
Patience- 2

In the Red Kingdom, Prince Seth sat down in the tent that was situated inside the camp with his fingers intertwined with each other, propped underneath his jaw and supporting his head up.

There was silence as he had not responded to what Ceri Binner had said to him.

Seth stared at her as he tried to examine her intent towards her action that morning. She had come to him very early and was talking about something that he had not expected to hear from her mouth.

Seth wondered if Sek had put her up to this to hear what he would say in response to all she was saying to him now.

"Does my brother know about this?"

"No, My Prince," Ceri Binner replied to him. Her hands grabbed a little part of her dress as she held unto that for support. She was nervous and anxious. Ceri was surprised by that because she thought she had this under control. But as soon as she faced the prince, something about him unsettled her.