
connected bloods

in a world that revolves around secrets, dangers and lies. After findings out about his true form,jace tried to keep the balance of his world safe for the people he loves he encounters dangers and finds out secrets he never thought existed,funny enough to him it did with his friends he embark on a journey thats takes deep to places he couldn't come out easily "the door,we must go through the door"jace said hurrily "nevermind am going first "kcee replied with annoyance "vampires only exist in history ,they are not real" jace laughs. what happens when he finds out that he has been lied to all this while and is the head of a secret cult group created by his own mother

DaoistEKJvYW · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs


For thousands of years, he has waited patiently for this time, ooh.... how long Justin has waited for this moment to come. When he had gone in search for answers years ago, that night he was caught and trapped by the council but not anymore, Like the prophecy was said" the moon shall be in half when the right time comes". kira, his own flesh and blood, he will use her to lure the king of the worlds and that's why she was sent there, to do her own part of his plan.

Jake paces up and down the room, still trying to digest what he had been told " what the fuck is going on?" He curses " I don't understand anything" he says why staring at himself in the mirror and that's when he notices the slight change of color in his eye, he didn't have those sky blue color anymore, weridly, it was mixed with a tiny red in it " Hell no". This proves that what ever his dad had told him was all true.

Jace walks inside the room with his friends and he spots jake staring at his reflection, he couldn't believe it either, No he didn't want to believe it at all but is now or never, he must ask him what was going with him and how he got the bite.

Just as Jake and Jace were in their own world, they totally forgot that it wasn't only them that was present in the room, the moment they all spotted jake, everyone held their breath not because it was very quiet but because their minds suddenly went back to what Jace had told them. Hell no, Now everyone was sure Jace was overreacting.

" why you all staring at me like that" Jake who knew when they came asks surprised at how quiet this kids were, "No no we are just ummm..." cassie studders and jace intervene " What? so what if we are staring?, can't we stare again because your the oldest, huh?" Jace fires back at him and Jake scoffs " Seems like little brother wants to test my patience once again?"

Now there was tension in the air that could suffocated anyone at all " okay guys we are not here to play but to work okay" Max comes in between them trying to clear the tension between the two brothers " we just want to borrow your laptop for a project I that's cool with you?" Max asks him but to his surprise he gets a smirk from the dude " why?.... isn't it funny how your asking me when you never ask?, why the sudden change huh?". " Jake we always ask you when we want something, why you acting so werid?" jake stares at the girl and scoffs again " Look sweetheart, I didn't ask for your opinion so just shut up"... " ooh I see what is going on here" Jace grins at his brother and comes close to him " your looking for who to pour your shit on right?" ooh jace knew where to hit him most.

Jake faces turns swollen knowing that his brother was going to start pouring all the painful facts on him " big brother listen to me, since we were kids , we didn't have that brother kind of relationship and I expect you to keep your fucked life out of ours. I your looking for who to pour your shit on, go to some club or something like you always do, run away like a coward coz that's what you do best"... Now Jake is on fire and punches him on the face and yells" YOU KNOW NOTHING, NOTHING AT ALL".

Unknown to him that his eyes were clearly blood red as he slowly approach Jace who notices it and moves backwards. Not only him, the others freezes seeing his eyes like that, this is where they realize that Jace was correct about him.

Leo who comes home at that moment, hears Jake's voice" ooh No" he runs upstairs to check on the situation, he knew that voice and that was the same voice he heard years ago and is back and on his son. he walks into room to see jace on the floor and jake glaring at him with a killing intend " Jake what's going on?" On seeing his father, he calms down and his eyes goes back to normal and he walks out.

Just this was going on, another eye witness this and smiles in satisfaction " Just alittle longer Jake, just alittle longer" she smirks and leaves. Kira just had one thing to do and that was to bring out the beast hidden in Jake. Oh, how she loves to see Leo's face when his son is stolen right under his noses.

So her minion in the shadows followed her" I liked that smell kira" scott says while inhaling the sweet aroma in the air, " You saw that right, scott? "

" yes I did see it and angel what about you?" a voice chuckles beside kira" yes I did" said the girl who had been quiet while following them." hmmmm.... canty wait to see how tomorrow turns out" she said while stretching her arms "Father has given us three more days so let's use it carefully without attracting the attention of those council".

Hey like I promised I updated a chapter , I will update the rest before mid night

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