
Episode 1: New Student

Today is the first day of the new semester. I'm Yuj Takayuki and as of today I am the main character of this story! I actually am a friendly guy if you get on my good side, but if you get on my bad side I promise you that I will kick your ass. Except that's not the point of this story, otherwise it'd be boring. so let's get this started!

"Finally it's the first day of school" "Hey who's the king around here" Yuj say's. As the delinquents looked over to see who was talking and seen that it was none other than Yuj. "Who's this dumbass" "Hey Jason & Yoonji come over here and look at this new guy" the delinquent said. While Yoonji who began to stare at Yuj and says "I think I've found the potential candidate for the position of the next King" , then Yuj walks in the middle of the field as a group of freshman walks towards him and starts a fight. All twelve freshman in the group tried to gang up on Yuj, but none of them stood a chance. Yuj defeats them with a fierce laugh and stares at Jason and Yoonji and says "I'm coming for you baby". As of today Yuj has made himself a sworn enemy to the whole school!

The next day, a group of freshman wanted to welcome Yuj as their leader, and to Yuj it was a huge surprise because no one ever said that to him before. "Hey I remember you guys.. I beat you up in front of everyone lol" says Yuj, "Hey, you didn't have to ruin the moment!" says another new student. "What's your name" Yuj says, "I'm King" says the new student. "Let's be friends" "Okay" says King & Yuj.

Finally a new group of freshman walks by and looks at Yuj & King beginning to walk towards them, and says "Hey you're the new kids right?" as King & Yuj says "Yeah, what about it?" the group starts a fight, while King & Yuj just beats the crap out them. "Should've just stand down" says the other freshman, as the class laughs at the other group of freshman. Meanwhile Jason & Yoonji takes over the second years, "Hey Jason. What do you think about the new kid?" "To be honest, He's not bad" says Yoonji. "He's just some small fry, who cares lol" says Jason, while the class just laughing, and Yoonji just stares at them and they began to qeuite down.

Finally the story continues with King & Yuj, on their road to become the strongest duo & aslo the future leaders of Yu-jin High, but what they need first is to take down one last group of the freshman in order to beat the entire class of the first years in order to move on to the second years and so on.

This concludes the first part for the story of King & Yuj Takayuki the first delinquents to ever challenge anyone at Yu-jin High.