
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

Angel of New York.

Zeke waited near Sunny at the end of shift. At 4:59pm she glared at everyone staring at her. Captain Carter came out of his office holding a megaphone. Zeke cocked an eyebrow intrigued at the purpose. She cringed and grimace. He wetted his lips, cracking a huge smile, and took a deep breath. "Detectives! Officers! Witnesses! And even those in the holding cell! I have a shocking announcement!" He blared through the megaphone. Sunny lowered her head, covering her face. "I have just gotten off the phone to a Minister Shinsei." She popped up looking at him with fury. "You called my brother!?" "Sergeant Shinsei, is going on her first date in over 5 years!" The entire floor erupted into cheers and applause. "It's not a date!" Sunny blushed. He dropped the megaphone on her desk. "Keep telling yourself that." He said walking away. "Now remember, only weirdoes don't sleep on the first date." Stevens said. "Remember to open the door your date." "I hate you all." She grumbled. Zeke snickered translating his tome.

As the clock struck 5pm, she slammed her folder shut, and quickly packed her things. "Excited are we?" "Shut up!" She snapped storming out. Zeke followed after her, finding her sulking behind the wheel. Pouting and staring furiously through her windshield. He took a seat in her passenger seat. "Here I thought only Demon Hunters made a room cold." She turned her glare to him. "I was just joking, I didn't know I was on speaker phone. You're meant to warn people about that." "How exactly was I meant to do that?" "Well partners always have code words." "Alright from now on. When I breathe, it means you go home." "Yeah, and when I say 'massage wand in the chair's arm rest', it means you stop being mean to me." She went bright red. "I gotta say, that thing looks violent, and abused." "Alright I get it!...where did you put it?" "I didn't touch it. It seemed a little bit...personalised." "It's standard!" She shouted.

The two waited in the foyer of a high end steak restaurant. Greeted a by lanky maitre d' with a wispy moustache. He looked Sunny up and down at her simple shirt and jeans, before looking at Zeke in his elegant and handsome get up. "Sir, I regret to inform you that, you're partner is under dressed for the restaurant." "Excuse me?" Zeke stifled a laugh, covering his mouth. "Hey asshole." She flashed her badge. "You see this? I just got off a shift, now I made the damn booking, so let us in." "This is a fine dining establishment. Your attire would ruin the atmosphere." "Hey! I am fine and I am dressed fine." She growled. "Madam, you do flatter yourself as you are neither right now." Zeke bit his knuckle trying his hardest to not laugh. "Flashing your badge, does not scare me. I am well within my rights to deny you entry." "I have been here before plenty of times. The chefs know my order." "I am aware of who you are Sergeant Shinsei. However you can no longer abuse your grading over us. This is a C grade establishment and above."

"Would you be able to make an exception for me sir? It's my first time here, and I trust her judgment that this place has great steaks." "The finest sir. I could make an exception for your grade sir, however I cannot let her in like that." "This motherfu-" Zeke placed his coat over her shoulders, he rolled up his sleeves. "Does she look a little more presentable with the coat on?" "Hmm, if you can make her keep it on. I will allow you both in this one time." "Forget it. I don't need your charity-" A whiny echoing gurgle from her stomach rang out. The two of them eyed Sunny turning a shade of red so vibrant it made rubies seem dull. They were seated in a corner, right beside the toilets, surrounded by women in extravagant dresses and men in suave suits. "Wow this place is fancy." "This is bullshit." She pouted, pulling on his coat. "Guess that S grade really came with some great perks huh?" "Tsk, I use to have my own private room here. Now we're so close to the toilets, we could probably smell the shit when people come out."

"Oh it's one time, and I'm sure the steaks will make up for it." The waiter approached them looking at Sunny with disgust. Zeke spotted the malice stare. "What will you have sir?" He reeled back at the pricing. "Uhh…Sunny, I don't want to be that guy, but can you afford-" He stopped seeing the horror in her face. 'Christ, she must have been abusing that S grading.' "I'll have the rib eye medium rare, mushroom sauce on the side, with extra chips no salad." "An excellent choice sir. Any toppers sir?" "No, I'm good." "And for you?" "I'm not that hungry. I'll just have the side salad." "And what will that be on the side of?" "Um….how much does the water cost?" "Get her the usual." "Sir, it's clear you want to have sex with this woman, but you could purchase a hundred nightwalkers for less." "Hey! I am totally worth that amount!" She pouted. Zeke chuckled. "It's fine, this a onetime thing. Besides how expensive could it be?" The waiter grimaced, wind rushed through the slits of his teeth. Zeke gulped, but remained calm with a smile. "It's fine. Go ahead."

The waiter left shaking his head, giving Zeke a pat on the shoulder. "I hope she's worth it." He whispered into his ear. Zeke sat in horror as steak after steak was devoured by Sunny. He gulped stopping the waiter bringing another plate. "Hey you're not eating! Did they over cook it?" "No…I'm just…not that hungry…" "DIBS!" She reached over stabbing her carving fork into his steak. 'There's no way he'll keep the nice guy act after this display. Just keep eating.' "Did you lose your appetite?…" She said shoving her mouth stuffed with food. "You know I've lived with a Hunter just like you, for my entire life. The way you eat isn't gross to me." Sunny took a breath and let out a long echoing belch in his face, with specks of meat flying across the table. 'How about now buddy?' "Did you want dessert now?" 'This son of a-' She angrily shoved another mouthful of mash potatoes into her mouth, nodding as she pouted at him. Zeke sat back in his chair, occasionally picking a chip off his plate.

The others watched on disgusted as Sunny finally, stopped eating and reeled back in her seat, patting her bulging belly. "Phew…I needed that." "Glad you enjoyed yourself." "Okay seriously? You're not annoyed? I just ate your dinner, and making you pay for it." "You'll get me next time, and trust me. You're not the first woman to steal food off my plate." "I don't get you…" "You're still convinced, I'm putting on an act, don't you?"

"Of course I am. I've met countless of Demon Hunters, and all of them are selfish, self entitled assholes, and absolute whores." "I won't disagree with you, but can I just ask. How many Demon Hunters, have you actually gotten to know?" "Well…including you that makes…one, but you aren't the exception to the rule!" "And you-" A gunshot rung out in the room. Screams rung out with masked men holding large rifles. "EVERYBODY IN THAT CORNER RIGHT NOW!" one of them shouted. Another large one took a slender brunette by the arm. She screamed thrashing in his grip. A long bone spike shot out from his knuckles, he held it under her throat. "Any wannabe Hunters try anything. I'll kill her, and then you. So get in the corner." He said with a raspy voice. "Get in the corner Zeke. I'll handle this." She whispered. With everyone huddled in the corner trembling and terrified. The armed men begun stripping each customer of their valuables.

Sunny scanned her surroundings. 'At least one Hunter amongst them. Large rifles, if any of them are allowed to get a shot off. Civilian will be caught in the cross fire. Can't call for backup.' She thought eyeing them up and down. "Please…please let me go." The woman begged. "Shut up. Say another fucking word, and I'll rape you in front of them." She winced, trembling in his grip. Two of the armed men dragged the chef out. He was an Adonis of a man. Handsome, tall with perfect skin, teeth and hair. They threw him to the ground. He begged for his life, becoming a blubbering mess, however his words didn't match his face. Still perfect compared to the sniffling words. The Hunter threw the woman aside. She scurried to Sunny. He held the man up by the scruff of his chef's coat, ripping off a gold necklace with a golden jewel on it. The man's disappeared with a brilliant flash of light.

In the man's grip was a greasy balding fat man, with a cleft lip. He tossed the chef with the others. "Did you get it boss?" he eyed the building up and down. "Yes. Kill them all." Squeals and shrieks rung out. Sunny clenched her fist ready to act. 'I need an opening, but-' "Woah! What was that charm?" Zeke asked squatting over the chef with his back towards them. "You must have paid a fortune to go from this to that." He turned to the masked Hunter. "Hey, can I ask what that is?" Zeke approached him without any care. "I've got this insecure friend and-" The men trained their guns onto Zeke, and he placed his spike under his throat. "Line up and die with the others." He growled. "But I've got a bone to pick with you." Zeke smiled. He yanked Zeke up by the hair driving his fist, into Zeke's gut with all his might, letting out a sickening wet crunch. To everyone's surprise, Zeke stumbled back glumly inspecting his shirt, with the Hunter reeling back holding his broken spike spewing blood. The men raised their rifles at Zeke.

Sunny leapt into action, throwing Zeke's coat off and summoning her wings. Plucking a feather out, she sliced through a rifle with it, like it was made of butter. Zeke watched on mesmerized as Sunny with her radiant white wings, dismantled the men. Her feather razor sharp, she incapacitated them by placing her hand over them for a second, releasing a bright white pulse, that seared their flesh instantly. The room was silent with Sunny huffed. She tucked her wings back in, burning her feather to ash with her hand. The two stood over the stunned Hunter. On his knees clutching his broken bone, she unmasked him reeling back confused. "You know this guy?" Zeke asked. "Yeah, this dumbass use to be muscle for Kalcifer, but there's no way you're this dumb." "I am this dumb. Please let me go." "Everybody out! Call the police!" She ordered. Everyone shuffled out terrified, stepping over the armed men, groaning and writhing in agony. "You're off the clock, we should let the others handle this." "No! Fuck that! This asshole ruined my meal!"

She kicked him in the chest, knocking the wind out of him. "Spill asshole! Who do you work for?" "Kalcifer! I was ordered-" She raised her hand, with it beginning to glow slowly. Zeke pushed her hand down. "Jesus, what are you gonna do melt the guy?" "Don't take the lord's name in vain." Zeke rolled his eyes. "Like he cares." He took a squat next to him. "Hey buddy, she's pretty pissed. Why don't you tell her, what she wants to know?" "I'm not falling for this good cop, bad cop routine! I know my rights!" Zeke looked back to Sunny. "Damn you were right. This guy is dumb." "Told you." "No I meant he's really dumb thinking, I'm the good cop." He scoffed shaking his head. Zeke activated his Demon's Blood, letting his Spectre, lift the man into the air. Sunny stumbled back stunned and shocked at the sight. "You got some fucking nerve ruining my date like that! Tell me who sent you, or I'll rip you limb from limb!" He shouted with his voice echoing and reverberating through the entire room. "LAZARUS KALCIFER! I WAS SENT BY LAZARUS KALCIFER!" He squealed wetting his pants. "Oh, so King was his first name." He felt a stream of fluids touch his Spectre.

Zeke groaned in disgust dropping the man, as he scurried away. "Ah gross man! I wasn't gonna do anything." "…What was that?" "My Demon's Blood. Why did I scare you?" She shook her head. Sunny had never seen something so beautiful and mesmerizing come from a Demon Hunter before. Police officers stormed into the room, with Sunny flashing her badge to them. "Only one Hunter amongst them. Take them to the hospital first." They saluted her, dragging them away. The two of them casually made their way to her car. "You shouldn't have done that." Sunny said. "Done what?" "Jumped in like that. What if your durability couldn't handle that?" "Am I sensing concern?" "Shut up. I mean it. As much as I don't like you. You shouldn't risk your life for people you don't even know." "Because I'm a Demon?" "Because…argh!" She rustled her hair. "You're so damn frustrating!" Sunny sat in her car first, locking the door, before Zeke got in. He watched as she screamed at the top of her lungs, before unlocking the door. He sat down with a devilishly smirk across his face. "Just say it. I know you got some stupid witty, snide, comment to make." "Are you gonna hit me if I say it?" "I only promise to try."

"I didn't think I'd make you scream that loud tonight." He said with a sly smile. She took a deep long breath through her nose, before gripping her steering wheel tightly. "Because you helped save those people. I will not…hit you. The only bright side of this event tonight, is that it can't get worse." "We still got 5 more hours till midnight." "Just…just be quiet." Sunny, sighed driving off. They received a phone call from Captain Carter. "Are you okay? I just heard the news." "I'm fine captain." Sunny said. "Not you, I meant Zeke." She looked at her dashboard offended. "I'm fine captain. Thanks for asking." Carter let out a sigh of relief. "Thank God, you're okay. I was worried something terrible had happen to you." "Uhhh, what about me? I was in there too. I did most of the work as well." "Yes, and you have said repeatedly, I should trust you to be safe. Now you want me to be worried about you. Which one is it?" "You could show a little care." She pouted. "Well I tell you who does care too much. Go visit your brother, he's been calling us non-stop." "Do I have to?" She whined. "Can't I just work on this Kalcifer case?"

"You will, but tomorrow. So get some rest, and remember guys like when girls are on top." Sunny quickly ended the call. "I mean he's not-" "Shut up!" She made an aggressive turn. They stopped in front of a large church. "Stay here. I'll be back." "I can't go meet your brother?" "I am simply protecting you. This is hallowed ground. You'd be in excruciating pain simply walking inside." "Awww-" She rolled her eyes and quickly left. Making her way inside, her brother Cloud wore a clergyman's robe. Tall and slender like her, his sharp buzz cut matched his perfectly trimmed goatee. With violet eyes his hair did not match with a solid black. He was pacing around nervously biting his nails. "Cloud, stop worrying. I'm fine." "Sunny!" He embraced her. "I was so worried! I was told that there were men with guns, and another Hunter." "You really think I can't handle them?" "I can't help but worry okay. You're my baby sister." "You're only five years older than me." He took a seat, facing towards the statue of Christ, letting out a sigh of relief. "Where's this date of yours?" She shoved him, taking a seat beside him. "I wasn't on a date. It's the stupid new partner, I have to have. He's a Demon Hunter." "Ahhh."

Zeke sat quietly behind them, without them even noticing his presence. "Have you done your prayers?" "Not yet." "Let's do it together." The two closed their eyes putting their hands together. "Thank you God, for keeping us safe today." Cloud said. "Thank you Jesus Christ, our lord and savior for keeping us safe today." Sunny said. "Huh, I figured you would call him Jesus-Dono, or Jesus-Kun, maybe even Japanese Jesus. J.J for short." Zeke said. Sunny's eyes bulged open. The two turned around slowly to see Zeke smiling at them, doing a gentle wave. "HOW!?" She screamed getting up from her seat. "So you're her brother. How come your hair isn't red?" Cloud looked him up and down. Zeke inspected him closer. "Ah, you dyed your hair. Are you ashamed of the colour, because it's the same as my Mana?" "HOW ARE YOU INSIDE!?" Sunny screamed. Cloud raced over to water fountain, filling a chalice. He raced back ready to throw the chalice at Zeke. He caught Cloud's wrist, taking the chalice, and slugged back the drink. He looked at the two of them with a sinister smirk. "Ahhhhh…refreshing." He set the chalice down, slumping back into his seat.

"Hallowed grounds. Consecrated items. Holy weapons. They all just sting to me." "I told you to sit in the car!" "But I wanted to pray. Surely you wouldn't deny a soul a chance to pray." "Get out!" Sunny yelled. Zeke clutched his chest, pretending to cringe and writhe in pain. "Oh no…my only chance to pray. Whatever will I do?" "Do not make a mockery out of faith." Cloud snarled. "I don't have to. It does that by itself." "It does not!" "Sure, sure. So where's little Timmy glued to your crotch? Or are you done spreading the love of God, all over his face?" "Zeke, that's enough." "Fine! You want to be an asshole?" Cloud took out a bible, and held his cross out. "Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil." "Are you trying to exorcise me?" "May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O prince of the heavenly Host-" "He's seriously trying to exorcise me. Sunny are you gonna stop him? Or does helping save an entire room of people, not count for anything?" She stood there conflicted.

"By the power of God, thrust into Hell Satan and all evil spirits who wonder through the world-" "Stop!" Sunny yelled. "What are you doing? He's a Demon Hunter!" "He just helped save a bunch of people tonight." "Are you taking his side?" "I didn't think she would either." "You shut up and get out." "Alright, but I'll let your brother in on a secret, before I go. That exorcism wouldn't have worked on me." "We'll see about that!" Zeke took a bible from the back of the chair, making a cross on himself. "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanic potestas, omnis incursion inferanlis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregation et secta diabolica. Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te…cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque aeternae perditionis venenum propinare…Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciae, hostis humanae salutis…Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei; contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine…quem inferi tremunt…Ab insidiis diabolic, libera nos, Domine. Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos."

Hot steam arose from Zeke's skin and he winced shaking it off. The two stared at him in complete stunned silence. He placed the bible down. "You're gonna do an exorcism, learn the right language and incantations." He said leaving. Sunny quickly hugged Cloud, finding Zeke slumped in his seat, massaging his temples. She sat in the car looking at him up and down, his red skin slowly coming down. "How do you know that exorcism chant so well?" "Not my first time reading it." "Does it hurt?" "Nope, just makes me feel like shit for a few minutes." "Then why did you read it?" "Because, I'm an idiot who wanted to prove a point. By the way your brother seems like a nice guy." She drove quietly, glancing over to him periodically concerned. "Why did you have to read it the other times?" "You can find your answer in my file. I'm going for a walk." "I'm driving 50 miles-" Zeke opened the door casually rolling and tumbling out. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" Sunny slammed on her brakes looking out the rear view mirror.

Zeke stood up dusting himself off, and sauntered off. "God damn this kid." She looked up the cross dangling in front of her. "Sorry." Sunny drove off angrily, returning to her apartment. The sight of its cleanliness still perplexed her. Had her apartment always been this big? She laid out Zeke's entire folder on the ground, rifling through all of them. She found one folder disturbing. A document outlining his charges and punishment, dating back seven years ago.

"Several charges of grievous bodily harm, two year parole on good behavior, $300,000 compensation. Who the hell sued him? He was ten!?" She dialed her phone. "Hello?" Edelgard asked. "Hi, sorry to bother you again, Miss Edelgard. This is Sergeant Shinsei." "Sergeant, how can I help you?" "I have a few questions about Zeke." "Is this a part of your witch hunt? Because if it is. I will burn your entire career-" "No, no. I want to understand this lawsuit against him. Who sued him? He would have been ten at the time." "Does Zeke want you knowing that?" "He asked me to look into his file properly." Edelgard let out a sigh. "Here call this number and find out for yourself. The cunt should be awake at this time." She hung up angrily. Sunny hesitantly dialed the number texted to her. "Hello, this is Michael Chen. May I ask who is calling?" She reeled back looking at her phone confused. "This is Sergeant Sunny Shinsei of the New York police department." "Odd, I don't recall taking any cases from America. Why are you calling me?" "I'm…I'm looking into an old lawsuit. Against a Zeke Chen." "Ahh, what trouble has my worthless son gotten into this time?"

"You're…you're actually his father?" "You sound surprised, was my name not a give away?" "I didn't want to assume." "Well sadly, he is my child, now what I can do for you?" "You sued, your own son? He would have been ten at the time." "Incorrect, the first charge was made at ten, but the case was finalized when he was thirteen." "You-you were in a trial with your own son for 3 years?" "He needed to learn there were consequences to his outburst. From what I have heard, he hasn't committed any major crimes since." "He was your own son…How could you do something so…cruel to him?" "Cruel? Sergeant, I do not know the reason to this enquiry of yours, but know that he was a monster from birth. I did my best to raise a decent member of society, and he threw it in my face. Now unless you need something from me, stop wasting my time." "Yeah…yeah I got everything I need. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day." Sunny hung up feeling a disgusting layer over her skin.

She rushed into the bathroom, feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt and queasiness. She retched and gagged, her stomach churning. Zeke returned to the apartment, late at night, finding Sunny sleeping in his chair. His files scattered across the ground. He shook his head, and gently carried her into her bedroom. Zeke kept his head down, ensuring to not see anything in her room, other than her. Laying her down gently and tucking her in. Zeke tidied the apartment and returned to translating the tome. Scratching his head at the confusing text. "Which fucking asshole wrote this!?" He hissed. "Fuck it. I'm just gonna get Moon to translate this for me." As he slammed the tome shut, it flipped open, writing to him. 'Only for the eyes of a Demon Prince.' The text faded in an instant. "Ooooo….kay….if you're so sentient, how about changing yourself into English?" The tome slammed shut. "You piece of shit." He growled.