
Conquering the Elements

The adventures of a man who got from our world into the Avatar Universe. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I post fan fiction by agreement with the author! It is not recommended to read by a native speakers, be careful it's a big chance to awaken a last form of Sharingan. The whole fanfic is here https://tl.rulate.ru/book/52044

Cutiepie747 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
44 Chs


This evening I'm already thinking of leaving Kyoshi Island, I wanted to have time to drop by the Kingdom of the Earth for a day or two, it's still very interesting to at least have a peek at the life of this people.

 So, I managed to tell Shizuka about the book. It remains to inspect the second part of the settlement for various problems. It is also worth teaching Suki basic earth magic stands, it will definitely not be superfluous, maybe it will bring some benefit.

 Before sunset, it turned out to do all the planned things. It turned out that I know quite a lot of different racks where the energy of the earth behaves more actively, so I had to use water magic to carve pictures with the right racks on the boards. Suki immediately ran to look for some kind of mixture to cover the wood in order to preserve their durability, while not parting with my crafts for a second and treating them as if it were a gift from above. It was funny to watch a little girl puffing, trying, but not letting go of her burden in any way. Barely suppressing laughter, after all, for a little girl these can be real treasures, I helped her.

 The sky turned a beautiful amber color, the sun had already begun to disappear below the horizon, thereby giving the whole island a sad appearance. It matches the mood of the residents of the only village on the island who are not indifferent to my care.

 Every resident tried to give me something for the road, if I hadn't referred to the impossibility of carrying so many things, I would have had to float through the air with a whole wagon full of various kinds of supplies, clothes, trinkets. The only thing I took with me were small presents from the children, not all of them were beautiful, and they did not bring much benefit, but it was beyond my strength to refuse such a thing. I did not forget about the tea leaves, stuffing it into all my pockets.

 – We will always be glad to see you back, – Shizuka said warmly, to the approving nods of the people.

 - It's not a close way here, but I'll try to visit you as often as possible, after all, such beauties live here, - I winked at these very ladies, causing an extremely anime reaction in the form of "oohs" and "ahs" with a mandatory rush of blood to the face. This world pushes me into the path of the harem holder...

 After a menacing glare from Shizuka, they abruptly quieted down. The head of the Kyoshi warriors is respected here, but they are no less afraid. This was followed by warm words, and new attempts from some residents to cram some more things into me.

 Already turning to the ocean, I began to create a platform out of water, as a few seconds later Ifelt the approach of a familiar signature behind my back. Turning my neck, I only managed to notice Shizuka's confused face, and the next moment her soft lips pressed against mine. Oh, these girls who are not tempted by love, how nice it is to guide them on the path of pleasure. In such words, I wanted to say beautifully that Shizuka does not know how to kiss, I cannot understand her tightly compressed lips in any other way. Well, no, this is not a full-fledged kiss yet, which means that my finest hour has come. The piquancy is added by a whole crowd of people looking at us now. A kiss without a tongue is like an iPhone without charging, a letsplayer without F-words, well, you get it...

 Putting my hands on her waist, I began to squeeze her body into me. It turned out to be not very pleasant, a sharp eye did not notice the armor, so the main thing is to pretend that this was intended. As soon as my tongue invaded the mouth of an inexperienced mom, Shizuka followed my example, who, having got into the taste, already tried to repeat my actions herself.

 Shizuka is breathing through her nose too well! This kiss lasts for a whole minute, even the onlookers have already started to feel awkward.

 - Did you enjoy it? – I asked the panting Shizuka, who finally lost all brakes, starting to explore my entire body with her hands. – It was the best goodbye, and now the villagers are waiting for you, eager for details, – I winked to the girl who just started to realize what a headache the next few hours would bring her. - Bye, everyone! – I waved my hand to others.

 – Will Uncle Yuki be my dad? – Suki sounded happy when I started to climb to the height. What a restless one! I know, she noticed my reaction to these words, but still using it! Looking back one last time, I saw Shizuka surrounded by the entire female part of the island, while Suki was waving at me with a cheerful smile.

 - Bye-bye, big snake! – I shouted to Unagi's face, which was warily peeking out of the water. He watched my departure almost with tears in his eyes. – Hey, don't cry! I'll come back here often, you'll have time to take me for a ride! - he reacts so funny to me, I couldn't resist myselfto say it.


 About twelve o'clock at night. The flight is stable, turbulence is not noticed, visibility is poor. Unfamiliar stars are trying to show me the way, I don't understand anything, but thank them for it anyway. Now the question is: "Why did I stumble into uncharted lands at night looking?". Good question…

 Tui and La, only you stayed with me. I'll be at the north Pole and bring you some worms. Boredom…

 – Water, water, water, earth, – I muttered to myself. –Oh earth! - having accelerated to the limit of my strength, I finally found myself on a solid surface. My whole body is already numb from sitting for hours. A little warm-up, a run of vital energy, and I'm fine again.

 It's all tomorrow, sleep now. Taking control of the land, I began to build a small house in a hurry. Now I can take a nap.

 All the next day, I did nothing but observe various living organisms. The fauna of the Earth Kingdom never ceases to amaze me. Only in the first hour of walking I manage to see piggie monkeys jumping up trees with different colored things in their hands, they stole something from people. Nature knows a lot about perversions here. Make the face of ordinary monkeys look like a pig's snout, attach red eyes to these creatures. This is clearly the work of a master!

 The nocturnal inhabitants of this forest, the owl cats, sleep in the crowns of the trees, which by their appearance evoke thoughts of one remarkable cartoon. CatDog, CatDog, alone in the world is a little CatDog... As a child, I loved watching it, but now I want to check my psyche, it was obviously not too great to watch for a child. Moreover, teletubbies and endless seasons of rangers had already visited my innocent mind before them. One Jetix, or as even older people remember it, fox-kids, never let me down, there only good stuff. Most of it, for sure.

 Immediately after the pig monkeys, Flopsy ran, or rather, a relative of the pet Bumi. Of course, it is a pity for the goat that gave offspring from a gorilla...

 Time flies when there is an interesting activity, so I did not notice how I spent the whole day walking through the forest, just enjoying the still pristine nature. Today was the day of vegetarianism, I filled my stomach only with what came to hand: nuts, berries, fruits. Thanks to the books from the library, without them I would have been poisoned on the first berry.

 The day ended with an equally pleasant event. Feeling the peculiar smell of rotten eggs, my first thought was not about the rotten eggs themselves... The memories of my visit to the mineral springs immediately came to mind. That's what they turned out to be, the smell, of course, is disgusting, but there are a lot of benefits, and it relaxes well.

 I had just put on my underpants, dried my body with water magic and restored the protective layer of water, when I felt a little danger. I noticed the arrows flying at me only at the last moment, when they had already hit my legs, without doing anything to me. It's not for nothing that I constantly walk with a protective film from the water, there are bad people in this world who are ready to shoot my beautiful body just like a moment ago. I believe that Alastor Moody's words saved a large number of people, may your prostheses not hurt!

 - Are you sick or something?! What have I done to you?! – I shouted at the top of my voice.

 So there are five arrows, so there are five shooters. They are exactly further than sixty meters, since my sense limit, which has been increased from fifty meters by a whole ten lately, does not "show" anything. And because of the darkness, the exact flight of the arrows could not be seen, but the attack was one hundred percent from a height, it turns out the enemies are somewhere in the trees. It's a pity that there are hundreds of trees here...

 - Well, who didn't hide, it's not my fault! - collecting water from the springs, I made myself tentacles out of water. With the help of them, I started climbing a tree. Most likely, the platform will scare them away from the water, especially since it is definitely not worth shining it, the magicians of our tribe, even the most experienced of the masters, could not create it, which means that it's all about my nature.

 While I was climbing trees, I managed to notice how some dark silhouettes were jumping at a distance from me, sending more arrows at me. Slingshot, I choose you! Pulling myself like a projectile with the help of tentacles that caught on trees, I sent my divine body straight into the nearest enemy.

 - You'll tell me everything in any case, - I burst out laughing maliciously, having reliably frozen a familiar archer. They were Yuyan archers, who can pin a fly from a hundred meters away and still leave it alive... and that facts I really believe.

Seeing the unenviable fate of a fellow archer, the other began to shoot even more fiercely, while starting to aim not only at the legs. The second shell has gone! Already being in flight not far from the new victim, I wanted to take control of the archer's blood, but at the last second I did not do it. I was hooked by one scratching thought for the umpteenth time: "How can they move so fast through the trees?"

 When I just wanted to take control of the archer's blood, I managed to notice the atypical behavior of his vital energies. How everything immediately fell into place! The guys accidentally mixed up the fandom, so they jump along the branches like ninjas from Naruto. Okay, jokes aside, we need to take them seriously already!

 – Well, you won't leave alive anyway, – I said, creating a platform out of the water. Their skill is too useful, I definitely need to learn it!

 For the next fifteen minutes, I had to pretend that I was trying to catch up with them at all available speed, focusing more on the behavior of their circulation of vital energy when jumping from one branch to another. Filigree control! These archers are too dangerous for ordinary magicians, no one has ever survived an arrow in the head. People of Fire, can it be enough already?! You have the most destructive element, the most advanced technologies, let's at least give way to ordinary soldiers to the rest of the world…

 It turns out that when jumping and landing, they direct vital energy into their feet, thereby extinguishing inertia and temporarily sticking to the surface, which helps them make the next jump. They won't be able to walk completely like this, but it's easy for a couple of seconds, which is more than enough for the next maneuver.

 – All right, that's enough for playing with you, – I said to the archers already immersed in ice. – Let's go get your friend and we'll figure out your sick craving to put a hole in me...

 The bosses in the army of fire are very scary, but you are even more afraid of the murky and powerful water bender who stands right in front of you. From the interrogation, it was possible to find out the reason for the attack. I am a conqueror of water, that's all. That was enough for them, as they know, some incomprehensibility occurred with the south pole, so they wanted to bring the language and get a promotion. With their hawk-like eyesight, it was not difficult to see my manipulation of water, although I only removed the dripping drops from my body... Big-eyed bastards!

 The real purpose was to explore the area. In these parts, people managed to notice the defected Jong Jong, who has been standing across the throat of the military elite of the nation of fire for many years.

 It is also worth noting that these archers were only recruits, the most experienced of them can slightly change the direction of the arrow. In addition, they have even sharper eyesight, which is physically impossible, which means that vital energy is also involved. There are a lot more Yuyan archers in this world, the command managed to appreciate their effectiveness with dignity, but it did not work out to create such archer from each soldier. They don't know why, but I think I can guess. Sensitivity to vital energy, that is the main key... Maybe some genius born once in a century was able to create these techniques, but only a few will be able to put them into practice.

 The tracks should be erased by burning down all the warriors, and using earth magic to send them deep underground. It's worth trying this technique later, but now I need to rest, tomorrow is a whole day flight to the North Pole.