Mike hailed the cab and rushed to Peral, and saw his phone ringing, he looked at the screen and noticed Bella's number on the screen.
"I will call you later, babe" Mike murmured to himself glancing at the screen and pressed the button to silence the call.
Mike couldn't afford telling her where he was going and who he left her for, he couldn't risk telling her truth, knowing very well she wouldn't be able to take it well.
Bella and heart is broken, for a while he was able to get her to calm down, and show her she deserved everything, and he was there for her and he was not going to leave her, but he had to leave, without telling her, for once he thought telling her he was going to Peral thinking, maybe she would understand him, and the situation but then felt it would be nothing but salting her wounds and that is the last thing he would want to do for Bella.