
connected bloods

in a world that revolves around secrets, dangers and lies. After findings out about his true form,jace tried to keep the balance of his world safe for the people he loves he encounters dangers and finds out secrets he never thought existed,funny enough to him it did with his friends he embark on a journey thats takes deep to places he couldn't come out easily "the door,we must go through the door"jace said hurrily "nevermind am going first "kcee replied with annoyance "vampires only exist in history ,they are not real" jace laughs. what happens when he finds out that he has been lied to all this while and is the head of a secret cult group created by his own mother

DaoistEKJvYW · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs


Cassis clears her throat to distract them" ahem... Jace can we talk for a moment" she said while eyeing kira" yeah sure, let's go" he takes his bag and leaves with cassie leaving a fuming kira there. What cassie did didn't go unnoticed kira saw that she was clearly jealous and affected by it and it made her more annoyed.

After successfully bringing Jace out cassie stares at him and saw no expression on his face and she sighs " so what do you want to talk about " jace asks " ooh yeah umm... Jake is back" and he stopped walking and looks at her to see if she was just playing around but she looked pretty serious " excuse me" she nods "yes Jace his back and I don't understand how he could be back so suddenly I thought the full moon was suppose to make him stay there for some time before he comes back" that was the fact. The full moon did have a very bad effect on the boy as he was hybrid and he was not suppose to gain consciousness soon.

The council was surprised to seeing him looking okay like nothing happened at all and that has never happened before. Earlier before Jake came straight to school his father was shocked " son are you sure your alright" Jake smirks no one knows what happened to him because he was left alone to suffer " of course father, I just want to head straight to class" Leo immediately knew something was off , something was definitely wrong here.

Jake sat like nothing happened like nothing had changed and the guts were surprised too " isn't he acting werid" Kcee whispers to bridge " well am glad his back now and what werid maybe the moon didn't have any effect on him " Kcee shakes his head in disbelief " no dude he didn't even say anything to us" bridge rolls his eyes " he never say anything to us". " mr David and mcallister care to share with the class what your talking about" the teacher voice surprises them and they smile nervously " we are sorry mrs donovan" they immediately kept their mouth shut.

After classes that day they decided to meet up in Kcee place " so who was shocked to see jake" max asks " I was and it was scary, I mean did you guys see the look on his face" kcee enters " at least now his back maybe your dad can tell us the truth" jace nods in agreement " yeah I guess he will openly tell us now" but the problem was that Jake now had that look on his face that vera had seen and it scared her to think about it " cassie what do you think will happen if we eventually ignore everything that had happened recently" jace asked the girl who looked like she didn't want jake to left out in all this.

Not that they didn't want jake to know about their plan but something was werid about him since he came back. " well what do I have to say " she sighs " vera are you alright " bridge who notices that vera had not said a word asked her and she jolted back to their conversation " okay I I know this might sound crazy but I think I have powers " she finally came to a conclusion that she something was also wrong with her " I know you might not believe it but the full moon did something to me yesterday and I saw a dream more like a vision and Jake was in it" they stare at her and she continues " I think Jake is not the same jake we use to know I mean he had the facial expressions I saw in my dream" bridge suddenly laughs " am so sorry but your sounding crazy vera, how can you suddenly have power maybe you were just seeing things" vera gets annoyed and decides to shut up since they all think she was stupid " I also think I have powers too" cassie confess and everyone is stunned to hear suddenly saying she had powers, now things were getting juicy.

She explain what happened to her and seeing the looks on their face cassie knew that it wasn't good at all " so your saying you think your a witch and vera is also a witch" Kcee concludes " I don't know but to be honest I really think my mum knows what's happening to me...she was acting strange when I told what happened and to top it all up she didn't look surprised".