
Considering The Circumstances

Hiashi Hyuuga sends Hinata to public school for the first time. From day one, she struggles to figure out who are her friends and who's just pretending to be. One thing's for sure: the silver-haired, foul-mouthed guy that Konan hangs out with is as intimidating as he is attractive. (I'm aware of how crazy this pairing is, but I don't care!) Rated M for a reason!

Hina5enpai · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Chapter 30

"Wait, so you two are sleeping together already? Hinata, I can't believe you didn't tell me!"

Tenten showed up early on the morning of December twenty-seventh to be the first person to wish her best friend a happy birthday. Hiashi either wasn't awake or was too focused on the work in his office to notice, so the girls were safe from his detection, at least for now.

The brunette girl pouted as she watched Hinata get dressed. She noticed the shy girl's newly pierced ears and earrings. When she asked about it, her friend explained that her boyfriend had given them to her. Only when Tenten asked when it happened did the Hyuuga come clean with a bright red face.

"I'm sorry! If it makes you feel any better, you're the only person I've told! Most of Hidan's friends know because, w-well they were there the morning after, and i-it was hard to hide it, but no one else does!"

Hinata held her breath while running her fingers through her hair after pulling on an oversized sweater, waiting for her friend's response. To her surprise, Tenten sighed defeatedly, "Well, if we're confessing things today, then I should come clean, too."


"I've, uh…. I've been dating Neji for a while now," she grinned sheepishly, a rare pink dusting her cheeks.

The Hyuuga girl's mouth fell open, "N-Neji? How'd that happen? How long?"

Tenten explained that she'd accidentally overheard Hiashi speaking privately with Neji on his first workday at the estate. She didn't go into detail but said that the man spoke to him in an insulting and derogatory manner on par with how he talks to his daughter. The long-haired young man caught her when he left the office.

Apparently, things were awkward for a while after that. The fact that the duo almost always worked on the same tasks together didn't help. Hinata's best friend claimed she did what she always does when she feels anxious and talked endlessly to fill the awkward silence.

Neji ignored her with perfect composure until a week before the beach trip when he finally had enough. In Tenten's words, he sternly reprimanded her like a parent disciplining a child, making her laugh, which only made the young man angrier.

Somehow, the two became friends after that. When she'd talk, Neji would occasionally respond. Then, during the beach trip, Tenten drank too much and confessed that she thought he was hot. After that, the pair flirted for a couple of weeks before she finally asked him out on a date, and he said yes.

The rest is history.

"So you've been dating for almost three months?" Hinata's eyes glazed over as she tried to think of times she'd witnessed the couple together, "How did I not notice?"

Tenten rose to her feet when Hinata walked toward the door, following her down the stairs to the entryway where the shorter girl put on her shoes, "We're not exactly advertising it, are we?"

In the car, the timid girl frowned, almost ready to cry with guilt, "I've been a horrible friend lately. I'm so sorry."

"You've had a lot on your plate, Hinata. I'm not mad at you," the brunette beamed happily, "Let's talk about something else. It's your birthday. We should lighten the mood."

'Yeah, it's my birthday, but it's also my last day with everyone that I love and care about,' Hinata thought with a poorly-masked grimace.

This afternoon, as soon as she arrives home from school, a car will be at the estate to take her to whatever boarding school Hiashi had chosen. Her father notified her of this when he returned yesterday afternoon.

Hinata hadn't told a soul yet, not even Tenten.

It was bad enough that they'd be concerned about her departure at all. They didn't need to know that she won't get a chance to properly say goodbye. In fact, the Akatsuki members planned to have a small get-together after school—a farewell-for-now party. Before now, everyone, including Hinata, was under the impression she'd be sent away after New Year's Day.

"What do you think Hidan got you for your birthday, huh?" Hinata's eyes widened as she realized something, but Tenten continued in a mock-annoyed tone, "He's not one of those people that combines Christmas and birthday presents just because they're so close, is he? I'll kick his ass. He should cherish you more."

"I-I don't think he knows it's my birthday; none of them do." It wasn't intentional, but the girl hadn't told anyone. So much had been going on lately that she never realized or got around to it.

"What! Are you kidding? He's your boyfriend!"

While pulling into her usual parking spot a block away from the school, Hinata pleaded with a furrowed brow, "Please don't tell anyone now. They'll just pity me and feel bad for not knowing. I-I don't want that."

"Do you know Hidan's birthday?"

"Of course. It's April second."

"That's exactly what I'm talking about, Hinata! You're obviously putting in more of an effort than he is. Ooh, I'm gonna rip him a new one!"

Hinata nearly argued but closed her mouth because most things Hidan has done for her are directly related to sensitive Akatsuki events. Tenten wasn't allowed to know about those.

After a short pause, she tried again, "There's a lot that you don't know about him, Tenten. I promise he treats me right, so please say you'll keep quiet."

The pair of schoolgirls trekked through the slushy, melted snow on the sidewalks toward the building's entrance, the taller one rolling her eyes, "Fine, but I still don't believe you."

Hinata became apprehensive inside the school each time another person crossed her vision. Tenten didn't say anything, and neither did she, but the depressive air was thick. She was about to be sent away, and there was nothing anyone could do to change that. All they could do was pretend everything was normal, so Hinata's last day here wouldn't be quite as uncomfortable.

'I think I should've just stayed home today. This is harder than I thought it'd be.'

Everywhere she looked was a memory of her new, beloved friends. Right there, by the bulletin board, is where Deidara accidentally knocked into her while Hidan was chasing him on the first day of school. Konan had picked up her dropped schedule, and their friendship blossomed from there.

Pearl-colored eyes lifted briefly to a hallway they passed, only to shoot forward again before falling to the ground sadly.

The bathroom down that hall was where Hidan found and helped Hinata bandage her hand when she was being bullied.

'That's the day I started falling for him,' she thought with a bittersweet smile, 'I know the exact moment, too. It's when he put his jacket on me without asking. I was so surprised.'

"Well, I'll see you later, Hinata! Try to have a good day," Tenten smiled encouragingly, but the glint in her eye was sad. Not all of the friends that the Hyuuga girl was leaving were new. One had been around for years, a source of comfort through thick and thin.

After climbing the stairs, Hinata turned down the hall where her locker was located, only to freeze when her gaze landed on Hidan and Deidara arguing like usual at the former's locker. Swallowing hard, she put her feet in motion once more.

'Don't you dare cry. All you'll do is make everyone worry more. Keep it together.'

"He did not! Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"Bitch, just admit it. It's not like anyone's gonna judge you for it. We all already knew anyway."

Deidara's face was red, either with anger or embarrassment. Still, his pretty blue eyes turned onto the Hyuuga girl when she arrived and began turning the dial on her locker, "Hina! Thanks for the gift!"

She blushed, shoving her bag and coat into the small compartment before kneeling to grab her Science books. Her eyes remained forward and not on the duo, purposefully, "Y-You're welcome! Sorry, I couldn't make it." The girl had gotten him a pottery stamp with his initials so he could adequately leave a signature on his work.

"We'll give you all your gifts at the house later; don't worry!"

Hinata's eyes widened as she rose to her full height again, and she couldn't stop herself from facing the two boys anymore, "H-Huh? Gifts?"

Hidan scoffed, signature smirk in place as his magenta eyes shamelessly looked over her appearance, "It's not like I brought everyone else's with me, remember?"

"That's right! Let me see!" Deidara gasped, pushing past the silver-haired young man and brazenly pushing Hinata's hair behind her ears with a slight grin, "Ah, they look super cute on you, Hina."

The previously mild blush on the girl's face became red hot, "Th-Th-" "Wanna fuckin' die? Who the hell do you think you're touching?" Hidan pulled the blonde boy away and stood between him and his girlfriend while getting his books from his locker.

Hinata rarely gets the urge to act clingy towards her boyfriend, but the irritated flex of his jaw and the heat of his glare made her feel uncharacteristically giddy. 'This type of thing shouldn't be a turn-on because it's borderline toxic, but I just can't help it. He looks so….'

As she thought about it, she realized today's her last day to show the young man affection for a long time, so she threw caution to the wind and bashfully wrapped her arms around the one closest to her, pressing her forehead to his shoulder.

Hidan looked down at her in mild surprise before snickering and returning to his task of gathering his books, not doing anything to shake her off, "You have no shame, Princess."

Deidara mumbled something under his breath about the pair being annoying and left.

After closing his locker, Hidan maneuvered Hinata so that her back was against it and rested his forearm above her head, leering down at her with a devilish grin, "Wanna get outta here?"

Goody-two-shoes little Hinata immediately shook her head because skipping school was wrong, but then she froze, 'You know what? In Hidan's words, fuck it.'

The duo drove to the Akatsuki house after sneaking out to the car. They didn't say much in the car, but as soon as they stepped through the front door, the silver-haired young man pressed her against the wall in the hallway and deeply kissed her. Hinata clung to his shirt, completely surprised, as she responded to the breathtaking act.

A gasp got lost between them as Hidan unzipped her coat and slid it down her shoulders until it fell. Then he spoke against her lips in a low, husky tone, "Upstairs?"

She nodded with a red face, accepting another kiss, only to physically jump and let out a shocked yelp when a familiar voice came from nearby, "At least go to your room if you're gonna fuck like rabbits, you two. No one wants to see that."

The timid girl then clung to Hidan's shirt to keep herself from falling as a mortified heat enveloped her body. Zetsu and Nagato stood there next to a third, unfamiliar person, the former having been the one to speak.

The green-haired man glanced at the black-haired stranger, who had a blush on his cheeks, before rolling his eyes, "I take it back. Apparently, some of us are into it. Carry on or whatever. Thanks for the Christmas present, Hinata."

Much more politely, Nagato smiled, "It's nice to see you again. I appreciate the gift you sent, as well."

"Is no one gonna say anything? I can't believe this!" The redhead and Zetsu looked at the new arrival with looks of confusion, but he was staring at Hinata unblinkingly.

The girl in question unconsciously tried to hide against Hidan's chest, "U-Um…." She cringed in fright when he suddenly bellowed, "She's sexy! You guys didn't mention that! Hidan, how'd you do it, huh? She's way too hot for you!"

Hinata's breath left her body, '...What? I thought he was angry at me for something by the way he was glaring. His personality is nothing like his appearance! Who is this man?'

To her continued shock, Hidan snickered, turning to face the others with a hand around her waist, "I can show you how if you want to watch."

Full of disbelief to the brim, Hinata pushed against his chest with a humiliated glare before kneeling to pick up her abandoned winter coat from the floor. Then she stepped forward, taking calming breaths, until she stood before the stranger, "My name's Hinata. It's nice to meet you." Her teeth gritted tightly when the man didn't lower his voice even though she was closer than before.

He grabbed her face between her hands, making her jump and try to step back, "You're even prettier up close! How old are you? Do you like Hidan a lot? You should dump him for me! I'll treat you right, I swear it!"

Hidan cursed and grabbed the girl's shoulders; the other two tore the man's hands off of Hinata, "You may get away with that bullshit with Konan and Yahiko, but you sure as hell won't with her. Touch her again, and we'll break your fuckin' fingers."

'Okay, what just happened? They were joking around a minute ago, and now all three look ready to kill this man. I'm so confused,' Hinata stepped closer to her boyfriend as he tugged her away a couple of steps, '...and he said, "we'll". What does he mean by…? Oh.' Zetsu and Nagato had dangerous-looking glares directed at the strange person.

He laughed nervously, "Eheh, calm down, guys. I was only joking. It's not like I was gonna kiss her or something." He directed his gaze to Hinata, who was still staring at him with a healthy mixture of confusion and suspicion, "I'm Tobi! I'm new around here, just like you! I hope we can be friends."

Everyone's actions suddenly made at least a bit more sense. No one knew this Tobi person that well, so they were comfortable joking around but not with him acting too familiar.

Hoping to ease the unexpected tension, Hinata offered her best smile, "I-I see. So, you're name's Tobi, then," she turned and grabbed Hidan's wrist, meeting his eye with a look that silently begged him not to fight, "Please excuse us."

Luckily, Hidan didn't argue and allowed himself to be pulled upstairs and into his bedroom, where he tossed her coat onto the desk chair and shut the door behind them, "Don't go around that guy alone. Got it?"

She made an affirming sound. She politely sat her shoes by the door, having released his wrist. Brushing a strand of hair behind her ear as she stood back up, Hinata gave her boyfriend a shy smile, "Everything will be okay."

Magenta eyes narrowed slightly before he groaned, pulling her into his arms and hugging her tightly, "Don't fuckin' look at me like that."

The girl's smile grew as she returned the embrace, happy to receive affection from the man who often tried to act cool rather than be honest about his feelings.

Hidan released her from the hug but pulled her over to his bed and guided her to lie down. Blushing, Hinata held a pillow to her stomach while sitting up and watching him remove her socks, "So, where'd he come from?"

He lightly shoved her shoulder so she'd fall back onto the other pillows before tearing the one in her arms away and wrapping his fingers under the band of her leggings, "Fuck if I know. Yahiko just brought him in yesterday out of nowhere."

It wasn't necessary to elaborate because it was understood that asking people in this house about their backstories was a bad idea. Not only would it be rude, but a handful might have a less-than-calm response.

The girl's leggings were slid down her legs and removed, followed by her sweater, leaving her in her undergarments.

Hinata sat up, her knees bent over Hidan's hips as he sat on his knees between her legs and leisurely removed his shirt. A bashful blush warmed her cheeks at how casual everything felt now. Sure, she was still self-conscious, but her anxiety level at being in this situation with Hidan was much lower than in the past.

The couple shared a brief kiss before she pulled away, unbuckling and removing his belt all the while, "You don't seem to like him…."

He pushed her down to the bed once his jeans were unbuttoned and unzipped, falling low on his hips. A glare met his narrowed eyes as he ran a hand up the girl's stomach until it met her chest, where he fondled her breast appreciatively, "I fuckin' don't. He may act like a dumbass, but even he knows better than to lay hands on someone's woman like that. There's something weird as hell about him."

Just like earlier, when Hidan got mad at Deidara for flirting with her, a wave of giddiness swept over Hinata because of his choice of words.

Feeling more than a little adoring in response to all the protectiveness her boyfriend was showing today, Hinata gently ran her hand up his chest until it met his cheek, where she gazed lovingly into his eyes and whispered, "You're sweet."

The bewildered expression on his face almost made the young woman laugh.

It made sense, his visible confusion. Hidan was a tall, muscular, cocky, and dangerous person. There were multiple piercings in his ears, and more scars than the average person marred his body's skin. He was short-tempered and always ready to both fight and enjoy doing so.

And Hinata thought he was a doting, cute, sweet, and passionate boyfriend. Maybe he was all of those scary things to everyone else, but he acted differently with her, a fact she selfishly enjoyed.

Hidan searched her face, understanding slowly meeting his features, "Is this gonna be like the "pretty" argument all over again?"

"There's no argument to be had! You are pretty, Hidan!" The girl giggled as she recalled how much he disliked the adjective.

There was a pause, irritation twitching one of the man's brows before he guided her to turn onto her hands and knees. Hinata's pulse climbed when he held her hips and leaned over to hiss into her ear, "I'll fuckin' show you "sweet", Baby."