
Contract Marriage with A Mafia Don: Their Secrets

Jacqueline Kelly found herself compelled to sign a marriage contract in order to cover her father's mounting hospital expenses. However, this was no ordinary contract. Not only was the intended groom a notorious and domineering mafia don named Benjamin Turner, but Jacqueline also had to impersonate her twin sister, Jasmine Martin, who was rumored to be the sole object of his affection. If Benjamin uncovered her true identity, the gates of death would open for her. Jacqueline's grip on her skirt tightened as her hand trembled. Her gaze shifted from the marriage contract before her, to the polite smile of Madam Claire Turner, and then to Benjamin, who sat beside her. "Why the hesitation?" he murmured in her ear, then he poised his expensive fountain pen near the contract. Panicking, Jacqueline frantically picked up the pen, hoping he wouldn't find out she wasn't his Jasmine through her clumsiness. Will Jacqueline ultimately sign the contract, even with the dangerous mafia don as her prospective husband by her side? Will her true identity be unveiled by the man she's supposed to marry? And can she successfully fulfill the mission entrusted to her by Madam Claire Turner?

GloriaMontgomery · สมัยใหม่
28 Chs

In His Mansion - Part 4

Staying up late was al

ways detrimental for Jacqueline. It not only left her feeling tired the next day but also led her to oversleep. When Jacqueline opened her eyes, she was startled to realize the sun was already high, its rays piercing through the thick curtains into her room. She remembered waking up at 4 am as usual, but due to fatigue, she allowed herself an extra 5 minutes on the bed, only to oversleep until daylight.

However, today she didn't have to go to work, and Jacqueline felt a sense of relief. The household staff had prepared a variety of clothes for her, neatly arranged in the wardrobe according to Helena's instructions. Jacqueline almost wanted to applaud their thoughtfulness but then recognized it as natural since Jasmine always needed special treatment.

Choosing an elegant turquoise dress and tidying her hair, Jacqueline descended to the lower floor. From a distance, she saw Benjamin sitting reading a newspaper in the living room, with Samuel standing beside him. Remembering his embrace from the previous night, she felt the urge to brush him off. But in the end, she approached him and offered a morning greeting.

Jacqueline couldn't actively seduce him into a sexual relationship, but at least she could create opportunities and wait. She felt her heart beating fast throughout the process. Benjamin, frowning as he digested the words on the newspaper, put it down upon hearing Jacqueline's footsteps. He relaxed his eyebrows, looked at her with an affectionate gaze, and greeted her in a soft tone, "Good morning, Jane."

Benjamin stood up, and only Jacqueline knew how much restraint it took for her not to step back and avoid him. Seeing Jacqueline's initiative, Samuel raised an eyebrow, wondering what had transpired in his absence. Then, he noticed Master's smile.

"Wow, so, Master acted more quickly than he anticipated," Samuel thought.

Helena had already noticed Jacqueline's presence and instructed the maids to prepare breakfast. And now she stepped out to invite Jacqueline and Benjamin to join the meal.

"Today's weather is lovely with gentle sunlight. Would you like our breakfast outdoors?" Benjamin tilted his head, looking at Jacqueline and asking.

Jacqueline no longer avoided his gaze. She nodded, saying, "Of course!"

Benjamin led Jacqueline to the nearby garden, filled with tall trees and flowers. The atmosphere between them was better than what Samuel could imagine. Helena quickly caught his bewildered look, gave him a discreet wink, and Samuel understood that she had something to tell him about them.

The breakfast included waffles, fruits, orange juice for Jacqueline, and black coffee for Benjamin.

It had been a long time since Jacqueline had a proper breakfast. She enjoyed the fresh air of the garden, the mild scent of the flowers drifting into her nose.

"No, this breakfast is even better than any I've had," Jacqueline thought. And she also wondered how the gardeners could make the scents of the flowers harmonize so delicately.

Jacqueline was sensitive to fragrances, and the terrible part was that she had spent 25 weekends working in a flower shop. Of course, starting from the fifth week, she dared not eat anything right before work because she knew she would vomit everything upon smelling the intense fragrance of all the flowers in the shop.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Samuel stood next to Helena, eagerly awaiting to know what had happened between Master and Lady.

"Oh Nell, don't make me wait any longer. Tell me what you know," Samuel urged.

Helena glanced at Samuel. He should have come looking for her later, Helena thought, as she needed to delegate tasks to the maids and take notes. And Samuel was bothering her while she was completing the rest of the notes.

Under Samuel's urging, Helena moved the pen faster. After finishing the morning notes, she told him what she had observed last night.

Samuel couldn't hide his astonishment on his face. But in Helena's eyes, he looked ridiculous, as always.

"Perhaps I should set my expectations higher," Samuel rubbed his chin while commenting.

"What are you expecting?" Helena frowned when realizing Samuel had different motives with Master's relationship. And as usual, she immediately warned, "Don't cause trouble. If Lady is negatively affected, no one can save you from Master."

Samuel pursed his lips when Helena mentioned Master. Although he always maintained a mocking attitude while communicating with Master, and Benjamin seemed not to care about it, it didn't mean their relationship had no boundaries. Lady was one of Benjamin's red lines, and Samuel wasn't allowed to cross it.

"Oh, are you worried about me?" Samuel instantly change the mood. "I know, Nell. I'm very important to you."

Helena's serious expression completely changed, now she looked as if she was about to vomit. "Eww, stop it, Sam. Don't elevate yourself like that. I'm always the one who has to take over your work when you get punished."

Samuel was surprised. "Oh- uhm, I didn't know. Anyway, thank you, Nell."

Helena shrugged, "I don't need your 'thank you.' Just don't cause trouble anymore. And I have to go now; they've finished breakfast."

Samuel looked outside, just in time to see Jacqueline standing up from the dining table.

Jacqueline didn't leave immediately; she arranged the dishes before Helena came out. Benjamin hurriedly went to his office because an important call awaited him.

"Let me do it," Helena said, taking back the empty plates from her.

"Thanks," Jacqueline said, grateful for the delicious breakfast and kind treatment, things she rarely received.

"I'll send it to Master," Helena smiled before leaving.

Jacqueline widened her eyes; Helena's words felt like a reminder to her. Everything good she received while living in this mansion came from Benjamin.

After a few seconds of confusion, she promised herself that she would thank Benjamin when he returned.