
Connecting worlds, the age of magical revolution is here!

A young man was living his life, when suddenly he was brought to another world because he absorb a wandering celestial body, now armed with magic and world crossing ability, he have one goal, to revolutionize the world with magic! this fanfiction include worlds such as saving 80.000 gold for my retirement Fate stay Night

FemboyMaker · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs


We see a girl laying on a white floor, surrounded with infinite white nothingness

'an unfeaturefull ceiling' the girl thought

[Do you hear understand words little one?]

'That was not a flub of a tounge i am combining unfamiliar and featureless together'

[Do you hear understand words little one?]

'I was beaing creative! I am making a pun! And don't call me little!'

[Do you hear understand words little one?]

'ah so it's like those crap-ass game where if you don'g say yes they will keep repeating the question to you'

[Do you hear understand words little one?]

"OH MY GOD! YES! YES I DO! STOP REPEATING IT!" The girl sit up from her laying position and scream in frustration at the formless being

[You only need to say it once]

"Shut up! And stop calling me little!"

'it's probably pointless to snap at my own dream, but it feels so real,

After all the dream like events that have happend, i migh as well treat this like a reality'

"You guys are too noisy" suddenly she hears a voice coming from beside her and see a man getting up from his sleep

He sit ups and look at the girl, and nothing else as there is nothing else in that room

"Um? Where are we? Who are you talking to?" The man asked

"In my dream" the girl said

"What?" The man asked

"We are in my dream"

"Why am i in your dream?"

"I don't know, why are you in my dream?"

[We are in both of your dreams] a celetial vouce suddenly runged on their mind as if this being speak not through voice but thoughts

"That was weird" the man said

"Yeah! It's like someone just whisper diretly into your brain, which is very rude by the way!" The girl screamed the last part to the ceiling,

#I can speak through voice if you want, i just thought this is the best way to comunicate# a third voice comes around from nowhere or everywhere in this case

"Well it surely aren't, i like hearing voice better" the girl said with hand on her hips

"Me too" the man agrees

They both nodded at themself

"Anyway my name Mitsuha Yamano, are you god by chance?" The girl trying to break the ice between them and the celetial thing start the coversation

#Hello Mitsuha Yamano, i am not a god, i am the one you tore loose#



"What?" Mitsuha said with a preplexed face

#When you fell off the cliff, you tore my body#

"Oh! That time" the girl looks like she remember something while clapping her hand

"You fell off a cliff?" The man asked

"Some jerks hit on me while i was on the edge of a cliff, they push me to the railing but turns out the railing is old and it broke,

So i fell and i feel like i grabbed something while doing it, next thing i know i am in a house with a cute girl sleeping next to me" Mitsuha sumarize her 1 day experience in another world

"What are you doing on the edge of a cliff?" that is a question she is not ready to answer

'I can't say i am beeing moody remembering my dead family. He will thing i am an emo!'

"Well, you know.... Stuff??" it is clear how much she is not willing to answer the question so he did not pry further

"W-what about you?! Do you also fall off a cliff?"

"Of course not, i was walking home from school and just about to be ready for my summer vacation, and then i suddenly found myself in a forest surviving off of nuts and berries for 2 days" he also explained his experience with her

"Oh, none of the locals found you?"

"Nope, i met zero animals in that forest, i have no idea how is that even possible but that's how it is"

"No i mean, the locals, people you know?"


#are you two gonna keep chatting among yourself or are you gonna let me explain why you are here?# the god, celestial, thing said after having his patience run out listening to two mortals chatting

"Sorry, anyway if you are gonna talk why don't you show yourself? So we can see who we are talking with?" Mitsuha said to the god

#I have no form of my self so i have to take a familiar form for you# suddenly the thing materialize into..... Other things

He looks a store neko cat, you know the one that are on top of the fridge with it's hand moving as if inviting people to come in? That one

"Why that form?" The man asked

#I look at her memories, and i see this# it responded

"Why are you thinking about that?" His subject of question change to the girl

"I am not thinking about it! He must've looked too deep in my memories!" Mitsuha tried to defend herself from his slander

The man got bored asking weird question and just accepeted it

#anyway, you two are curious who am i aren't you?# the store neko cat said with it's hand moving up and down

"Not really"

"Too troublesome" but it instead get cold answer from the both mortals




And without any responses, It began to tell it's tale

It was a life from that have existed through ancient times and somehow evolved into a spiritual or an energy based being or some kind

It has no flesh and no concept of death, nor does it have any desire of it's own

One day it began to develloped an ability to cross world, and sees how those world looks

Their society, their knowledge, their philosophy, their technology, everything about them is a new experience to it

It then begin to learn from them, sees them, watching them to fill it's boredom

It begin to take an interest in learning on what it doesn't know

#I realize that there is a meaning to my existence#

"Yeah yeah yeah, you can skip all the rest" Mitsuha got bored at listening to it's story and wave her heand signaling it to cut it out

#just one yes is enough you know?#

"Yes yes, i understand"


#at any rate, i was drifting off gently observing your planet when i was suddenly strucked by a horrfying sensation

Something has entered my sphere of influence, something mortals like you calls "body"

And ripped away a part of my being with a sudden powerfull burst of thought energy# it explained and Mitsuha interuppted it again

"So are you here to ask for your hospital bill or something? Is there a way for us to resolve this peacefully?" Mitsuha said because just as cute as this small store neko cat thing looks like, it is still a powerfull being, or something

#no, rather i was thankfull for making me experience this new sensation called Pain, it's surely is not a good feelings but it is new to me#

"So what does that have to do with me? I am not falling off any cliff" the man interupted their conversation while raising his hand

#oh right, when i suddenly experience this pain i was too startled by it and i immedietely teleported away from there

Unfortunately i was teleported right infront of you while you walk, my startled "body" after having experiencing this pain immedietly cut lose of any part that touched your body and just leave it behind#

"Like a lizard?"



#and the part that get left behind entered both of your body#

"What?!" Mitsuha panicly tried to check her own body to see if she has suddenly grow sonething weird after absorbing it's body

The man just stood there thinking that if it's dangerous, it would've killed them by now

#no need to panic, it has no ill effects on you#

"Whew" Mitsuha sighed in peace knowing that she is fine


"However?!" She bagan panicking again

#it seems like you two have gained my world crossing ability too# just like a light bulb having it switch flipped Mitsuha finally figured out what actually happening in this past few days

The man look at Mitsuha not knowing why she is suddenly goes quite

"Do you know what it's talking about?" He asked

"Yeah, when i was about to be eaten by wolves i was suddenly teleported back to my house, i then gather some weapons to fight the wolves and this time i intentionally use crossworld back to the forest to fight the wolves again" Mitsuha explained

"Why do you fight the wolves again?"

"Remember the cute girl i mentioned before? She is still in the forest and are about to be eaten by the wolves, so i gotta save her before that happend"

"Oh, yeah make sense, risk your life for a cutie? Totally make sense" the man said while nodding his head

"Right? Who would let such a cute girl like that died? Not me obviously"

"Right right, anyway let's get back to the spiritual thing, do i also get this ability?" The man said

#from what i see, you get more than that# both the man and Mitsuha look at the cat thing again

"What do you mean?"

#well Mitsuha only tore a little part of me with her hand, while you absorb a full human body worth of me into yourself, or maybe more# the man look look at it with suspicious look

"And what does that mean?"

#That means you get more power, have you noticed how strong you get lately? And how there is no animal near you?#


#well since you absorb such a large quantity of my body, your body now create almost 1000× more mana than a normal human, and such all the animals are afraid of you#

"Mana? Like magic?"


"Animals can sense mana?"

#the one from that world? Yes, because dragon exist in there, so they developped a sense to see if there is any dragon nearby#

"I look like a dragon to them?"

#a baby dragon, but none of them are stupid enough to check if the mothers are around or not#

"I see" the man nodded to the cat

"Um, i am not really comfortable with the idea of merging with you mister spiritual being thing, can you take it back?" Mitsuha said

#I can, but it will dealt a very catastrophic damage towards your mentality#

"Never mind let's keep it at that" Mitsuha scrapped that thought out of her head as soon as she hears the answer

#I am here just to explain your situation right now and offer you my gratitude, if you have any desire, please do tell me# the cat thing speaks and both the humans look intrigued at his proposal

"Desire? Um..." Mitsuha put her hand on her chin to think "can you make me understands words? Like the one from the other world?"

#you wish to understand the language of that world? Very well i can give you the ability to scan their mind and understand their language

But only the language, as having their memories and everything else will be too hard for your brain#

'did it just called us stupid?'

"Anyway this world crossing thing, does it have big cost for us? Is our life time gonna be shorten if we use it?" Mitsuha asked

#Cost? Well the only cost i see you get is the same as walking back and forth from one room to another, keep doing that and you get tired#

"I see, I see, that sure will tire any- No! There is no way that's the only cost! It's too cheap!" Mitsuha snapped back again to the cat thingy as she feels like the power is too op

#do you have anymore desire child?#

"Nope" Mitsuha said

"I just wanna go back, so no" the man said to the cat thing

"Go back?" Mitsuha asked the man

"Yeah, go back to society, i have been living on the forest for 2 days, i want to go back, take a proper bath, eat a ramen, and sleep blissfully" The man explained to both Mitsuha and the cat thing

"Well since you guys have so little desire, then i will add healing factor as well as adaptibility, would be suck if you just die because of some virus you met in another world" The cat begin to move around our body and pat it around

#Alright, that's all, see ya!# and the cat dissapeard.


"ah, what a weird dream" A man woke up inside of a forest,

The young man have jet black hair and a lean muscular body,

He stand up from his make shift tent he made yesterday and prepare to start his day


"WORLD CROSSING!" The young man did an exagerated movement and tried to cross back to his world

His surrounding change, gone was the overly thick trees around him and it was replaced with walls and bed

"I am back" The young man whisperd as he look at the familiar bedroom of his

"I am back!" He screamed, jump around in joy as he finally able to sleep and eat properly again

"Tatsuya?" He hear a voice coming from the front door, and immedietly ran towards it in panick

He arrive at the front door and see his mom wearing a standard secretary suit while carrying a few bags

"Why are you not answering the door? I have been ringing the bell for like 30 minutes" his mom said as she put down the bags and her shoes

"Mom! You are back..." Cold sweat run through Tatsuya's back as he tried his best to conceal his new power to his mom

'it's for her safety, who knew what would happend to her if she knows about it' he thought as look at he tried to look normal

His mom squint her eyes as she look at her son behaving weirdly upon her arrival

"Are you masturbating?"

"What!? No!" Presented by the odd questions of his mother, Tatsuya blushed in embarassment

"Then why are you acting weird? Did you break something while i am gone?" She tried find any dirt on him as she lean forward and look at him suspiciously

"I am not! I was just um... Sleeping!" The young man stepped back and put his hands infront of his face, trying to deter her suspiciouns

"Hmmmm" she keep squinting her eyes at her son and after a while she let out a sigh

"You know, it's fine if you do it, it's a sign that you are healthy after all" His mother step back and begin to take her Luggages back to her room

"I am not doing that mom, i was just.... Playing some games, i have headphones on so o don't hear you" the young man tried to fool his mom once again and look like it works

His mom has been out on a month long business trip so she brought a lot of clothes

"Let me do it mom!" Tatsuya step forward and help her mom with the luggage, he take 3 bags full of clothes and lift it easily

'i really do get stronger' he thought as he lift the bags easily

"What? Why are you suddenly act nice? Do you really not broken anything?" His mother still things her son's action are too suspicious

"Oh come on, i didn't broke anything, is it so wrong for me to help my own mother?"

"It's not wrong, it's just suspicious"

"whatever, i am bringing these to your room now," with a sigh Tatsuya carry the bags to his mother's room

'With this new power, wonder what i can turn this world to be'


'I am back' Tatsuya look at the surrounding trees and his makeshift base

'i really can transfer from one world to another' he gather all the berries and nuts he have collected and begin walking through the forest

Since he don't need to worry about animals and the likes anymore, he decide to walk around the forest at night

Mainly because his mother has come back for a few days, but of course she will be gone again in a few days,

She is busy, she always travel between countries for her job and left him alone

He is used to it by now, he also knows that she is doing all of this for him, so he can live happily like a normal child

Of course sometime he is lonely but no matter, he is used by now

And with this new power, he can do a lot of things

The addition of magics will change the world of science forever,

He can invent things that will conbine the science and Magics together

'so that's what i am suppose to do huh?' he look up to the moon, a smile coming to his face as he have gained his goal in life

"I will create the first magical Revolution in the world!" "I will save 2Billion yen for my retirement!"

Two colliding voice can be heard on the forest

"Eh?" Both person look at each other as they recognize the other person

~~~~~~~~~ To be continued ~~~~~~~~

If you are here, then you have probably read my other fics,

Once again, i am sorry, my ADHD licked in and i feel like making this story instead of focusing on that one

But hey, hope you like this one