
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

Chaos of turning 18

Sunny and Skye sat next to each other on their flight to Australia. Skye was giddy on the window seat, with Sunny sleeping beside her. "So what are you gonna say to him, when we get there?" Sunny said nothing keeping her eyes closed. "Sunny. Sunny." Skye hissed poking her. An obese man sat beside her. "I think she's asleep." "Nah, she's not asleep. Look." Skye pointed to her hands, balled into a tight fist. "That looks like she's going to punch someone." "Because I am, and her name is Skye. Now shut up." "See?" The man said. "So you do have a plan! That's good. I thought you were gonna wing it like last time." "It's not going to be like that. Zeke isn't like Eun Ji." "Is she trying to win someone back?" The man 'whispered'. Skye gave him a glum nod. He winced. "Well, tell him you're sorry. Guys love that." Sunny sucked on her teeth, keeping her eyes closed. "Women never admit their wrong, even when they are, and then they get angry and fight you." He said chortling. "I wasn't wrong." "Ah! See!" Sunny opened her eyes checking the arrival time. "Three more hours to go. We'll be there at 9am." Sunny slammed her head onto the front seat.

"Can you shut up? I'm trying to think!" She snapped. "Just speak from your heart." "You're not involved in this! Now mind your own damn business." "Do you want my advice or not?" Sunny looked at the man completely baffled. "No! I never did! Now shut up. You! Stop talking to strangers about my love life." "To be fair, this Zeke man sounds lovely. Why did you break up with him?" An old lady behind them asked. Sunny closed her eyes and took a deep breath through her nose. "Lady, mind your own business." "Did you two break up, because of your confrontational attitude?" A passenger a few rows back asked. Sunny stood up from her seat, seeing everyone in the economy class looking at her intrigued. She glared back at Skye, who shrugged at her. "What? It's a long ass flight. We started talking." Sunny glanced o the emergency door. "I'm going back to sleep. I don't want to hear a single fucking thing about me and Zeke. I've got other things on my mind." "....Like?" Skye asked.

"If should I get him anything for his birthday." "And when is that?" Skye asked. Sunny dropped her head. "Today." She muttered softly. "YOU BROKE UP WITH HIM A DAY BEFORE HIS 18th BIRTHDAY!?" Skye shouted. "LOUD! VERY LOUD!" The man next to her shot her a dirty look. "What!? It wasn't on purpose alright! We just happened to fight before...why am I even explaining myself to you?" "Someone tell Zeke he can do better." A passenger chimed in. Sunny stood up glaring at all the seats. "Alright who said that!? I am a damn catch. I am a solid 8!" The cabin was silent. As Sunny sat down and let out a huff, two voices called out. "On a scale to a hundred." "Birthday wrecker." "THAT'S IT!" She shouted marching down the aisle.

Raven was yanked out of her room at the crack of dawn, by Han and Moon. She had heavy bags under eyes. "Seriously. Go to sleep." Han said. "But...the event is only on at-" "Doesn't matter." Moon said. "Today is Zeke's birthday. We're gonna throw him a surprise party." "How are you going to do that?" Raven asked, taking out her phone. "His schedule is completely clear, and all he wants to do is sleep." "It's alright. I got that covered." "With?" Raven asked looking at Han sceptically. "I gave him a task which will give us a solid 8 hours." "What are you making him do?" Raven asked concerned. "I've got him to go buy us feminine hygiene products." "How is that going to keep him busy for 8 hours!?" Raven snapped. "Because, as smart as Zeke is, he doesn't know anything about that. Secondly, I gave him specifications, on which ones to buy, but none of them exist." "Okay...but what are we doing?" "We'll get the house ready with balloons, food and stuff." "Oh, crap here he comes. Play along." Han said. "With wh-YAH!" Moon slapped Raven in the stomach.

Zeke rushed in, pausing at the odd sight. The three of them hunched over holding their stomachs. "What's wrong? Was it the chicken?" "We got a synced period." "Oh! I...I'll...uhhh." "Can you get us some pads?" Han asked hunched over. "I don't really-" "Here. I wrote you a list. Get us these EXACT brands. No substitutes." "Can't you get these delivered or something?" Zeke asked awkwardly reading the paper. "No. It has to be those ones. Quick go, before start bleeding everywhere." "Oh my god! Is that what happens?" "YES! NOW GO!" Han roared. Zeke awkwardly sprinted out the door. "Did you really have to hit me?" Raven groaned. "It was to sell it." "Now let's get started." Moon said.

Sakura, Constantine and Alexander arrived in Australia at noon. Alexander rushed out first wearing jeans and t-shirt. His excitement disappeared the moment he looked at everyone. "There. Do you see anyone in a cork hat, wearing a singlet and shorts?" Sakura asked. "No.....but I want to see the bogans. They sound like fun." "Come on. There's still an hour drive to his house." "Why do you know where he lives?" Constantine asked. "Aww. Are you worried that I'm going to cheat on you?" "No." Constantine said firmly. "I just find it weird you know where he lives." "Well, if you used that little smart brain of yours. You could easily find out where he lives, from his agency website. Secondly, he doesn't even know we're coming. It's a surprise visit, so that if anything is awkward, we can leave early as to not impose." "You planned ahead for me. That's so sweet." "I know my man. Now control our idiot before he does something stupid." "We can leave him alone for a little-" "G'day cunt!" Alexander blurted out to a confused couple. Sakura let out a sigh pinching between her brow. "Go get him now."

Zeke stared at a wall of feminine hygiene products, under the bright neon lights of the chemist shop. His jaw hung as his eyes darted back and forth rapidly, scanning each aisle. A young woman approached him. "Can I help you sir?" Zeke nodded with the look of a lost puppy. He handed her the letter from Han. "Do you guys have these brands?" She looked up at him puzzled and confused on whether it was a joke or not. "I was told to get these exact brands." "Sir, these are clearly fake." "They are? How can you tell?" She did a double take, letting out a small huff. "Well, there's no such thing as a mega duper tampon." Zeke scratched his head. "Are you sure?" "Yes. I'm sure." She said firmly. "What about the second ones" "I'm 100% sure that, Block your pussy with super Bussy, is not a real item." "What about tough and stuff-" "Sir. Sir. I'm gonna just let you know right now. None of these exist, nor should they."

"Mmmmm...are there any similar items? They looked like they were in pain." She gave him an incredulous look. "...You know these things don't stop the pain right?" "They dont'!? Then why the fuck are they so expensive!?" Zeke exclaimed. "Wish I knew." She sighed. "Um well...I guess I could just buy something similar for them." "Do you know what kind of flow they have?" he looked at her puzzled. "Like...like how they rap?" The two stared at each other in complete silence without blinking. "Do you have any questions?" "Uh yeah...this one says super absorbent and this one says heavy absorbent. So is this one for like Hunters, and this one for fat girls?" "What." You know, super absorbent for super powers, and heavy for heavy people." She took a second to compose herself. "That's not what they mean sir." "Could you just pick out three for me?" "Sir there are a lot of factors that go into buying these." "Tell me about it. Is there anything you need to know, to make an informed decision?"

"Flow and size." "Could you define those terms for me, in a way that a dumb man could understand?" she took a sigh. "How much blood, and how big they physically are." "I don't know, and I didn't know periods had sizes. How do you even measure them? Is that why women take so long in the shower?" "I meant how big their bodies are." "OH! I...ahaha...knew that...here's a picture of, each of them." He said awkwardly. She glanced at the photo and then back to him. "Which one are you buying for?" "All three of them." "Sir. How do you know these women?" "Uh well, she's my secretary and friend. She's my best friend's, and she's her friend." "Ah-huh.....sir is there anything special happening today?" Zeke shook his head. "Nothing special today." "Give them a call and ask them how they're feeling." She said walking away. Zeke shrugged giving Moon a call. "Hey did you find them yet?" "Uh no. Are you guys feeling any better?" "Yeah we feel-*SMACK*AH! OW!" Her voice became distant as the phone dropped. "Moon!? Moon! Are you alright!?" "Heey...soooorrry...stomach cramps...please pick up prescription." Han groaned. "Where? Is Moon okay?" "In PAAINNNE!" Han screamed. Zeke reeled away from his phone.

His phone vibrated with an address. "This place is like 3 hours away! Why wouldn't you just get the prescription somewhere-" A high pitched scream rang out. Zeke sprinted off hanging the phone up. "Alright, someone fucked up plan A, but that's okay. Plan B will keep him busy." Han said, blowing up a bunch of balloons. Raven looked at her concerned. "You've done that before haven't you?" "We needed one of those the last time we held him a party." "When was that?" "About three years ago." Moon said. "When we made some big mistakes in asking out a pair of idiots." "You dated those two idiots on his birthday?" "Sadly yes." Han sighed. "Okay, you guys handle the decorations. I'll go get Zeke's favourite food and cake." "He has a favourite food?" "More favourite type of food." Han corrected. "Burgers. He loves a good burger and chips." "Huh...good to know. What about the cake?" "Vanilla fruit cake." Moon said. "Alright, you two finish up with the decorations. Just make sure you don't pop any and wake up Red." Moon said, stumbling in her high heels. "What's wrong with you?" Raven asked. Moon gave her a sly smile. "He made me a little weak in the-" "AH! Don't need to hear the rest." "Vagina." Raven groaned.

Weaver and Adrianna landed in Australia at 3pm, with Weaver pushing Eliza out on a wheelchair. "You know for how delicate, you treat your suits. You should do the same thing for me." Eliza jabbed. "That's because my suits have worth." Eliza snickered. "Oh, I've missed you Petey." "It's Peter or Weaver, not Petey." He growled. "Oh lighten up. You were grumpy the entire trip." "Because, I said this was urgent, and we decided to take a damn cruise first, before swapping to a plane." "You're you still gonna need a red Rift to be open anyway." "She's right. Besides you're not fully healed yet." "They're just hairline fractures." "20 of them in your arm alone." Adrianna said. "I'm fine. We just need to discuss with Zeke." "I wonder how Twig is doing anyway. He emailed me something about that black book." "What did it say?" Adrianna asked. She shrugged. "Haven't read it. I'm sure it's not important, if he sent it in an email."

Han and Raven continued to decorate the house late into the afternoon, when a knock caught their attention. "Guests?" Raven asked. Han shrugged, opening the door. Sunny and Skye stood awkwardly at the front door, with Sunny holding a small gift wrapped box. The two wore matching white shirts and black jeans. "Um hello?" Han asked. "I'm looking to speak with Ezekiel." "Ah huh...sorry you have the wrong house-" Sunny blocked Han from closing the door. "I know this is his house. His address is listed on the website." "And you are?" Sunny and Skye shared a glance. "Customers." Sunny lied. "We thought getting him a present would help him accept our proposal." "How about you don't lie to me, because it's not public information about Zeke's real name. Who are you?" "She's my sister, and Zeke use to be her bodyguard." "Oh! Why didn't you lead with that?...Did something happen between you two?" "No." Sunny said coldly. "I just need to talk to him. Where is he?" "He's currently on an errand." "You're distracting him for a birthday party." Sunny said looking at the balloons." "May we come in?" Skye asked. "No. I don't know you two and HEY!" Sunny barged in with Skye awkwardly following behind.

"Raven, sic em!" Raven looked at Han annoyed. "Do you think I'm some kind of attack dog?" "What good is your super strength, if you're not gonna use it to muscle someone?" "Wouldn't try it. My sister was an S grade before the reset." "I'm not here to start a fight. I just want to talk to Ezekiel." "First of all. His name is Zeke. He doesn't like anyone calling him that name. Secondly, pushing your way into a house, is basically starting a fight." "I'll leave, once I'm done talking to him." Sunny sat firmly in the corner, blowing up a balloon. "Well I'm gonna make you leave." "How?" Sunny asked. "Well not me personally, but just you wait." Han called Moon. "Hello? Han, did something-" "Scenario three." "I'm on my way home." Moon said hanging up. "Oh dear god, what the fuck is Scenario 3?" Raven asked troubled. "Nothing, but you're about to get your ass kicked by-" "Moon Kim?" "Well...yeah!" "We just want to talk. We're not here to cause any problems." Skye said.

Moon's car came screeching around the corner and leapt the curb. She parked the car on the lawn and sprinted inside. The door swung open with Moon summoning Iziel and Soul-Taker. "Alright, where's the bitch!?" Sunny stood up from the dining room table. "I'm guessing that I'm the bitch." She said drawing her daggers. "Hey guys, maybe we don't fight in the house." Raven said hiding around the corner. "Get her Moon!" Han egged on. "Fuck her up!" Skye cheered. The two took a fighting stance, with Sunny summoning her wings, and lowering herself. Moon took a fencing stance. "Guys seriously! Not in the house!" Raven yelled. Red sauntered in between them. Skye melted at the sight of Red. "Oh my fucking god! IT'S SO CUTE!" She squealed. Red sat up on her hind legs, gesturing for the both of them to lower their weapons. Sunny was entranced at the red panda giving orders. "You must be Red." She nodded at Sunny. "Ezekiel, told me a lot about you." Red fell onto four legs, her fur sticking up. She hissed at Sunny. "He said you love apple candy." She fished a packet from her pocket and tossed a green apple candy at Red's feet. Sniffing it twice, Red immediately smiled and curled up at Sunny's feet.

"Red!" Moon hissed. "Scenario 3!" Red quickly scuttled away from Sunny hissing at her. "How about we use our words!?" "We could." Moon growled. "But this is more fun." Sunny said. The two readied themselves for a fight. Zeke came stomping in through the front door. "Moon! What the flying fuck!?" He shouted. Moon jumped banishing Iziel and Soul-Taker. With his back turned to the others, he approached Moon. "You want to tell me why, I've been driving all god damn day! Trying to find tampons and pad brands that don't exist. Then finding "PERSCRIPTION!" painkillers that are only apparently sold three hours away! Only, to then find out, they sell these motherfucking things in every pharmacy!?" Moon cringed her eyes starting to water. "Surprise." She said weakly. "What? What!?" Zeke exclaimed looking at the balloons, still not noticing Sunny. "You couldn't think of any other way to keep me busy for the surprise party? You had to have me worried and stressed out the whole day about you?"

"I'm so-" Zeke pulled Moon in a hug. He let out a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry. I just...I thought you were in pain the whole damn day, and I couldn't do anything about it." Moon nodded hugging him back, grabbing his ass in front of Sunny, with a sly smile.. She seethed at the sight sucking on her teeth. "I'm sorry ZEKE. I just wanted to surprise you, next time I'll think of something better." Zeke broke away shaking his head. "I told you before, I don't like celebrating my birthday. Bad things always happen on my birthday. It's a rule of life." He spun around and froze at the sight of Sunny. "Sunny...What are you doing here?" "Hey Ezekiel. Happy birthday." She said sheathing her daggers. "Hey Zeke..." "Skye...what are you both doing here?" "I came to say sorry, but I think you've moved on pretty nicely." "Moved on?" Zeke asked. "You think I've moved on?" "Uhhh Zeke...What does she mean?" Moon asked dreading his answer. "That I've moved on from our relationship." Red leapt onto the stairwell banister in between all of them, holding up her pad with one word on it. 'Context.' "This Red. Is the detective sergeant of the 50th precinct in New York city. Sunny Shinsei, and up until two days ago. She was my girlfriend."

Moon's heart exploded. Red, and Han's jaw hit the ground. Sunny gave Moon a smug wink. "You two are...dating?" Moon asked. "Were. She ended the relationship." Zeke said angry. "And she's here to say sorry." Skye said. "Are you really?" "I wanted to try and work things out, but one day out, and you're already back to fucking her." "I'm sorry!? But was I meant to wait for you? You made it pretty fucking clear, I had no place in your life anymore." "You don't ever want to get married, or have kids. I'm not gonna wait around for you to maybe change your mind." "I never said that I don't want to get married or have kids! I said I'm terrified of having kids, and that I don't really feel like getting married in a church, because in case you fucking forgot! I'M A DEMON!" "You think I wouldn't remember you saying that!?" Sunny snapped. "Oh this is fucking stupid!" Skye shouted stomping over. She grabbed both of their arms.

Skye punched Sunny in the boob, making her curl in and cringe. "You dumbass! He's telling the truth. You literally forgot what he just said." "Of course she wouldn't remember. She lost her damn mind, the moment I said, that I wouldn't leave Moon for her." Moon's heart reformed instantly filling her with joy. "You name one girl in this damn world, that wants to play a second fiddle?" Sunny growled rubbing her chest. "For the last fucking time! I was in love with YOU! NOT Moon!" Moon rubbed her face, trying to hide her welling tears. "I told you countless damn times. I wasn't in love with her, and that she would never love me! Isn't that right Moon?" "I'm in love with you Zeke!" Moon declared. "See!" Zeke declared proudly at Sunny. He paused taking a few seconds to register the new information. He spun back to her. "WHAT!? HOW!?" "Well! Why is it so impossible and strange for you to think, that I am in love with you? I mean we know everything about each other, we've been together since we were 6. We ran away from home together, and we're best friends."

"Because I came to the same damn realization exactly three years ago! Except, when I told you that I loved you. You responded by dating that fuck knuckle. Who, you made me cook him breakfast, lunch and dinner, after you two were done fucking! Or when they used me for target practice!" Zeke snapped. Everyone in the room fell silent cringing and dying emotionally. 'Never thought I would feel bad for a Demon. Kudos Moon.' "Um, could I just play Devil's advocate here?" Han asked. "Maybe, you're just remember wrong, and you confessed after they started dating?" Zeke turned his snarl to her. "Who in their right fucking mind, would confess their feelings AFTER the fact?" "You're right. I'm sorry to have asked. Moon you're a fucking idiot." Han said shrinking away. "I told you I was right." Sunny said. "Yeah and what of it!?" Zeke snapped at her. "What does being right do for you? You gonna give the next person you love an ultimatum? You gonna keep doing that to you find someone, who doesn't care about themselves or others?"

Sunny dropped her head. "I loved you, but where I go. Moon is with me. If you can't accept that just go. Skye, I'm assuming you're here, because of the job." "Uh well-" "You still have it." "What job?" Moon asked. "She's gonna be our accountant." "Nah fuck that. I want nothing to do with her and her family." Moon said firmly. "Well we'll be paying her 6 chips a month." "How expensive can an accountant even be anyway? Surely we can pay for them." "5 chips-" "Pfft, we can pay that easily." "An hour." Zeke finished. "Welcome aboard. Tell your sister to fuck off." "Yay! And Hey! Don't talk about my sister like that." ""Why don't you fuck off. All you do is take him for granted. And if you had told him how you felt, we could have avoided all of this." "Ooof! She got you there." Han said. "Mmmhmm. We did tell you." Raven said with Red nodding along. "Who's side are you two on!?" "Wait! How long have you three known?" The three shrugged and awkwardly shied away. "We just found out now and-" "NOW!" Zeke shouted. Red and Raven pointed to Han. "She knew it before us." "Thanks guys." "Han. When did you know?" "Well time is a funny thing." Zeke snarled and approached her filled with malice and rage. "Since you two came back from Verdancia the first time!" Han blurted out terrified.

Zeke turned back to Moon. "SINCE THEN!?" "I...I was scared that you would reject me. And that if you did it would be awkward." "I can't even..." Zeke took a moment to breathe and rub his face. "Ezekiel, I'm sorry to have put that ultimatum on you, but I was right. So I'm gonna leave...I'm sorry to have wasted your time." Skye rushed over and held Zeke's arm tightly. "Do you still love my sister?" "I-" "He does!" Skye squealed. "Hang on! Zeke, do you still love Moon?" Han asked. Skye backed away from Zeke looking at him confused. "Well? Does he?" "He does..." "Well, then the answer is obvious. He goes with Moon." "Hang on. Sunny is a way better fight for him than her. She's a detective and he loves puzzles. He also doesn't have to go across Rifts, if he chooses her. They're perfect for each other." "Moon and Zeke have been together since they were kids. They've been through everything together. Buying their first house, car, training, learning their powers."

Red wrote down on the pad. 'Perfect new love interest, or childhood best friend?' "Man your life is like a K-Drama." "THANK YOU!" Han shouted in relief. "Zeke, you're not gonna leave me right?" Moon whimpered. "No, I'm not going to leave you." "Ezekiel, I still love you as well, and I want you in my life. I never wanted to lose you, but-" The door swung open with Alexander sliding in through the front door wearing flip flops. "OI YA CUNT! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" He shouted tossing a beer can at Zeke. It bounced off his chest, spraying everywhere as it hit the floor. "Ahh...kinda thought you would catch that?" Sakura came in and smacked him across the head. "I told you to knock first!" "Sakura?" Moon asked. "Hello Moon. Zeke!" She rushed over hugging him. "Happy birthday! Hope I didn't miss..." Constantine pulled Alexander and Sakura back. "Happy birthday, sorry to intrude. I think we've interrupted something." He whispered. "I'm not gonna even ask, how you three found out about my birthday." "I asked mum, for Sakura's sake." Alexander said. Constantine placed his hand over his mouth.

"Look, I'm sorry, but could you guys come back later. We're in the middle of-" "Excuse me. Do not block doorways." Michael said barging in. He gave a smug smile to Zeke. "Here you go." He said handing him a letter. "You've been served." "What." Zeke growled. "You're being sued for several noise complaints, refusal to cease and desist excessive partying. Property damage. A health and safety violation with that pool." "You're suing me...AGAIN!?" "Ezekiel. I figured with all the contracts you've taken, and our history. You would know how to read better than that." Sunny and Moon felt their blood boil. "I'm not suing you. The people are. I'm just representing them." Han marched over snatching the letter from Zeke's hand. "He wasn't even in the country. This is for me." Michael took it out of her hands and shoved it into Zeke's chest. "As the legal home owner, it was his responsibility to ensure none of this happened on his premises." "I'm also the legal home owner. You're suing me as well!" "You were recorded as through a Rift, and share no legal burdens."

He gave Zeke a few slaps across the face. "Are you going to kill me?" Zeke scowled at him, with his eyes turning red and his hair flickering white. "Are you going to finish the job this time?" Zeke's fists shook violently. "No? I expected nothing less than the disappointment that you are." Sunny took out her daggers ready to murder him. Zeke snatched him by the tie. "Go on. Do it!" "No. I'll never kill you. Because one day, you're going to beg for my forgiveness, and when that day comes. Then I'll finally kill you." "Tsk. I guess even a worthless Demon like you can dream." Zeke shoved aside. Sakura placed a knife under his throat. "Apologise. Right now." "Sakura. Let him go." Zeke growled. "No. I'm going to kill him for you." Michael leant forward pressing his throat against her blade. She coiled back. "You're just a child. Stop acting like you're a monster. The only one in this room is him." Michael pushed his way past them, stopping at the door. "Oh, happy Birthday Ezekiel."

Zeke closed his eyes trying to focus himself. His hair and eyes still flickering with Demon's Blood. His breathing became shallow and agitated. His hair starting to turn black. A crushing of metal and shattering of glass, with a car alarm caught their attention. "Oh dear god, what fresh hell is this?" Raven said. Everyone walked outside to find three Hunters destroying Zeke's car. One on the roof of his car, was the burly Hunter from yesterday. "Hey don't be mad! Just settling the score!" Sunny and Moon summoned their wings ready to fight. Zeke marched out first summoning his suit. The others except for Sunny and Skye, were absolutely dumbfounded by Zeke's new bonded outfit. "What the fuck is that!?" Moon hissed. "I've been too scared to ask him." Han said. The other two Hunters stood up holding large spiked maces. They let out a roar, activating their Demon's Blood and filling the area in a layer of frost.

Adrianna, Weaver and Eliza watched from afar, curious to see how things played out. "Is that...the coat with Arafel's blood on it?" Adrianna asked. "Looks like it." Weaver said. "I think we should talk about how that thing is bonded to him? That's another S grade item his bonded to. I mean at least if he has control over Arafel's fire." Eliza said. "Let's see then." Weaver said, watching on intrigued. "Fifty chips says he talks his way out." Adrianna said. "Fifty says, we see a triple homicide." Eliza said.

The burly Hunter banged his chest. "You caught me off guard last time, but this time-" The layer of frost instantly turned into a rotating ring of swords. They encircled each Hunter. They froze taking a gulp. He stopped at the Demon Hunter on the left, trembling as the blades came to a stop pressing against his skin. "Grade." Zeke snarled. "...C." A sword flew through his leg, slicing through both bones. He fell to the ground crying out in agony. As he tried to remove the ethereal ice sword, it shattered into splinters, shredding his hand and legs even further. The other Demon Hunter cried out whimpering and reverted back to normal. "Grade." "E! E! I'M WORTHLESS!" He snivelled. "Then remember that for next time." A sword severed the man's hand, cauterizing it with a frozen stump. Gasping and frozen in shock it took a few seconds before he started to scream out in pain. The last Hunter ducked out of the ring of swords, and leapt into the air. Moon and Sunny flew towards him at the same time. They ran face first into an invisible wall, crashing into the ground, groaning and holding their broken noses.

"You can't get me up here! AHAHA!" He sneered. Zeke summoned his Spectre, and leapt into the air after him. "What's he doing? He should just be using Sovereign stance one to try and snipe him out of the air." "He has a plan." Weaver said. The Spectre swung at the air, shattering the invisible wall. The Hunter flew higher into the air. Zeke started to fall. "I told you that you can't hit me up here!" A large red magic circle appeared beneath his feet, with a snowflake pattern inside. He leapt off the platform grabbing the Hunter with his Spectre throwing him down into the road. Zeke landed gently. Everyone watched on completely stunned and in awe. Zeke stood over the Hunter. He laid motionless in the crater with his eyes darting back and forth. "I can't...I can't move..." "You're spine is shattered." "I...I-" The Spectre took the other two groaning Hunters and tossed them into the crater. Zeke tossed his broken car on top of them.

"Ambulance will be here soon enough. Try not to die in that time." Zeke said turning back to normal. He stopped and looked into the distance locking eyes with the three of them. "That sense of his, is something else." Adrianna said. Zeke returned to normal stomping inside the house. "Alright, I'll just ask it for all of us." Han said. "What the fuck was that!?" "Not important. Call them an ambulance right now." "You've gotten stronger twig." Eliza said being wheeled inside. Sunny froze at the sight of Weaver. "Mum! What are you doing here!?" Alexander jumped hiding his beer can behind his back. "I'm here doing a favour for Weaver. You'll be dealt with later." "I can sense this is a bad time, but we need to talk-" Zeke raised a finger up to Weaver. "Wh-what's happening?" Weaver said confused. "God isn't done fucking with me yet. There's still one more fucking thing to piss me off." Everyone looked around at each other. They stopped hearing tires screech outside with two doors slamming shut. Edelgard followed behind Brianna, who stormed in annoyed at Moon. "There you are!" "Brianna-" "YOU LEFT ME! THEN DECIDED IT WOULD BE OKAY TO NOT CALL ME WHEN YOU CAME BACK!?" "Moon, you breached your contract. I have to suspend your Rift travels for the year." "And there it is." "Did you become clairvoyant over there as well?" Raven asked concerned.