

After a few days, the event day came. I just came out of the shower when the bell rang. I hurriedly grabbed my robe and looked through the Intercom. There were women carrying cases and also a garment bag. I opened the door; they seem to be the ones whom Aia sent even though I complained so hard. If not for the promotion and the House Of Common's order, I would not bother to come. This is not very pleasant. "Greetings! We are from Serenity Cosmetics. May I ask, are you Miss Kerstein Wijndelts?" The woman who seemed like the higher up asked. "Greetings, yes, yes I am." She gestured a handshake which I accepted.

I guided them inside. "Did you have breakfast? Would you like tea or coffee?" I shyly offered. "We are fine, Miss. Shall we start?" I nodded as I lead the way towards my walk-in closet.

"I want it to make it simple, no need for extravagant and exaggerations," I stated. "Are you sure, Miss? Miss Fuji told us to make it extra." She retorted.

"Do not mind her. She just nags a lot. Please make it simpler." I pleaded. "Understood, Miss Wijndelts." She put moisturizer, proceeded with the primer. She applied foundation, followed by concealer.

With the contour, blush, and highlighter as I stopped them. "Make it as light as possible, a no makeup, makeup look, do that for the eyeshadow also." I requested. They applied eyeliner until the setting spray. My lipstick had a nude shade. After a few minutes of touching up, "That should be it, Miss Wijndelts." She stated as I opened my eyes and viewing my face. It was beautiful and simple.

However, all of this was the cause of all problems. If it were not for that day, that would not have happened. I felt a lump in my throat; I felt like crying and nauseous. I held myself back. "Are you fine, Miss Wijndelts?" She raised worriedly. "I- I am fine, thank you," I assured them with a smile.

They parted my hair to the center and applied pins to each side. It had a sleek and arranged look. "Let us help you wear your dress." I nodded in agreement. I smiled in delight; the gown looked so pretty yet had a simple vibe. "Thank you,"

It was a custom-made sparkly silver gown, a ball gown, or an evening gown if you would call that. Everything was with glitter fabric, lace, and tulle mesh. The base of the fabric is silk and includes a hoop skirt. I grabbed a silver clutch bag and wore silver pumps.

"You look elegant, Miss Wijndelts." She complimented. "T- Thank you." I returned; I never felt this confident in my entire life; I sense something off. Everything seems fine these days; it looks like a premonition.

They left, after a while, the chauffeur intended for the attendees appeared. I hopped in as soon as they greeted me. I relaxed on the way to the temple. The Yemanora is a temple for coronation purposes based in Ylury. "Please drop me off near the entrance." I requested. He nodded in approval. "Understood,"

After some time, we arrived. I stepped out of the car. I need some time alone first. I felt nervous and felt like I was about to puke. I have not been to a gathering like this in such a while. As promised, I gave Aia my other reservation; I do not have anyone to bring with me.

I walked towards the entrance; I hope I will not regret coming. Let us try to do our best! If permitted, I want to go home; I feel weird all of a sudden; it gives a vibe that I do not fit in. I stopped in my tracks and took a deep breath.

What I am thinking is impossible, I will bring shame to the Tourism Industry Council. I have to be proper and neat, for the least. I proceeded to walk; I had my head down for the whole time; just then, I noticed that I bumped into someone.

"I apologize-" I stated. I looked at him as he did to him. He looked at me with blue, piercing stares. He clicked his tongue, and moved forward. He had his blonde hair down. His jawline angled perfectly, and his carved nose. His lips were almost reddish. "No need,"

He was like the masterpiece of a sculptor, a fallen angel. He was oozing with beau. I sighed, and continued to walk to the entrance. Appeared a red carpet towards the entrance, there were tons of guests, everyone was wearing formal wear. The media was busy taking pictures of everyone.

As I gave my invitation, they let me in. I descended the grand stairs. I went towards the seat; the House of Lord's and the House of Commons were upfront. We were seated in the left wing. They served champagne. As I was about to sip, a woman grabbed me, which revealed to be Aia.

We were at the center together with other guests. "Forgive me for being late, Kerstein," Aia uttered while winking. Aia was stunning in her gown; it was a Gold Sparkling Mermaid Gown, with Detachable Train. The gown, sewed with satin, chiffon, organza, beads, embroideries, and sequins, perfectly hugged her waist. "Let us go find those boys!" She exclaimed, raising her hands. I was embarrassed.

"Be quiet, Aia," I whispered. "Let us go; I see a hot guy!" She added.

"This is not a get-together, Aia!" I complained. "C'mon, better not miss them!"

She dragged me off to a pair. She approached them casually. "Greetings, Misters!" She raised, "Greetings, Misses!" They replied.

Reality hit me; there I saw the man who gave me the file, the man who is now our Head Executive, Ren Eijiri. "You are still beautiful as ever, Miss Fuji." He complimented. "Why are you like this now, Ren? Such a show-off." She stated as she rolled her eyes.

"So we meet again. Miss Wijndelts?" He gestured as he kissed the back of my hand. He was now wearing a tuxedo which suited him perfectly, he was dashing as ever, but the man I bumped in was more- What am I thinking? He had his look last time; he had his black hair down, his Jade Green eyes were a show-off. It was genuinely bewitching. "Greetings, Mister Eijiri." He had a surprised look.

"So you know me already? Such a great start." He returned; I just smiled awkwardly. "You both look gorgeous; I am Kei Fuji. Aia's cousin." A man who was in a suit with his black hair down and black eyes complimented us.

Wait, he is Aia's cousin? Aia hugged him. "When did you get back, Kei? You are as busy as ever." Aia mumbled. As they were catching up, Mister Eijiri approached me. "Can I keep you company this night?" Mister Eijiri asked as he leaned close.

"Uhm, well, excuse me for a minute." I excused myself and dashed out of the scene. My heart pounded as I felt nauseous; why now? "Aia!"