
Dashavatara vs Nova (2): So... Close...

Back in the battlefield, there wasn't time to bask in the grandeur of Dashavatara's avatar's transformation, Nova's malevolent crimson tornado was still in play and Matsya's shield had transformed into a new set of weapons, leaving him defenseless.

In the face of imminent peril, Matsya, Dashavatara's transformed avatar, plunged with unwavering resolve into the treacherous depths of the seething lava. 

The audience gasped in collective astonishment, their hearts suspended between hope and dread as they witnessed this audacious maneuver. 

The scorching heat assaulted Matsya's merman form, threatening to consume him but Matsya's new form gave him a certain resistance to the scorching sea of lava.

With a combination of skill and sheer determination, he managed to evade the malevolent crimson laser tornado that Nova had conjured.