
Waking Up

Wind blew the grass gently, dandelions flew high to the bright blue sky.

A young boy was lying face down by the shore, he's body was skinny and weak. They called this being malnourished, this boy was Spade. Even if he's lying down and not moving, he's awake precisely his mind but not he's body.

Spade kept lying down till noon when An old man came. "ohh, this is rare. what is a kid like you doing here" the old man asked, its seems like he knew that Spade is awake. "oh my you must be tired if you can't reply to me"

The old man carried Spade to his house, from his looks he might look weak and fragile but when he lifted Spade he made it looks like his lifting a feather.


The old man brought Spade and laid him down on a bed, he fed Spade with porridge and left him and came back the next day.

"Can you move kid" the old man asked. "mmm" Spade nodded and answered him. "Where are you from kid, how did you get here" the old man was obviously interested at this kid. Spade didn't answered him and looked down at the floor. "well if you don't want to talk about it then it's fine" the old man made a sad face as he didn't get to know Spade's origin. Spade immediately said "Don't remembered" in a low voice. The old man left and went to sleep on his chair.

In the early morning, Spade woke up from the sun shining bright. He noticed the old man wasn't on his chair. Spade saw a pair of clean cloths, he wiped his now nourished body amd wore the clothes.

Spade spent his time reading some book he found in the room while waiting for the old man and ask him soke questions, when he heard a loud bell ring and screams of people. Spade went to look at the situation outside, he saw what they called pirates.

There were many of them surrounding the old man, "oi, get out of this island you punk" the old man was furious but deep down he was afraid. Spade could feal his fear and jumped out of the window and rushes to his side.

"Kid what are doing!" Spade stood in front of the old man protecting him. "Don't hurt him" Spade didn't feel fear or brave. "hmm? who's kid is this aaa!" the one that spoke was the captain, he pointed his gun on Spade's head while asking.

"No! please don't shoot his just a kid" Spade could sense fear from everywhere, specifically the residents of the island. Spade wasn't afraid of the gun, he just knew this is the right thing to do.

"huh? The captain load his gun and shot the old man's shoulder, when the gun shot screams echoed into Spade's ear. He reacted to the loud bang and initiate the first move and grabbed the captains neck. In reaction the Captain lift himself but only to meet Spade's knee on his chest with a full force, his ribs were broken inwards penetrating his heart and fell kneeling immediately.

The crowd was shocked, they could only look in disbelief. The Captain was gasping for air and only for a couple of seconds later falling forward and finally dieing.

"Captainn!" The crew was shocked to the core, "Kill this brat!" they rushes towards Spade. They unsheated their sabers and slashed with rage.

Spade's view become slow that even their attacks could be easily evade, he grabbed one of the mans neck and using all his strength turning the mans head 180 degrees. Spade saw an incoming blade 3 inches away and kicked it to change its direction, which causes the pirates to stab each other.

Spade was on a killing spree and continued his attack, he stomp on of the remaining pirates knees breaking it backwards and punching their face. The crowd could only see this unfold, when another bell rang but a different group came.

It was the Marines, a division of them came in line but one of them stands out among all. It was a vice - general, seems like they came to fought and capture the pirates but the plan had changed. "Who did this?" the vice asked the crowd and they pointed towards Spade, the vice was in disbelief and asked again "answer or all of you are going to the Impel Down". They all pointed towards Spade, he felt shivers and a slash came from the vice without notice. His reaction was not fast enough to evade them properly causing him to get hit on his right eye and got blown off.

"NO, he was only protecting us" the old man retorted and rushes to hold him. "Hmph, he evade my attack so he is not just any kid! Men apprehend the remaining pirates and this kid"

The old man was weak from the shot to his shoulder , he couldn't do anything because no one would dare to fight marines except for pirates and just watch as Spade was shackled and taken away.

ayyyy this is pretty gay. let me know if it's good or bad.

JeOnGYeONcreators' thoughts