Their shoes crunched on the gravel. Red yawned, leaping off the bed and grabbing a torch. "You sure everyone's gone?" "Yeah man. Stop being a bitch. I saw them all leave with that other girl. Now help me get this window off." Red nudged a stool under the window, they were breaking, tucking the flash light under her chin. Using her tail she pulled the curtain off its railing and flipped the torch on. The hoodlums saw a demonic grinning face with soulless black eyes. They ran away screaming. Red yawned and stretched, trotting back into Moon's room. "Alright, whatever you say."

After a brief moment of silence. "So, what do you think sparked your sex dream?" Han said casually. "DUDE!" Moon groaned. "What? He can't hear us. He's got music in." "What if the song is changing over?" "Here watch. I think Rey is the best Skywalker." Moon turned back to Zeke still sleeping away. "See. He's out cold. Now come on." "Mmmm.I don't trust it." Han rolled her eyes. "Fine we'll speak Korean." She cleared her throat. "What sparked it?" "I don't know. Can we not talk about this?" "I'm driving us to dinner, you can at least keep me company. What if I fall asleep behind the wheel and-" "Alright!" Moon snapped. "I think, maybe it was because of the trip across the Rift?" "What did you get jealous of the Drow?" "No, I helped him he get laid." "So you're the cuck." "I am not a!-" Zeke groaned. "Shh, you're gonna wake your boyfriend up." Han said with a smug smile. Moon ground her teeth. "I kid. I kid. Go on." Moon let out a huff, folding her arms, and pouting. "I don't know, what happened. I've never thought of him that way before."

"Well did he do something, that he wouldn't normally do?" "No, he was just Zeke. Boring meat shield-" A memory flashed in her head, of Zeke grabbing Weaver without fear. The intensity and ferocity he had in his eyes. The guttural growl of how he asked, if he hurt her. She covered her face, letting out a gasp, and turning red. "Oh you figured it out. Tell me girl." Han nudged. Moon shook her head. "Fine, guess I'll tell Zeke-" "NO!" She lunged at Han. Their car swerved violently off the lane. Several cars honked and slammed their breaks around them. "JESUS WOMAN!" Han screamed, taking control of the car. "Trying to kill me?" Moon turned to Zeke, still asleep. She let out a sigh of relief. "Kill your side next time." Han frowned. "Don't tell him ever." She frowned. "But I think the reason, I had that dream, was because he stood up for me." Han scoffed. "He always white knights for you. What was different this time?" "He picked a fight with Chairman of the Australian Agency, Weaver." Han slammed the breaks, launching Zeke into the back of her seat. Moon clung on to her handles. "HE DID WHAT!?"

Cars honked and other drivers flipped her off, as she restarted the car. "Jeez, that was an overreaction." Moon said, clutching her chest. "Him? Zeke? He picked a fight with that beautiful, handsome, strong, sexy, amazing-" Moon reeled back watching Han begin to drool, listing adjectives, switching between Korean and English. "You didn't think to mention that you met him?" "I-" "Did you take a picture?" She said staring at Moon. "Watch the road!" She said pulling the steering wheel into line. Han wiped her mouth. "You're gonna tell me everything about him, when we get down." As they parked Han woke Zeke up, by yanking on his earphones. "We're here, can you get the table?" She said in Korean. "Huh?" "You idiot, you're speaking in Korean." Moon said in Korean. "You are too." "What's happening?" Zeke asked. "Table." They said with a Korean accent. He rolled his eyes groaning and hopped out. "This is why we stick to speaking one language." He muttered leaving the car. Han quickly flipped through her phone. "You met this man right? Right?" She said showing her a picture of Weaver.

He wore a tight speedo thong, laying across a beach towel, with his athletic body glistening. The light reflecting off his bulging muscles, and he wore his charming smile. "Holy shit! That's him?" "You didn't realize!? Did you touch him!? What did he smell like? Is he still on you?" Moon shoved Han's face away. "Calm down, you thirsty bitch...and yes he did." "You bitch! Give me some!" "What are you gonna do with him anyway? He's an S rank hunter. He'll kill you." "A great way to go though." She said sliding down in her seat, with a euphoric smile. "You need help." "I need a man, and unlike you, I don't have one saved up." "I am not saving him." "Then you would be okay with-" "Don't even think about it." "Man hog." "Let's just go eat. I'm starving." "You know, I always find it weird how friendly they are to you. I mean, you must single handily put them into a deficit." "They're Korean, we're Korean. It's a mutual love." "Still. $45 bucks, for you to eat like a black hole." Moon smirked. "What can I say? They just love me."

As Zeke left the eyeshot of the car, he sprinted up the stairs of the restaurant. The woman behind the counter of the Korean BBQ restaurant, was a short elderly Korean woman, with a thick glossy perm. She looked at Zeke and groaned, shooing him away. "Nonononono. Go away." "I can pay." "I say no. Every time she come here I lose money. She fat skinny." "Huh?" "You know what I mean. She never stop eating. Shoo shoo shoo." She frowned, pushing Zeke. "I'm serious, I can pay for the three of us." "Nonono. Make me lose business. She eat and eat, never stop. You and other girl. Very nice. Eat like normal people. Let me make money." Zeke stood his ground, and fished out a small pouch. He placed five chips from Verdancia into her hand. Her eyes lit up with joy. "This is..." "You don't say anything, and be nice to her. This is me paying you back." She caressed his face, with a grin stretching across her own. "You nice boy! Even if you are Chinese garbage." He shook his head confused. "The fuck?" He said in disbelief. "You get the table?" Moon asked. "AHHH THERE SHE IS! BEST CUSTOMER! COME COME! SIT!"

Moon turned to Han with a smug smile. "Told you she loves me." She skipped off first, with Han stopping in front of Zeke. "How much did you pay her?" "The normal amount." "You're one of the good ones Z." She said patting his shoulder. The three sat at the end of a long table, with an entire table filled with assorted meats readying for grilling, vegetables, entrées, side dishes and copious bottles of Soju with beer. Moon slammed an entire bottle down letting out a satisfied whoop. Her face red, Han sat next to her drinking just as hard. Zeke sat quietly cooking their food. "I'm telling you it's bullshit. I'm a super strong Hunter. I should be A grade at least." She pouted. "You know it!" Han said giving her another bottle. The two cheered slamming back another bottle. Moon quickly finished all the meat on the grill. "And Zeke!" She yelled reaching over the table, grabbing Zeke by his cheeks. "He should be a S grade tank. He's unbreakable." "I really don't like it, when you two get drunk." "Who's drunk?" She asked slurring her words. Even with his invulnerability the pungent smell of alcohol reeked on her breath.

He pulled away. "I'll get us some more meat." "MmmMmmMMM!" She said, trying to speak while drinking. "Yes, I'll get you more fried chicken." Moon rocked side to side giddy. "He knows you so well." She nodded, taking another drink. "That's why you're in love with him." "PFFT!" She spat out her entire drink into a fine mist. Moon reeled back choking and coughing, beating her chest. "I do not!" She hissed. "Ahhhh, fifteen bottles in and you still can't admit how you feel. I'm gonna have to start drinking as well." "You drank just as much as me. You're red as well." She wiped her mouth. "Bitch, we Asian. I turn red seeing alcohol." Han took a bottle of Soju pouring herself a glass. "Then...what have you been drinking?" "Water." Moon gasped, clutching her bottle. "You lied to me." "Yeah, I did, but now you're close to truth drunk." "You-you-you tricked me." "Yes, I did. Now, don't you feel like telling Zeke about your dream?" She shook her head, shying away. "It won't happen again anyway. He won't be like that." She looked up to Zeke, stacking up a cart with plates of meat, politely bowing and thanking the workers. Moon smiled warmly at him. "He'll always just be sweet Zeke." Han eyed two men walking towards them. She covered her mouth with her drink. "Heads up."

The two men dressed with tight jeans and white V neck shirts, bedazzled with chains, rings and jewellery. Their white hair styled and cut with a spiked top and fade on the sides. Both of them were tall, muscular and handsome. "Hey girls." "Go away." Han said coldly. "Oh, don't be like that. We just want to talk." He said smiling at her. Moon raised her mark towards them. "Oh, a Hunter girl. That's even better." One of them said. The two of them raised their left palms, showing their Demon Marks. "We can take care of you girl." He said winking at her. Moon clenched her fist, when Zeke wheeled back the cart of food. "Can I help you two?" "Can't you see we're having a conversation here? Get lost, and get back to work." One growled. "You're actually in my seat." One of them threw a glass of water into Zeke's crotch. A gasp rang out from the onlookers. "Well, now I have to sit down and eat with wet pants." The two of them looked up to Zeke. "Take the hint dumbass." "Get out of here shortie." "Um no?" They showed their left palms to him. Standing up and getting into his face. "See this dumbass? And our hair? We're Demon Hunters. So unless you want to get hurt. You better-"

"You've marked the wrong hand." Zeke said casually. "What?" He showed his right palm, showing the Demon Hunter's mark. A elongated skull with eight eyes and 9 horns. "This is a real Demon Hunter's mark. We're always born with these on our right hands. Never been a lefty in existence." "We...We are so-" He pursed his lips to a line. "Fines for impersonating a Hunter is about 3-5 years in prison." "Listen, we don't have to do that." "Yeah, we were just joking." They chuckled nervously, trying to leave. "Take a seat. You said that, you were having a conversation right?" "Look man we're sorry-" "I said sit down." Zeke ordered with a deep guttural voice. Han watched Moon gulp and lick her lips aroused. The two terrified men quickly sat down with straight and stiff backs. He stood in between them, putting his hands onto their shoulders. "Now here are your options. One. I can crush both your shoulders." They let out a terrified whimper, with Moon breathing heavily. "You'll both go into shock and you'll maybe survive if the paramedics get here fast enough. Or...You can apologise to my two friends for wasting their time." "We're very sorry!" They bowed slamming their heads into the table. "And then give me everything in your wallets." "You're robbing us?" "I could rob your lives instead."

They scrambled taking out their wallets and throwing all their notes onto the table. "Good thinking. Now the both of you, are gonna take your dumbasses to a barber, bleach your hair back to normal, and burn off those tattoos. Am I understood?" The two nodded whimpering and sobbing. He released his grip and the two scrambled out of the seat. "If you two are thinking of reporting me. Just remember one thing." Zeke reached under the hot grill, taking out a piece of white hot coal. They watched as it sizzled in his hand. He took a bite out of the hot coal, letting it break apart in his teeth and gave them a sadistic grin. "Your flesh will taste great grilled." They screamed pissing themselves and scrambled out of the restaurant. Moon was heaving her face red for another reason.

As the two men left, Zeke quickly spat out the charcoal, slapping his tongue clean. "Bleyh! Why did I do that!?" He exclaimed, wiping his mouth clean. "Z...Where the fuck did that come from?" "What do you mean?" "You...you were badass. Why didn't you call management like you would of normally done?" "Because they called me short and splashed water on my dick." He said wiping his pants. "Thank god for my powers. I would have just ran home, if I had to sit here and eat with wet dick." "Maybe you should just go and dry your pants off." "You're right. Can you make sure she doesn't drink anymore. I think she's about to faint." Han looked to Moon eyeing Zeke up and down. "She looks dizzy." "Yeah...I'll cut her off." Zeke walked off into the bathroom with people nodding and applauding him. "Oh my god. Did you see him?" Moon buried her face into her hands. "He was actually badass for once. I can see why it turned you on." "Shut up!" She said muffled in her hands. "Well you're definitely gonna have another dream tonight." She nudged Han, accidently knocking off the seat. "Bitch! Super strength, remember you have it!" She said getting up.

The three left as the restaurant came to a close. With Zeke carry Moon on his back, and Han under his arm to the car. The shop owner counted the inventory, slamming her fist onto the table. "That fat bitch! She ate and drank nearly $4900 worth of product. I only made $100 from these chips!" She shouted in Korean. He loaded Moon and Han in the back seat. "I'll stay at your place...save you...*hic* the trip back." "It's fine. Besides don't think your mum would like the idea of you staying at our place." He drove Han home, carrying her out of the car, on his back. "You need more meat on you. Your back feels so boney. Put some muscle on." Han pouted, slumped over his shoulder. "Told you, before. There's not enough food to bulk around Moon." Han lived with her parents in their two story house, surrounded by nice bronze statues, designed hedges and pristine golden fence. Before he could ring the buzzer, the door swung open. Han's mother greeted them in a bath robe, with a stern expression, under a thick face mask. She scolded them in Korean. "Do you what time it is young lady? Drinking again? Stupid." Zeke kept his head down and lips pursed. "Drop her, in her room." "Not a problem." She slapped the back of his head. "You touch her, I kill you." He nodded with a wry smile, dropping Han off in her large room.

He bowed as he left. "Disgusting Demon." She said under her breath in Korean. He turned back to her and smiled. "You have a lovely night." He said in perfect Korean. Her eyes bulged with fear and she slammed the door shut. "Geez. I just said have a good night...maybe I said something else?" He shrugged, taking Moon out of the car, and slinging her onto his back. "Mmm, flying." She cheered slumped over his shoulder. "Yep, you're flying, and if you vomit. You'll have a crash landing." She pouted and groaned. He carried her a few kilometres back to their home, laying her down beside Red. He set several two litre bottles of water beside her bed, paracetamol tablets and a large bucket. "Anyone try and break in?" Red raised up two fingers. He handed her two chocolate eggs. "Good work. Make sure she doesn't die." Red nodded nuzzling into Moon. "Mmm...Zeke..." She moaned. He covered her with the blanket ,and left.

Moon awoke the next morning to the smell of fresh bacon. She left her bed, entering into the kitchen. Zeke was shirtless with bulging muscles, flowing spiked up snow white hair. His eyes a bright crimson. He smiled at her. "You're finally awake. Which meat did you want to eat first?" He asked. "I don't get it. There's no other option than bacon." "There's me." He took off his pants. Moon shot awake in her bed letting out a startled scream. She flung Red across the room, with her shrieking. As the rays of light hit her. Moon's entire world spun, her head ached, and she had a desert in her mouth. She turned to the side vomiting. Zeke entered into the room wearing baggy and ragged clothing, rubbing his eye. "What is it?" Red angrily trotted past him, hissing at Moon. "This is why you have to stop drinking." He said walking away. She spat and cleared her throat with a bottle of water, checking her phone. The brightness nearly blinded her. She had one new message. 'Are you dead?' Han asked. 'Yes.' She texted back. 'Cool me too.' She slumped back into her bed, turning to her side. Seeing Zeke's care package. "Damn it..." she groaned.