
Contracted Girlfriend (Hired Girlfriend)

Randy MC Quaid was the son of the City's prominent billionaire, he was the heir and CEO of Quaid's enterprises even though he was still in high school. Randy had all it takes to woo a lady but he was never interested in a relationship. He was engaged to Vicky Extevez, his highschool mate and the daughter of his dad's partner. Vicky was one of the school bullies, she was so into Randy. Randy later found himself in a situation where he had to choose between Vicky whom he despise or go into a relationship he never wanted. Randy chose to hire someone who will pose as his girlfriend to chase Vicky off. He chose to give Ashley the offer. Ashley was his schoolmate, she was the only one who doesn't seem to be interested in him. Ashley did accept the offer as she needed the money. What do you think will happen when they both found themselves in a situation where they couldn't do without each other? Will Vicky back off?

Alice_Akintewe · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs

A New Life, A New City


A New Life, A New City

In the darkness, Faith Frasier stood outside, wailing helplessly at the sight of their house which was on fire, she had both hands on her head as tears rolled down her eyes.

"What to do?," she cried.

She had already called the fire brigade but they were yet to come.

Ashley, her younger sister returned from the library that moment, she had to go to the library after school everyday because she was in her final year, she had to study hard. She shouted at the sight of their burning house.

"Oh my goodness!," she exclaimed and ran to Faith, "What is going on here?", she shouted.

"I don't really know, I got here not quite long", she replied.

"What about mom?, where is dad?," Ashley asked.

"I'm sorry Ash, but they are in there", Faith said admist tears.

"Oh my goodness!! ", Ashley murmured and fainted..


I opened my eyes and I was already in the hospital, then what happened earlier struck me, I held faith's hand as tears rolled down my eyes, it was like my whole life had come to an end.

"Faith?," I whimpered.

Faith stood up and sat beside me on the bed, she had a big smile on her face, "Oh!, you're up," she murmured, "Thank goodness I didn't lose you too," she said and held out a loud sigh of relief.

"What do you mean?," I asked with fear written all over my face, I knew what she was trying to say but I didn't want to believe it, "Where is mum?, What about dad?, where are they?," I asked curiously.

"Ash, you just have to accept this, It is our fate", Faith replied, holding on to my hands tightly, "We have no choice," she stated.

"Faith what do you mean?, What are you talking about?,"I was starting to get impatient.

"I'm sorry Ash, but...but..we..we..lost them," she stuttered.

I spranged up from the bed, "What!," I exclaimed, "What is going to happen to me?," I cried, "How am I going to cope with this?, Faith I'm in my final year," I shouted as tear tickled down my eyes.

"Ash, you just have to be calm, just get well, I will sort everything out, Okay?", Faith assured, but I wasn't really getting any of that.

"Damn!," I murmured and fell back to the bed, "What am I supposed to do without mom and dad," I sniffled.

I couldn't think of how I was going to live without my parents, they meant all to me, I remember sitting with them and planning out my future, I remembered everything I shared with them, I really didn't know how I was going to cope without them.

The doctor came in and told us I was okay and I can go home.

Home?, I held out a loud sigh of trouble, I had no home, my home was gone and my parents were gone too, I had no one left except Faith who was my sister.

I knew there was no other place to go than her house, but I felt so uncomfortable because I felt like I would be a burden to her, she just got married.

We got home around 7:30pm.

We took dinner, and after doing the dishes, I walked pass Faith, "Have a nice night," I murmured and headed for the room I was given.

"Hey Ash," Faith called and I stopped, I turned to her, "You're going to Basel in Germany tomorrow. First flight," she informed

"What!," I exclaimed and ran to her, what was she talking about?, "Germany?," I asked with my eyes widely open, "To do what?," I asked

"You will be staying in Germany from tomorrow Ashley," Faith responded.

"I don't know anyone over there, Faith please don't do this to me, I can just stay here and work, please", I pleaded, I knew from the start that it would be hard on her, taking care of me along with her little family which she was just starting to grow would be hard on her, but I could just take up a job than going to a country I know no one in.

"No Ash, our parent's wish was for us to study, Mr Cardova, I mean dad's boss asked to transfer you to a school in Germany, I couldn't reject the offer because I had no other choice, that is our last hope," she explained, and I could understand where she was coming from.

"Oh God, what have I done to deserve this," I murmured, "Ok Faith, what about the accommodation?", I asked, still looking for an excuse, I was sure that she was aware I hated to live with strangers.

"Oh Ash, don't be silly, have you forgotten Grams stays in Germany?," she asked, referring to our grandma.

"Yeah, that's true, but this will definitely be hard on me", I surrendered because I had no other choice.

"You just have to cope. So go get some sleep, you have to leave tomorrow," she stated.

"Alright, good night," I mumbled as I headed towards the room.


At 3:45pm the next day, I already found myself at the airport in Germany, alone and sad, that would be the first time I would be travelling alone, life wasn't easy without my parents.

I pulled myself together, I had no other choice than to keep going.

I decided to go look for Dillon as I was directed. Dillion was my cousin, I was told he would be there to pick me up. I saw him immediately, his cute oily face shown amongst others, I rushed to him and gave him a hug, I could remember the last time I saw him was three years ago when Grams visited New York.

Dillon had always stayed with Grams since his parents death, he was only three when that happened.

I followed his lead and we walked to the road side, Basel was a big city though, but I preferred where I came from.

We stopped a cab and as we were about to enter, the cops stopped us and pulled us back inside.

Minutes later, after we had sorted things out with the cops, Dillion and I stumbled back to the street and we flagged down a cap.

We got home later at night, it was a relief that Dillon had a cellphone, grams would have been worried. I didn't have one, my parents were always against owning a cellphone, and sometimes I felt like it was an excuse because they couldn't really afford one.

I was happy to see Grams again after three years, she looked pretty in her Eighty's, but I still wasn't feeling good, it was a new city and a new adventure, I really wasn't prepared for that.

I couldn't tell my grandma what happened back in New York, I was actually told not to tell her.

I took my bath and laid on my bed as I watched the night stars, it was a new city and a new challenge, I just hoped that I would be able to cope with the new way of life.