
conquer all odds

John Gold a US special force general, went on a suicide mission to terminate a cult that threatens the nations safety. Unfortunately he died after its completion. Join him on his journey as he conquers the world in his next life!

toxicvenom · สงคราม
62 Chs

Recalling memories

As john woke up from his sweet dreams, he ate with his parents and started cultivating.

Diane and Jonathan quietly watched their son cultivating, they both didnt cultivate mainly because the amount of mana would be divided. As Jonathan watched his son he recalled the events that happened the past year...


He learned of John's interest in hand to hand combat, since then he trained him with everything that he knew. He would spend hours and hours of his time sparring with his son. This few hours was the most precious father and son bonding moments the both of them.

He would go into fights with his wife, 'who in there right mind would train and spar with a boy no more than 2 years old?' as Diane would often say.

He was so excited that he often forgot that his son was just more than 1 year old.

When John first sparred with his father, his martial arts that he refined on earth was viewed as so so by his father. He remembered Jonathan saying "though your moves look good, it is simply childs play infront of real warriors, you have too many openings."

John didnt believe it at first, his father noticed his disapproval thus he called Macy's daughter Jane. He let jane spar with John, after 3 exchanges, John fell face down.

John felt like his pride was shattered, as the martial arts he took pride on was beaten in just 3 exchanges. What was most perplexing for him is that Jane could break his martial arts in just a move, but she deliberately waited for 3 exchanges. Being beaten by a woman added to Johns frustration, but what he was depressed for is that his martial arts was worst than trash infront of Jane.

Jane looked very apologetic, she knew that John is just more than 1 year old. Yet Jonathan wanted her to crush his pride, thus she did so. Whats more this is her fiance, despite his very young age, she appreciated John. He is very mature, her cheeks grew red as if bleeding as she fantasized how dashing he would be when he grow up.

She woke up from her day dreams as John stood up and asked Jonathan to teach him martial arts. Jane was lost on what to do, John did not even care to look at her, she was thinking, 'what would he think of me? Would he think im not lady like? Should i talk to him and apologize? Maybe i should tell him it was the king who ordered me to crush his pride?' She looked at Jonathan and John with grievance in her eyes.

She wanted to say to the king 'you were the one who asked me to crush his pride, now my fiance hates me! He might be thinking im a brute! Wahhh' she wanted to cry. Diane took notice of her daughter in laws concerns, thus, she hugged and consoled her, "its ok Jane, my baby is just like that, he is just disappointed that his martial arts was totally crushed by you. He may not say it but he took pride in his martial arts. He bragged about it to me, saying he created his martial arts." She giggled "i should have corrected him long ago, but looking at his eager and happy face when he demonstrated it to me, i didnt even bother, look at him eagerly learning from his dad."

Jane thought 'if i were your majesty i also wouldnt have the heart to...' then she was somewhat relieved

John practiced with Jonathan, his fathers martial arts looks very simple, he looks very laid back and relaxed, sbut he couldnt see any openings. His attacks could be described as swift, powerful and precise. He doesnt have any excess movements, no flowery moves, his aim is to kill the enemy with the least amount of moves. He could attack and defend at the same time, in combination with the barbarians nearly indistructible bodies, there is almost no openings, who would dare fight him head on.

To John, who from his previous life would often do assassination missions, his fathers martial arts is best for this jobs. However his father never wanted attacking behind peoples backs. Thus he perfected his martial arts to be used in the battle field, he is like a grim reaper, everywhere he goes people will die. What he disnt know his father is nicknamed 'grim reaper' since no target is ever left alive.

Jonathan is very proud of his son, he would often go to the special training camp, and brag about it to his father-in-law. The old man would drink with his son in law, discussing nothing but John. He told him about Johns progress, he only spent 1 week to master all the basic moves.

What he was most proud of is that when he told his son that he practices every move millions of times that he already lost count, John took it as a challenge. John would practice on his free time, he would do the movements repeatedly, he would often softly say that he wanted to reach his fathers level of expertise and beat him with twice the effort. How could his mumblings not be heard by his father. John put in more effort into perfecting his martial arts. He incorporated his own martial arts with his fathers.

In just a year his martial arts is perfected. Even Jonathan is shocked by his amazing talent, it was a totally different martial arts, his movements are barely perceptiple in a fight. It is very flexible, and would easily adapt with every possible situation on the battle field. Jonathan was contemplating, if they ever fought on the same grounds, he knew that he wouldnt win against his son. He asked John to guide him and Diane to train his new martial arts. John willingly helped them, it took them a month before they became proficient with his martial arts. This made him very proud that he got very drank with his father-in-law.

When his grandfather Alfred learned about the new martial arts his grandson made he came in person to see. Jonathan asked for a spar, he defeated Alfred with a few hundred moves, thus Alfred asked if Jonathan could also teach him this new martial arts. He knew his grandson was amazingly talented but still creating his own martial arts, at a very young age, he never heard about it. What was more shocking is that it was indeed better than Jonathans martial arts.

Alfred suggested to Jonathan to bring John to the special training camp. Thus, one time he brought John with him at the special training camp, with Alberts permission, John disguised he is to spar with all the trainees. Albert announced that as part of their training they are not to use any cultivation and would fight hand to hand combat.

He introduced the special guest as their sparring partner, initially it was a one on one, but John got bored fighting kids thus he asked his grandfather to quicken the pace and fought 100 at a time. It took him an hour to defeat all the trainees. Alfred and Jonathan noticed the miss match, hence on the next round, the trainees were told to use their cultivation without holding back anything. The result was the same however the older trainees are the only ones who would put up a fight.

Sadly despite their efforts they were not able to defeat the guest. The trainees revered the guest and worshiped his martial prowess. This include his other fiances, they looked at him with reverent gazes.

Jane on the other hand had complex emotions, she knew from their exchange that it was John her fiance whom they are fighting. What shocked her is Johns improvement, it has only been a year and his improvement in hand to hand combat surpassed all the trainees of the special training camp. The way he fought her, she knew that he was holding back his punches compared to the others. She had warmth course through her chest. 'He does care about me' in truth John held back his punches to all the female trainees, however Jane was so touched that she didnt notice.

The trainees got motivated especially when they knew that their opponent didnt use any cultivation, purely martial arts. What they didnt know is that John is not capable of cultivation yet. If they were to know they would have been depressed. Thus they requested Alfred to continue this sparring sessions. John agreed but told Jonathan and Alfred that he wanted to fight all at the same time.

Nobody complained they all knew that if they are to fight one on one they might not last even a single move from John. They felt motivated and more eager to grow stronger. They wanted to defeat this guest the next time they spar.

His father and Alfred guessed the reason, he wanted to beat his father thus he wanted to train fighting out

groups to hone his skills, bit they did not voice it out.

They noticed that John would go all out in sparring with them, he didnt complain nor whine. He would learn from every defeat, he would further improve the martial arts and perfect it. On the following sparring sessions, fewer and fewer errors is seen, again and agian he would modify and perfect his martial arts. How could a child less than 2 years old ever beat immortals?' But as guardians, they felt proud of Johns mentality, they knew that with his tenacity and perseverance he would go far in the path of cultivation.

In one year he made hundreds of thousands of modification to his martial arts, it was now a completely new martial arts. The martial arts Jonathan taught him, the barbarian martial arts, is both an offensive and defensive art, but has little maneuverablity on the battle field. After combining it with his own martial arts, it transformed into a new practice, adding flexibility if used on the battlefield.

After continuous sparring against his parents, Alfred and the trainees, he modified and remade the martial arts into a completely new one, perfecting it. When he fought the trainees even with their cultivations, he could defeat them all in less than an hour, and he still has more energy to spare.

What made Jonathan happier is that if he were to fight a group of experts of his level, even without using his tough body there are almost no openings; he has a higher chance of winning using Johns martial arts. If his body transforms his prowess would be ten times more. Thus to test his conjencture he called Tom, Dickson and Harry to test it out, sure enough, he won against them easily.

He drank to his hearts content, how can he not be happy, his only son never gave him a headache, be it his talent or his attitude, John is perfect. He drank so much with the three until they were almost crawling. 'This was the time when the three guys learned of Johns prowess.'


After 4hours of cultivation his skin turned copper, this time the mana within 10km was sucked dry by John. When he opened his eyes, his mother and father is smiling "congratulations son!" Then she hugged her baby.

He needed to reach level six, for him to fully integrate the BGBTA with the bloody immortal body tampering arts. He got heavier, he is now 50 kilograms, a normal child 2 years of age would never be as heavy as him. According to Regurs memory, when an average barbarian reaches gold level his weight will be 1 ton. The more concentrated and compressed their cells are, the heavier they would get. This is the true measure of a barbarians talent. Regur weighed 10 tons before he ascended.