
Chapter 143: Entering the Sutra Pavilion

These two sweeping monks are not very old, and judging from their sweeping movements, they should not be hidden peerless masters.

It is said that Shaolin Temple Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Yang Guo is really looking forward to it.

"Omitabha, what is the meaning of the donor coming to Shaolin?"

"Two masters, I'm here to make a wish and offer incense. My mother has been charitable all her life and is a loyal follower of my Buddha, so she ordered me to donate some sesame oil. The most important thing is to copy scriptures to help her pray."

"Good, good, good!"

In Buddhism, in order to educate all living beings to be good, one must firmly believe in the cycle of karma.

Why does a person like temples for no reason.

Why do some people have good and evil thoughts for no reason.

The explanation in Buddhism is that this person has lived in this environment for many lifetimes.

People with a lot of kind thoughts lived in a kind environment before.

People with a lot of evil thoughts have lived in an evil environment before.

People who like to go to temples have a deep relationship with temples from life to life, and it does not mean that anyone has any problems.

One of the monks took him to meet the abbot.

Zen is a Buddhist sect that summarizes all its teachings and practice with "Zen". Bodhidharma is regarded as the ancestor of the Middle Earth, also known as "Dharma School". It is a method of practice commonly practiced by various schools of Buddhism.

With the spread and development of Zen Buddhism in Chinese Buddhism, it is divided into "five sects": Weiyang sect, Linji sect, Caodong sect, Yunmen sect, and Fayan sect. Each denomination has its own recognized Dharma name generation, which will be added to the precepts.

In order to prevent other monks from pretending to be Shaolin monks, Shaolin Temple has formulated a very strict internal master-success relationship to arrange the seniority and distinguish the other five schools of characters.

According to the 70 characters of Shaolin Temple: "Zu Huizhi Zijue, who can understand the original circle, Zhou Hongpu Guangzong, Daoqingtong Xuanzu, quiet and true like the sea, deep and pure, pure and pure, virtue is eternal and eternal, wonderful body is always strong, heart is bright According to the depths, the nature is bright, and Zong Zuo is a good example, showing righteousness, goodness and happiness, and sincerely respecting the original Qi, Xue Ting as the mentor, leading you to Guixuan Road", as the order of seniority, the name is based on the law.

When I saw the abbot, the abbot was an old man in sixties, with a thin body but naked eyes, and thick hands with thick joints, he looked like a master at first glance.

Yang Guo and the abbot explained their intentions and offered to donate 10,000 taels of sesame oil to Shaolin Temple.

As soon as the ability of this banknote was revealed, the other eminent monks in Shaolin Temple looked more kind when they saw it.

Next, Yang Guo suggested that it was easy to agree to copy scriptures in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

At this time, Yang Guo was not in a hurry to copy the scriptures in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, but visited the Shaolin Temple under the leadership of a young monk.

"Little master, how many years have you been in Shaolin Temple?"

"I've been here for three years."

"Then what powerful martial arts have you learned?"

"Now my master only asks me to practice the basic skills, but does not teach me the powerful martial arts. The master said that if the foundation is not solid, even if the powerful martial arts are in front of me, I will not be able to learn them."

"Your master is right."

This little monk has to get up every morning, and then he starts to practice, raising his legs high, striding his horse, running on the steps with his legs loaded, etc...

Practicing qigong is a very hard thing, and people without perseverance cannot persevere.

The little monk spoke very interestingly, and he could only tell where it was without taking him anywhere, but he couldn't explain the origin and allusions.

"Which one of you in Shaolin Temple has the highest martial arts?"

"I heard from my seniors that the most powerful person in Shaolin Temple is the abbot. He has mastered three seventy-two unique skills, namely Xuantian Fingering, Arhat Tiger Fist, and Prajna Vajra Palm. Others have at most two."

Hearing this, Yang Guo finally knew the decline of Shaolin Temple, thinking that the eminent monks in Tianlong Babu can at least have two or three schools, and more than six or seven schools.

It is said that the most powerful Tianlong sweeping monk should have seventy-two unique skills.

But since ancient times, apart from Bodhidharma who can possess seventy-two unique skills, is there anyone in the world who can practice all the unique skills?

Yang Guo held a skeptical attitude.

In Tianlong Babu, the sweeping monk explained to us the practice method of Shaolin martial arts, that is, with the improvement of martial arts, the corresponding Buddhist practice must also be improved. Because martial arts is a powerful killing move, it must be resolved with the help of Buddhism.

Yang Guo has already broken through the innate realm, so he deeply agrees with what the sweeping monk said.

After eating the meal given by the little monk in the evening, Yang Guo just stayed in the room and didn't go anywhere. During the day, he didn't go to visit other than some forbidden places, and went wherever he should go.

When Yang Guo was bored, the abbot waited for an eminent monk to come and visit him.

Yang Guo and the abbot tasted tea together and discussed Buddhism and Zen language.

Although Yang Guo has never read Buddhist classics, he is proficient in Taoist proverbs, so he is not at a disadvantage when discussing with the abbot at this time.

"The benefactor really has excellent wisdom roots. If he can study Buddhism, he will definitely have a very high achievement."

"Abbot, my mortal relationship is not over, so it is not appropriate to escape into Buddhism."

"Well, it's all about randomness."

The two discussed for an hour before Yang Guo sent Master Abbot away.

Lie in bed and fall asleep quickly.

The next day, Yang Guo heard the bell ringing outside, opened his eyes to see that the sky was getting dark outside, Yang Guo turned his head and went back to sleep.

After getting up and washing up,

After eating the vegetarian meal, I went outside for a walk.

The monks from Shaolin Temple who came to the Martial Arts Field are practicing Kung Fu. Some raise their legs high and keep still, some practice one-finger meditation, some squat on horseback, and some are kicking, punching and playing sticks...

Yang Guo stood aside and observed carefully, relying on Yang Guo's martial arts realm, these people's martial arts are very average.

Yang Guo watched it for a while and then lost interest in watching it again. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

When he came to the "Tibetan Scripture Pavilion", Yang Guo looked at this attic, the three characters of "Tibetan Scripture Pavilion" are simple and vigorous.

The "Sutra Pavilion" was guarded by a monk, Yang Guo explained the purpose of his visit, the monk had already received the news and did not stop him.

But Yang Guo felt that there were eyes staring at him.

Yang Guo didn't go straight to the Lengjia Sutra as soon as he came in. He knew that there was a "Nine Suns Divine Art" hidden in the "Lengjia Sutra".

Now Yang Guo is not very interested in peerless exercises such as "Nine Yin Manual", "Nine Yang Divine Art" and "Dragon Elephant Boruo Gong".

Now he just wants to accumulate a kind of martial arts, accumulate to a certain level and watch the nuclear fission of full-level comprehension, and finally create the cultivation method of immortality.

The martial arts skills can no longer meet his requirements.

Picking up a scripture at random, he saw that it was the "Diamond Sutra", and he began to read it.

If so I smell. For a while, the Buddha was in the country of Sravasti. Only the tree is given to the Lonely Garden. With the great monks. There are two hundred and fifty people. Ershi Shizun. When eating. Wearing clothes and holding bowls. Begging for alms in the great city of Sravasti. in its city. Begging for the second time. Return to this place. Meals are over. Receive the mantle. I have washed my feet. sit on the seat...

Yang Guo looked at it very seriously, he was really immersed in the principles of Buddhism.

He has the realm of a martial arts master, has been a man in two lives, and has excellent comprehension. At this time, he has a different feeling when looking at the principles of Buddhism.

The time passed quickly, and it felt like it was noon in a blink of an eye.

He could only reluctantly put down the Buddhist classics.

On the other side, the abbot listened to the report from the monks in the Sutra Pavilion.

"He only read scriptures and didn't touch other martial arts."

"Yes, he first picked up the Diamond Sutra and read it, then the Lotus Sutra, and finally the Ksitigarbha Sutra..."