
Concubine’s Charm

A captivating story set in a royal court, hundred of years ago in an alternate universe. A kingdom known as the Moral Empire who produces Queens that control and protect their country. However, the 19 year old Queen Arisa is nothing of the respectable sort, she has caused nothing but chaos and misery for her kingdom. The chaotic Queen Arisa is forced to marry and falls in love with her Kings concubine. Their forbidden love in a society that frowns upon such relationships… will they be able to love eachother freely?

mayruu · LGBT+
21 Chs

Chapter 2

In the Moral Empire, there have been queens that have lasted for years and years. It was practically unheard of for this kingdom to announce the queen was getting married and nonetheless to a king.

The queen to be married refused. However, she had no idea it was something she could refuse. The announcement had already been made without her knowing and the government, the kingdom's men, weren't asking her. Naturally, the queen threw a fit. She ran into her mansion, smashing things and yelling. Plates and glass shattered all over the place and all could be heard were her screams. 'I'M NOT GETTING MARRIED!! I'M NOT GETTING MARRIED!!!! I REFUSE!! THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!!!!' She didn't care if her hands were bleeding from the glass she broke, it only made her continue more. Her rage intensified as she thought more and more about it. It wasn't fair, the queen thought to herself. After all they did to her, they tortured her and abused her in ways that were far too traumatic for her to remember. It started as a child, being forced to learn the ways of 'natural evolution' between humans. As she grew older, she understood what was happening to her. When the queen learned this, she did not stay still. Ever since then, she has caused many problems, causing havoc and chaos in the very kingdom she was born into. These disgusting pigs deserved nothing but misery. And now they want to marry me off? The queen raged inside, she despised the very existence of males. 'I AM NEVER GETTING MARRIED TO A MAN!!'

It wasn't unusual for Kings to be announced in kingdoms but for the Moral Empire, who had an outstanding reputation for their long-lasting Queens that have lasted centuries, it was shocking. Queen Arisa had 15 sisters in total. The Montogue family lasted for decades and decades. Queen Arisa was the first, the first in a long time, to get married to a King.

The Moral Empire already had a king prepared, they'd been preparing ever since the Queen was born. Queen Arisa was the youngest in the family, therefore the government couldn't take any risk due to the fragility of life and that the Queen could die at any given moment. Thankfully the Queen lived a long life and the Moral Empire didn't need to rely on the use of a king anymore. The Queen would be married to a man of lower status and produce more children. In this kingdom, Queens were allowed to have children with other men apart from their husbands. Another strong reason for other kingdoms to be against the Moral Empire.

When the announcement for a king came directly from the Moral Empire, many of the kingdoms were surprised and some were not. There were many rumours regarding the Queen of the Moral Empire and all were nothing good to hear about. A few Kingdoms had wondered how they would deal with this unruly Queen.

'So, that's how they decided.' The King muttered to himself. He smiled and swung around in his seat. 'This is wonderful news, wonderful!' He couldn't stop laughing. Many Kingdoms despised the Moral Empire and their queens and this very King detested them the most. This Kingdom was named after his great grandfather's name; The Regin Kingdom. The King, Edward Regin, 23 years of age, had been announced the King two years ago around the time of his father's death. The King was devasted, he had grown extremely close with his father and felt like he was the only one who truly understood him. They both appreciated their life of higher social class and understood the difference between them and mere peasants. There was one thing they both despised more than Queens in the Moral Empire and that was beggars. The King felt that those pathetic peasants had no right to live, they were just useless rats. His father had executed many beggars just for stepping one foot anywhere near their palace. He watched the execution with his son and they both smiled as they cried for mercy.

The Regin Kingdom had argued with the Moral Empire for a long period of time. The King's father had found it despicable that women were allowed to be held in such high regard. However, the fight between the Moral Empire and the Regin Kingdom was one-sided. The Moral Empire had avoided them and acted in ignorance. The King despised them the most for it! 

The Moral Empire had now announced their first ever King in years. Of course, this was extremely wonderful news for the King. It was something that would keep him in a good mood for a while. He laughed out loud thinking about it again, just then, the King heard a knock on his door. 

'Come in.' 

'Your Majesty, your mother is asking for you.' 

The King got up, but his smile remained. 'Do you know why she's asking for me?' He asked his royal servant who had served him ever since he was a child. 

The servant looked at him in shock, 'Your Majesty isn't aware??' 

The King looked at him in confusion. 'Speak.' 

The servant looked awkward and looked at the ground before he spoke. 

'The king is ordered by the Regin Kingdom to get married... to the Queen of the Moral Empire.' 


servant: your majesty, you're the king that is getting married to the queen of the moral empire.

king edward (hates women) : ??????????????????????????

mayruucreators' thoughts