
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

A new arrangement

Zeke was woken up by Raven in the early hours of the day. "Nnnnn...what is it?" He mumbled rubbing his eyes. "I have some big news. Come on!" She said excitedly dragging him out. "Hey....wait, I'm not-" She dragged him out of bed, with only his underwear on. "Eugh, whatever." He groaned letting himself be dragged out, and closed his eyes to sleep again. She giddily tossed Zeke onto the dining room chair, with Red eating a giant stack of pancakes with a fork. "You're up early." He said. Moon was dragged out by her ankle. "Zeke...get this animal off my leg." Moon groaned, half asleep. She wore a short shorts, and a tank top as her pyjamas. "Come on, it's such a great day!" Raven said, plopping Moon onto her chair.

Her heavy head slammed onto the table. "Why is she so happy at this time?" She groaned. Zeke did the same. "I don't know..." Raven took Red into her lap, feeding the pancakes. "Alright, we're all awake." The two of them let out incomprehensible mumbling. "I have great news! I've decided to drop out." "You literally dragged us out of bed for that?" Moon asked. "And even cooked breakfast. I mean what time did you wake up?" Zeke asked. "Bold of you to assume I slept at all." The two of them reeled back in their seats. "Alright you told us the news. Can we go back to sleep now?" Moon said keeping her eyes closed. "I want to talk about my job and contract." "Now? At this time?" Zeke said. "That's all you Zeke. I'm going back to bed." "Actually, everyone needs to be present for the contract signing." Both of them opened their eyes, looking at her puzzled. "Contract signing?" They said in sync. "Yep. Lawyers should be here any minute." "Lawyers? What contract are you on about?" Zeke asked puzzled. A knock echoed throughout the room. "That must be them!" "Wait, Raven! I'm not dressed!" Moon squealed, sprinting off.

Zeke sat stunned in his seat as several men and women in suits, carrying brief cases stood around him. "I don't think this place has enough chairs." Zeke chuckled nervously. All of them removed a collapsible chair from under their blazers, and took a seat around Raven. "Why the fuck, do you all have those!?" He snapped. "That is not important Mr Chen. We will wait for all parties to be present, before we begin." The lawyers spoke in perfect sync, as coded robots. "Moon is gonna take at least a good hour before-" Moon strutted out wearing a black pencil skirt and white blouse, with her hair tied into a neat bun and perfect make up on. "You pick now of all days, to get ready in a few minutes?" "This is a low maintenance look." "With all parties present-" "Please let me wear some pants, before we get started." "That would be appropriate, as we must go over the sexual conduct act as well." Moon and Zeke gasped stunned. "Sexual conduct?"

"Yes, we will be discussing how you will act appropriately around Miss Frost." "I would never do anything inappropriate with her." Zeke stammered going red. "We are not speaking to you Mr Chen, but to Miss Kim." "Me?" "Her?" Zeke asked confused. The two cocked their heads to the side, looking at Raven confused. "OOOOH!" They came to the same realization at the same time, their eyes bulging. Raven shied away. "Uh well, you don't have to worry about me. I'm not into women. Completely straight. Although, I mean there are some women, that I would love to..." She trailed off, seeing Zeke stare at her. "Never mind." She blushed. "Without further ado, let us begin." "Hang on! I still don't even know who you people are." "We are Director Frost's personal legal team. When Miss Frost requested to drop out from Chiron Academy and work for your agency, we were summoned."

"But-" They cut Zeke off, slamming a giant stack of paper work down. "Here are the terms and conditions that must be abided to have Miss Frost under your employment." Zeke and Moon stared at the giant stack with their jaws hanging. He let out a sigh. "I'm gonna go put pants on." He slumped back into his room, coming out in shorts and a shirt. He slouched into his seat taking the first sheet off. Moon watched as his face contorted to anger through the brief skim. "Hey! This says she gets 50% of our earnings!" "That amount is up for negotiation." "Yeah, it's ten percent." "These terms are unacceptable." "Actually that's-" "Please let us finish negotiations Miss Frost." "Well tough fucking titties!" Moon snapped. "We're not gonna pay someone 50% of our earnings, to house sit, play games and take phone calls." Zeke said. "Then you will not have her under your employment. Good day." They said standing up.

Moon and Zeke watched as they shuffled out like lemmings. "Sorry about them. Once dad heard about it, he went all legal on us. I didn't think it would be like that." "It's fine..." He trailed off seeing them all shuffle in and take their seats. "Okay, you are good Mr Chen. We will accept percent." "Was that a fucking sale tactic to walk away?" He snapped. "If Miss Frost is to work for 10% of the earnings. These are her accommodation requirements." They said handing him a document.

"Five...five acres of personal living space? That can't be right." Zeke said confused. "It is the minimum requirement of land required to keep her comfortable, anything less is unacceptable." "What about a room, like the one she has right now?" "Unacceptable." They packed their chairs shuffling out. Zeke and Moon held their breaths, watching them quickly shuffle back inside. "If it didn't work the first time. Why would it then!?" Moon yelled. "It is accepted. The next item on the list is bandwidth speed. She requires a minimum of 50GBS download speed." Zeke threw his hands up in the air confused. "What the fuck? No! She gets 50MBS, because we don't fucking live on the space station!" "Unacceptable." Moon held her hand up. "If you're gonna try the walk away tactic. I'm going to break all of your legs. Am I clear?" They nodded. "Very well, we see this isn't your first legal agreement." Zeke turned to Raven. She shrugged awkwardly at him.

"Look we're just gonna make a verbal agreement." "Director Frost, will not have his youngest daughter, be entangled in a non legally binding contract." "Okay, then meet me half way, and stop requesting stupid shit. Or I'm gonna let Moon here, break a bone every time you say something stupid. Understood?" Moon cracked a sinister smile. They nodded. "Raven. Are you okay with earning 10% of our earnings, for the job roles we've stated." "Yes." "Are you okay with staying in our house basically 99% of the time to watch it, and only leave occasionally?" "Yes." "Are you okay with us, never bringing you through a Rift, or dealing with any Rift related business?" "Definite yes." "There! That's our deal. Write what you heard, and get out." "Not so fast. We must discuss her dietary arrangement." Zeke rolled his eyes. "She eats like Moon. Large giant quantities like any other Hunter. She'll be well fed." "What happens, when you are occupied with a Rift. Who will be responsible for her?" "Raven, are you able to order and cook your own meals, when we're gone." "Yes." "There. Anything else?"

They handed a document to Zeke. "We require both your signatures, and the title of your agency, to take back to Director Frost." Moon snatched the pen from the table. Zeke snatched the document from the table. "AH! We're not calling our damn freelance agency Moon and friends!" "Why not!?" She frowned. "Because we're not six, and it needs to sound professional." "Oh come on. There's a freelance agency called 'Death Fang'. I mean how lame is that?" "Very, but still not gonna happen. We're going to have a discussion first." Red took a pen in her paw, scribbling on the paper with messy writing. Raven peered over. "What did she write?" Zeke asked. "Red and Friends." Raven said. "I'm giving you a bath after this." Zeke growled. Red's face dropped mortified. "Frost sub agency-" "You people shut up!" Zeke snapped. He let out a groan. "Alright, there's only damn person that's impartial to naming us, and loves to label things." Moon took out her phone, making a call. "Who are you calling?" Raven asked. "Hey girl! What's up! Geez, it must be like 5am over there. What are you doing up?" Han asked.

"Han, we need your help." Zeke said. "Oh hey Zeke! Been meaning to talk to you. Gotta say, love the Demon Hunter look. Real hot. Now remember that Moon likes it, when you get a little rough with her." "AH!" Moon squealed fumbling with the phone. "HAN!" She shouted blushing. "Was I on speaker phone?" "YES!" "Next time warn a sister. Well if that's not what you need help with. What can I do?" "We need a name for freelance agency." "And he's refusing Moon and friends." She pouted, frowning at Zeke. "Call it that, and people will change it to, Friends IN Moon." "See." "What about Sovereignty Champions?" Zeke, Moon and Raven all shared a look, impressed by the name. "I mean if you hire a third Hunter, that can access blue Rifts. You'd be a perfect trio." "That's...not a bad idea. Thanks Han." Zeke said. "Oh, before you go. I want a job at your agency too!" "What? Why? What would we even hire you for?" He asked shaking his head confused. "Personal stylist." "I'm hanging up now." "No wait! You're famous now Zeke. I can help your public image." "So you want to be a our publicist?" "Yeah I meant that!"

Zeke growled at giving her the answer. "We'll talk about it, when we get back." "Yay! Oh, before you go. Moon would really love it, if you licked-" Moon smashed the phone, scaring everyone. She composed herself. "Ooops, my finger slipped." "Alright....She'll be working for Sovereignty Champions. Are we done here?" "Has that name been registered?" They asked. "I can handle that for them." Adrianna said, standing over them. Everyone let out a scream falling out of their seats. "CHRIST! Stop doing that!" Zeke and Moon snapped. "Miss Frost. I am saddened to see you leave, however I understand your choice." She bowed at her. "Thank you Headmaster Jaeger." She tossed Raven a phone. "Although you'd best explain that to your father. He's been chewing me out for the last hour." She said scratching her ear. "Dad?" "Why are you dropping out!? You have so much potential! You could be one of the greatest Hunters!" He shouted through the speaker. "But...I don't want to fight..." She sniffled. "Do you know how much money, I have wasted on you!? Do not be such a disappointment! You will stay and finish-" Zeke snatched the phone out of her hand.

"Listen here you piece of shit." He growled, his hair starting to waft into the air. "Your daughter does not want to fight. Listen to her." "How dare you speak to me like that! She is my daughter and she will listen to what I tell her to do." "Are you a Hunter?" "What? What kind of question-" "Answer it!" He ordered. "No, I'm not-" "Then shut the fuck up! Your daughter does not want to risk her life, for fame and glory. She wants to live her life. There is nothing wrong in wanting to live, and being afraid of facing monsters." Streaks of his hair turned snow white. "Zeke..." Moon said. "Listen here boy. I am very powerful. You best apologise to me before, I make your life a living hell." "I'm a Demon Hunter. Bring on whatever living hell you can muster, but remember one fucking thing. You ever make Raven cry again, and I'll be the last fucking thing you see." "How dare you-" Zeke hung the phone up, tossing it to Adrianna. He glared at the lawyers, his eyes fluctuating crimson. "Get the fuck out."

They scurried out like terrified rats. Moon was heaving and blushing. Her entire body on fire. Raven stared in complete awe. "Alright we're done here. Raven, if that dipshit ever does anything like that again. You tell me where he lives, and I'll break his fucking legs." She nodded wiping her tears. "Come now Miss Frost. Let us go and process your leave form." Raven and Red followed Adrianna outside. Zeke took a seat letting out a frustrated huff. "Can you believe that piece of shit?" He looked at Moon staring at him like a piece of tantalizing meat. "Moon you alright?" She nodded, licking her lips. "Did...did you want me to make you breakfast or something?" He said nervously. She shook her head. "Zeke...can we discuss something?" "Is it about the way you're staring at me?" He said inching his seat away from her. "Recently...I've been having thoughts and dreams...of us..." "Okay....?" "Of us....becoming closer...if you know what I mean." "I...Oh. OOOH!" He blushed with the realization.

"And look I understand. It's very, very, very, VERY, weird, but I can't get rid of this feeling." "I mean...there are plenty of other guys-" "It has to be you." He went bright red, rubbing his face nervously. "But you're like my sister-" "Han told me about your folder." He looked up at her shocked. "Okay...yes. I've been thinking about it, but that's it! I've been seeing you as...inspiration?" "Don't call it that." He nodded. "Wait, have you also been doing that?" She awkwardly nodded. "Listen, I won't deny that I think your beautiful, but if we do....'that'. We're never gonna be the same." "I mean...if, and I mean IF we do that. It doesn't have to be. We can...set up a rules! Like no developing feelings, only physical!" "I feel like in the history of mankind, that has never worked out." "Look we're both adults here." "Physically yes. Mentally no." "Yes, and we have physical adult needs that have to beeeee...fulfilled. And I'm sure you do as well, I've noticed you've been more active as well." "I have not!" He snapped blushing. "Yes and that bottle of hand lotion is for your calloused hands." She said rubbing his smooth and supple palm.

He pulled his hand away beet red. "Okay...yes, but this is...very weird Moon. Like are we dating?" "Noo....this is purely physical. Let's think of it as training." He cocked an eyebrow at her. "Well, I know that even with girls throwing themselves at you. You aren't confident in talking to them." "That...that is accurate." "I'm sure you are wanting practice with...that." "I didn't really get to ask Selena, if I did a good job, with everything that happened." "She said you could use some help." Moon lied naturally as she breathed. "Really? Damn!" "But that's alright. We can help each other." "I have to say this feels like a very weird dream right now." "So are you in?" "I mean...if it's purely physical, I'm sure we can be adults about this." "Exactly!" The two sat in awkward silence. "Do we start now?" He asked. "I think it should a spur of the moment thing." "Yeah that makes sense. Should we have a safe word?" She smirked at him. "Do you think its gonna get that kinky?" "No! I! I just mean...if one of us does something the other doesn't like." "I don't think we'll need one." She snickered. "Okay, that makes this much easier to do." "What easier-" He threw the table aside, pulling her in close, planting his lips onto hers. She instantly melted her eyes glazing over.