
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

A weapon is forged

Sunny watched Moon trudge back in with her arms shaking and trembling. "How was attempt 637?" She asked with a smug grin, sitting in her recliner. Moon glared at her. "Ha. Ha....about the same." She groaned slumping next to her.

"You learn anything? Or you just been sitting her for the last two days get pampered?" "Yes, I have. Like I said, sometimes you have to wait, before you can do anything." "Care to share?"

"That place doesn't have an infinite source of food. We can gauge how many are in there, by the amount of food and drinks they request. Then we can do a trade of resources for prisoners." "...You got lucky." Moon sulked. "How?"

"Whatever. Let's just go." Sunny shoved Moon back down. "You stay and rest. They might try and provoke you. Emotions running high isn't helpful for anyone. It's why I never brought Ezekiel to domestic violence cases."

"What am I meant to do then? Sit here eating and relaxing for the rest of the day? Wait a minute. Why am I complaining? Bye!" Moon said picking a vine of grapes. Sunny rolled her eyes taking off into the sky.

She hovered in front of the barrier with a Hunter greeting her. He leered at her up and down, stroking his chin. "Hey little girl, come for a good time?" He chuckled. "I'm here to talk to your boss. Gregory Barnes. Here to offer a deal."

"He likes his women naked not covered in clothing." Sunny rolled her eyes. "How's your food situation looking?" The Hunter's expression changed. "Yeah thought so. Free half the Angels and you'll get whatever food you want. Take that message to him."

"He's not gonna take that deal." Sunny hovered in the air pretending to lie in a beach recliner. She inspected her nails. "Well the way I see it. You all need food and drinks. However I doubt he wants to feed his bottom feeders first, rather than the Angels he's fucking." "We'll get new Angels to fuck!"

"How?" Sunny asked tapping the barrier with her boot. "Nothing in, nothing out. Are you all strong enough to come out and fetch more? Because we'll be waiting to cut you all down, and after your boss's last stunt, the Garrison is on high alert. That means no easy pickings. So be a good boy and pass on my message. I would hate for you all to be in danger." She winked with a smirk.

She returned to Moon practicing spear techniques. "Alright seeds are sown." "So another round of the waiting game?" Moon asked. "Pretty much." She said glumly taking a seat. Moon reeled back letting out a frustrated groan.

"I hate this! There has to be something that we can do!" "Like what? We've already determined you can't slow the barrier enough for anything to get in. We don't have anything to break it, and getting too close to spy means we could get caught."

Moon rubbed her face in frustration. "Sometimes the only thing we can do is wait. It was the shittiest part of detective work as well, but wait long enough and they'll make a mistake." Moon slumped into her chair. "Try and take your mind off of it."

"With what? I'm worried for Zeke, and I can't even see him, because the flying eyeball says I can't. I want to eat good food, but the only thing up here is fruit, chicken and wine. Like no pig or cows? What kind of Heaven is this?" "It's not like the books say, but come on. We just need to patient and some good things are gonna happen." "Like what?"

A small group of the Seraphim flew in. "Your Grace, we come bearing good news." Moon glared at Sunny. "Did you time that?" "How could I have timed that?" She asked annoyed. "What's the good news?" She asked.

Two Angels from the Garrison flew in holding Fiona by the pits, with her hands and legs bound, as well as a gag in her mouth. "Your Grace, we found the woman you were searching for." One of them said. "Why is she tied up?" Sunny asked helping down.

"She was caught stealing on Astarte's level. Also..." He showed his wings with one side filled with plucked feathers. "Thank you all. Please tell Ezekiel we found her." The Seraphim nodded and left.

Sunny pulled the gag out of Fiona's mouth. "Who the fuck are you!?" She shouted thrashing in her restraints. "We're friends of Raven." Moon said giving her a cup of wine. "Which Raven? There's thousands of them. They're a popular kind of bird." She said with a smirk.

"Raven thought you might say that. Secret that only you two would know is that. You both use to sneak into her dad's office and drink the spicy apple juice together, before slicing some paper." Moon said. "I still don't get that past." Sunny added. "Me neither." "Scissors." Fiona added. "Ooooooh!" Moon and Sunny said.

"So why are you here? I haven't spoken to her in over a year. She probably thinks I hate her." Sunny slit the restraints open. "She did, until we interrogated your dad, and she basically turned most of his bones into a paste." Moon said casually. "SHE DID WHAT!? YOU DID WHAT!?"

"Maybe we trying easing her into what's happened?" Moon shoved Sunny aside. "Nope. Listen here. Your dad is a cunt. He came looking for Raven after you disappeared over here, because he thought he could bring you back here. Or do whatever it was to make you un-gay or de-gay you. We found out, Raven turned him into mush, because surprise, surprise! She still loves you."

"Love is a strong word don't you think?" "Shh, I'm catching her up to speed. Ahhh, what else happened...um no that's about it. Oh wait. We're here to bring you back, so get cleaned up and she'll open the return Rift, once my boyfriend comes back."

"He's my boyfriend." "For now." "You want to go home? I could leave you here." "Like he'd go home with your old ass." "That's it!" Sunny tackled Moon to the ground. Fiona sat there dumbfounded, rubbing her wrists, as the two tussled.

"Wait...you two are dating the same guy?" "I'm dating him. She's a tag along." Sunny said pinning Moon. Moon threw her off. "You're the tag along." "Eugh, I'll deal with this idiot. You go shower, and I'll make the return Rift once he's back."

"No, I can't leave." "Well yeah...you can't make a return Rift." Moon said. "No, it's not that. It's because of this." Fiona showed her tattoo. The two took a closer look seeing the tattoo made of several sealing runes.

"What the fuck..." Moon said. "Are those...sealing runes?" Fiona covered her neck. "Another great gift from dad of the year." "Why would he do that to you?" Moon asked. "He couldn't handle me being stronger than him. Or running away from those camps."

"Can you use any Mana?" Sunny asked. Fiona shook her head wiping her eyes. "I'm human. Just like he wanted." "Well let's just cut that shit off." Moon said taking one of Sunny's daggers. Fiona crawled away with Sunny stopping her.

"Jesus! Don't you think she would have tried that already?" "What? It doesn't work?" Fiona shook her head staring at her terrified. "No, he made a Bond smith force the connection to it." "Wow. We should have broken so many more bones before we left him."

"That still doesn't answer our question. Why does that stop you from leaving?" Sunny asked taking her dagger back. "I have no Mana inside of me. When I ran away last time, they tried to bring me back, but when they tried. The moment I touched the thing it slammed shut and cut one of them in half. It's doing that to every single one of them."

"The problem of not knowing where she is, gets fixed, only to be replaced by. We can't get her out of this realm anymore. Fucking great!" Moon yelled walking off. "Don't worry about her. She's still coming to terms with being useless." An apple bounced off Sunny's head.

"But don't worry." She said rubbing her head. "We'll figure something out, for now let's get you some rest." "Thank you...you're the first nice people I've met over here. You know, that didn't want to rape, kill, or capture me." "Let's de-stress you." Sunny said uncomfortably. "How long have you guys been here looking for me." "About four days."

Zeke slipped in and out of consciousness. Flecks of dried skin peeled of his lips. His clothes were dripping with sweat and water. He winced looking at his arms covered in second degree burns, with blisters boiling over. The steel in his hands had gone red.

"H..he...hey...hey!" He called out to Rexgan. "What is it pup?" He asked lying in his bed twiddling his thumbs. "Could we talk?...To...you know...pass the time?" Rexgan sniggered sitting up.

"What would we talk about?" Rexgan asked. Zeke wheezed trying to catch his breath. "I don't know...what would...you do once you're out of here?" "Mmmm...That chicken you had me cook was amazing. Maybe I'll visit yer world for a bit. If I got out."

Zeke and Rexgan chuckled. "Doubting me already?" "Aye I am, but if I was freed. I'd return home to my actual forge, and never look at another pigeon for as long as I live." "When I free you...just remember who did it..."

"What would you take as a gratitude little pup?" "Depends...where do you actually live?" "A island south of Verdancia continent. Oh no. Is it still called Verdancia right?" "Yeah...it is." Rexgan let out a sigh of relief. "Good, I don't need to learn more names."

"When you get the chance...could you visit a group of Drows for me?" "And do what exactly?" "Make them something to protect them....Against all the cunts over there." "Any Drow in particular I should go see?" "If you remember her name...It's Selena. She's a Death Knight."

"You met a Death Knight? They let women become Death Knights? Ehhh, what has happened to them." "Yeah...think you could help her and her people? They deserve better." "Aye pup. Free me, and I'll pay em a visit."

"Hey, you're old right?" "Aye, a lot would consider me to be ancient." "What do you know about...fuck! Mmm! Convergence?" He snarled trying to push through the pain.

Rexgan paused with the Seraphim shaking its head at him. "Or...are you also bound...to secrecy?" "Aye, I am forbidden to speak about it." "What's stopping you?" Zeke asked sitting up in his harness. "What is this force? Is...is it the same one that bound you?"

"Nay, the bloody pigeons did this to me, and if yer got a problem with the rules. Take it up with the Creator." "Tsk...God always making shit annoying." Zeke sniggered. Rexgan shook his head.

"Nay pup. I'm not talking about some punk god. The Creator is something different. Far more powerful than any shit stain god." He spat. "Only met one good god. Petite little spark." "What's their name?" Zeke asked focusing himself.

"Don't know it anymore. She kept bloody changing it every millennia." "That's a shame...Hey...do you know...Themestis?" Rexgan perked up and grinned. "Aye I remember her. She was a beauty. Also had the craziest legs."

Zeke pulsed his Demon's Blood and crackled with red lightning. "Recognise it?" "Aren't you just full of surprises pup?" Zeke chuckled weakly. "Yer actually bonded to her Mana. Let's see what she gave ya." He said lumbering over. "Turn it back on."

Zeke surged with red lightning once more, being surprised as Rexgan snatched a bolt off his skin holding it like a stick. He inspected lightning frozen in place. "H..h...how are you doing that?" "Secrets of the trade pup." He said walking off.

Standing over his anvil he placed the bolt of lightning down. Zeke craned over his shoulder to look at him. Rexgan smashed the bolt with his fist, covering the entire room in a layer of red lightning. He chortled and reeled back impressed. "Ya actually bonded to this you crazy shit!"

"Mind sharing...with the rest of us?" "No matter how strong yer are. Our meat suits won't let us use 100%. Otherwise we'd break em. You however don't break." "You mean...It's not super speed, but me...going 100%?"

Rexgan nodded. "Aye, any other meat would explode if every muscle did that." "Good...good to know..." Zeke asked barely staying conscious. "Any chance...you could tell me what you're gonna make? I mean...shouldn't you have some measurements?"

"Nay, I'll know what to make you, once the ritual is complete. Your Soul will reshape the weapon fit for you." "Then...where do you fit into this? If I'm doing all the work?" "I said reshape. I still have to etch the magic into it."

"Then any chance...you could speed this fucking process up?" Zeke asked barely clinging on. "Aye, but it might kill yer." "What is it?" "Get into the furnace, and I'll pump the air in, till they melt." Zeke paused staring at his arms.

He turned to Rexgan. "Get me...something to breathe with, and let's get this over and done with." Rexgan snapped one off his bed legs off, handing it to Zeke. "Deep breaths. Arafel's flame's can get much hotter." "Then let's get this over and done with."

The Seraphim watched anxiously as Rexgan doused Zeke with one last bucket of water. "Keep your face in the tube. I'm going to slam the door shut." "Are you sure about this?" The Seraphim asked. Zeke chuckled. "You almost sound worried for me."

"Do not be ridiculous. You are important to her grace above, that is all." "Tell them...I'll be there soon..." Zeke took a few deep breaths before activating his Demon's Blood with what little strength he had. He leapt inside the furnace gnashing his teeth together till they creaked and squeaked.

He slammed the furnace door shut. Rexgan held the tube in front of his face as he let out an echoing scream of agony. "Hang on pup, it's about to get worse." He said lumbering over to the side.

Kayle returned through the window dragging another large chicken the size of Zeke. "I brought the chick-AH!" She screamed seeing Zeke inside the furnace with Rexgan vigorously pumping it with air. She threw the chicken aside flying down.

"STOP! STOP! YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HIM!" "He wanted this. Let him finish it. If you want to help him, make sure that pipe doesn't move." Kayle looked on horrified at Zeke. "He's dying!" "But not dead! Now help or leave!" Rexgan ordered pumping away.

Zeke sat in the raging fire holding the pieces as they started to glow a hot white. Kayle spotted his Spectre starting to flicker, as Zeke's screams died out. "UHHH I THINK HE'S RUNNING OUT OF TIME!" Kayle shouted. "Just a little bit longer pup!" Rexgan bellowed pumping harder.

The Spectre disappeared and Zeke's body was engulfed in the raging flames. Kayle spotted the molten liquid pooling in the bucket beneath the furnace. "Ummm! There's metal here pooling here!" "Almost done pup! Don't die on me yet! Kayle tell me when it hits the line!"

Her eyes darted back and forth between the pooling metal and Zeke lying motionless in the flames. "Almost there!" Kayle shouted seeing the fluid millimetres from the indicator. "Come on you fucking thing!" He snarled pumping away.

"IT'S FULL!" Rexgan sprinted over pushing Kayle out of the way. He ripped Zeke out of the furnace scorching his hands, and quickly dunked him in trough of water. He winced feeling the sting in his hands. "Come on pup. Don't die."

Zeke was covered in burns from head to toe, with all his hair and clothes burnt off. He slowly raised a blackened thumb with a weak smile. Rexgan let out a sigh of relief letting him float in the water. "Yer a crazy one. Rest well Ezekiel. I'll finish my part." He said collecting the metal in a bucket.

Kayle and the Seraphim watched on speechless. "Is he actually caring?" Kayle whispered. "I'm more surprised at him doing actual work." "I can hear yer both." The two cringed and quickly flew away. Rexgan stood over the anvil cracking a smile. "Aye, I'll make you something fit for a prince."