
Commercial Novel Invader

Good and Evil are two sides of the same coin. Ones act of Kindness to someone might be an act of cruelty to another. ------ Ater found himself in a Novel where the protagonist destroys the world. A ray of light shines upon Ater as he gets an ability that lets him enter novel. He is able to come back with skills and items from the novels.  Ruber had just finished his High School and he found himself inside a game where the world is destroyed by the MC. Ruber gets a cheat system that gives him missions and can get EXP to level up.  Ater and Ruber met and became friends and form the Black Heart and Red Fox Duo which enters novels to get skills and able to level up. The two need to get stronger in order to kill a regressor. -------- What would happen to the Novel Worlds they left? Will they be strong enough to kill a Regressor? Will they be able to keep their friendship forever? ------ The MCs might seem playful and be able to outsmart opponents around the first 30 chapters.(maybe to much) Well read until chapter 30 chapters when things starts to shift. ----- (Warning please prepare yourself for laughing and cries.) (there is involment of gore scenes) (The first 30chapters are long as they have talk most of world view) So give it a try before setting it aside ------ (I am not really an English Native so there might be a lot of errors in the first 15 chapters.) ------ I made this Novel out of my Love for [I Will Kill The Author] by [Night_Crawler619]. Most things might look similar.  I even thought of naming it [We Will Kill The Protagonist]

Yi_Zaha · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs


-----[POV NAR]-----

On a round table with high quality food, Sofi and Daniel where sitting next to each as they both watched Ater devourer the food which was infront of him. Sofi and Daniel were shocked since they couldn't believe that a Prince would eat like that.

Sofi and Daniel didn't eat the food out of fear of being poisoned but Ater seemed not to mind as he just eat even their share. The couple just exchanged weird glances at each other.

No one said anything until Ater had cleared the food which was supposed to fit five people all by himself. Ater's tummy had inlarged in size a little. Ater wipped his face which had some food remains and called for the maids to clean the table.

When the maids cleared the table, the one to break the silence was Sofi,

"I came here to..."

She couldn't finish her sentance as Ater cut her off and said, " to break of the engangement, I agree but under one condition."

"What can be that condition be, "

The one to answer was Daniel as he had a smile on his face, Daniel seemed to be carmfortable around Ater and he could tell that he was not a bad person.

Ater's gaze looked at Daniel and smiled then looked at Sofi,

"Sofi I would need 'Dove Wings' which is a failed item in your Kingdom and any amount of magic stones you would see fit."

Sofi was shocked at this, 'Dove Wings' was an item that wanted to be throwed away as it was rended useless and the Eastern Kingdom was not short on magic stones, which let Sofi ask,

"Is that all?"

"Yes to be honest I am the one taking advantage of you here, I mean you could break the engangement without even coming here."

Ater took a deep breath as he saw their faces and he couldn't help but smile and added,

"If you think its not enough why don't we form a mana contract and your Kingdoms will not attack my Kingdom for the next 100 years and vice verser and will form a deplomatic agreement."

"We will do it,"

Daniel was the first one to say that as a huge smile appeared on his face and he looked at Sofi who smiled and nodded before looking at him,

"Oh Sofi "

"Oh Daniel "



The two keep saying each others names as there closed the distance between then, which seemed to annoy Ater as a veins popped out of his forehead,

"I am still here you, this is a kids show do it when I am not around,"

"We are sorry" Sofi and Daniel said that at the same time as they looked sideways with there faces red from embrassment. 

"You can do whatever you what, we will sign the mana contruct at dinner, I have same other things to atend to. You can few at home here since we are now comrades."

Ater said that as he took short strides outoff the hall as he didn't want to see the love birds do there things.

Daniel and Sofi just stared at the direction in which Ater had gone to, as soon as Ater went out of the hall Daniel and Sofi embraced each other as they were still sitted. 

----[ATER POV]----

As I walked out of the hall I was greated by the butler Vinny, he seemed to have been listening to what had happened in the hall. I nodded at him,

"Tell all those Nobels and ministers to gather in the central hall in thirty minutes, tell them we need to discuss about the future of the Kingdom,"

"Yes your highness,"

"And buy me the core of nothingness, Five high quality storage pouches and buy anything that below 1 gold coin Western Kingdom Auction happening tonight."

"Consider it done your highness"

Vinny just bowed and left and I thought, ' He is weird most people would think I got crazy if I tried to buy the core of nothingness'

The Western Kingdom is known for its craftwork and alchemy, most weapons, medicines and pills are from there, even if it is the weakest no one dares to lay a hand on it.

The Eastern Kingdom is the strongest, back in the novel it took parts of All the three Kingdoms on its own, It retreated because Alex had lost his reason to fight as he was talked out of his crazy state by Daniel.


As I entered the central hall I could see a large of weirdly dressed men and women, well they were wearing fancy clothing which is something I am not used to, I am from a modern world you know, damb aristocrats.

I was the most weird one I had a golden crown, a black woolen robe with golden ends, and golden staff and I was still wearing my suit.

The male Minister were wearing long red jackets with hose, leggings and breeches and the female Ministers were wearing long red gowns with sleeveless tunics and wimpers to cover their hair. The were on the right side of the hall.

The nobles both man and woman wore red livery suits with black pants and boots, and were on the left side of the hall.

As I walked in the middle over the hall I could see their anxious faces and I could tell that they were expecting big news, but the worst is non of them even greated me, do they wanna die. As I sat on the Black chair with golden ends on the front of the hall,

"Greating your Highness"

All of kneelled and did bowed with their heads facing down, I was shocked since I thought there weren't going to great me since I was not yet the Kimg evern though I was the only royal member alive. 

"You may rise"

I said that as I kept my poker face with an indifferent look. My eyes moved from left to right as I saw everyone in the hall.

"I am pretty sure that most of you, have had out the engangament about me and The Princess of the South being disolved,"

They didn't seem shocked, which showed that this guys have spies in the castle.

"We have agreed to form a friendly contract between the people of both the North and South, from now on we are free to start business in their Kingdom, which is also the same for them."

I could see the greedy smiles on the face of those nobels and ministers, I knew my plan worked.

"So one Minister and one of you Nobels will represent the Kingdom in trading of each Kingdom, anyone who wants to go,"

I said that as my eyes were on a certain individual who was sitting on the left side whi had a grin on his face.

"I will your highness,"

I smiled at the sight of Count Albert the thief who walked forward to the front, I had my eye on him this whole time, but to think he was the first to step forward.

"Count Albert, since you are the first to came I will make you the leader as the one who would watch over things in both Kingdoms, you are free to select who ever you see fit,"

I could see Count Albert greedy eyes, Count Albert was a man with no hair on his head and he was chubby and had fair skin, the reason I gave him that post was because he is a smart thief, he is the type of guy who would steal but the profit he gave would cover that gap.

All I need to do is put spies to keep him in check as he lay golden eggs for, me. I shifted my gaze from him and I looked at the ministers, I am looking for the Royal Physician but since I don't know his face, I just thought of calling him up,

"Royal Physician"

"Yes Your highness"

An old man with short white hair, with glasses who looked around the late sixties showed up from the ministers.

"Marshal and treasurer"


"Yes your highness"

The two of them were even close together as the answered while coming together coming to the front. The Martial was in his mid fourties and had white fair skinned man with a lean, muscular body, a perfect modelled face, middle sized red hair and blood shot eyes which gave off a proud and strong Aura

The treasure was late fourties man with a skinny man, even skinner than me, he had long black hair and wore glasses, and had an average face and seemed to carry himself with elegance.

Now there were four people in my face from the right there was Count Albert, the Royal Physician, the treasure and the Martial.I started looking at the physician,

"Old man you should someone to take over your position, I don't want to lose someone like you due to over working"

"Hahaha, to think that your highness would be worried about me, how touching but my old bones still have strength,"

The Old man just smiled and I smiled at him back since he seemed like a nice guy,

"Well since you energy Vinny will give you the list of diseases that may affect us in the near future and you must prepare the antidotes,"

"Yes your highness"

The old man just smiled and I shifted my eyes to the treasurer, who kept on a indifference look on his face, he was the guy who is responsible for the Kingdom to still look fine, evern the people don't suffer that much from hunger thanks to him,

"You are doing a great job keep it up and I want this year to have more food in the storage tham any other year,"

"It shall be done your highness,"

The treasurer just answered as his fave showed no emotion, I just nodded and looked at the Martial, I am pretty sure he is around SS rank if we looked at it,

"I would want you to increase the number of the Knights and Magicians but 200 each, and be more strict on the selection"

"Yes your highness"

The Martial just said as he kept his dignified face, even I am not like him.

"You may all return to your positions"

All the four men lightly bowed and went back to their positions, while their were still going I took a glance at the nobels and saw a beautiful girl who looked the same age as me.

She had shining black hair, with royal blue eyes, a big bust size and had an indiffernt look.

 'Disguise magic, It looks like Sofi doesn't trust me well enough, but I am sure Daniel trust me because it his trait to just trust people,' I thought to myself as I removed my gaze from her.

I stood up as I walked away from the hall, and a small smile appeared on my face,

'Is this how Kings feel like'

'So annoying'