
Continued Story (Reverend Insanity-Fanfic)

The MC wakes up in a strange place and in a different body! He gets reincarnated as Gu Yue Qing Shu in the world of Reverend Insanity and tries to come out with utmost benefits with every step he does. Another Fanfic about getting reincarnated in to the world of Reverend Insanity.

Akugyaku_kotei · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Continued Story ch. 8 Caravan arrives

Continued Story ch. 8 Caravan arrives

After several months

The time period was a transitional period between spring and summer.

The scent of flowers fills the air, the huge evergreen hills and the sun's rays are gradually starting to release her enthusiastic side.

In the fields there were many farmers who were actively working hard. There were also some farmers cleaning the water-canal to direct water to irrigate the fields, while some farmers would roll their pants and stand in the fields and to plant some seedlings.

There were children playing in the streets and others helping their parents in the planting. As they headed down the mountain, a caravan moving like a colored worm appeared from the side of the mountain, in their field of view.

"It's the trade caravan!"

"Yes, it is already the post-spring period, and it is time for the caravan to come."

The adults watched at once, and the children stopped playing with water and mud in their hands. Together, they forcefully approached the caravan.

Because of the great dangers in the wilderness such as beasts, wild Gu, and other lurking dangers, humans and even lower-ranked Gu Masters had to band together to be able to travel in this world. These are the biggest reasons for the formation of commercial caravans. You should be at least a rank 3 Gu Master to be able to travel on your own and even though, the danger would be too difficult to deal with.

The second reason was due to the weak economy, as trading was difficult. Thus, the most important form of trade was through caravan merchants. Only by organizing a trading group in such a large scale, could Gu Masters combine the ability to help each other, and overcome difficulties in the ways of traveling and crossing from one mountain to another.

The arrival of the trade caravan was like a pot of boiling water poured into the quiet Qing Mao Mountain.

The caravan merchants entered Gu Yue Village one by one, led by the Copper Toad Treasure. This frog was two and a half meters long, completely orange in color. The back of the toad was thick and full of warts and knots. On the back of that toad, dense ropes were tied around a lot of goods. At a glance, the frog seemed to be carrying a giant backpack.

The fat man Jia Fu sat cross-legged on top of the frog. Both of his eyes formed into slits when smiling. He waved his hand as he greeted the surrounding villagers.

Jia Fu was a rank four Jia Clan master Gu just like the clan leader, Gu Yue Bo, both of them were in the middle stage. But they have a place above all others.

The frog jumped slightly as it moved forward but the Jia Fu who was sitting on its head was stable and steady. When the frog jumped, its height was at the same height with the windows of the second floor of the building. Even when it was on the ground, it was as height as the roof of the first floor, of the bamboo buildings.

The originally spacious streets were surprisingly packed and narrow, and the toad was like a monster that entered the midst of a large number of bamboo houses.

Behind the orange toad there was a huge fatty worm. She had eyes that looked like multi-colored glass windows, and the colors were bright and brilliant. The worm was fifteen meters long, shaped like a silkworm with a big head. However, the surface of the worm was covered with a thick layer of black porcelain leather armor. On the shield was another abundant pile of goods and baggage, a hemp rope tied around them. Among the gaps and separations of the goods, Gu Masters sat one after another, some of them old and some of them young.

There were also humans who were strong and staunch martial warriors, slowly advancing on the ground behind a black poisonous beetle.

Behind the beetle, there were ostriches with brightly colored feathers, hairy mountain spiders, winged pythons with two pairs of feathered wings, and so on. However, these were in small numbers, and most creatures were frogs. All of these frogs were similar to the treasure copper frog, but they were smaller in size. The frogs were carrying goods and people, their stomachs bulging out as they jumped forward.

And just like that, the trading caravan entered the depths of the village.

Jia Fu was greeted by the clan leader. As they spoke, their tones were extremely polite.

Gu Yue Village needed merchant caravans every year to come and trade, and the merchant caravan also needed work and clients to earn money.

< Heh heh heh, it's good to be able to come. Please, accept my invitation to the clan feast, and allow me to throw a welcome dinner for you, Senior Brother > Gu Yue Bo extended his hand and said excitedly.

<The clan leader is polite, very polite. >

The trade caravan reached the border of Qing Mao Mountain in the early morning, and in the afternoon was stationed at Gu Yue Village. When it was dusk, a wide area of ​​temporary shops and kiosks formed in the village's periphery. All kinds of red, blue, yellow and green tents were built, and every inch of the streets was used to build tents.

The sun was slowly falling, night fell, and yet the area was still lit.

An endless stream of pedestrians flowed in the area of ​​the village. There were mortals as well as Gu masters. The young children were competing in high spirits, and the adults showed an expression of joy akin to celebrating their festival.

Qing Shu moved along with the crowd, and walked alone.

He had no friends from his fellow academy mates because of his bullying and it could be said that he was hated by them, so he kept his distance from them.

The crowd was bustling with activity, groups of people either surrounding the stalls or streaming endlessly in and out of the tents.

The surrounding areas are filled with the shouts of merchants displaying their wares.

<Come, come, take a look. Drinking this tea makes you cheerful as a fairy! Even if a person did not drink, it could be used to nourish and improve Tea Gu, it is a cheap price as one piece only costs five primeval stones! >

< Longhorn brute force beetle Gu, a Gu Master who uses this Gu will be able to lash out with the power of a bull. You can walk away without getting tired too! The Yellow Camel Longhorn Beetle Gu could grant the Gu master durability and allow their stamina expenditure to be greatly reduced, however it could only sustain for fifteen minutes. At the same time it had no repercussions.>

< Intimate herb, high quality intimate herb. Everyone, take a look at this quality, it is as new as if it was a freshly picked one. 1 pack costs 2 primeval stones, very cheap price... >

Longhorn brute force beetle Gu was in great demand in the markets, and this gu is sold in large numbers at every village, since this gu gives the power of a bull to the master of the gu for five breaths and this is a supernatural power of the low-ranking gu masters. But it had two weak points:

One of them is that each activation consumes a lot of primitive essence. The intermediate stage in the first place requires 10% of the primitive essence, but if it is converted to the initial stage, it will consume 20%.

The second was: if the Gu Master had a weak structure, using Gu too much could cause injury to their muscles, and even suffer muscle rupture. Only the Gu masters with a strong physique will choose to use this Gu. A small person was not suitable for it.

Anyway, Qing Shu didn't need this Gu because he had the flower wine monk inheritance first wanted to search for that herb/plant that Fang Yuan did not obtain in the main story. Herb to facilitate feeding moonlight gu. Qing Shu searched the market, which was crowded with people and various creatures.

After a while, he saw an ostrich pulling a small two-wheeled cart. On that little wagon was a pile of green herbs. Each stalk of the plants was a meter long, slender and long. Their average width was about the width of a nail. A red heart-shaped flower bud grew on it. Intimate grass was a type of Gu worm supplementary food, and its value was derived from the fact that it could be used to pair with a few other foods to feed a Gu worm. It is possible to reduce the amount of Gu food with the incorporation of intimate herb and lunar petal.

Intimate herb only costs two primeval stones per bundle, while a Moon Lizard petal costs one primeval stone for every ten pieces. With a simple calculation, one could know that mixing intimate herbs with moon lizard petal to feed Gu would be more cost-effective.

[In recent days, I have stolen several times, and also used up a lot of primeval stones, I currently have a total of 200 stones except for what I took from the clan leader. I'll take some of the intimate herb and continue my shopping then.] After Qing Shu decided to start his move quickly.

After obtaining the intimate herbs, Qing Shu turned his gaze to look at the desired location and continued walking in the heart of the temporary market. Qing Shu searched for any tough metal suitable for his next plan.

After searching for a while, he found a small kiosk cart with many kinds of metals on it, such as steel, iron, gold, silver, and several other kinds that Qing Shu couldn't identify, but it looked very tough and hard. After a small conversation with the shopkeeper, he bought steel, gold, and silver, and bought some of the other types as well, including mithril.

After purchasing those minerals, he continued walking into the depths of the market. The deeper Qing Shu walked, the more prosperous he was. Small hawkers decreased while the number of large tents increased. There were all kinds of big tents that could be seen, red, blue, green, and yellow, of different shapes and sizes, some of them cylindrical. Some erected two-door poles at the entrance to their tents, while others hung large red lanterns instead. Inside, some tents had vibrant lights, while some were dark and dim.

Qing Shu finally stopped near the gray colored tent which should be the gambling tent.

[He's here] He recognized her while looking at the tent; There were two pillars at the entrance, and there were inscriptions on the pillars. It was as Fang Yuan described it in the main story.

On the he left side it was written , "A small show of courage, and the acquisition of good fortune during the four seasons."

And on the right-hand side, "Great display of skills, and access to good prosperity in all four directions."

In the middle there was still another line: "Luck changes with time."

The area of ​​this gambling den was about one mu of land (666 square meters); It was considered a large tent. Qing Shu walked inside. Inside the tent, there were three rows of tables on the side. On the row were pieces of amber or fossils and stones. Some are as big as the palm of the hand, others are as big as the face. There were others bigger. Those were as tall as an adult human. It obviously could not fit on the row of tables, and therefore was placed directly on the ground.

Gu Masters were standing around the tables thinking and contemplating the stones, causing silence and noiselessness.

No one cared about Qing Shu, and he didn't care about anyone, so he continued what he wanted to do. He meditated on some stones but did not understand or see anything through it. Pick up four bad grades in different colors (black, purple, and black gold) and one from the low. It cost him forty primeval stones. [Damn the poverty. I have a little more than 100 primeval stones left in total. I hope they are enough!]

To be continued ...


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