
Compound Cultivator

Just like every man, 20 year-old Zhou Kai strives to leave a legacy in this world. His legacy. A legacy that will be eternal and be glorified throughout the Dawn Continent until the end of time. But, he first needs to overcome his impotence and lack of talent for cultivation. In his kind of world where “dog eat dog”, he needs to become stronger than his enemies and be the strongest among his allies to restore the village and ensure a clear path to greatness. Join Kai in his Journey as he makes his way up the ladder of his world and discover the unknowns of his world. *** First story English is not my mother tongue The cover is not my original art.

_Cloud9_ · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

Early Spring

"Tsk! This is the last one."

A certain 20 year old man sat on a wooden chair inside his bedroom while focusing on the cover of a booklet for a cultivation method. He has a slightly tanned skin, black hair, brown eyes and is 1.8 meters tall when standing. In terms of facial looks, he is well above average guys with his good looking nose and lips as well as an almost symmetrical facial features. All this however is wasted because, for some reason, he was impotent since birth.

This young man is Zhou Kai.

Kai is the current Chief of the Iron Beast Village on the southern outskirts of the Fox Maple Dukedom of the East Human Empire.

Despite his young age, Kai had been appointed as the Chief of his village because he was the only remaining successor of his late father's position. His other siblings had long been sent to academies or sects to learn and cultivate. Only Kai was left here because he lacked the required talent in cultivation.

"Sigh. Might as well try right?"

Kai comforted himself as he began reading the contents of the booklet that he was holding.

"Basics of Beast Taming. Is that right?"

"Ok. Sigh. Beasts are typically described as creatures that have animal-like features that boast supernatural amounts of strength and strong natural affinity for the elements and mana. Beasts are also known as Mana Beasts because of their ability to use mana to strengthen their body and attacks and to do other things like stealth skills while hunting…"

Kai read his booklet aloud as this was his way of learning and comprehending texts.

Even though he had no 'man tool' to utilize and even though he was considered completely talentless, Kai never let go of his hope that one day, he can somehow be a strong cultivator that acts cool and teaches his disciples on the Dao of Cultivation and life.

He has his limping member down there but he is still positive that he can have children.

Well, Kai is not unique in the part that he couldn't have children. Every man in this village over the age of 21 is unable to have children. In fact, almost 80% of men over 21 years old are all infertile in the whole East Human Empire.

It is not a curse or disease that caused this unfortunate occurrence.

It is simply because their balls were taken from them. Or better yet, their balls were extracted by Banshee summons.

For over 500 years now, Banshee summons have tormented villages and cities of the East Human Empire.

Every winter is hell for men. During the winter months, Banshees are believed to be summoned by enemies of the empire in order to extract the testicles of every man of the empire over the age of 21.

The reason was said to be to curb the population of the empire and in turn lessen the strength of the empire's defenses. Although this was the only tangible explanation that humans have come up with throughout the 500 year war, they naturally suspected that there must be another reason why their enemies did this atrocious act.

This is the main reason why every human man and woman of the East Human Empire strives to become stronger through cultivation.

Which man would want his balls cut off and be unable to reproduce?

Which woman would not have the motherly instincts to protect what you love and cherish?

Strong cultivators would have the ability to fend off threats like Banshees.

With their Cultivation Methods and Fighting Arts, they would be able to survive and, at the same time, be content.

This was actually a favorable situation for Kai as he is infertile already and it was already proven that Banshees do not hunt the impotent male humans. He had nothing to worry about.

However, how can he be proud of being impotent? How can he be proud of being saved because he was already doomed from the start?

'Who knows if some Banshee takes interest in my heavenly family jewels?' was what Kai used to think.

Winter is still 2 months away.

Kai was still hopeful that he can be strong enough to defend himself and if fate allows it, he will defend his father's village too.

His drive to cultivate and become strong despite the challenges he faces is what led him to use all his personal earnings ever since he became chief 2 years ago to buy basic cultivation books from Fox Maple City.

Last spring, Kai bought 10 cultivation manuals for cultivation methods and 2 fighting arts all on basic and entry. He also managed to acquire a plain storage ring with a 10 cubic meter space. The ring is silver in color and very plain but it was easily the most expensive item he owns.

Now, Kai's savings are basically nonexistent.

To add salt to the wound, Kai had already tried practicing the 9 cultivation methods but to no avail. He failed on even getting the hang of its basics no matter how much he read or how hard he tried to understand the steps and theories behind them.

He was now down to the last cultivation method manual which he was not even sure if it was a cultivation method.

"Known beasts are divided into categories that correspond to the cultivation levels of humans. Beasts are categorized into 1 to 8 stars with 10 levels each unlike normal cultivation of humans that only have 9 levels each realm from mortal realm to the nascent soul realm…"

Kai continued reading the booklet's contents like a madman.

In fact, he has been cooped up in the chief's house since last spring. The last time he came out was for purchasing the books. He only stopped reading when reports and problems came which were mostly reports of the departure of his villagers.Especially families with talented young sons which were yet to turn 21. They are seeking safety in the inner parts of the empire where stronger people reside.

This was nothing new.

He was desperate for strength but he still did things to manage the already godforsaken village. Before the war, this village was said to be prosperous due to its location near the river and bountiful forest but, nothing lasts forever. Right now, the village has more or less 50 individuals including him. Majority are widows and elders that are barely over the Mortal realm.

The strongest members of his village are his late father's loyal vassals. They are his twin uncles Wu Chen and Wu Chun.

Uncle Wu Chen is a brainy man in the 1st level of the True Qi realm and was appointed as the logistics person of the village.

Uncle Wu Chun is a brainless brute in the 3rd level of True Qi realm and appointed as the head of security of the village.

With the help of these 2 good middle aged men, Kai can focus on his study.

Kai knew that his 2 uncles knew of his pitiful talent and his health condition but he did not mind for the 2 always had his back since he had no one else with him.

***2 hours later***

"So that's it? I have to manipulate the soul of the beast and integrate it into mine. Right?" Kai thought as he closed the booklet with a thump and then stood up in excitement.

"Imagine the life source of the beast which is its soul to be a wisp of life and then take it to form a link between my soul and its soul right? Oh and also the beast cannot be stronger than me by 2 whole realms." Kai recited his learnings this past 2 hours before facing the door of his room.

"Uncle Chen, are you there?" Kai spoke softly and with respect.

A little later, a reply came.

"Chief Kai. What is it that you need?"

After a bit of hesitation, Kai said. "N-Nothing much. I just wanted to form a contract with a 1 star beast. There's this cultivation manual that I read and it said that you can do something live making a beast serve you through a contract."

"Say no more. We just happened to have a few 1 star beasts for you."

"Really?! Ok! Wait for me uncle. I'll just clean myself a bit." Kai became excited hearing this.

After a few minutes, Kai came out of his room wearing simple brown robes for commoners just like everyone in this village. The only difference is that he had 2 rings in his finger. One was to indicate his status as chief of this village and one was the storage ring that contained his manuals and some other things that he deemed important.

"Chief. The beasts are at the old stable. Chun suppressed and placed them there for your convenience."

"Thanks uncle Chen."

Later, Kai and Chen arrived in the old stables without even seeing any villagers. The village was too devoid of life and energy. Seeing any interaction is getting more rare as time goes by.

To be fair, it was already dusk and the villagers left are either the stubborn elders that do not want to leave or widows and some weak men.

Besides Wu Chen and Wu Chun, Only Kai is outside right now.

"Chief. There are three 1 star beasts here that are not injured. I'll leave it to you. I'll only remind you that I happen to know that there is indeed a sect who practiced such art and it is said that there could be backlashes when something goes wrong."

"Don't worry uncle. I read the manual 2 times over and the backlash happens when you try it with a beast that is 2 realms stronger than you. It also says that there will be a small backlash when replacing your contract. Given that my pitiful cultivation is at the 1st level of the Mortal realm, I could easily form a contract with 1 star beast."

"I-If you say so."

With that, Kai gazed at the 3 different 1 star beasts inside special cages in the old stable.

Upon seeing his options, Kai's lips twitched.

"Kuhum~. Uhh. Uncle, are these the options?"

"Well they are the ones not injured." Wu Chen said in a weak voice as if he was apologizing.

"Ah! It's no problem U-Unlce Chen ha ha. J-Just wanted to make sure."

'Damn! There's no cool predator here. Hell, even a cat would do! A Spiked mouse, Blue feet Roach, and a Maple horse.'

Kai's lips can't help but twitch. As a man how could he not want a cool and ferocious beast to command?


"Nevermind, this is what we have. Uncle Chen, can you state anything you know about these beasts?"

With that, Wu Chen started pointing at the beasts in front of them and then explaining their basic traits to his nephew. "Alright Chief. First is the female spiked mouse which is at the 5th level of 1 star and has metal affinity which is quite rare here in the south, next is the female blue feet roach which looks disgusting but is delicious. It is 4th level of 1 star and finally is this Maple Stallion at the 1st level of 1 star and has wood elemental affinity."

Kai listened attentively to Wu Chen's explanation.

'The spiked mouse is just too weak looking and that roach is not even a choice for me! My shit would be more pleasant to look at than this abomination! It's obviously this Stallion. At least it has some aesthetics going on.' After a while of contemplation, Kai finally made his decision.

'I can replace my contracted beast anyway...'

"I choose the Stallion. Uncle, please look after me while I try contracting it.

"You need not say." Wu Chen immediately replied as he focused on any trouble that might happen. Trouble like if the beast resists, he would not hesitate sending it to the heavenly realm.

"Thank you Uncle."

With that, Kai touched the head of the suppressed 1 star Maple Stallion and started imaging its soul by inserting some of his pitiful energy into the horse.



Until an hour later, when the night was dark, Kai finally saw the imaginary soul of the stallion.Kai almost lost focus and wasted all his efforts but he luckily suppressed his excitement and pressed on.

After seeing the soul, Kai imagined that he took it and touched it with his own soul to form a thin thread of connection that would serve as the link or bond between him and the contracted beast.

Upon touching both souls though, something unexpected happened.

"Hmm?!" Kai exclaimed while still focusing.

"Did something happen nephew!?" Wu Chen immediately noticed this but did not intervene just yet.

"I-I'm okay. Give me a minute." Kai said weakly with a frown on his face. His knees are trembling from fatigue due to using his pitiful cultivation level. However, Kai did not care for what he looked like or what situation he was in his uncle's eyes. His focus was entirely on the events that had happened after touching the souls.

'T-This is?' Kai was not sure so he focused even further making his already weak brain capacity become even more feeble.

'The stallion's soul is inside me too? This was not how the manual described contracting a beast though. I can't even return it. Hmm?! Wait!'

Just before Kai was going to say something, Wu Chen interrupted him."C-Chief! Nephew! You're glowing in green light! You're breaking through?!"

"W-why does my body hurt?! Arrrrgh!" After that, Kai wailed throughout the night making the remaining villagers wonder if the banshees came early this year. Naturally, Kai fell unconscious due to the shock and intense pain.

Wu Chen instinctively took care of his nephew. Wu Chen brought him back to the house of the Chief and nursed him while Wu Chun, who heard the loud unmanly wails, guarded the house of the chief.

"Chun, Bing's son, has not only broken through but also awoken an element. This is a cause for celebration!"

"Chen, perhaps spring will arrive early this year. I can feel it."