
Common power creativity

So, here's the jist. I was enjoying my unfulfilling life with a boring job, when I suddenly get transported to this weird magical world where people have magical abilities. Apparently people don't get transported here much, but when they are they're given God-like powers or insane abilities. But I'm not like them. I don't have insane intelligence nor an OP power. I just have to survive with my common power. This world is a lot more scary and death ridden than my novels! :(

Alro1 · ไซไฟ
6 Chs

Chapter 6: Debating

"Everyone here has powers, we're born with them. Then on our fifth birthdays were brought on the trek to the Challenge towers to understand our abilities and how we can effectively use them. At least that's what the Bai clan does. Every culture is slightly different in it's ways of unlocking powers, some even see using powers as blasphemy, and refuse to unlock them!" They were sitting in the stone building, hiding from "The rest of the Akuma" As Sharee put it. "Who even are these Akuma guys? And what's a Maoren, It's not a slur is it?" James curiously questioned the Catgirl. "A Maoren is a person with feline features around their bodies. We come from an ancient line of Shape shifters who ended up getting stuck as their animal forms, most people discriminate against us for being 'Beastlike'. We were named by a chosen like you too, or at least that's the legend." "And what exactly am I anyway? That guy called me a Wulu or something, but I'm also a chosen one?" "It's Wuli, They are actually the same thing. Over the years many things have happened and for some reason people like you who come here from other worlds have started to slow down, If it wasn't for our long lifespans we wouldn't even know about people like you. That's probably why most humans don't believe you exist." "Wait but don't felines have shorter lifespans than humans?" "That would normally be true but unlike your world, we were born from shape shifters. That means we age slower, and because of our heightened senses we usually fight better and have a longer life expectancy. There's so many wars among the humans right now that most Demi-humans give up on ever facing them."

"Demi-?" "A half race. Like me or the Akuma" "Wait the Akuma are cat people too?" "No, they come from one of my ancestors, every decade or so the demi-humans tribes have a prodigy born with shapeshifting like our ancestors. Sometimes it's stronger, sometimes weaker. The Akuma clan is run by my great uncle who decided that the Bai clan was doing something wrong." "Your uncle isn't an ancestor? He's a family member!" "We live for well over 300 years old. My uncle is almost 600 since he can reverse his aging fully. We cant have any children until we become around 200 so we usually have about 50 brothers and sisters, most of which die. It's normal for a clan to be made up of a single mother and tons of her children, or two mothers on top. But my uncle didn't like this thinking. He tried to steal my family members for himself to use them as pawns. That Bas***d. He thought he could rule us! He fused his matter with some of our members willing to follow him and shifted their genes to make them Humans." "Isn't that their choice though? If they want to be human and have the means to become one, why shouldn't you let them?"

"Don't piss me off human, you saw what I did out there. At first it was fine, people debated and some accepted it until they started forcing us to become like them. Any that refused to serve him were tortured by having their own skin rip itself from their bones and fuse back. He turned my mother into a monstrosity. His own niece!" At this point James could tell she was bubbling with rage and about to go berserk. [Oh god! change the subject change the subject] Sharee turned towards him. [CHANGE THE GODD**M SUBJECT!] "WHAT ABOUT POWERS! EXPLAIN THEM MORE PLEASE! I CANT USE MINE!"

"Sigh. Was you not listening or are you stupid? We go the towers when we come of age and then discover what they are. I'm not saying it again." "But I already know what my powers are. That purple robe guy showed me what they were when he vanished!" "Purple robe guy? There was a time mage there when you turned up?" Sharee held this look of utter confusion. It seemed she suspected this guy to be a really bad liar or an idiot. "No he said a commander I think" "WHAT! Oh my god, what was his name, what level, where did he say he was going!" "I don't know!? Why is it important?" "The commanders are the strongest beings among the world. Each of them are granted powers equal to Ruler's Strength! They used to be the leaders of the 25 major clans and countries but they were scared by the thought of war and decided to band together. Now they are the most powerful group alive. If they want you maybe you do have some potential!"

"I think we're getting off subject, I wanted to know how to use my powers." "Ah yeah of course, I dOn'tT CaRe aBoUt PeOplE wHo cOulD wIpE OuT nAtIoNs sInGlEhAnDeDLY wAnTiNg Me. I juSt WanT tO uSe MaGiC!" "... well yeah." "Ugh fine. What powers do you have other than *Reflexes?*" "Wait reflexes? I don't have that power, I only have Telekinesis, and there's these two ones that I cant read yet."

"Telekinesis is a really weak power, are you sure you didn't read it wrong or have another power aswell?" "Come on! I know I'm weak, can you just tell me how to use them?" "Fine, fine. I don't have telekinesis so I cant teach you how to unlock it. But I have Reflexes and you definitely used that back there to get away from the wind guy, at least level 5. You probably didn't notice since you didn't have to activate it." "Then how was I using it if it isn't activated? HUH!" "Certain powers work instinctually when you're in danger. Reflexes is one of them powers. I have reflexes level 12 so I can control my actions when it activates. Let's see what else wouldn't a child know." [Why does she keep on making fun of me? From the sound of it she needed me so why isn't she praising me?! I think I don't like her already.] "Ah yes. Different powers have slightly different effects depending on who is using them and how they learnt to activate it. If you activate it with instruction from someone else you will be able to use the exact same power in the same way as the person who taught you. Some powers have a lower maximum level and some are higher, but the higher level you get the more requirements and experience you need to level it up." "THERE'S EXPERIENCE POINTS!" James blurted out excitedly at the thought of it being like a game. [What if there's titles and Bosses too?]

"No. I mean getting more use from your power, What's experience points, some otherworldy thing?"

[Aww. Why couldn't I have one nice thing!] "Never mind. what's the max level for Reflexes then? What level do you think I am?" "The max level for reflexes is 25. I have no idea what level you have, I don't have a status or appraisal skill. Some people who do are even powerful enough to know how to unlock your power even." "Do you know anyone like that that can help me?" "Who do you think I am. I come from a small tribe that's at war with a rogue clan member. If we had anyone that lucky at some point they without a doubt, would have left to work in a city. I mean you can look in the nearest one if you want, it's Paturiel, North west about 3.246 miles from here" "Hey, how come I can understand what you are saying and what directions you just pointed out. Surely this world doesn't use imperial?" "It's the protagonist role, Everyone who comes here gets a 'Ruler power' of their own specialised to you and a protagonist role which lets you speak and read every language and convert it into things you understand. Were speaking Maoian right now. If you were to say something not directed at me I'd have no idea what it was." "So I can say I hate this woman so far and think she's ugly!" "You're still in my presence you idiot. Who else would you be speaking to! You're literally a LVL 1 baby from the sound of it. You can't pretend you're speaking to yourself while looking into my eyes." Embarrassment and fear merged inside James. [Why did I have to try it out!] "Anyway back to the baby stuff, Roles are only really used by people with status who use it to check if you've killed anyone. It shouldn't matter if you kill anyone anyway with being a Protagonist"

"Wait so I'm a protagonist like in a book! I'm the most important then." "Wait does that word mean something different where you're from? Everyone who came here from another world has had it. It Just means you were brought here from another dimension. Most of the protagonist powers are useless unless they get in mortal peril anyway and by that time you'll already be dead, and wont be able to go to a status screen to see how to use it. Only a few protagonists have actually had a power they could use, or that worked instinctually when they were in danger." "But then why do you need me If I'm not the saviour of the world?" "What do you mean?" "You saved me because that guy said what I was and you needed me right?" "Hahaha. I mean I guess, Most of the human colonies or races that live shorter lives than about, 200 years have forgotten about the transported or passed it off as legend. If you were to go to a human city and show them your roles, you'd get free access to the cities, kings and maybe even kidnapped and sold off at a high price. Me being with you is like a free ticket into any city in the world. DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE GEAR IS WHEN YOU NEED TO BUY IT FROM A BLACK MARKET!"

"You're just using me?" "Well who wouldn't, its not like I'm just gonna throw you out when it's inconvenient. I mean there's always a chance you have a power that could rule the world. Anyway, lets get you some food, I left the city in a hurry after them guys attacked and ended up chasing them all the way out here without any supplies when they tried to escape." "Can't you answer some more questions first? How hard are the challenge towers? Where's the nearest one? Will you take me to them? If you was fighting them guys before and they attacked your village was that rainstorm made by them?! And that wind keeping me in the cave was just another of their charm spells"

"They're nowhere near strong enough for that! And besides, your stomach has been rumbling for the past ten minutes nonstop. We're eating first, and you're not leaving my side, for a while. If my ticket to cheap gear dies I wont have an advantage against Akuma. THEY can already get gear in cities. That's how they are able to face us despite being weaker humans now." "Wait what were those stones that you took from their masks? Couldn't you eat them?" Sharee stared at James like a deer in headlights. "They're coin pouches, they add coins to your role." "Wait, Did you think they were FOOD. HAHA, WHO WOULD EAT FOOD FROM A DEAD GUY!"


Rarity – Common

Description – This power allows the user to react and move quicker, higher levels have increased reaction time.


5 – When in danger your body will begin to move on it's own, acting on instinct

10 – Body is now controllable when in danger, but with increased reflexes

15 – Sounds, vibrations, and dangers, can be sensed within 0.07, as fast as subconscious reactions. These can be acted on consciously.

20 – Overall thinking speed increases by 100%

25(MAX) – Actions and events can be accurately predicted 97% of the time up to 5 minutes before it occurs. (instinct)

Evolutions – Premonition (Level 25)