
139 Stagnation

(Sultan Murad IV / Grand Vizier Tabanıyassi Mehmed Pasha POV)

"Your Majesty, there has been another attack of the Tatars, this time from the south. Our losses are not large, only several dozen wounded and killed." (Grand Vizier)

"How many attacks have there been?" (Sultan Murad)

"Counting with the latter, a total of forty-seven. During the first attacks, we sent spahis to chase the Tatars, but none of them returned." (Grand Vizier)

"So you're telling me that there were almost fifty attacks and we lost dozens of people each time and our losses aren't that big? Then why don't you tell me how many enemies we managed to kill?" (Sultan Murad)

"Your Majesty... not many. Tatars are hard to catch and good at setting ambushes, even more dangerous in retreat than in attack." (Grand Vizier)

"You are a fool!!! There are only fools around me!!! The commanders who are responsible for the defense of the camp... beheaded, and their deputies will take their place, and if you try to deceive my eyes and ears again with your pretty words... my dear Vizier, pray to Allah that you would not join them. What do you advise?... but remember that it depends on your words whether you will keep your head." (Sultan Murad)

"The enemy wants to tire us and force us to retreat to Bursa. The Tatars will not take the city, but if we take refuge behind the walls, we will open the way for them to other provinces." (Grand Vizier)

"So you advise giving them a battle? They have more people, but that doesn't mean they have advantage... an army of lions led by a ram is less dangerous than an army of rams led by a lion." (Sultan Murad)

"Your Majesty, You are a lion." (Grand Vizier)

(End POV)

From the information I obtained it appears that our attacks were successful, although they did not bring much benefit... but this was their purpose, to tire, irritate and force the Sultan to act. My people also gave up firing arrows at the enemy camp, after the first few attacks, the Turks found a way to deal with Greek fire.

The last asset up my sleeve were the captives, I was wondering whether to use them as planned as human shields or in some other way...

"Ilya, separate a group of prisoners who have families... children, wives, parents. When you do, separate the men from their families and let me know how many there are." (MC)

"Lord, what are you going to do?" (Ilya)

"Give them a chance to use their worthless lives for something. They'll get a choice either to attack the Sultan's camp and die, but their families will survive... or we'll kill the families in front of them and then kill them." (MC)

"We have to give some weapons to the prisoner, is it wise?"

"I didn't say anything about weapons... If my family's life depended on it, I would have torn the enemy apart with my bare hands." (MC)

"Unarmed... it's certain death." (Ilya)

"The Turks killed by the Turks, that's not our concern." (MC)

Over the next three days, we managed to separate the men and boys with families, despite the initial resistance, they were convinced by my strength of arguments and several executions... on the fourth day, under the tender care of the Tatars, I sent 3,000 civilians to the attack... They were in a hopeless situation, they had to attack, anyone who tried to desert was to be killed by the accompanying Tatars.

A few hours later, I got the massacre report. The Ottomans, not wanting to risk, were the first to open fire, a hail of cannon and musket balls rained down on the civilians, only a group of about a thousand prisoners managed to reach the first camp fortifications... where they died by spears and scimitars. I didn't know if they managed to kill at least one Turkish soldier, but it didn't really matter either.

"Lord, what are we going to do with their families?" (Ilya)

"I have given my word, so they will live, their lives are also worthless. I have enough other prisoners... and as for these families, take everything they have, even their clothes, and send them naked to the Ottoman camp, let the Sultan take care of his subjects." (MC)

Over the next two weeks, the attacks of the Tatars from the north and south intensified, there was not an hour without someone attacking or simulating an attack on the camp, but the sultan's army, as it stood 20 kilometers from Bursa, did not move even a meter... and I did not know what to think about it, his army must have decreased by at least 10,000 men during these attacks, either wounded or dead. I did not expect such patience on the part of the Sultan... or it was a larger painting and I was missing something.

My goal was to weaken the Ottomans, Tatars and Cossacks during this war, but apart from a few thousand Tatars and several hundred Cossacks, I did not lose many soldiers. The same was the case with the soldiers of the Sultan, he did not lose more than 15,000 soldiers throughout the war... the only real victim of this war was the civilian population, which could be counted in tens or even hundreds of thousands. I have to force him to attack... situations like this require drastic measures and methods.

(Unknown POV)

"We have to do this. Everyone will take our side... he is mad, executions, torture what else do you need? Did you hear his last order?" (Conspirator A)

"Yes, I heard the order... but what you propose is... and in a time of war? It's a rebellion and you're just as crazy as he is." (Conspirator B)

"I've talked to others... I just miss your support... he won't suspect you. You can be with us or against us, but only one choice guarantees you survive." (Conspirator A)

"It's a threat?" (Conspirator B)

"No, I do not threaten my friends, and there is no point in threatening the dead." (Conspirator A)

(End POV)