
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

Akasha from the Lilim

"Hey! he's waking up!" Raven said excitedly. "MOVE!" Moon yelled. Screams and furniture being thrown around echoed in the room. Zeke groaned, slowly opening his heavy eyelids, feeling two wonderful pillows on his neck. "Wh..wh..." "Zeke! Zeke! Are you okay!?" Moon said shaking him violently. "For the love of god woman. I hope you're not that rough with his pecker." Damien's voice rung out. She propped him up on pillows. He panned the around the infirmary of the Academy. Eliza, Adrianna and Damien laid across him in their own beds, with blankets over them. "I had the craziest dream." He said rubbing his head. "What happened innit mate?" Zeke chuckled. "I dreamt that I helped distract some big Angel warrior, from killing a Succubus." "That right? What else happened?" "Well, she fucked you three up. Cut Sword Master Pendragon's legs off." Eliza took her blanket off. "And, I'm pretty sure she melted Adrianna's face, before stabbing her." She took her blanket off. "Also she cut off your arm." "Fuck me. That's quite the dream." He said, pretending to scratch his head, with his stump. "I know, it's..." He trailed off finally noticing them.

"I wasn't dreaming? Then that means-" He sat up quickly. He looked down to see a pair of slender red legs and arms wrapped around him. Zeke looked up confused to Raven holding Red, with Moon snarling in his direction. "Um...who's limbs are these?" "They're mine!" Akasha said squeezing him tighter. He froze in place, feeling her heavy breast jostle on him. He went bright red. "Oh look they match now." Damien said. Raven handed him a mirror. Akasha smiled at him. "Hello prince!" "Uh...um...I...you..." "Uh doi! Where are my manners?" She snickered. Her tail coiled around him, entering into his pants. He let out a startled gasp. "I'm Akasha. I now live to serve your every desire prince." "Alright that's enough!" Moon snapped. "Let him go." "No!" She pouted. "I can sense how pent up and tense he is, and as his concubine. You are doing a terrible job at satisfying him." "Raven get me Soul-Taker." She growled. "Akasha...could you please let me go?" "Of course!" She released him. "Thank you. I-" "A prince should be on top." "Wait wh-" She pulled him in between her legs, locking them around his waist.

"I gotta get me one of Sucubusses." Damien said envious. "The plural is Succubi." Eliza said. "Because they suck you and say bye." Adrianna said. The two glared at her. "What? That was a good joke!" Moon forcefully ripped Akasha's leg lock apart, pulling Zeke out. "Thank you." "Is it my form? Is this better?" Akasha transformed into Moon wearing nothing but a bikini. "HEY! That's copyrighted!" "What?" Raven asked confused. Zeke went red and begun to sweat. "No, that wasn't the problem..." "Should I make them bigger? Her size is too small." "THAT'S IT!" She shouted summoning Iziel. Akasha cowered away from her. "Alright everyone stop!" Zeke shouted. "Now hammer time!" Adrianna said chuckling to herself. "God you're old." Damien groaned. Her jaw dropped, and she frowned at him. "Excuse you! I'm only 30!" "Been 30 for the last 15 years." Eliza added.

Zeke pinched his brow. "Can we please start from the beginning!" Akasha licked her lips. "Kissing is always exciting." "Not like that!" He yelled. "Akasha, please sit still and don't entice me for any sexual behaviour." "Mate, that's like asking a dog not to wag its tail." "You're not helping." "Wasn't trying to." He shrugged. "Alright fuck it! I'm gonna ask questions. People are gonna answer me." He snapped.

"What the fuck was that Angel lady?" "Arch Angel Astarte. One of the rulers of the Silver City." Akasha said. "Okay, why was she trying to kill you?" "I'm a Demon. What other reason does she need?" "Fair point. Why are you loyal to me now?" "Because you saved me. I will serve you to, till the end of your life. And unlike her. I won't judge your tastes and keep your balls empty." "HEY! I offer!" "Moon! No one needs to know that!" Zeke snapped. "I have definitely gotta get me one." Zeke pinched between his brow. "Okay, she called me the son of The Destroyer. What does that mean?" Akasha cocked her head to the side, with Adrianna, Eliza and Damien looking at him stunned. "You don't know where your Mana comes from?" "A red Rift. What is there to it?" "But the Mana that touched you was from Samael himself." "The Destroyer, I'm guessing. So what makes him so special? Why does it make me a Child of the Nine?" "You don't know mate?" "Well I asked her, and she just ignored me."

"Samael is one of the nine Monarchs that rule Hell. He is the king of the Shadow Kingdom." "And what? Because his Mana, made the Rift, that made me. I'm now his son? How the fuck does that even work?" 'Stay away from him. Anyone made from Samael is not someone, you want to be with.' 'Shut up Iziel.' "If you meet him, he can explain, why he made you." "Sure, I'll go meet a Demon King. That can only end well." He said sarcastically. "Wait...you've never meet him? But you know his fighting style." "This Samael knows the Sovereign stances?" Eliza asked. She looked at Eliza puzzled at her stupid question. "Of course he does. He created them. It's why he's one of the strongest Monarchs." "And before me. Who did you serve?" "Lilith of the Lilim." "Okay, so you can go back to being Akasha of the...Lilim." "But I don't want to! I want to serve you and Samael! You two are way cooler!"

"Okay well. I can't have you here, because your one hug away from getting killed by Moon." "Damn straight." "You don't want me?" She said going teary eyed. "Oh look at what you did!" Damien snapped. "Well she can't be here regardless! Things die if they don't go back for Mana." "He's right." Eliza said. She hugged Zeke against his will. "You were just caring for me! You're so sweet! Nothing like the other Monarchs and princes." "Good to know." "But I can't go back to the Lilim. My wing. Astarte the bitch cut it off."

"You can't just transform?" Raven asked. "You might not be able to see past it, but the others will, and they'll be incredibly mean." "Others? How many Succubis are there in the Lilim?" Damien asked. She placed a finger to her lips, looking away. "Hmmm...last time I saw the record there was about a million of us." "INTERESTING! And they're all beautiful and ravenous like you?" "Nononono. I'm a very weak Succubus, there are some that make me look like a virgin." Damien leapt out of bed invigorated. "Well, I must be off. I need to go through a red Rift." "Aren't you booked for a blue Rift?" Adrianna asked. "Fuck em!" He said sauntering out. Damien returned handing Zeke, his business card. "Go to a Bond smith, get your girl connected, and maybe visit a armourer. Get yourself something nice mate." "Why would you give me this?" Akasha enveloped Zeke's face in her chest. "So humble as well! I love it so much!" "Sword Master Pendragon, may I borrow your weapon?" Moon asked through her teeth. "As thanks for saving my life, you twat. Another for introducing me to this lovely creature. Now don't hold back, because you're afraid of using too much. Just pick an item and give them that card, send the bill to me."

Zeke pulled himself free, taking a gasp of air. "What I'd give to die like that." Damien said. "Amen." Raven said. "Akasha, could you sit down please?" "Of course master." She knelt down at his side, clinging to his leg. He rolled his eyes shrugging. "Close enough. I've been wanting to ask, why haven't you all healed your wounds?" "Polaris, not only cuts the victim, but severs and sears the Soul. It will take a powerful Healer to recover those injuries." "We'll be fine. Thanks to you twig." Eliza said. "Before you go Damien, don't you have something you need to ask him?" "Oh right, almost forgot. How did I knock you out?" "I...uh...Well you have a form of magnetism power. You held my head. So I guess you stopped the iron in my blood cells, which stopped me from getting any oxygen to my brain, making me faint?" "HA! I win!" "Fuck me kid. You're a smart one. Don't keep using him as a betting horse."

"Wait are the other three okay?" "You care for them?" Eliza asked. "More curious. I came back down and they were all gone." "They're off moping and whining. Take care kids." Damien said waving them off. "You can let go of his leg now." Moon said. "No. I belong here, by his side." She reached for his genitals. Moon held her in place with a barrier. "I'm just going to exorcise her Demon ass!" "Ha, I believe that's what she wants Zeke to do." Moon shot Raven a furious stare. "Joke! It was a joke!" "Moon, calm down. Let me handle this." He pulled Akasha from his leg, helping her up. "Okay, you said that, you can't go back because the other Succubusses-" "Succubi." Eliza corrected. "Whatever! They'll make fun of you." "They will." She sulked. "You also wanted to serve Samael right?" She nodded, sniffling. "Well, if I am his son." "You are." "...Okay, sure...Well, I think he would take you in, if you told him that I sent you to him." "You would do that for me!?" "Yes." She attempted another hug. "Ah!" He stopped her holding out his hand for a shake.

"Right! I would need proof that you sent me. You're so smart." "Wait, how is a hand-" She quickly placed her bare breast into his marked hand. A small crimson light came out, and she was branded with his mark, that had a small Spectre over it. Everyone stared in silence. Zeke was bright red, staring at his hand. "Have we been shaking hands wrong?" Raven asked. Moon slapped the back of her head. "What just happened?" "You branded me, as your property." "I DID NOT!" "Yes you did. See!?" She said showing her chest. He looked away covering his eyes. "Alright, you've been branded. Get out!" Moon growled grabbing her by the scruff. "A real concubine, would help me serve their king, not be jealous." "GET OUT!" She hurled Akasha out the door. "Get her through a red Rift A.S.A.P!" She demanded. "We'll put her on the first one that opens." Adrianna said.

"Now I think you've all earned your rest. Also I trust that you three will keep this a secret?" They nodded. "Do we have to keep it a secret?" Sakura asked from the front door. They looked over at Constantine, Alexander and Sakura waving in the door way. Akasha quickly scurried to Zeke's side, hissing at Constantine. "You branded a Succubus, while having casual sex with Moon. Didn't think you were that bold Zeke." Sakura said smiling at him. "I didn't...I...I need to lie down." "Here use my chest." "Not on that!" "Mum, what happened with that purple Rift?" "Nothing that you three need to be concerned of. Go home and rest, you'll continue your studies afterwards." "We deserve an answer, otherwise rumours will spread." "You threatening me?" Adrianna growled. "No, I simply want answers."

"Prince, can you make him go away?" "Prince?" They asked. Zeke dropped his head. "Don't...Alright fuck it. I'm going back to sleep. You're going back to Hell, not in a bad way." "Why would Hell be bad?" "...Just follow that nice lady over there." He sighed. "I still-" Zeke shushed him with a finger. "Just listen to her, and don't ask any more questions of me. Raven go pack your things, and follow the instructions I gave you. Red, do not abuse her generosity. Moon please come with back to the dorm." "Are we gonna-" "Yes." "Is it because-" "Yes." Akasha perked up. "Can I-" "No." Akasha swooned. "You're going to make a fine king one day." She said hugging his leg. He shook her off and said nothing grabbing Moon's wrist and walking out. "Should I wait for you two to finish, before packing or after?" "AFTER!" Moon yelled angrily. "It's fine. They'll only be a couple of minutes." "Akasha, are you able to release pheromones yet?" Eliza asked. "Of course. The moment I was birthed into existence." "Yeah, they're gonna be a while."

They met with Raven at the runway the next morning. Moon stood next to Zeke with a spring in her step, absolutely giddy. Zeke was barely conscious, unable to keep his head up right. "You know you two, don't have to see me go right? You can continue to do your thing." "We're seeing you and Red off." Moon said. "Really, because it looks like Zeke is on the verge of dying." "Akasha kept him up all night. She kept trying to sneak in." She growled, looking around for her.

"Well, looks like you'll have your hands full, until they send her off..." She trailed off seeing Adrianna, pushing Eliza in a wheelchair. "What are they doing here?" "No idea..." Moon said. "Sorry, to interrupt." Adrianna said. "However there's been a change of plan." "And that would be?" Eliza tossed Moon to laminated ID cards. "You're both going home early." "Holy shit! These are our Hunter Licences!!" "Wha?" Zeke slowly grew conscious. "But I thought we had to do our test and-" "I got no legs to help train you two." "And you've gotten perfect scores with Sylens. He wrote you a glowing commendation about your new found growth in knowledge." 'You're welcome.' 'Shush.' "Damien, also pointed out. Keep Hunters like you cooped up here, wouldn't benefit anyone." "You mean..." "Congratulations. You two passed." Eliza said. "YAY!" Moon leapt up for joy, quickly hugging Adrianna and Eliza. "Wait what about our bet? We lost." "He saved our lives. We'll call it off to be even." Adrianna said. "What's wrong with twig?" "Master! THERE YOU ARE!" Akasha screamed sprinting at them, disguised as a bustier Moon. "Ah, that explains it." "That son of a bitch!"

"Get on the jet. We'll handle her." Adrianna said. Eliza wheeled herself closer to Zeke. "Hey Twig. Can you hear me?" He gave a sleepy and weak nod. "Keep up the good work, and don't lose your heart." "Was that a genuine compliment?" Adrianna said coyly. "Shut up, and wheel me back." "Hey wait! There's not like C-4 on this thing right?" "Let that go. It was a onetime test." "Never." "We should get your stuff before-" Akasha leapt at Zeke. She was blasted away by Moon. "We'll email you our address, send our stuff there. Bye!" Moon dragged Raven and Zeke onboard. "Master! Wait for me!" "Girl, will you calm down, and go to Hell already?" Eliza barked. "I would love to, but there's no Rift for me to cross." She pouted. "Well then get over it, and follow us." "Why would I follow some old hag?" A vein bulged on Adrianna's forehead. "I would run if I were you." "From what? Her vein? It won't explode with all that loose skin." Eliza cackled. Adrianna shoved Eliza out of the wheelchair , throwing it at Akasha.

Zeke became fully conscious after a few hours on the plane trip, to the sound of rummaging and screeching. "Huh?" Raven sat across from him with a laptop. "You're finally awake. Can you tell those two they're being paranoid?" He scanned his new surroundings confused. "What happened? Where am I?" "Adrianna, gave you two back your licences, and sent you back home on the jet with me." "Ahuh..." He trailed off seeing Moon and Red tear up the carpet. "Are they trying to find explosives?" "Yep. For the last 3 hours. Give it rest! They didn't plant a bomb!" "That's what she wants you to think!" Moon snapped with Red nodding along. "Moon..." Zeke yawned. "She really drained you huh?" "Well...that and I could feel someone watching me." "Been meaning to ask you about that. Do you think it's from your Spectre? Like a pair of eyes in the back of your head?" He shrugged. "Iunno, might be. Did they say what's happening with our stuff?" "They'll ship it to us." "AHA!" Moon shouted ripping a cabinet door off. "Did you find anything?" Raven asked. "I found chips." "Any of them going to explode?" "No..." "Then stop ripping things off hinges!" She snapped. "She's got a bomb in here! I know it!"

Raven face palmed. "Zeke, can you please help me?" "Moon, I doubt she knew we would get on this jet. Why would she test Raven?" "That's...a fair point." "Okay, now stop ripping things apart, and rest. We're gonna have a fuck ton of work to do when we get back." "Hey do you guys have any recent pictures of your house. I've been looking up your house on Google maps. They must have an old picture. Because it still looks like it's in construction." The two shared a quick glance. "I mean the grass almost taller than the house. The windows look glued on. The door...Jesus." She squinted at the picture. "Is that painted on?" "Maybe..." Zeke said. "On what...?" "Concrete slab." Moon answered. "A con-A concrete slab!?" "Yes." "WHY!?" She exclaimed. "People were breaking in. Hunters can move the front door they can't." "What if they just used a window?" "We normally had Red watching the house." "Red...The little red panda." "She did a great job." Zeke said. Red nodded saluting at him.

"Do you two have some emotional connection to this house?" "It's the first house we bought together." Moon said. "You bought it!?" "Ehhhhh...well bought is a strong word." Raven looked at him confused. "What does that mean?" "We traded for it." Moon said. "For money right? You traded it for money right?" Raven asked concerned. "Of course money, and some favours..." Zeke said shying away. "Did you guys like...blow him or something?" The two looked at her disgusted. "No. We just...strongly encouraged some people to pay him higher rent." Zeke said scratching the back of his neck. "Oh my god! You two were thugs!?" "We prefer the term enforcer." Moon said. "Cool name. Still illegal." "Well, we're not doing it anymore. We've gone legit." "When did that start?" "What day is it today?" Zeke asked. "March 1st." "Today." "Come on man!" She groaned. "What? We didn't really have a lot of choices alright. It was be homeless, or use what God gave us." Moon said. "Then bait some thirsty assholes as an Instagram or Onlyfans model." "Been saying that for years." Raven pinched between her brow. "Is there anything else I should know?"

The two looked away to think. Moon whispered into Zeke's ear. "No, it was self-defence that time." She whispered into his ear again. "I mean we weren't caught, so it's not illegal." Raven threw her hands into the air. "I'm clean." Moon said confidently. "Zeke?" "I am-" He stopped to think about his answer. "Yes, I am clean." Raven let out a sigh of relief. "Why are you so worried about that stuff anyway?" Moon scoffed. "Because they're gonna do a background check on you two?" The two froze. "You two, were aware they would do a background check on you two right?" "Yep..." They said with a fake smile. Raven face palmed reeling back into her seat.

Akasha sat in Adrianna's office, pouting and frowning at her. "I should be with my master." "Well, your master doesn't want you around." "When's the next Rift open?" "When it opens. I'll let you know." She said through her teeth. "Now." A deep commanding voice said. Adrianna shot up to her feet. A black Rift swirled behind Akasha. "Samael." She gasped, before being sucked through. The Rift disappeared, covering the entire room in a layer of frost, before Adrianna could move. She stared on stunned, feeling an absurd amount of Mana still lingering in the air.

Akasha fell onto cold obsidian tiles. "Thank you Samael." A sultry voice said. Akasha recognised the voice. Her mother. The Queen of Lilim and the Succubi, Lilith. She gulped looking up at her. Lilith was an unfathomable beauty, those who gazed upon her, saw their truest desire. To Akasha, she took the form a tall succubus with a curvy body, and long raven locks over piercing golden eyes. "Hello my child, are you okay?" She pouted. "Ye...yes...yes." She stammered. Her fear and fluster came not from Lilith, but from the one next to her. Samael the Destroyer. A hulking giant, sitting on his stone throne, nearly over five metres tall. His four inverted obsidian bat wings were on display. He wore a tattered grey loin cloth, over his magma coloured skin. His ram horns shot into air as wicked spikes. However the thing that invoked the most fear into Akasha, was not his size, his claws, or overwhelming Mana, but his two piercing golden eyes that burned like the sun.

"Oh my dear." Lilith pouted. "Your wing. What happened to your wing?" She said hurrying to her side, tenderly stroking it. "It...it was cut off." She could not take her eyes off of him. He stared off into the distance disinterested, resting on the side of his arm rest. "Who did this to you?" Lilith asked, stroking her head. "Astarte?" Samael perked up. "That bold little swan." He chuckled. "This is not a laughing matter, Samael. She attacked my children, and she must pay." Lilith hissed. "I brought her back, like you asked. My debt to you is done." He said waving her off. "How are you alive?" He asked. "Does it matter? We should kill her, for the audacity to attack alone." "You can sense her Mana. She is pathetically weak. Astarte would have murdered her in an instant. Yet she's here, alive with only a wing missing. How are you alive?" Akasha pulled her bra down. "It was your son, who saved me." She said doing a bow.

Lilith looked to Samael pleasantly surprised. "Samael! I did not take you for one to dabble in making Nephilim." He remained stoic, with his terrifying Demonic visage. "I did not." "Clearly you did." "Show me her mind." "Samael!" Lilith scolded. "Surely, you know of consent." He slammed his clawed hand into the throne, the entire room shook. "I am in no mood for games Lilith." "Such a temper for a man who just had sex." Samael growled clenching his fist. "I agree!" Akasha squealed. Lilith placed a hand over her mind. A hazy pink cloud emerged from Lilith's hand, showing Akasha's memories of Astarte, swooping in from the red sky as a ball of white hot fire. She cleaved through a group of Succubi ravishing a group of stocky Orcs. She let out a battle cry, enjoying the thrill of battle and smell of death. Flying towards Akasha, a Rift formed below them, sucking through it. Lilith gave Akasha a proud head pat, seeing her stand up to Astarte. 'Good girl.' She whispered. Samael cocked his head to the side, spotting Damien. "Is that him? He has a large amount of Mana." Lilith asked.

"No that one belongs to the fleabags." "Well it's not those two women." They watched as the three of them fought with Astarte. "Actually did some damage to her. Not bad for a fleabag." "This is him!" Akasha said excitedly, seeing Zeke stand up. Lilith broke out into a mad and hysterical cackle at the sight of him. "HE'S SO SHORT!" Samael let out low mumble, and stopped seeing Zeke dive over Damien. Lilith went silent, seeing Zeke strike Astarte and stand up with only a red mark across his chest. "Polaris didn't cut him? It didn't even burn him?" "Keep watching! He becomes even more amazing!" Samael lurched forward, watching on intently as Zeke took the first Sovereign stance. Lilith spotted an uncharacteristic smirk stretch across his face. The cloud disappeared with Zeke catching Polaris and throwing it back. "Are you sure, you haven't been visiting him?" Samael leant back in his seat. He waved his hand. Akasha felt a giant rushing surge of Mana fill her body, a new wing sprouted out of her back, both of them growing double in size.

"Samael, did you just do something, out of the kindness of your own heart?" Lilith said coyly. "Don't be ridiculous. I am thanking her, for giving me this new information." "Th-th-thank you! King-" "Spare me the blustering." Akasha let out a whimper. "Where is he right now?" "I do not know." "Oooh? Interested are we?" "Why wouldn't I be interested in my spawn?" "I guess even the Destroyer feels lonely." "Leave." He growled. She snickered. "Come child. Let us leave the Destroyer, to tend to his sprawling kingdom." Lilith said coldly, summoning a black Rift. Akasha quickly left through the Rift. Lilith turned back to him. "I do hope that you're not thinking, what I think, you are thinking." Samael sat forward, resting on his hand. "And what would that be?" "The others will disagree to your idea." "They cannot disagree to something, that has not happened yet." He said smarmily. "Samael. I am warning you, as your closest ally. That Nephilim will bring you nothing but trouble." "I appreciate the warning." He snapped his fingers expanding the black Rift. "Now, leave."

Samael sat alone in the throne room, summoning a thick black tome covered in heavy spiked chains. He stood up waving his hand. The stone castle walls exploded floating into the sky. Starring out into his empty kingdom, atop his magnificent black castle, he stared at the flaming sun, in a permanent eclipsed state. He chuckled. "I have a son. How bizarre." Snapping his fingers together, he created a black Rift, tossing the tome through it. Eliza sat in Adrianna's office, the two them shared a confused a glance as the tome flew onto her table. "See that, that reaches Zeke." He said closing the Rift. They stared at each other with bulging eyes. "I'll be damned, the black Rift was real." "Never mind that. Who the fuck was that?" Adrianna wheeled herself over, grabbing the tome. It shot her with black lightning as she tried to open it. "MOTHER!" She shouted throwing it into the air. Adrianna snatched the tome out of the air. "It's just a little light-SONNA!" She shouted trying to open it. The Rift appeared, with Samael's hand reaching through it. "This is for him only!" He snapped, disappearing quickly. "Listen to the scary voice?" Eliza said. Adrianna nodded.