
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

Chapter Meet the parents.

"So, what's the plan between you two and Zeke now?" Han asked. The two awkwardly rubbed their necks and shrugged. "We talked about it a little bit. We're gonna try and work out how to share him." Sunny said. "Lucky bastard." Alexander muttered. "How is that going to even work?" Raven asked. "It's not going to. How are you going to explain that to dad?" Skye asked. "I'm sure he'll be okay with it. I mean he got over me DATING Zeke." Moon sucked on her teeth glaring at Sunny. "Yeah! He got over it, because Zeke is literally Demon in name only. He's basically a Pit bull with thumbs, who just has a bad reputation from other shittier ones. How are you going to explain to dad, that you're potential future husband is currently inside another girl?" "Well...I was kinda hoping that...we wouldn't tell him?" "How are you two going to this work out? 50 – 50 split in calendar days? One day on, one day off?" Han asked.

"We're still working it out. For now we just want to go into our rooms and relax." Sunny said. "Yeah that's all we want." "Han." Zeke said from a top the stairs. Everyone craned their heads up from the front of the house. "Laptop's broken. Get it fixed. Skye, can you tell me why I have a note in my room saying we owe 25000 chips in taxes?" "We can talk about this..." From atop the stairs Zeke gave off the same aura as Samael. Commanding and intimidating. "We did a grading test on your equipment per the Tax payer's charter, Hunter division. Shadow and your suit thingy are graded S tier weapons. Moon's armour, sword and now spear also grade at that level. Each one require a 5000 chip write off, because they'll help you complete more jobs later..." Skye trailed off at his imposing demeanour.

Zeke took a deep breath composing himself rubbing his face. "Work out a payment arrangement with them please?" "Raven, any jobs come in while we were gone?" "They got cancelled because of um...your-" "Death. Great! GREAT! FUCKING GREAT!" Zeke snapped startling everyone. "We're millions in debt, and people think I'm dead, and no new jobs are coming in! Mmmmmmmm!" Zeke took a moment before looking Raven. "Raven, can you please put out a notice saying we're open for business and to double our fees." "Sure..." "Thank you. Sakura, I would love to come to your birthday party, but if you're dad is there don't expect me to be." "He won't be." "Raven, while you do that, order us a pizza." Zeke stomped towards the door. "Zeke...where are you going?" Moon asked scared to hear his answer. "I'm gonna go sell one of those stupid sports car we have and to help pay off our debt." "Um out of curiosity, you're selling her one right?" Han asked. Zeke gave her a dead cold expression. "Welp, it was fun while I had it." "You can do that later Ezekiel. I think we've all earned some rest."

"I am currently bonded to some kind of lightning magic not even Weaver has seen. To something that THE KING OF DEMON KINGS, was excited and surprised to see. We have an army to raise, for something that we barely understand..." Zeke's hair started to pulse white and rise into the air. Each enraged breath emitted a cold cloud. "And to top it all off. I guarantee you. I fucking bet every fucking god in existence right now. The world is going to bend me over, and blow its fuck you load in my face, before the day is over." Frantic knocks at the door echoed out. Zeke threw his hands up in disbelief and amazement. Everyone's eyes darted to each other. "Seriously how is he doing?" Han asked through the corner of her mouth. Zeke threw the door open. "We're busy! Please-" A distinct shotgun was cocked. A bang rung out with Zeke being shot in the face. He fell back covered in shrapnel and pellets. Everyone else ran and ducked for cover.

A young Korean man with a short buzz cut in a dreary suit, stood over Zeke with a double barrel shotgun. Beside him was a beautiful Russian woman with long flowing blonde hair and emerald eyes. "What did you do!?" She screamed in Korean. "He should be dead!" He exclaimed back. "Mum? Dad!?" Moon frowned. "Oh shit!" Han winced. "Code black!" She yelled slapping Raven. "What the fuck is code black?" Raven asked looking at her annoyed. "It means get them the fuck out of the house!" Sunny flew in slicing the shotgun to pieces. She placed both daggers under their throats. "Stop!" Moon shouted blasting Sunny away. "They just shot Ezekiel in the face!" "They're my parents!"

Moon rushed out looking at Zeke. "Are you okay?" "Where's Constantine?" He asked with his eyes closed. "Over here." Sakura called out. Zeke threw a pellet at him. He jumped as it ignited into a blue fire. "Ah! You piece of shit!" Zeke sat up wiping his face with a dead expression. "Dad! Did you bless that shotgun!?" "No, the Japanese man outside did." He said in poor English. Everyone turned to the door, seeing Sun Shinsei standing in the doorway, holding a shotgun of his own. "Dad!?" Sunny and Skye exclaimed. "YOU!" "Before you-" Zeke was shot into the ground by another round with the splinters spraying up from the ground. "DAD!" Sunny shouted. Dawn sprinted in ripping the gun from him. "What are you doing old man, shooting your daughter's boyfriend!?" She snapped in Japanese. "He's not dating her. He's dating that blonde whore there!" Sakura chuckled. "What did he just call me?" Moon asked looking at her. "A woman who spreads her legs very wide." "He called me flexible?" "Try again Moon!" Han snapped. "Oh hey! I am not a slut!" Sakura shrugged. "Close enough."

Moon's father and mother turned to Sun and Dawn. "My daughter is not a slut! Your daughter bigger slut!" "I didn't do anything!" Sunny exclaimed. Zeke sat up looking at the floor board picking at the pellets. He let out a sigh. "You monster! Stay away from our daughter!" Zeke stood up dusting himself off and spoke in Korean startling Moon and Han. "Hello Byeol Kim, Luna Kim." He turned to Sun and Dawn speaking in Japanese. "Hello Sun and Dawn Shinsei." "Zeke, when did you learn Korean?" Moon asked. "When did you learn Japanese?" "I'm guessing you all heard the news then." "You cheated on my daughter! I thought you were different, but you are no better than any other Demon!" "Dad stop!" Sunny cried out. "He's right! You are nothing but a dangerous Demon! Moon! Get away from him right now!" Byeol ordered trying to snatch Moon's arm. She pulled away with tears welling up in her eyes.

A cold smoke billowed out from Zeke. His hair shot into the air shining a bright snow white. His Spectre hovered over him. "You're right. I am a Demon and nothing more." He growled taking a step forward. "That's why I left my daughter alone in the house when she was five. With not enough food for the day, then turn the power off at night. That's what I do as a Demon!" He snarled with his Spectre growing in size. Byeol and Luna stumbled back terrified at the sight. "Does it look familiar? Was this what you saw that day? When you helped my piece of shit father help to sue me!?" his voice echoed throughout the house shaking the foundations. They fell onto their backs crawling away. "I am Demon. A creature born only to destroy with a lust for power. With an insatiable greed. I will kill anyone who takes away what is mine! Moon is mine! SHE'S MINE! NOT YOURS! MINE!" Zeke roared.

"Then have her Demon! Sunny we are-" "SUNNY IS ALSO MINE!" The house shook with red lightning crackling around him. Zeke walked Sun down grabbing him by the collar lifting him into the air. Sunny hugged his arm. "Ezekiel..." Snarling and boiling with rage Zeke released him. He let out a grunt ripping his arm free from Sunny. "I'm going for a fucking walk. There better be food left when I'm back." Zeke left using his Spectre to slam the door shut. It flew off its hinges and ripped part of the foundation with it. Raven winced at the property damage. Everyone sat in an awkward silence watch Zeke walk off into the sunset his Spectre hanging over him. Han pursed her lips to a line. "Well..." "Don't. Just don't say anything." Raven whispered. "I was just trying to break the tension." She whispered back. "Don't. There's no need to make this situation anymore awkward." Sakura sauntered in between the pair of parents. She looked them both up and down. "Do you two like Zeke, because he resembles your dads?"

"See my question wasn't gonna be that bad." Han said. Raven face palmed. "EW NO!" The two shouted. "Nothing wrong with that. It's why I think Zeke is super hot as well." Everyone gave her an unpleasant stare. Sakura shrugged. "What? I've got daddy issues, at least I can admit it, unlike you two. Speaking of which could I take a turn with that Demon Zeke we just saw? He looked amazing." Constantine cleared his throat aggressively. "Oh dear are you coming down with a cold?" "Oh, you know exactly why I'm coughing!" Constantine snapped.

"Okay, how about we all sit down and wait for the pizza to come-" Raven stopped seeing the Byeol and Sun glare at her. "Look our boss gave you an order. You can get the fuck out or listen to our P.A here." Han said confidently. "I am not your personal assistant. I'm Zeke and Moon's one, maybe Sunny if she joins, but definitely not yours." The room was completely silent. Eyes darted back and forth. "What the fuck happened to the door?" Eliza said walking in. She stopped looking around with Adrianna behind her. The two scanned the room, seeing the shotgun and the remnants of another, pellets in the ground. "You must be their parents." Eliza said. Moon and Sunny winced in preparation seeing her lips separating. "How's it feel knowing your daughter's are getting pounded by Twig?" The two scrunched their faces curling in and cringing. A bolt of lightning streaked across the sky with the thunder rumbling the house a second later. Rain came crashing down. "That's a bad storm. Shall we wait this rain out in the dining room?"

"We are leaving! Moon, come with us now." Byeol snapped. "So are we. Sunny. Get your things." Eliza stood over the destroyed floorboards summoning Choppy. She slammed it down into the ground shattering it, activating her Demon's Blood. "Let me rephrase myself. You are going to sit down until Zeke is back. Until then we're going to have a nice long talk about why you two shot him in the face with...Blessed weaponry." She said picking up the pellets. "We don't have to stand here and be intimidated by you Demon." Sun declared. "You're right. You don't have to stand. I could cut off both your legs and have you crawl there. Or I could shatter your spine and let you drown in your own saliva. You see there's only one person here capable of stopping me. She's standing there." "And I'm in no mood to stop her." "The other left through that door, probably because you shot him in the face. Now what do you four want to do?" Luna and Dawn slowly shuffled towards the dining room. "You should follow your women on this one."

The sun disappeared. The rain continued to pour down with the only sound in the living room lips smacking from the food. "Mmm, Australian pizza." Eliza said inspecting her slice. "Do you not like it?" Moon asked shyly avoiding her parent's glare. "It's strange. Your thin and crispy isn't really that thin or crispy, and your thick and stuffed isn't really that either. They sit in a strange average zone." Sunny looked out the window into the darkness. "Are you worried about him?" Dawn asked. Sunny nodded. "Do not be worried for him. He is not worth it." "Dad..." "Do you intend to share him? How would that even work!? What would Cloud say at your wedding? Do you take him and his wife in holy matrimony?" "That's enough!" Dawn snapped at him. "We're still...working it out..." "You're going along with this!?" Luna barked at Moon. She winced and turned away. "Tell them about your three-" Moon snatched Han's lips shut, with Sunny lunging over as well.

"What is she talking about?" Byeol and Sun snapped. "Nothing!" Moon and Sunny yelled smiling back at them. "She's talking about the amazing three day threesome, they had with Zeke, in the private room of Lilith." Moon and Sunny's jaw hit the ground mortified. "She's the queen of Succubis I should add." Eliza said with a coy smile. "Mmmm!MMM!" Han groaned trying to free her lips. Their glares filled the room with a chilling air, more frigid than any Demon's Blood. "You are forbidden from seeing him!" Sun snapped. "He has defiled you too far!" "He hasn't done anything like that! I-" "Stop! Before him! You would have never gone near a Demon! Now you venture into Hell itself for him? I let him be in your life, because I thought he was different, but he is like the rest of them. Look at the company he keeps." "If you don't like the people he keeps. You can leave." Raven said firmly. "You stay out of this little girl!"

The edge of Shadow pressed against Sun's neck. "Do not talk to her like that." "Zeke!" He stood behind them drenched and dripping wet, his clothes in complete tatters. His enraged eye peering out through his dishevelled hair. "Where have you been Twig?" "Walking." Zeke said banishing Shadow. He grabbed a box to himself and bottle. "You don't get to come back here and threaten me, and-" "I'm done fighting you Humans."

Zeke walked off before Moon sprinted over hugging him from behind. She embraced him, squeezing him as tight as she could. She buried her face into his shoulder , hiding her tears in his wet clothing. "You're human! You are Human!" "No. No, I'm not." "Yes! Yes you are!" She cried out squeezing him harder. "Let go." He ordered. She shook her head. "Moon, I said let go, I'm not in the mood-" Eliza pulled Moon off, grabbing Zeke by the collar. "Sorry about this Twig." She summoned Choppy with it now radiating a crimson aura. "Wha-" Eliza threw Zeke behind her, swinging Choppy like a baseball bat, sending him flying out the house. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" Moon shouted. "Relax dumbass. I'm helping him." "HOW IS THAT HELPING HIM!?" "Has Twig been getting angry then forcing himself to be calm almost instantly?" Everyone thought back then slowly nodded. "Mmm, this is gonna be a long night." Adrianna said stretching. "Wha...what's going on?" Sunny asked.

"Twig's going through something that all Demon Hunters go through." "Except he's experiencing it at a much later state. Due to his late activation age." "We all went through it?" Constantine asked cocking an eyebrow." "Yes, you all did." Adrianna said summoning Spine. "Demon's Blood is like a dormant volcano. Leave it, and nothing happens." "Throw some shit in it, and it explodes. Like say for example a bunch of idiot parents trying to take away the loves of his life." "Or assaulting him in his own home." "Or being killed." Eliza said glaring at Sakura. "Or household stresses." Adrianna said shooting Han a stare. "Then..what are you going to do?" Moon asked. "We're going to alleviate his stress. Don't worry though. I think you two more than covered his stress fucks." "We'll be back once it's done. I remember seeing a construction lot not too far from here." "Yeah, that should work. Got the money to cover it?" "First one to inflict real damage on Zeke wins. Loser pays." "Deal."