
May Day l


Life could be tough for a Sex God. I had to satisfy my woman whenever she woke up horny in the mornings. Then I had to arrange an orgy with two other guys and two other girls so that we could see how many ways we could triple-team (or quintuple-team) someone, usually with Dawn in the middle. And just when I'd finally satisfied my woman, leaving her sore, walking a little funny, and telling me she'd need like a week off to recuperate, my duties weren't done.

See, I had another girlfriend, even if neither of us actually used the "G-word".

"Please, Master. May I have some more?"

"Hnnggh!" I grunted as my hips lunged forward, skewering Kim's cunt on my powerfully invading prod.

I'd lost track of the number of times I had to tell people I was "just friends" with one girl or another. Sometimes the lack of title was because the girl didn't want to let herself fall too in love with me. Sometimes it was because we really didn't have romantic feelings for each other. But in almost every case, the reality was that despite the "just friends" protest, I was indeed having sex with the girl in question and I indeed had some level of intimate feelings for them.

To Kim's family, we were indeed boyfriend/girlfriend. To Dawn, Kim was my "other" girlfriend. To Kim herself, I was her "Master". And to everyone else, we were "just friends". Simple enough to keep track of, right?

Unlike many of our fucking sessions, Kim wasn't on all fours. She lay beneath me missionary-style, though with her legs hooked over my shoulders and her ankles crossed behind my neck so that I could get maximum penetration. She held my face in her hands, glowing with happiness as she stared into my eyes while I pounded her body beneath me.

She'd missed me this past weekend. Well, Kim missed me every weekend, but she always returned home out of duty to her father and respect for his household. But she had been in a particularly amorous mood upon her return to school last night. Last week, she'd been on her period and unable to have sex on our regularly scheduled Thursday. Knowing that she didn't really enjoy it, I had not taken her anally since that first time I deflowered her last cherry. And although she would have given me a blowjob had I wanted one, she was feeling under the weather and not particularly in the mood.

The extra rest had given me additional energy for Saturday's orgy, energy I needed since Dawn, Carli, and Andie had all been rather demanding of me that night, with Dawn twice as horny as any other night. But just when I wanted to take a day off to rest and recuperate, Kim had returned to the house literally begging me to take her.

I could have ordered her to wait. Really, I could have. Probably, I should have.

But like she said, I had too much empathy.

Dawn stayed downstairs in the living room with Brooke and DJ. She was really stressing out over her Finance course, and she needed to study. Kim took me by the hand and led me upstairs. And then she proceeded to show me with her body just how much she'd missed me.

"Fuck me, Master! Fuck me!" she cheered enthusiastically as I sawed in and out of her ultra-tight cunt.

"Use me! Pound me! Take me!" she squealed, giddy as a little girl.

I almost laughed as I pistoned my cock through her soaking wet channel. I wouldn't have thought that sex with a submissive would have such variety. When I first started fucking her, Kim was just a step above a robot, almost lifeless in the way she would simply react to my commands and let me manipulate her body like a puppet on strings. Other times, she acted like an eager puppy, leaping to obey my commands and shower me with pleasure to the utmost of her ability.

Those two were still the most common styles for us to have sex. Kim sincerely enjoyed the feeling of being ravaged and physically dominated, and of course, I enjoyed doing the ravaging and dominating. Similarly, it was great fun to order her around and have her cater to my every whim while I sat back and simply enjoyed the fruits of my commands.

But every so often, and more frequently in recent months, we BOTH just enjoyed fucking each other's brains out. Kim pleaded for me to fuck her the way she wanted – typically hard and fast and dirty – and I gave her what she wanted. In a way, it was no different than having crazy-monkey sex with Dawn, DJ, or even a random Tri-Delt.

Tonight was one of those nights. Kim asked me to use her, to abuse her, to take my pleasure from her all-too-willing body. I would have done it anyway, but it was a nice change of pace to have her making the requests instead of me making the commands. She chanted "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me" just like a non-submissive girl. And together, we athletically rode each other all over her bed, the desk, and the armchair in the corner which we'd knocked over in our enthusiasm. My cock felt rubbed raw from all the friction it had endured in the past two evenings, but it was a pain I would gladly accept for all the pleasure I'd received.

It wasn't that bad. I'd already cum once, my first hosing down of Kim's innards providing a little extra lubrication so that my oversensitive prick had some relief from friction. But still I had other physical difficulties to deal with.

For one thing, even after a year of regular sex Kim's vagina was still skin-peelingly tight. I guess she was just narrowly-built, as her 20-inch waist would attest to. And even with the extra lubrication, I had to work harder than usual just to get my dick in and out of her at a steady pace.

My ab muscles certainly didn't like the abuse, especially after last night's orgiastic marathon. I could feel the burn, the way a weight lifter feels when doing a few too many reps with a little too high of a weight. Actually, my whole body was a little sore from over-exercise, although I figured that most men on the planet would gladly trade places with me if their source of over-exercising was from too much sex.

But I wouldn't quit. I was too fond of Kim to let her down now.

"Harder! Deeper! Please, Master, please!" Kim begged, drumming her heels against my shoulders. Thrashing her head side-to-side, my erstwhile sex slave urged me on, giving ME commands for a change, although she tempered them with her pleas.

Even though I was supposed to be the dominant, I didn't particularly disagree with her commands, and so digging my toes into the mattress, I pitched my body forward so that my chest pressed her knees back a few inches farther, letting me get just a little bit deeper with every thrust.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Kim chanted as she approached her climax.

Breathing heavily, I just gritted my teeth against the pain and forced myself to finish out these final few repetitions. My muscles burned. My back was sore. And I had a crick in my neck right where Kim's left ankle had been banging into it. But I didn't quit.

"YESSSSS!" she screamed, her body locking up beneath me.

"Ungh..." I groaned, more in relief than pleasure as I finally let my body go still. As my ab muscles relaxed, so did my kegels. And like a shaken-up champagne bottle with a popped cork, I blasted my wad of hot jizz right into the back of Kim's womb.

"Fill me, Master!" Kim screamed as she felt my explosion, throwing her head back and howling at the headboard.

"Ungh," I grunted weakly again, too tired to really move as my chest simply collapsed down against the backs of her thighs, pinning her body in half beneath me while my cock slowly pumped out the rest of its load.

Exhausted, I put my head down on the pillow beside Kim. She lay beneath me, all folded up and quivering for a full minute before extracting her legs from over my shoulders and laying them down to the mattress, spread out to the sides.

"Thank you, sir," Kim purred in gratitude, nuzzling my cheek. "I really needed that."

Wheezing slightly, I managed to sigh, "Happy to serve."

She chuckled happily, cuddling my head against hers. And then we went silent, just slowly recovering our breath.

It was a good thing we finished when we did, because not two minutes later, a male yell echoed throughout the house. "BENNN!"

Quickly, I picked my head up and turned toward the sound. I heard footsteps thundering up the stairs, obviously in a hurry. I next heard my bedroom door pop open without a knock. And as I realized whoever was outside was about to do the same here, I quickly pulled the covers up and over our naked bodies.

[SLAM!] Kim's bedroom door opened so hard that it banged off the adjoining wall. Breathing heavily with wild eyes, Bert glared at me with undisguised wrath. "Dammit, Ben! This is all your fault!"

Sitting up straight in bed, with the blankets covering me up to the waist, I quickly raised my hands up defensively. "Whoa, whoa. Slow down Bert. What the heck's going on?"

"It's all your fault, man! I had a good thing going. I was happy, maybe even falling in love. She was perfect for me. Not too experienced, not so heartbreakingly gorgeous that I would feel unworthy of her. She's even Korean! My parents would have loved her!"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Esther!" Bert yelled. "She dumped me tonight and it's all your fault!"

"What? Why? How?"

"Fucking Carli! Or Andie! Or ... I don't know! Somebody told her about our little sessions with Dawn!"

I blinked twice slowly, completely caught off-guard by what I was hearing. "Wait ... uh... you didn't tell her?"

"Tell her what: that you and Dawn asked me to have sex with you guys? Hmm ... let's think about this ... I've just started dating a sweet girl who's a little inexperienced when it comes to sex. Yeah, why don't I tell her my best friend and his fucking-more-beautiful-than-the-sun girlfriend want me to have a threesome with them? Yeah, that'll go over well."

I frowned. "Dude, I never told you to hide it from her. I even told you to invite her to join us."

Bert leveled me with a look. "You knew for a fact I would never invite her to something like that. No way was I going to let her have sex with you."

Just then, Dawn appeared at the door, having clearly come up after Bert. "Hey, what's going on?" she asked in bewilderment.

"This is YOUR fault, too." Bert jabbed a finger at Dawn. "Why the hell couldn't you two be happy with your own lives? Why the heck did you have to go and fuck up mine?"

"Bert, believe me," I pleaded. "I never meant for-"

"Oh, shut the fuck up, man," he vented, whirling back to me. "You knew and I knew that you two wanted to keep your little thing a secret, just between us. Everything would have been fine, but then you had to go and bring Jaron into it, and with Jaron came Carli and Andie, and now half the sorority knows. What the hell were you thinking?"

"You didn't seem to mind fucking Carli and Andie last night," Dawn murmured quietly.

"Arrrgh!" Bert threw his hands up and then covered his eyes with them. He shook his head slowly, sighing, "I don't know that I can handle this. You guys are my friends, and I thought ... I thought ... I don't know what I thought..."

Dawn pursed her lips together and looked at me. I looked back and shrugged helplessly. In this moment, Bert was just really upset that his girlfriend had dumped him over this, and he was lashing out. I could only hope that time and some careful thought would smooth things over.

The seconds ticked by, and Bert just stood there shaking his head. After what felt like a full minute, he took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, seeming like he was finally calming down.

But suddenly, his eyebrows furrowed and Bert looked up at the ceiling before sweeping his gaze around the room. He noted the armchair lying on its side and the papers that had been knocked off the desk. He noted the rumpled bedsheets and the rather obvious lump huddling out of sight next to me. "Wait-a-minute," he stammered uncertainly. "Did I interrupt something here?"

I blushed and bit my lip, looking down at the covered lump next to me.

Bert then glanced at Dawn, taking in her fully-clothed appearance and the fact that she'd come up the stairs AFTER him. And then he rather pointedly looked around the room as well. "Aw, not right NOW," he moaned.

I sighed and looked down at the lump, patting it slowly. Rather shyly, Kim herself peeked her head out from the covers, at first only her eyes and then gradually the rest of her face coming into view.

Bert took one solid look at the girl he'd been crushing on for the better part of the year before turning his head away and groaning. I figured that he'd realized Kim and I were more than just friends some time ago, but to have this thrown in his face right now... "It's not fair," he moaned. "You get all the girls, and I get none. It's not fucking fair."

Without another word, Bert turned away and stomped out the door.

Bert calmed down without requiring any real intervention from me. I called Carli, and she admitted fault for not being able to keep her mouth shut about the six-person orgy. It wasn't the whole sorority that knew, just a few of Carli's closest friends. Still, I bitched her out for violating my trust and told her I was cutting her off for the foreseeable future, despite her pleas that she would find a way to make it up to me. And my mood was not improved when Leah Hirsch and Kelly Park – both Tri-Delts I'd fucked before but now stayed away from out of respect for their current boyfriends – called me that evening asking if Dawn and I were interested in swapping.

As part of her penance, Carli took the initiative to apologize to Bert and try to patch things up with Esther. But Esther wasn't budging, Carli remained on my shit list, and Bert remained single.

So it was all Bert when he decided to man up and own the situation. He took responsibility for his actions and forgave Dawn and me for our parts in the fuck-up, and I was quite proud of him for it.

"It's my own fault," Bert said when he came back to apologize to us the very next evening. "I knew what I was getting into. I made the mistake of keeping it a secret from my girlfriend. That's on me, not you."

Dawn shook her head. "It's MY fault. It was MY selfishness that seduced you into this mess."

Bert gave Dawn a frank, honest stare. "And it was worth it. Whatever happened, it was worth it."

Dawn blushed pink and smiled demurely, deeply flattered by the sincerity in Bert's tone and the way he looked at her. She flashed a look at me out of the corner of her eye, and I didn't need any special connection to recognize Dawn's expression.

"Hey, why don't you stick around and have dinner with us tonight?" I offered. "It's Friday, and Dawn is going to make us some gourmet thing she learned last night. The rugrats are out on their own dates. Kim has gone home. So we've got the entire place to ourselves."

I looked to Dawn, and she nodded in agreement with a big smile.

Bert raised his eyebrows, looking back and forth between the two of us.

I grinned and clapped his shoulder. "And then after dinner, maybe Dawn'll even wear that German barmaid costume for us again."

-- MAY 2005, JUNIOR YEAR --

May hit me like a ton of bricks. The end of the semester was on May 10. Finals started right after. And that meant a double whammy of term papers and team projects coming due right when we were supposed to be reviewing the entire semester's worth of material for Finals.

Dawn seemed particularly stressed out about her academics. She was too used to being perfect Dawn, Miss 4.0 GPA and all-around excellent at everything. She had this funny idea in her head that getting a "B" in Finance was equivalent to failing the course. I knew the whole thing was ridiculous. She'd be fine in the end. She always was. I had faith in her.

Meantime, I had my own classes to worry about. I did alright academically myself: not straight A's, but still a high 3's GPA. I had to study hard to ensure that I continued the positive trend, and one particular evening I was so engrossed in my books that I didn't even hear my phone ringing.

"Hey," Brooke announced, kicking my foot. "You gonna get that?"

"Huh? What?" Belatedly, I realized that my pocket was vibrating and singing "Hey Ya!" by OutKast to me.

Quickly, I fished open my phone and saw an unfamiliar 650 number on the screen. Hitting the TALK button, I lifted the receiver to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hello, may I please speak with Ben-?"

"Who is it?" Dawn asked beside me, drawing my attention away before I heard my last name spoken.

I gave her a blank look and shrugged. "Uh, speaking," I replied.

"Hello Ben. It's Amir Shadkam calling from BioGen Engineering. How are you doing?"

My eyebrows popped. I'd driven down to Palo Alto three weeks ago to interview for a business development internship with the company. On paper and based on my interview, the internship was a dream job. It paid well, was in an up and coming field, and gave me a very broad scope in how to approach the job.

However, lacking a serious background in biology, genetics, or any engineering field, I thought that my chances of getting the internship were slim at best. The only things I had going for me were the research I'd done with Professor Isakova the past year and the papers we'd published on bioengineering business development.

"Well, uh, how am I doing?" I replied with a nervous chuckle. "Why don't you tell me?"

Amir laughed at that, and answered, "Well, personally, I think you're doing quite well. At least, you're doing well if you're interested in spending the summer in Palo Alto with us."


"Absolutely. The staff here loved you during your interview, and you come with the highest praise from Dr. Isakova. She wrote you quite the recommendation letter. Don't tell her I said this, but I've worked with her before, and she's quite the ball buster. You must have made quite the impression."

"I guess so."

"Now I realize you don't have a technical background in the bioengineering field, but we will have two other interns joining the team who do, and they don't have your business education or team leadership experience. So I'm counting on you to guide the team and come up with some new ideas for how we can expand our business into the market."

"Will do."

"Glad to hear it. So is that a 'yes'? You'll take the job?"

"Yes!" I crowed, looking around the room at my girlfriend, little sisters, and friends. By now, all of them were just staring at me.

"Great! Paperwork will be coming to you shortly, along with the formal offer letter. Just get all the i's dotted and t's crossed, and then you'll have to make me look good when you arrive."

"Count on it. And thank you, Amir."

"You earned it, Ben. See you in three weeks."

We hung up, and then I closed the phone. After taking a deep breath, I picked my eyes up and looked around at the silent faces staring at me.

"So, I take it you got the job?" Dawn asked with a smile.

"I got the job!" I shouted excitedly, raising my hands in the air. This really was my dream internship for the summer.

She took a deep breath. "Well, I guess it's just down to me. Kim and Bert are all set. The girls are heading down to Orange County this summer. I'm the only one who hasn't heard back yet."

I shook my head. "It's Alexander Consulting. Dayna works there, and you worked there last summer already. They LOVE you! How could they not love you?"

Dawn sighed. "I guess..."

"You'll hear from them within two days. I guarantee it."

And I was right.

With my hair damp and steam still rising off my head, I simply hung up my towel on the rack so it would dry for tomorrow. Fully naked, I then exited the bathroom and waltzed through the door of my bedroom, closing it behind me as I headed to the dresser that had all my underwear and pajama pants. I noticed immediately that the room wasn't empty, as Dawn was hunched over her desk, staring down intently at the thick textbook before her.

Frowning, I left my dresser drawer open and walked up behind her. Leaning over, I wrapped my arms around my girlfriend's shoulders and nuzzled my nose against her neck, causing her to pull away from the ticklish sensation and tilt her head toward me. I settled for kissing her cheek. "Whatcha doin?"

"Finance, of course," she sighed tiredly. "I still don't get this stuff the way I need to."

"Finance can wait," I said, reaching around her and sliding the fingers of my left hand beneath the textbook cover.

Dawn sighed as I closed the book, turning her face to mine to meet my approaching lips. Our kiss began softly, and then quickly increased in passion. I could feel the heat building deep inside her as her lips parted to accept my invading tongue. But just before we got to volcanic, she abruptly pulled away and re-opened her book. "I need to study."

"It's Saturday night. You've got plenty of time to study later."

She shook her head, staring at the book the whole time. "I'm behind enough as it is."

I pouted and sank to one knee. Stroking my semi-hard cock almost absentmindedly, I reached up with my left hand to caress Dawn's cheek and gave her my best puppy dog look. "C'mon. It's Saturday night..." I hummed. "This is Dawn and Ben time, not Dawn and study time. Tell you what: I'll help you wash your back."

My soulmate's eyes glittered in both amusement and arousal as she looked at me. But with another dejected sigh, she shook her head and turned back to her book. "I'm sorry, babe, but not tonight. Finals are just around the corner."

"You'll do fine. You worry too much, you know that?"

"Not in this case. I'm really struggling." There was actual strain in her voice, and the tone made me pause.

Taking a deep breath, I exhaled and felt some of my sexual energy leaking out of me. "You really just want to study tonight?"

Dawn pinched her lips together and gave me an apologetic look before nodding slowly. "Why don't you call up Carli? I'm sure she'd be happy to keep you company tonight."

I scowled and gave her a dark look. "No way. I'm still pissed about what she did to Bert."

Dawn shrugged. "Then Jocelyn or Tonya. Heck, you could just walk into the living room and find several Tri-Delts only too happy to spend an evening with you."

I shook my head emphatically. "No Tri-Delts. Don't need them. I have you."

"Not tonight," she sighed. "Really, I need to study."

"Then I'll be fine. One night isn't going to kill me."

Dawn caressed my cheek and then leaned in, pecking my nose. She also reached down and petted my now limp dick. "I'm sorry, baby. I'll make it up to you. I promise."

I took my penis in hand and shook it while making unhappy sobbing sounds. Dawn giggled and caressed the dangling sack of flesh. But just when I started to get my hopes up, she turned back to her books. "Okay, back to work. And if you want to go out, seriously, I'm giving you permission."

"I know, I know," I replied but shook my head. "I'll just be downstairs with my video games."

A half-hour later, I was doing exactly that. I could use the practice anyway. Bert was already much better at Halo than me, and I didn't like being second best at anything.

It was sometime after 9pm when I heard a key jiggle in the front door. It was a familiar sound, so I didn't immediately react. But a moment later, I paused the video game and stared over to the archway, wondering exactly who would be coming through the door. Kim had gone home for the weekend, as had Bert. And Brooke and DJ always spent Saturday nights with their boyfriends.

Make that most Saturday nights. DJ stomped into view, hustling right past the archway and into her bedroom without a second glance in my direction. She slammed the door behind her with enough force to rattle the house down to its foundations. And it felt like I had to wait a good twenty seconds for the chandeliers to stop swaying and the earthquake rumbling to subside.

During those twenty seconds, I made note of the fact that Brooke was not immediately behind her, nor DJ's best friend Faye. The younger Evans sister was clearly upset about something, and with Dawn engrossed in her own studies upstairs, I was the only one around to do something about it.

Besides, it wasn't like I had anything better to do.

Saving my game and then shutting it off, I got up and went to DJ's bedroom door. I knocked a few times, not getting any verbal response. And after waiting a full minute and knocking again, I simply opened it up.

DJ lay on her belly across her bed, fully clothed and even still wearing her shoes. She faced away from me, and I took a moment to take in her long, shapely legs and specifically the way her skintight jeans hugged her perky buttcheeks. I'd been expecting wild monkey love with my gorgeous girlfriend upstairs tonight; and since that wasn't happening, I had a slight overabundance of hormones coursing through my veins at the moment.

But I pushed aside my lewd thoughts and instead concentrated on the familial love I felt for this beautiful blonde. Circling around the bed, I walked across DJ's dead-eye stare before sitting down on the edge of the mattress beside her. "Rough night?" I asked gently.

DJ blew out a burst of air that teased one of the blonde bangs hanging down over her eyes. She'd braided her hair into her old long pigtails tonight, and coupled with her youthful "going out on the town" attire and extensive makeup, she momentarily reminded me of the sexy young High School teenager I used to know. "Did you know that boys are really stupid?" she asked at length.

It was a rhetorical question, but I answered it nonetheless. "Of course. They say that we humans only use 10% of our brains, but that's a global average. Actually, girls use about 18% of their brains and boys only 2%, which explains the 10% number. Brain juice is also the same as erectile juice, so whenever we get a boner, that 2% goes straight to our dicks, leaving our brains completely dry."

DJ snorted at that, and twisted onto her side. Sighing wearily, she coolly regarded me with intense blue eyes that locked onto my face. And then without a moment's hesitation, she reached up to my shoulder and tugged me down on top of her.

Our bodies moved instinctively. Cradling my head, DJ twisted it at just the right angle so that our lips could meet without our noses bashing into each other. Her tongue speared out into my mouth, and she did her best to devour me while her hands clutched at the back of my neck and head.

A few seconds later, I had to pull back to breathe. DJ panted beneath me, looking absolutely angelic and undeniably sexy at the same time. I thought back to those few short months we were together as boyfriend/girlfriend, and as I gazed down at her beauty I wondered just how I'd managed to fuck up that incredible relationship.

With lustful fire in her eyes, DJ started tugging me back down to her, but I resisted and sat myself back up. She pouted but I shushed her with a finger to her lips, saying, "We both know I'd love to fuck your brains out right now. But that's not why I came in here. What's bothering you? You seemed pretty upset about thirty seconds ago."

DJ growled in annoyance but then relaxed, setting the back of her head down on the mattress. Sighing tiredly, she shrugged and said, "It's Josh, of course."

I shrugged. "After your comment about boys being stupid, I figured. What did he do?"

She shook her head. "It's what he didn't do. A bunch of us went into the city. Hopped a BART and cruised downtown."

Something flashed in my eyes, but I quashed it immediately. My old parental-like concern was upset that the girls had skipped town and gone into San Francisco without informing me. How the hell was I supposed to protect them or come rescue them if I didn't even know what city they were in? But my talks with Brooke reminded me that I had to let the younger girls grow up on their own.

DJ saw the flash in my eyes, and she smiled knowingly. "We were fine," she reassured me. "Nobody was drinking. No drugs. We just did some window shopping and got Starbucks. Really."

I relaxed noticeably. DJ chuckled and then shook her head, a wistful look crossing her eyes. Wistfulness then turned into annoyance, and annoyance into sadness. Gritting her teeth, DJ looked away from me and I saw moisture forming in her eyes.

"Hey ... what's wrong?"

DJ took a deep breath and huffed. "Here you are, miles and miles away not even knowing where the hell I am, and you obviously care so much for my well-being. I'm standing right next to Josh, trying to hold his hand, and he's completely oblivious to me!" she exclaimed in a choking voice. "I could get hit by a bus and the dumb fuck wouldn't even know!"

I frowned. "Did something happen to you that Josh didn't realize-"

DJ shook her head. "No, no. Nothing like that. He was just ... engaged. Josh and Hiroshi and Wayne were talking about some stupid thing or another. Brooke and Joel were cuddling and sharing a cup of coffee between them. So Faye and I were looking at each other commenting about how the guys were off in their own little world and ignoring us while we jealously watched Brooke."

"Oh," I replied, not sure what to do with that.

DJ exhaled slowly. "And it would have been fine if it was just for a bit, but I kept trying to give Josh hints that I wanted attention and he missed all the fucking signs. I just kept getting more and more annoyed with him, and then when we finally got back to the guys' house I sorta snapped at him. Faye got into it with Wayne and Josh made some snide comment that Faye and I should just go into our own room and keep each other company. So that got us even MORE mad and I left!"

I arched an eyebrow. "And Faye?"

DJ rolled her eyes. "The last thing I wanted to do was go home with Faye. Give Josh even more ammunition."

"He doesn't actually have a problem with you and her..."

"Oh, no, no. Of course not. Josh knows; he's just jealous sometimes that we won't do a threesome with him. Not Faye's thing."

I blinked a couple of times, forcing myself to not even ask about Brooke. I didn't want to know.

"And it's CERTAINLY never going to happen if he doesn't get his head out of his ass and start paying me attention," DJ rambled on.

I grinned and reached down to trace my fingertips down the side of her face. Staring deeply into DJ's eyes, I said warmly, "Well I'm here. And I'll pay perfect attention to you."

DJ blinked a few times, and then without warning, she ferociously launched herself at me. Tackling me onto my back, the buxom blonde giggled and brushed her hair out of her face before seizing my cheeks in her palms and then planting one of her supervolcanic kisses on my lips. My lust had abated while she'd been complaining about her boyfriend, but like dumping a whole bunch of newspaper onto a fire, my lust exploded upward with the intensity of her kiss. And before I knew it, I felt DJ's hands sliding up my back as her arms bunched up my T-shirt beneath my armpits.

"Off! Off!" DJ insisted as she broke our liplock, and then suited her words to action as she grabbed the hem of my shirt and ripped it over my head.

"Whoa, whoa, waitaminute," I stammered as my rational brain had a moment to think. "Maybe this isn't the best idea on a night when you're so angry with your boyfriend."

"This is the BEST idea," she insisted. Her 34DD tits were put on proud display by a V-neck sweater, and then I was getting a serious eyeful when she whipped it over her head and off, leaving her only barely covered by Victoria's Secret super bust-enhancing technology.

"Deej," I pleaded, unable to tear my eyes away from her cleavage. "Having fun with each other for pleasure because it 'doesn't count' is one thing. Revenge sex after a fight with your boyfriend is quite another."

DJ simply reached behind herself, unsnapping her bra clasp and then popping the cups off her big juicy melons. Her nipples were already hard and she grabbed my head, dragging my face down into her lush bosom. "Ben. Shut up," she ordered.

I shut up, throwing the last of my resistance to the wind as I turned my head and sucked a pink nipple into my mouth.

"Ohhh, yesss," the buxom 19-year-old hissed. Letting me nurse at her breasts, she finished removing her bra and then reached down to begin opening up her jeans. Once unbuttoned and shoved just a few inches down her thighs, she grabbed my head and started directing me lower, biting her lip sexily and giving me a broad smile.

I took the hint and grinned back around a mouthful of boob. Kissing my way down her slope and into her valley, I let my tongue do the walking as I titillated the underside of her breasts and scratched my nails against the nerve clusters over her ticklish ribs. Working down further and further, I dipped my tongue into her belly button, titillating the little hole before moving southward. My own hands dragged her jeans and thong panties down to her feet and off onto the floor. And now that the teenage wet dream was fully naked, I used two fingers to part her labia and drove my tongue a full three inches deep into her channel.

"FUCK you've got a long tongue!" DJ squealed as her fingers bunched up the bedsheets.

I just grinned and went back to work. My tongue withdrew and then flicked up and down the length of her slit, pausing every now and again to dip inside. With both hands I gripped her legs, spreading them apart to give myself more room. And with my thumbs I scratched at her inner thighs, tickling extra bursts of sensation to draw even more blood into her engorged love button before I actually started in on the pleasure center itself.

DJ moaned and squeezed her Double-D tits, flicking the nipples with her index fingers and sticking her tongue out across her lips, as if miming what she wanted me to do with my tongue against her other set of lips. I took her cues and used them for my own, moving left and right with her wishes for a little while before driving my tongue deep into her slot and using my nose to rub up against the other side of her now unhooded clit.

"Fuck my pussy," DJ whimpered. "Fuck my pretty pussy with your tongue."

I smiled and did just that, extending my slithery appendage up her channel to try and tickle her G-spot from inside. Depending on the right conditions, and especially with her legs spread as wide as they were now, I could sometimes just hit it. And tonight was one of those nights, the fleshy tip of my tongue tapping out a rhythmic beat and causing DJ's belly to bounce off the bed.

"Oh, FUCK!" DJ squealed. "Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck!" She reached forward, tangling her fingers in my hair and grabbing on so tight that I felt my roots being tugged.

I ignored the mild pain and continued tongue-fucking her until I started getting tired. And at the same time, I felt her hips begin to quiver and tell me she was ready for the final countdown.

Only then did I move higher and begin flicking my tongue against DJ's clit. I didn't do anything fancy. There were no alphabets or exotic oral gymnastics. I simply slapped my tongue against her prominent love button and then did it again ... and again ... and again. Four beats per second, I flicked her clit with my tongue. No more, no less. Four beats: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4. I didn't speed up. I didn't slow down. I just kept on flicking, an unending cycle of tongue slaps against her ultrasensitive clit. And as the unrelenting sensations continued on and on and on, I had DJ crawling up the proverbial wall.

"What the-?" DJ gasped. "What are you-? Ohmigawd! Ohmigawd! OhmiGAWD!"

DJ got a quick starter orgasm, a clenching little burst of pleasure deep in her gut that sent shockwaves of bliss throughout her nervous system. Six flicks later, she got another one, a little stronger. And eight beats later, she got one more. Each orgasm seemed to feed off the first one, standing atop its pleasure level and pushing a little bit higher. By the time DJ's fifth mini-climax shook her body, her body was literally shaking, a quivering mess of spastic nerves that no longer understood exactly what was happening to them.

And all the while, I just kept flicking: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.

"Fuck! Stop, Ben! Stop! What are you! Oh, my! Ben! Enough! ENOUGH! I'm cumming again! UNNNNGHHHH!!!!"

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.


1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.

DJ was crying now. I saw her legs trying to rise up and clamp around my head, but they would spasm and flail out to the sides instead. I saw her pick her head up to look at me, but a second later, she would shriek and convulse, sending her head back down onto the mattress. I was still fully clothed, and the entire lower half of my face was so soaked that I was drowning in girlcum. But still I kept going.

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.


1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.

DJ now squirted a load of girlcum right into my face. Not ordinarily a squirter, she clenched in just the right way to send a splatter of juices up and against my forehead, dribbling it down my eyes. Her lower lip was vibrating as if she were going into epileptic shock. Her eyes had rolled up into her head. And one final time, she screamed with unholy power, "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!

Now, I swiftly got to my knees and shoved my pajama pants and boxers down to my ankles. Fisting my cock, I wasted no time in aiming it at DJ's sodden cunt, her labia now blooming open so wide that there was no WAY I could miss. Almost frictionless, I slid fully into her in a single thrust. And holding onto DJ's shoulders, I simply used her body like a masturbatory tool as I pumped my way to my own satisfaction.

DJ's eyes were still rolled up in her head, not even looking at me. Barely conscious, she nevertheless still had some cognitive capacity as she whimpered and whined "FUCK" every time another aftershock orgasm hit her. Now that I'd stopped the unrelenting flicking, she was no longer having cascading climaxes. But waves of pleasure kept battering her down like the unyielding ocean smashing into the shore over and over and over again.

But this final stretch was for me. Palming her big round tits as I mounted her, I rabbit humped my way through DJ's saturated cunt. She was too wet to really feel any friction, but her continual orgasms had her inner muscles clenching around me repeatedly in a way that was simply heavenly. Also, the power trip of seeing such a rapturously beautiful creature completely conquered beneath me was quite the mental high. And after spending so much time listening to DJ have orgasm after orgasm after orgasm, I was hot on the trigger already.

So less than three minutes after finally shoving my dick inside her, I slammed forward one final time and bellowed my orgasm, grunting into DJ's ear as I spewed gob after gob of hot jism into the back of the teenage dream's womb. She cooed beneath me, feeling the warm flush spreading within her body. And after I collapsed on top of her chest, pillowing my cheeks amongst her fleshly tit pillows, she cradled my back and happily accepted my weight.

"I love you, Benjamin," she whispered quietly, nuzzling her nose against my cheek.

Without thinking about it, I replied just as sweetly, "I love you, Dorothy Jean."

"I wish we could stay like this forever," she sighed, clearly floating away on a cloud of bliss.

"Wouldn't that be nice," I sighed, rubbing my cheek against her pleasant breast.

Five minutes then passed in silence. The sweat on our bodies cooled and began to dry. The copious amount of semen I'd deposited in her began to leak out around our joining and puddle on the bed. And the stickiness between our naked bodies began to feel uncomfortable, to the point where I simply had to roll off and stare at the ceiling.

We were quiet again, just breathing for a few long moments. But then DJ took a deep breath, then reached out and touched my cheek. "I mean it, Ben. I love you."

I chuckled and glanced over at her. DJ had stars in her eyes, and I'd likely scrambled her brain a bit. "That's the orgasm talking."

She shook her head. "That may very well have been the greatest sexual experience of my life. But I mean more than that. I love you. I've always been in love with you. And I may very well always love you for the rest of my life."

I blinked quickly and turned to look at her. Where was this coming from? DJ and I had broken up from our brief, ill-conceived romance nearly two years ago. Since then, she had shown great affection for me, and certainly a ton of lust. But love? No. Heck, we'd barely spent any time together this past year, and ever since she started dating Josh, even our sexual encounters had become few and far between. And now she was saying she would love me for the rest of her life?

"Uh..." I grunted in surprise.

Smiling sweetly, DJ reached her hand out to mine, interlacing our fingers and then squeezing it tenderly. Rolling onto her side, she wrapped an arm across her torso beneath her breasts and grinned at me. "Stay with me tonight," she suggested happily. "Stay with me forever."

I frowned, unsure if our intense lovemaking had stripped away all her mental barriers between us and I was now witnessing the true feelings she had for me deep inside ... or if she was simply riding a sexual euphoria so great that she thought she was madly in love with me.

Either way, I belonged to someone else. "DJ ... This was great, but you know I have to go upstairs tonight."

A dark shadow suddenly crossed her face. "You don't have to. Dawn can handle one night without you. Stay with me."

I winced. "Kiddo ... I love you. You'll forever be like a little sister to me, as special as Brooke in my eyes. But we both know I'm Dawn's. We're soulmates, and we haven't spent a single night apart since getting back together. I HAVE to go upstairs."

A deep frown dragged down DJ's mouth, and she quickly released my hand, rolling onto her back and then continuing until she was facing away from me.

Immediately feeling bad, I quickly rolled to her and touched her shoulder. "Deej..."

She slapped my hand off her shoulder, hunching her body away from me. "It's not fair," she pouted. "I'm in love with the greatest guy in the world, and he belongs to my big sister. Every guy I ever meet I end up comparing to him, none of them ever measuring up. I want to marry him, bear his children, and live the rest of my life in blissful happiness. But it's never going to happen. Fucking story of my entire fucking life."


"Fuck you, Ben."

I took a deep breath. "DJ. Please."

"Fuck off and leave me alone."

There are times when a man needs to stick around and address the issues he has with a girl. And there are times when his mere presence is so overwhelming that she can't even think straight as long as he's around. I knew enough to realize this moment was the latter, and so with a heavy heart, I pushed myself up and got off the bed.

Circling around to DJ's face, I bent down and kissed her forehead. She tried to shrink away, but I was able to get in a good second-and-a-half kiss. But she still grumbled and pointedly looked away from me until after I'd left and closed the door behind me.
