
connected bloods

in a world that revolves around secrets, dangers and lies. After findings out about his true form,jace tried to keep the balance of his world safe for the people he loves he encounters dangers and finds out secrets he never thought existed,funny enough to him it did with his friends he embark on a journey thats takes deep to places he couldn't come out easily "the door,we must go through the door"jace said hurrily "nevermind am going first "kcee replied with annoyance "vampires only exist in history ,they are not real" jace laughs. what happens when he finds out that he has been lied to all this while and is the head of a secret cult group created by his own mother

DaoistEKJvYW · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs


After all that drama jace had faced this morning, he still stayed to look more about this vampire but it got him nowhere at all. Sadly, he had no other choice but quit what he was doing and head back to class.

Meanwhile, as the whole class settles down for their lesson, just then a girl walks inside and everyone present is left speechless after seeing her dashing appearance. she was as beautiful as a goddess, her fine blue eyes were captivating, her full pink lips and her beautiful nose and hair were all perfect and beautiful. " Kira, you can have your sit" ooh.... wow* her name is as beautiful as she is* Bridge said to himself, " dude wish me luck" Kcee says to max still eyeing kite who sits beside Jace " why should I do that?..... she is not even that beautiful" Kcee scoffs, " dude are you blind or are you pretending to be?... you know what never mind, after class to say hi" he grins why imagining how sweet it will be to say Hi to her first.

Just as everyone else appreciated kira, cassie was infuriated that she chose to sit next to Jace "She couldn't sit somewhere else" she complains angrily, vera chuckles " cassie, stop thinking like that,she is not going to eat him and Jace doesn't seem to be affected by her anyways so just chill". Just to add to it all, cassie spots kira talking to Jace and blushing as well " she is just new and she is already flirting.... she is bad news", " God cassie stop talking and focus your distracting me" vera gets irritated at her jealous behavior " Whatever".

The bell rings for class over and it was bridge's and kcee time to shine " okay am going in"... Kcee laughs while arranging his hair and click his tongue, " we'll see about that " he pushes bridge and walks straight to kira " Hey, am Kcee. my friends call me kay but you can also call me that too" he takes he hand and kisses it

Kira who is confused about what is going on, nervously laughs" Hi, ummm....kira, kira justin " she quickly removes her hand and walks out. " awwn... looks like cinderella ran away" Bridge smirks and kcee stares at him with anger" what?..... she was affected by my beauty that's why so shut up" Bridge laughs at his cute response, " keep dreaming" vera says breaking his poor heart, " ouch.... that was hurtful" he hold his chest and fakes to be hurt by her words.

"Come on stop sulking cassie, is not like they kissed" vera tries to comfort the jealous girl and bridge laughs " wait wait so she is jealous?" he gestures cassie and laughs again and max smacks him and he shuts up seeing cassie's angry expression towards him, " when wl you tell him about this your one sided crush you have?" Kcee asks, " I will te him, just don't rush me....GEEZ" she replies.

" By the way where is jace?" Max asked, " ummmmm, I saw him in the cafeteria" vera answers, " so care to te us what's up with him" vera asks Max who was the closest to Jace " yea about that, he was saying something about Jake and vampires" , " vampires, I thought those don't exit"....." apparently to him they do now" Max rolls his eye at that fact " yh and I don't get why he would believe some werid shit about Vampires" cassie supports the funny fact too.

" Okay but whatever I going on I hope is good" vera says " yep I do too, am starving am off to go hut for food, are you guys coming" Bridge says trying to lighten up the conversation, " well duh..... come on let go" vera makes a funny face at bridge and leaves " she is so mean" bridges complains while pouting.

Unknown to them someone has been listening to their conversation. Just like the council had stated before, the danger has already began, Kira who heard everything they said about Jake, she was sure her minion got the right person. This was only the beginning the real fun is about to begin.

Hey guyz, am sorry if I have not been updating frequently, but I can promise you that I will post two more chapters this night.

please comment on my book, te me what you think about it and since am new I want to know your opinion about the book

So far I have gotten up to 431 views but no one is saying anything about the book or asking questions.

please I don't really think is fair to me because am always anxious to know what you will say if I want to post.

am glad once again to be writing.

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