
Connecting worlds, the age of magical revolution is here!

A young man was living his life, when suddenly he was brought to another world because he absorb a wandering celestial body, now armed with magic and world crossing ability, he have one goal, to revolutionize the world with magic! this fanfiction include worlds such as saving 80.000 gold for my retirement Fate stay Night

FemboyMaker · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Testing my power

""YOU!"" Two person are pointing at each other in the middle of the night, spiderman meme style

"What are you doing here?" The small girl asked Tatsuya while looking rather confused of his presence

"I was just checking the area, i didn't know you will be here, why are you here?"

"I was transported to a village near this forest, i was just about to go back and gather some things from our world to start my plan" Mitsuha said

"What plan?"

"My plan to make money, wait why am i explaining it to you anyway? We don't even know each other"

"Well that's true, my name is Tatsuya Hoshin, nice to meet you"

"Mitsuha Yamano, now excuse me but i need to go back home, see you later" and with that she teleported away

'well i guess i need to go back as well' and he teleported back to his room

The next day, he woke up and prepare breakfast

He tried to make an omelete like he usually do every morning, he is the type of person that won't get sick of eating the same thing everyday

Only for him to crush the egg with his hand

'I really need to start getting used to this, would be really annoying if i accidentally break my phone because i sneeze' he take another egg and this time, he hold the eggs as gentle as possible

A few minutes later and the omeletes are ready

"It smells good, what are you cooking Tatsuya?" His mom walk down the stairs with a dishelved hairs and clothes

"Omeletes, i make some for you too so go ahead and take a bath" Tatsuya said as he arrange the plate for his mother

"Why are you suddenly so commanding? Did you get a girlfriend or something?" Tatsuya look at his mom with a raised eyebrow and put the last plate down

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"I don't know, but people say when your son get a girlfriemd for the first time they will change, and now you suddenly act differently from the last month, what happend?"

'I met a celestial being and it gives me power to rule the world if i want to, that's probably why'

With a sigh, Tatsuya shake his head and just dismiss his mother's questionwith a wave,

'i need to test this power' Tatsuya enjoy his meal silently without waiting for his mom

"So did you really not have a girlfriend or-" Hana Hoshin, Tatsuya's mother walk out of the bathroom to see an empty diner table with no one sitting on it

She look at the note on the table and read it

'I am going outside, don't wait for me' she read the note and sigh at herself

One of the downside of her always leaving him alone is that he will be independen

Too independen to the point that he will disregard her presence

He does not bother to ask for permition and just left, leaving a note just to let her know that he is going out

'well, there is nothing i can do about it' She then sit on the diner table in silence as she eat the omelete alone

Her heart tinted with worry as she wonder where her son had gone to

<In a forest>

*THUD a dent was made on a tree

A young man is punching the tree so hard that it leave a dent

"Unbelievable" the young man whisperd as he look at his fist, no sign of cuts or bruise can be seen on it

The fact that he dented a tree is unreal, but what is more unbelievabel is that he did not feel any pain from it

'so not only am i stronger, i am also more durable, how far will this go? Can i punch through metal if i train hard enough?' a smile come to the young man face, the prospect of getting stronger filled his mind with joy as he look up

He look at the dent he made at the tree, touching it to make sure it's real

The tree is not that thick, it is twice as thick as a telephone pole and just as tall

Tatsuya cocked back his punch preparing himself to do another punch

Before this he still hesitated to punch the tree, he is afraid that he might injure himself by punching the tree

But now since he had tested that his skin are much more durable than before, Tatsuya let out a full forced swing towards the tree


He punched directly throught the tree trunks as his hand keep getting forward,

'DAMN!' He thought as he feel little to no resistance from the tree

Tatsuya pull his hand from the tree, leaving a fist sized hole in it

Looking at the result of his punch, a sense of lust for power flown through his body,

How strong am i? What else can i destroy? Those thought are all bundled up on his mind as his body is shaken with excitement

"I need a bigger tree" He said as he look around to find a bigger tree

"HAAH!" Just like before, he punch the tree with all his might and manage to reach half of the tree

This time though, he actually feel the damage on his hand

"Damn!" Tatsuya feels a sharp pain on his fist, he pull his hand from the tree and look at his fist,

A few drop of bloods can be seen from his fist, a sharp pain surounded his fist as tree barks can be seen sticking out of his fist

Tatsuya pull out all of the tree barks from his fist and clean his wound

A few second after he cleaned the wound, he notice that the wound has started closing, new skins had regenerated at a rate visual to the naked eye

'so this is the healing function the cat thing said' he smiled at himself while looking at his now healed fist

"What are you smiling at?"

Tatsuya snapped his head to see where the voice come from with sweat dripping down his neck

He look back and see a little girl in white dress and long black hair looking at him

"Oh it's just you" Tatsuya relaxed at seeing the familiar face

"Just me? What do you mean by that?" The girl step forward with a frown on her face as she approach him

"Anyway, you are very lucky huh? You become this strong just by accident" the girl mocked him as she observe the damage he made on the trees

"You get lucky as well" Tatsuya leaned back to a tree with his hand crossed

"i do, i got cross worlds ability but so do you, i can learn new language just by scanning people's mind and so do you,

I can heal a lost limb over time and so do you, my point is, you clearly got the bigger side of the stick"

"Yeah i am not arguing that" Tatsuya closed his eyes unpromptly and left the girl confused

"What are you doing?" Mitsuha asked

"I am trying to find my Mana, the cat thingy said that i have more than normal so i am planning to use it" Tatsuya explain as he keep his eyes closed

"Wait a minute, so you are telling me all of this is not enhanced with mana? You are just, punching it with your physical strength?" Mitsuha said as she point out to the broken trees



"Get used to it" as the couple bickered down, Tatsuya finally felt something on his abdoment

A sense that can't be explained before, it's not heat nor is it cold, there is no pressure nor is there a tingle

It's just.... There

He then begin to quickly gather those feelings and direct it towards his hand as he clenched it and rise his fist to his eye

His fist are engulfed in a blue like flame that did not radiated heat whatsoever

"Wow" Even Mitsuha can see the blue flame on his fist as he clenched his hand

Tatsuya open his eyes, he look at the blue flame radiating from his hand with a disastisfaction on his face

"It's a waste" Tatsuya said as he look at the flame

"What? Why?" Mitsuha asked

"I am wasting mana, i don't need it to be outside of my body, i need it to be in the inside, to strengthen my fist, right now this is just a glorified torch" He explained the simple basic of magic structure to her

"And how do you know this?" She asked

"Common fantasy literature" he responded

He then close his eyes again, this time however he tried to control his mana better,

Keeping it inside of his hand instead of letting it pouring out, making a thin layer of barier around his hand as well as strengthening the inside

He open up his eyes again, gone was the flame on his fist as it has been replaced with a glowing blue barier around his hand

Tatsuya nodded in satisfaction as he observe the glowing blue barier around his arm

And it dissapear

"*Sigh, guess it won't be that easy" with a sigh of dissapointment he stop messing with his mana and decide to learn more about it later

"And what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on the village or something?" Tatsuya asked

"I was, but now i have a bigger plan to do"

"What plan?"

"I am going to go to the nobles in charge of this land and disguise my self as a lost foreign princess

i will then use my new identity to hitch a ride towards the capital and ask for a fund to open a shop"

Tatsuya raised his eyebrow and ask the girl


"To make money you dummy, i want to retire quickly when i am old so i am going to make as much money as possible until i am unable to,

My plan is to get atleast 2 billion yen so i can retire safely and live a life of luxury" she said with a dreamy expression as she recall her plan

Tatsuya look at the girl dreaming about money and nod his head in agreement

'well i am not really greedy guy but i agree, money is important'

"And you! My friend" she suddenly point her at Tatsuya

"Is going to be my bodyguard" she declared confidently while Tatsuya only look at her smug face in doubt

"No" he replied

"Come on~ i am gonna pay you of course, and i won't need protection 24/7 only if something bad happend" Mitsuha leaned down and look him up with cute smile as she tried to persuade him,

"Yeah, that's what being a bodyguard is all about" Tatsuya said with his face still cold as ever

'i am not into middle schooler' Tatsuya thought as he look at at the small girl, completely forgeting that 6 month ago, he was a middle schooler

"Fine, what about just be a business partner then? I call you if i need help and you call me if you need help, we will decide about the price later" Mitsuha's face turned into that of a business woman trying to convince their client

"Alright" Tatsuya said before he went towards a giant rock on the middle of the forest

"What are you doing?" Mitsuha asked again

"Meditating, duh. Everyone knows you need to meditate if you want to do magic" Tatsuya climbed up to the rock and sit on a meditation position

He take an overexagerated breath and begin his 'meditating'

Which really is just him sitting while closing his eyes and try to circulate his mana

Because that's how he thinks that works

"Alright then i am leaving now, see you later" Mitsuha wave at him and teleport back to the real world


'God my body is stiff' As the afternoon sun cast a warm glow across the quiet town, Tatsuya strolled along the familiar path that led to his home. The rustling leaves overhead whispered a gentle melody, and the distant hum of life filled the air.

Instead of him just teleporting back to his room, Tatsuya decide to teleport to the nearest forest and walk home from there

Lost in his thoughts, Tatsuya replayed the day's events in his mind, punching a hole through a tree, the first time he uses magic, meditating.

After a while he manage to control his mana better, he can now circulate his mana around his body without much of a problem

The result was quite obvious, he feels stronger, lighter, faster.

As he walk, The soft crunch of gravel beneath his shoes provided a rhythmic backdrop to his reflections. He passed by the local park, where children laughed and played, creating a symphony of joy that resonated with the tranquility of the surroundings.

Looking at the children playing around, Tatsuya feel a sense of duty to protect these joy, maybe it's one of those main protagnist disease where they would suddenly feel a need to protect everyone

Kinda like a good person that suddenly become rich, they will most of the time tried to give money towards the people in need

And in his eyes, everyone is in need, not one of them are stronger than him, all of them looks like baby,

Therefor, Tatsuya feel the need to protect them

Call it arogance, but when you suddenly got trapped between a falling tree, you will feel gratefull that there is someone strong enough to lift those tree off of you

As he neared his neighborhood, memories of his childhood flooded back. The worn-out swing set at the corner of the park triggered nostalgia, reminding him of carefree days spent with friends. The aroma of Mrs. Miyamura's freshly baked cookies wafted through the air, a tempting invitation to stop by and say hello.

Approaching his doorstep, Tatsuya noticed a stray cat curled up on the porch. He paused, extending a hand to offer a gentle pat. The cat, appreciative of the attention, purred softly, and for a brief moment, the world seemed to slow down.

Opening the door to his home, the familiar scent of nothingness filled his nostrile, he walk inside and notice that his mom's shoes are no longer there

There is a note on the shoe cabinet, Tatsuya took the note and read it

'I am sorry! The boss called and says it's an emergency, there is food on the freezer for your lunch, don't wait for me ❤️' Is what the note says

Tatsuya scrunched the note and throw it at the bin,

It's normal, there is no longer sadness or disapointment whenever these happended, those feelings are gone after the first hundreds time

The sense of loneliness on his home are rather comfy, no noise to annoy him, No rubbish from somebody laziness, he got every room for himself,

That's always been the case since he is 5

'What is this gloomy atmosphere about? I have magics! Let's just try more of that' with a forced smile, Tatsuya went back to his room to study magics again


A man with scars on his eyes are smoking a cigarette while reading a news paper

The man are musclar, the green shirt of a mercenary are hugging his body thightly

"You have a visitor captain" suddenly said to the man smoking the cigarette

"I am not expecting any guest today"

"It was a cold call aparently, should i let them in?"

"Yeah, to the lobby, i'll be right there"

"Sure thing, you are gonna be shocked though"

"Why? Is it a beautifull woman?"

"Yup, and a young man aparently"

"Bullshit, no woman are coming on to the desert for this"

The man open the door to the lobby room,

Sure enough, what he sees are a young woman with long black hair and a butterfly hairpin wearing a white dress

The other one is a lean young man with a hint of muscle on his body, the young man have short rather spiky black hair and he wears a jacket and a sport joggers

'he was right, damn. They are not even adult though'

"Hello sir, my name is Mitsuha, I was hoping i can use you services" The young woman stand up along with the young man and introduce herself

"Hold on little lady, do you know what kind of place is this? And what kind of people we are?" The buffed man said as he tried to make sure these childrens are not lost

"Of course" Mitsuha said as she nodded her head

"This is the home base of the private military contractor known as "Wolf Fang" Right?" She recited those word fluently as if she have been memorising it for a long time

The muscular man's eyes widend at the realisation,

'these brats are being serious'

"I would like to hire you, for instruction on operating fire arms, shooting lessons, combat training with knifes and short swords, and the acquisitions of said weapons"

~~~~~~~~~ To be continued ~~~~~~~~~