
Contract Marriage: From Vows To Vengeance

What good could come out of a loveless marriage birthed from a bitter feud? Amelia Hudgens' dream of a marital bliss filled with love was shattered when she was married off to Daniel Theodore as a pawn for an ancient vendetta. Her husband, Daniel, was a cruel and abusive man who tormented her with his mistress and his fists. He shattered her dreams of happiness and freedom, leaving her broken and hopeless. Hope bloomed, fragile as a butterfly's wing, when she discovered life stirring within her, but fate had other plans. A tragic accident took away her unborn baby, leaving her shattered and alone. Daniel blamed her for everything, even in the hospital where she was recovering. He showed no mercy, only malice. Amelia wanted to end her misery, to jump from a bridge and drown in the sea. But as she was about to take the final plunge, she crossed paths with Cullen, a mysterious man who saved her from the brink of death. He was kind and gentle, a soothing balm for her wounded soul. He offered her a chance to start over, to heal from her past. But could Amelia trust him? Could she rebuild her life and find happiness again? Could she stand up against Daniel, who would stop at nothing to get her back? Was Cullen's help all genuine?

Lizbella · สมัยใหม่
143 Chs

Chapter 79

Diana rushed to her door the moment she heard the first knock. Her hand fastly turned the knob without asking who it was.

"Daniel," she muttered in a breath and stepped back for him to come him. She has missed him for days.

"You betrayed me," Daniel said slowly and made his way into the room, "Tell me, apart from him, who else have you told my little secret?"

Diana blinked in confusion. "What secret? Our secret had always been just between us. Even after what you said to me the last time, I don't hate you enough to let out your secrets."

She walked closer to him, held both sides of his face seductively, and said, "I don't want you in jail yet. I still need you to be around. I still love you,"

Daniel harshly grabbed her arm and pushed her aside. He slammed the door hard behind him and locked it.

Diana's eyes widened in horror when she heard the soft click. She gulped painfully and began to yell in fear.