
Conquering the Elements

The adventures of a man who got from our world into the Avatar Universe. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I post fan fiction by agreement with the author! It is not recommended to read by a native speakers, be careful it's a big chance to awaken a last form of Sharingan. The whole fanfic is here https://tl.rulate.ru/book/52044

Cutiepie747 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
44 Chs

34.Places, part 1

From that day on, making love became firmly embedded in our lives, which made Kaya seem to become only more beautiful and desirable. In addition, now I can not be afraid of the appearance of a new life, I have managed to achieve the desired effect by manipulating vital energy. Another unexpected surprise was the increase in the quality of Kaya's energy during our intercourse, both her vital and magical parts. With such pleasant actions, our energy engineers actively interact with each other, exchanging energies. Due to the larger gap in characteristics, Kaya gets more advantages, which has already been able to evaluate the results in practice. A smoother application of healing magic, the conquest of water is even easier – this is just what we have managed to find out so far, maybe there are other effects.

 At first, it was difficult to close our spiritual connection with Yui, especially during an excited state when thoughts are occupied with something else entirely. Most likely, something reached her, but she still did not understand why I had such emotions. It is still sometimes difficult to block the channel at particularly spicy moments... What can I say, Kaya knows how to pleasantly surprise with her creativity.

 During this time, I resumed intensive training on opening the Water chakra, the second in a row. It will also allow my immune system to reach a new level, hitherto unprecedented even for a magician. Poisons, viruses, and diseases will bypass me. This will be just in time, because quite often I have to spend the night in bad conditions. Of course, vital energy always helps out, but the local flora is replete with very, very dangerous plants, the toxins of which can even send me to the next world.

 Do not forget about all kinds of insects, which are carriers of a whole bunch of human-intolerable diseases. It's easier to deal with this matter nowadays, people have already developed the antibodies necessary to fight, but it's worth looking at the population of this world to understand that diseases often mowed down people once or twice. After all, magical variants of diseases are always deadlier, and if you look at the history of my past world, no war has mowed down as many lives as various kinds of diseases.

 The first chakra did not leave a very good moments in my memory. That's why I was slow to continue training, but the pros are too juicy and greasy, and I'm already mentally ready for the upcoming troubles.


 The village of Makapu is located in the north-west of the Kingdom of the Earth at the foot of the "sleeping" volcano Makapu. I remember this place because of Aunt Wu and her cool assistant Meng, who was following Aang.

During my travels, I came across one of the information stall, which usually display messages about holidays or various announcements concerning the inhabitants of a given province. There are such stalls all over the Kingdom of the Earth, I somehow did not pay attention to them before, I just came across them in some remote places and it is very difficult to believe in the relevance of such information. But as it turned out, the ads there are quite timely, well, fifty percent for sure…

It was on it that I saw an advertisement for the Fortune Teller Wu, who lives in the village of Makapu. And she invites everyone to find out their fate. As I remember, her fortune-telling was often accurate, maybe it was really a gift, who knows, but I couldn't miss such entertainment in any way. The village looked very picturesque, it looked like I was in a super secret sect to comprehend mysterious teachings. This effect was most strongly facilitated by the dormant volcano, which was very similar to the sacred Mount Fujiyama... May the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun forgive me for such a comparison.

 – "whistled" And she is highly respected here, – I said, looking at the luxurious house right in the center of the village, in which the person I need lives. Less than thirty seconds after my knock on the wooden door, it was already opened for me. Now she has a completely different girl as her assistant, Meng is most likely still walking somewhere under the table.

 – Are you going to see Auntie Wu? – a young girl of seventeen asked me, who was looking at my face. My praise for self-control! I have seen my face in the mirror more than once, and believe me, only a few will stand, and yes, as you understand, narcissism has only increased in me...

 – No, I'm here for you, – I whispered, coming closer to her than the permissible boundaries of barely familiar people, which caused an immediate reaction.

 – I think I overdid it, – I muttered, looking after the hurriedly fleeing girl, whose face was downright "flushed".

 It's a pleasure to tease such girls – it's already become a habit of mine. A minute later, the owner of the mansion herself came out to meet me. She looked younger than her prototype in the series... I can say the obvious things, after all, it was still seven years before that meeting with the Avatar team...

 - Heh, that's what she was talking about, this is the kind of handsome man I would like to take for myself if I were younger, – she grinned, walking her gaze over my body, and beckoned me with her finger. – Let's go, I'll tell a fortune.

 –...Good afternoon, I guess, – I said with mixed feelings, I felt so naked only with Wang Shi Tong when he scanned me. And if everything was at the energy level there, then here I was just "groped" with her eyes...

 - What would you like to know? – she asked calmly, starting to prepare for the prediction.

 – Mm-m, probably your... destiny? – I said half-interrogatively, somehow I didn't think too much about it, and I don't really believe in this kind of thing.

 –Often people come to me just out of curiosity, but somehow, as soon as the predictions come true, they come again, – she announced solemnly... She knows how to catch up with the atmosphere!

 - Well, ninety percent for sure, - she continued in a normal voice, thereby completely destroying the mystery of the moment, - is there at least money? The first customers get a discount, one fortune telling for one silver coin, – she held out her open palm.

 - "Here's a fortune teller for you, they all want only one thing," – I grumbled to myself, giving the right amount.

 - Don't make such a face, I also want to eat, and then my relatives threw my niece. Baby Meng requires constant attention, and I don't get along too well with the children, hence a separate wet nurse, babysitter, clothes, toys... Hmm, now I remember why I never had my own children, – she began to complain.

 - Now listen carefully, I am only the guide of fate, the most serious predictions pass without my control, - she warned seriously. Now my faith is starting to recover. – Now take the bone and throw it into the fire, – I hope they're not from human...

 As soon as I threw the bone into the fire, I had to abruptly push the woman aside, as the flame that had been burning peacefully before grew by several meters, destroying the divination attribute in the blink of an eye.

 - A new world order is coming, the cycle will be interrupted! The one who was only a guest before will become the host! – Aunt Wu began to speak in a voice not her own, not even paying attention to what was lying on the floor in a slightly singed dress.

 To be honest, the prediction is useless, with my strength, the power itself will come into my hands, but what kind of cycle? Maybe the age of Avatars? Probably someday I will have the strength to somehow influence this, but I find it very difficult to believe in it, because I still can't cope with higher spirits. But I like to be the master... Okay, it doesn't seem like anything bad was said.

 - What happened? – Auntie Wu, who had just come to her senses, asked in bewilderment.

 - It seems that some joker soaked that bone with something flammable, so it exploded upon contact with fire! And I think, why is she so brilliant, well, just get me that bastards! – I threatened with my fist for authenticity. – We've ruined the whole mood, I'll come back sometime later, bye-bye, - I said goodbye, already having one foot on the way out. I decided to make a quick exit before she realized the absurdity of my words. So, let's take a note: do not go to the fortune teller in the village of Makapu anymore.

 But on the way back, I dropped by the supposedly sleeping volcano, which does not sleep at all, but only pretends! Why do I have such a kind heart? I spent another two hours creating a trench from the side of the settlement, whose inhabitants live only by fortune-telling, and nobody believe in an active volcano, but there are children, children are good, Yuki is also good, so everything fell into place.


 - Mr. Roku! Mr. Roku! I am very glad to meet you! - a good-natured fat man ran up to me, according to whom you would not say that he is the ruler of this town. He walks unguarded, always polite and smiling, the residents of the city carry him in their arms. Even now, despite my fearsome reputation, people are watching warily, preparing to defend their mayor if necessary.

 - You may not know, but six months ago you helped my son return home alive. They were attacked by a gang of rhinoceroses of the people of fire, demanding all the goods that were badly needed by our city, – he stopped to wipe the sweat from his forehead. – Oh, I started talking, in general, accept my sincere gratitude, – he bowed deeply to me, forcing me to dismount from the ostrich horse in order to raise the peasant. I don't like being thanked for this. Is there power? Are there people in need? Is there time? Why not help. Treat people the way you want them to treat you, and don't forget that there are always enough moral freaks, don't look up to them.

 - Your son has already thanked me for my help, my mother liked those fabrics very much, - I patted him on the shoulder with a smile, you just want to smile with such people.

 - Tomorrow there will be an annual festival in honor of our benefactress Mrs. Tienhai! Be my dear guest, you will not be disappointed! – he began to persuade me to stay. After a few seconds of thinking I agreed, I have nowhere to hurry, but it will be interesting to hear about this holiday.

 Then we went to his house, where I was warmly welcomed by his family, which consisted of the ruler's son I had seen, his mother and a little toothless girl. Each of them did not forget to thank me, which made me not know where to go. Still, I'm used to seeing selfish motives hidden in words of gratitude.

 – Son, take care of Mr. Roku's ostrich horse, – the mayor asked, seeing the fatigue on the face of my live transport.

 – You can just say Roku, – I told him for the umpteenth time.

 - How can I?! My benefactor, a man with a capital letter! – this kind of speech makes it even more uncomfortable…

 Why would I need a mount? There is a romance in traveling with animals. It's like modern children don't understand the atmosphere of train travel. Oh, it made me cry, from the memories of sticking out legs in the aisles, which with their fragrance could give a head start to new collections of French perfumes.

 When I don't have time, I use a carpet made of water, but the rest of the time I prefer to move around on such mounts. I have already managed to ride a budget version, which are played here by unpretentious and hardy ostrich horses, which have been indispensable assistants to the people of the earth for many centuries, both in its civilian and military parts. Their only huge disadvantage is their timidity, you don't hold tight to the leash, and a rooster running by did a loud voice? You can say bye-bye for now, before you can blink an eye, your "transport" has already run away.

A more luxurious option is the Hound Eel. The dimensions of which reach about two and a half meters at the withers and at least ten meters in length. The hound eel is used for very long trips. As Piandao once said, "No one runs on the ground and swims in the water faster than a hound eel." These creatures are hybrids of a hound dog and an ordinary eel. As a vehicle, it can carry several people on its back at once. However, training a hound eel is such a difficult task that tame animals can be found very rarely.

You can't get such a handsome animal even for a whole chest of gold, all of them go only to people with high status. Their character, of course, not so nice, even trained individuals strive to throw off their master. I had one like this, given by a caring father for saving his daughter... As a result, after a while I had to give it back, such a status animal attracts too much attention, which is enough for me.