
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs

3 months later.

Raven snored away on her computer chair, covered in food stains and chip crumbs, with her hair a tangled mess. With a loud bang, Raven jumped out of her r seat, with chip crumbs flying up like glitter. She rushed outside seeing a swarm of young men and women pouring in with drinks and snacks. They greeted Han at the door, who wore short-short jeans under her long baggy shit, with a pair of white socks on. "Hey guys! The fridges are cleared, so put the drinks in there, and the pool is ready out back." "What the fuck!?" Raven snapped at her. "Oh, look who's finally awake." She rushed down to her, combing her hair down. "What are you doing!?" She hissed. "Having a party?" "Again!? This is like tenth time." "What's the point in having a house like this and not having a party in it?" "Because this is your house! It's Zeke's and Moon's." "And as Moon's best friend, she would be okay with this." "But Zeke won't be! Especially today! You have to get them out of here right now." Raven said slamming the door shut on the guest. "Why?" "Because he's coming back today, and we need to go pick him up at the airport." Han chuckled shaking her head, and opened the door again.

"He's not coming back today. He comes back June 19th and that's a Sunday. Today is a Saturday." "No. It's a Sunday and he's coming back today. I even set an alarm on your phone!" "When?" Han scoffed. Her phone rang and beeped. Han froze checking her phone. The alarm blared with a message saying 'pick up Zeke' on it. "Uh-oh." "Get them out now." Han pulled Raven aside. "Shhh, you can't just disband a party as it's getting started." "Getting started? It's like...what time is it?" "It's 3pm." "IS IT!?" "Dude, you gotta start sleeping at normal times." Red sprinted out leaping onto the handrail, and slid down, landing with a happy dance. "Awww, Red. Are you excited to see Zeke and Moon again?" Raven said picking her up. Red shook her head, squirming out of her grip. Han took Red by the pits. "You ready to get fucking lit!?" Red threw her hands into the air, letting out a happy squeak.

Raven rolled her eyes. "We can't have a party. We need to go pick up Zeke." "Oh, he's fine. Beside Zeke has always been self reliant." "Do you think he's like that, because he's never had anyone to rely on?" Han and Red froze. "Get the keys. I'll go pick up him. Raven you make sure that no one is in his room." "What are you gonna do?" The house vibrated and shook with booming and heavy bass. Music blared throughout the house and cheers erupted. "Well, can't stop that, but I can stop them from coming inside and..." She trailed off as several half naked men sprinted through the house dripping wet from the pool. "I'll just make sure everyone knows, what is happening." Red sprinted upstairs with Raven doing the same. Red sprinted into Han's room grabbing the keys off her desk. Raven stopped in front of Zeke's room, seeing a tie hanging on the doorknob. "It's not even five yet! No. No. There's no way someone is doing it in there." Raven tried the handle, being unable to twist it. Clearly locked, she shook her head. "It's just jammed." She forced the door open with a shove, ripping the door off its hinges. "HEY!" Four voices cried out.

Three men laid with one girl on Zeke's bed completely naked. Raven shied away. "Oh my god! What the fuck!?" "Tie on the doorknob means do not come in!" The girl scolded. "THIS ISN'T YOUR ROOM OR HOUSE! WHY WOULD YOU-ARGH! GET OUT!" Raven shouted. The four shared glances. "Nah. We're good. We'll just finish first." A man said with the other nodding. Raven gagged and quickly stumbled out. Red hissed at the sight and quickly made her way down to Han. "So? Is anyone in Zeke's room?" Raven nodded stifling a gag. "Oh god. Is it bad?" Red nodded. "Okay, this is salvageable. I'll uh...just get him some sour lollies. He loves sour lollies. Do we have any left?" Red shook her head. "Shit! Alright I'll make a stop on the way. You two focus on trying to get people out. Tell them...there's a gas leak."

Han sprinted to the door pulling it open. A tired man stood in front of her. She let out a startled scream, slapping him across the face. The three of them took a closer look at the tired man. Zeke stood before them, with his hair down and in baggy clothing, dragging two suitcases with a duffel bag on top. He said nothing slowly walking inside, with Han awkwardly backing up. "ZEKE! It's so good to see-" He raised a finger, silencing her, and shot her a cold glare. She cringed and shrunk. Zeke silently entered into the kitchen with the three looking at him in silent wonder. He ignored everyone around him, checking the fridges filled with alcohol. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. He let out a long tired breath through his nose. "Zeke?" Raven said anxiously. He took the keys out of Han's hand. "I'll be back in three hours, and when I come back. There will only be four people in this house. Am I clear?" He said with a stern expression. The three nodded. Zeke left without saying word closing the door behind him. They took a deep gasp of air, realizing they had forgotten to breathe in his presence.

"Holy shit!" Han exclaimed clutching her chest and panting. "I've never seen him that scary before." "I told you this was a bad idea!" "Oh you joined in the parties as well." "Only the first two!" "Let's get everyone out. Although...it was kinda hot to see him like that." "What is wrong with you!?" Raven scolded. "What? I've known him since, he was a kid. He's never gotten mad about anything. It's a nice change of pace." "Well he's mad now." Red looked anxiously out the door, seeing Zeke rub his face, filled with frustration. She shrunk her ears falling down. Screeching tires and a horn caught their attention. A large pick-up truck blocked Zeke from reversing out of the driveway. "Oh shit..." Han said, watching a giant man emerge from the truck. Zeke left his vehicle. "Move your truck." He flashed his Hunter licence to him. A B grade Hunter. "How about you shut the fuck up and fuck off kid. I've got some bitches to fuck." He sauntered towards the entrance. "Raven, can you handle him?" Han whispered. "What!? No!!?" Raven exclaimed looking at Han baffled.

Zeke approached the truck summoning Shadow. "Uh, what's Zeke doing?" Han asked. He cut the truck in half letting out a metal screech. Zeke banished Shadow. The Hunter stopped in his tracks with the others watching with bulging eyes. Zeke dragged the halves off the road. "YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" He roared summoning a serrated axe. Charging at Zeke with it raised high up. Zeke brought Shadow out, raising it up to the Hunter's throat in a second. He froze feeling the cold steel press into his throat. "Leave." Zeke growled. He nodded taking a step back. Zeke ignored him walking towards his car. "BEHIND YOU!" Raven shouted seeing the Hunter go for another attack. Zeke summoned his suit, startling the three of them. The Hunter stumbled back terrified. "Piss me off again, and you'll die today. So here's your last warning. Leave, and never come back." He stared the scared Hunter down. Taking a gulp, he let out another roar bringing down his axe. It shattered on his head. Summoning Shadow. The Hunter took off into a terrified sprint, looking over his shoulder in a cold sweat.

Zeke banished shadow and his suit getting into the car and driving off. Han, Raven and Red stared on with their jaws hanging in the wind. "We need to get everyone out." Han said. The other two nodded, rushing to everyone and snatching their drinks out. "Everyone out! Party's dead. I put AIDS in the ice. Everyone out!" Han said hurrying people out. "Water has gonorrhoea, diarrhoea, all the fucking rroheas. Go home!" Raven said yanking people out of the above ground pool. Red nipped at the heels of those dragging their feet, ushering them like a shepherd dog. In a matter of minutes they drove everyone out, and begun the process of cleaning the drinks around the house. "What do you think Zeke is doing?" Raven asked Han. "Well seeing how he checked the fridge. He's probably getting stuff to cook for Moon, when she comes back." "That makes sense...do you think he's gonna be mad we got a pool built in the backyard?" "Honestly, I am not sure anymore. I've never seen him do that before. Any other day, that guy would have walked all over him."

On the 18th of June at 12pm. Sunny sat in her kitchen, her head down and knuckles over her knees, with Skye and Dawn glaring down at her. Their arms folded, they wore a scowl. "Are you going to say anything?" Sunny asked shyly. Dawn and Skye slapped her on the head simultaneously. "OW! What was that for!?" Sunny pouted rubbing her head. "YOU BROKE UP WITH ZEKE! WHAT ELSE! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" The two shouted. "I am three months into this fucking course, and you tell me that you just screwed me out of a job!" Skye scolded smacking her again. "Mum! She can't hit me for that. It's my love life." "No, she should be hitting you harder." "What?" Dawn smacked her again. "Do you know how perfect Zeke was for you? Then you went and...Heugh..." She let out a sigh pinching between her brow. "It's my love life alright. He didn't want to get married or have kids. I wasn't going to wait and get my heart broken alright." Sunny pouted. "He's turning 18 this year! What 18 year old do you know, that is thinking about having kids and getting married!?" Dawn said. "Especially one that is a Demon?" "Well...that wasn't the only reason we broke up..."

"Oh dear god, what did you say?" Skye asked. Sunny scratched her head. "Well, we got into a big fight...because I told him to not see that Moon girl anymore." "Skye, get me a coat hanger." Dawn growled. "No mum!" Sunny exclaimed with pure dread and fear. "He chose you! How can you be so smart at your job, and be so stupid! He's not in love with her, if he was. He would not have pursued you! Think!" "What am I meant to do now huh? Go back to job searching? I'm 5 grand in the shitter, for a course I don't need anymore." "I don't think you really care about me and Zeke being together. You just care about the job." "Of course I care about you! I just also wanted the job that was promised with your happiness." "Well it's done alright. It's over." "No it's not. I know you still love him. Now go beg for him to take you back." "Mum, it's over. He's never gonna take me back, especially after-" "How you acted like an incredibly insecure psycho bitch?" Skye said. "I was going to say after our fight." Sunny said through her teeth.

"Fine, you have two options then Sunny Shinsei." "Uh-oh. She said your first name." "Shut up." Sunny snapped. "Option one you get on a plane, and beg Zeke to take you back, and ensure your sister has a job." "And what's option two?" Sunny asked anxious. "I show you every dick-pic, your father has ever sent to me, and everything I've ever sent to him." Sunny gulped reeling back in her seat completely horrified. "I can't just leave... I have a job and cases to do." Dawn took out her phone. "Hello, this is Captain Carter. How may I help you Mrs. Shinsei." "My daughter needs to take some vacation days, starting right now." "Uh...I can't just-" "She has stupidly broken up with Zeke." "WHAT! She can have them, get her to the airport right now. STEVENS! JONES! Get every officer to clear a path from Sunny's house to the airport! Now!" Dawn hung the phone up, glaring down at her. "Go pack. Now." Sunny slunk out of her seat. "Go get your things." She said softly to Skye. "Mum, I can't really just-" Dawn flashed a photo on her phone. "ARGH! WHY! WHY!? I CAN NEVER UNSEE THAT! THAT'S THE WORST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!" "The worst you've seen so far." Dawn threatened.

Sakura kneeled in front of her suit case stuffing it full of clothes. "Babe. Do we really have to go?" Constantine whinged. She gave him a tired look. "Yes. Now go pack." "But it's our last winter break. We should spend it together, just the two of us all alone together. Somewhere romantic and sweet." "So, we won't have to bring Alex?" "Uh well..." She sauntered over caressing his face. "Are you done trying to get out of this sweetie?" He dropped his head in defeat. "Yes..." "Good! Get packed, I don't want to miss Zeke's birthday party." "But I don't even know what to get him. Or say to him. Or how to interact with him, without wanting...to punch his face." "One. I got him a present from US. Two. You'll say happy birthday Zeke! Three. You won't have to interact with him, because I'll be, while you sit with Alex and play nice." "I love you." "I love you two. Now go..." She trailed off seeing Alexander standing in the doorway, wearing a singlet, shorts, flip flops and a cork hat.

"Are we ready to go or what?" He asked excitedly slugging back a beer. The two stared at him dumbfounded. "Wh...whaa...what are you wearing?" Sakura asked. "Their local clothing. I want to blend in." Constantine sniggered, hiding his smile. "That's not local clothing. That's just being an ignorant idiot. Go get changed. Right now." He pouted at her. "Aww, what? I can't wear this? But I paid for it." "Firstly, we don't pay for anything at this school. Secondly, don't ever wear that again. Please get changed into something that doesn't scream, I'M AN IDIOT." Alexander sulked out. "You didn't have to crush him like that." "Yes. Yes I did. Now go get ready." "I have to say, I'm not really comfortable with how much you two text." "Remind me again, what your first interaction was with Moon?" Constantine quickly left the room closing the door behind him.

Eliza sat in Adrianna's office. Her legs had been healed down to her ankles. The two enjoyed tea and their snacks in peace. The door burst open and Weaver stumbled in, drenched in blood, covered in cuts and welts, with his right arm twisted and mangled. He took a few steps in with laboured breathing, before falling to his knees. "Jesus fucking Christ! What happened to you!?" Eliza exclaimed. Adrianna appeared beside him in a blink, holding him in her arms. "Peter! What happened to you!? Who did this?" "A Monarch of Hell." "What the fuck are you doing meeting with them?" Eliza asked shuffling over to him. Adrianna set Weaver onto the chair. He groaned holding his wounds. "I had questions for them." She appeared at her desk. "All Healers report to my office at once." "Did you get any of them... answered?" He shook his head. "Which one did you meet?" "Bone Monarch. He was...aggravating." "He's also considered the weakest of the Nine. So why don't you explain what happened?" Adrianna asked.

"I tried a diplomatic approach at first. He didn't accept that. I tried to bargain with him." "And when that didn't work?" Eliza asked. "I tried to beat the answers out of him." "That worked out well huh?" He gave Eliza a pained smile, clutching his wounds. Several Healers rushed in. "Heal him, and don't say a word." "It will take us a while Madame Jaeger. We are still recovering from Sword Master Pendragon's treatment." Weaver looked down to Eliza's missing feet. "You 'run' into some trouble, while I was gone?" "Ha. Ha." She threw an ash tray into his broken arm. He groaned, stiffening in pain. "Heal his dumbass." "I need a favour Addy." "You actually called me Addy. This must be serious." "It is...I need to take Zeke with me across a red Rift. I can get an audience with the Bone Monarch, if I can bring him a Child of the Nine." "You'll have to ask him that." "Send him here." "He's not here anymore. We sent him and Moon home, after his fight with Damien." "Why?" "They were better than all the kids here. They didn't need us for much." Weaver sucked on his teeth, feeling the pain subside and his wounds disappear.

"You're in luck though. He just finished a bodyguard contract and is back in Australia. We can go visit him." "Why don't you tell us, why you're so desperate for this audience?" "I'm healed enough, go outside." He ordered. The Healers awkwardly shuffled out the room. He sealed the door with a thick wall of golden webbing. "He's willing to give me all the knowledge of Convergence. I just have to bring him Zeke." The two shared a glance. "Very well. Get your arm healed first and we'll leave first thing tomorrow morning." "Thank you." Weaver pulled the webbing away and slumped into his seat, taking a long and deep breath.

Moon came flying out of a green Rift, tumbling and crashing against the ground. She sat up dusting herself off. 'Try to not make a return Rift while flying like that.' "Yeah. Yeah. Lesson learned." She groaned. Moon stood up slinging a cotton bag over her shoulder, and banished Iziel. She met with the local storage team, getting changed back into her civilian clothes and began her drive back home. She stopped at a shopping centre. 'There! Let's eat those chips and chicken!' 'Just wait. Zeke always has things ready for us, when we get back.' 'But, it's right there. I know you can smell how good that all is.' 'Do you want to ruin our appetite for his fried chicken?' 'No...but you said he would need time to prepare it.'

'He will, but he'll make us other amazing things in the mean time. For now...we need to get him a few things.' Moon picked up several bags of sour lollies and had a small package gift wrapped. 'Hmm, I do not understand your customs, of celebrating your age on a certain day. Does it not make sense to mark ones age, at the start of the year. Rather than an arbitrary date, that one may forget?' 'Yes it is easier, but if you remember. It means that person is special to you....or you have reminders set.' Moon said checking her phone. Moon's next stop was at a spa house. 'What are we doing here? I'm hungry. You're hungry.' 'Yes, but I'm disgusting, and I need a proper bath.' 'You bathed several times.' 'Yes, only several times. We went WEEKS without a bath. Now shut up and relax with me.' Moon stepped into the hot water, the two melted into the perfect water. 'I apologise for before...this is amazing.' 'Apology accepted.' As Moon enjoyed her reprieve, her phone vibrated. She groaned. "Who's texting me now? Oh it's from Zeke!" She said filled with joy. 'Just checking if you're back, if you are. Send us a text, just want to know if you're okay, and that I've got food ready.' "See. I told you he would have food for us." 'Tell him to make the fried chicken.'

"Hey, I'm just on my home, be back in a few hours." 'What are you doing? We're not more than half an hour away.' Her phone vibrated with Zeke's reply. 'Okay that's good. Happy to know you're safe and okay. Food will be ready for you by the time you get back.' "What are you making?" 'Don't ask. Just tell him that we want fried chicken.' "Shh! He just got back from his contract. Whatever he's making will be great anyway." 'I got a few new recipes to let you try, but I'm making fried chicken.' 'YES!' Moon winced at Iziel's celebration. 'See you soon. Gonna start cooking.' Moon sank into the water filled with pure giddiness and glee. "Told you that, we're made for each other."

Zeke returned to the house with Han, Raven and Red meeting at the front door, all trying to catch their breath. "What are you three doing?" "Greeting you?" Han said unsure. "I...I'm not-" He shook his head. "There's groceries in the car. Take them into the kitchen. I'm gonna take a shower." "Uh Zeke." Raven said. He gave her a soft look with exhausted eyes. "I'm really happy that you're back." She said blushing. "Kiss ass." Han muttered. "Thanks. I missed you too." "Did you miss me?" Han asked. Zeke walked off. "Really? We've been friends since we were ten!" She called out after him going up the stairs. He said nothing turning the corner, before quickly coming down the stairs. He stopped in front of Raven. "Did you break down my door?" "Uhhhhh...I can explain." "Does it have anything to do with the four naked people on my bed right now?" "You didn't get rid of them!?" Han hissed. "I thought they left with the commotion!" "Eugh...Han go deal with them." "What? Why do I-" Zeke glared at her. "Alright, alright. Figured I just try and talk my way out of it."

They watched as Han entered into his room. "Hey wake up! I-ARGH GROSS! WET CONDOM! WET CONDOM!" Han sprinted into the bathroom slamming the door behind her. Zeke let out a sigh pinching between his brow. Red leapt into his chest, placing a paw over his heart. She looked up at him with a pout. "I'm fine Red. Raven can you take in the groceries. I'm going to deal with these idiots." As Raven hauled out the large bags of chicken pieces, she felt a freezing wind blow out the house. The four of them came sprinting out naked covering themselves in Zeke's blanket. "Han! When you're doing crying, help Raven with the groceries!" Zeke called out walking down the stairs. "Should you really be cooking. You just got back, and..." "And what?" Zeke said grabbing the bags. "You seem...sad." "I'm fine. Just didn't get any sleep on the flight. Crying baby." He chuckled walking off. Raven looked to Red who shook her head.

Han came down shuddering in disgust. "Should he be cooking for us? He seems tired." "Oh, he's fine, but tomorrow we can't let him do any cooking." "Why? What's tomorrow?" Han looked at Raven askance. "Because it's his birthday...?" "What!?" Raven hissed with bulging eyes. "I didn't get him anything!" She whispered. "Oof, what a bad a secretary. He's gonna fire yo ass." "I didn't know!" "Tsk, tsk. What a poor excuse." "Han. Why is there a pool in my backyard?" Han jumped spinning around. "Well, um you see...since this is our-" "Moon and MY house." Zeke said firmly. Raven gave Han a smug smile. "Well, ahaha...it adds a-" "Get rid of it. Now." "Zeke. It's a whole pool. I'm gonna need to call someone and..." Zeke scowled at her. "Han, I am not in the mood for your bullshit. This shit is not okay. It will never be okay!" He snapped. "You name one other person, that would put up with the crap you pull on me and let you live here? Can't can you?" Han shook her head. "So when I'm angry, and I tell you to do something. You do it. Now get rid of that pool and replace my fucking bed, while you're at it." Zeke stormed off.

"See, I told you to not make him angry...are...are you turned on right now?" "A little bit." "What is wrong with you!?" Raven exclaimed. "I see what Moon sees now, but if you excuse me. I have to go make a phone call." "What the fuck is wrong with her?" Raven muttered shaking her head. Moon parked outside the house, with the sun starting to set, checking her makeup and hair. 'Please go inside. I want to eat.' "Just wait. This has been the longest we've ever been apart. I'm sure he can't wait to have me." Moon left the car wearing a tight sparkling rainbow dress, with her hair twisted and curled over her shoulders. As she opened the door, she was bombarded with a barrage of tantalizing and savoury aromas. Her mouth filled with saliva. 'For the love of the Creator! Please go to the food!' Entering into the kitchen she found Raven, Red and Han greedily munching down on a platter of deep fried chicken and chips. Various sauces were laid out in front of them. "MUOON!" Han shouted with her mouth full. "DAMN GIRL YOU LOOKING-!" "MOVE!" She shouted taking a seat beside her, grabbing two pieces of chicken and stuffing her face.

Zeke came out with another tray of hot piping chicken. He kissed Moon on top of her head. "Happy to have you home." "MMM!" Moon squealed in delight covered in food crumbs. She tried to hug him, only for him to walk back into the kitchen. She followed him inside holding two pieces of chicken and one in her mouth. She watched as Zeke fished out the pieces of piping hot chicken with his bare hands. He hunched over the large vat. 'What are you doing!? The food is back there!' Iziel scolded. She put her food down. "Zeke?" "Yeah?" "Why are you sad?" He smiled at her. "I'm not sad." She could tell he was lying. "I'm just tired, but I'm almost done cooking." Moon quickly washed her hands and wiped her mouth. She went in for a hug. Zeke moved out of the way. "I've got a dirty greasy apron on. I can give you a hug after." "Zeke." "I'm fine. Just go and enjoy before they eat it all." 'You heard him. Go. You can sleep with him later.'

Zeke checked his phone with his free hand. His lock screen a photo of Sunny wearing a grin from ear to ear. He glumly swapped the screen off, tucking his phone away. "I need you two to clean up and then leave the house for the next-" "We got all the rooms soundproofed. We won't hear a thing." Han said. Moon cocked an eyebrow at Raven for confirmation. She nodded. "Well then. If you please excuse me." Moon quietly skulked into the kitchen. "Hey did you want-AH! Moon! What are you-Put me down-I-" Moon sprinted up the stairs holding Zeke in her arms, the door slamming shut behind them. "You definitely soundproofed the rooms right?" "Han, a bomb could go off in that room. We wouldn't hear a thing. Now so long as we don't see them go into their room we won't ever-" The whole house quaked. The three froze looking around as it quaked once more. "We should leave." Han said. "Yep."