
Coming Home!!

The fight between them sparked when they were kids. She hated her but she loved her back. What happens when after so many years, it is still on but now it is not for toys anymore... Inaaya is a girl who has been invisible to people and lives her life surrounded by books. "Can family be enemy?" she used to ask herself everyday. After 7 years, she returns back to her hometown, to a family which will never be part of her life... But there is a tension between the two sisters. What happens when a boy enters this equation and creates a war between the two?? A challenge between two people makes the worlds of fours people entangle and turn upside down.

S0603 · วัยรุ่น
11 Chs

Chapter 4

When Inaaya walked out of the house, she saw two more cars parked in front of Kapoors' hours. Mrs. Kapoor introduced her to her friends before getting in the car. Inaaya rode with Ayaan in driving seat. They reached a large red-bricked colored building which had white windowpanes with 'Little Angels' on the gate. It was an ancient building, Mrs. Kapoor informed her. Mrs. Kapoor was one of the heads of the committee which took care of orphanages in the city. She introduced Inaaya to the staff and children. As they were introducing themselves to Inaaya, they screamed with joy. She turned around and saw Ayaan sitting on his knees as they ran to hug him. A smile appeared on her face. Something inside her melted. She could feel her heartbeat stop when one of the girls kissed him and he laughed.

They played games with Inaaya. Ayaan, who had a camera dangling around his neck, was busy taking photographs. Occasionally, he would take her photo and smile. Ayaan suggested them to play soccer. They ran to the playground which was at the back of the building.

Inaaya found a small girl sitting in one of the room and crying. She sat next to her asking, "Is everything okay?"

The little girl nodded wiping her tears, "It is okay"

Inaaya held her hand saying, "I promise I'll not tell anyone. You can tell me. I am new here so I don't know anyone and I'll go away next week so, your secret is safe."

The girl sniffed, "I was rejected again. I didn't get parents today also. Every time new people come and I think maybe today they will pick me but they don't. Others say it is because I am weird. That is why God is punishing me"

Inaaya hugged her, "Oh, sweetie, God never punishes kids. Maybe he is just waiting for right parents. And it is taking time because you are very special to him and he wants you to have the best parents"

She argued, "But I am weird. I am not like other kids. I look different"

Inaaya laughed, "Being different doesn't mean you are any less. You look different. So, take a pride in that. That means you are not like ordinary people"

She stared her with round hazel eyes, "A princess is always different. Have you seen Frozen? You know everyone was scared of Elsa. She used keep herself locked away. But when she embraced her uniqueness, everyone loved her. Enjoy being different. I am also different. I don't look like other girls and don't behave like those perfect people. They say I am not like them, that is why people stay away from me but I don't get sad. Because people will say many things about you. You have to just live your life."

The girl smiled and wrapped herself around Inaaya. She said, "I like you Inn..."

"Inaaya. What is your name?" she asked. The girl replied, "Saki"

Saki took out a bracelet and tied it around Inaaya's wrist. She smirked, "That is my special one. It can make wishes come true. I think my three wishes are over. Now you will get the three wishes"

Inaaya laughed before she kissed Saki on cheeks. She said, "You should go and play outside"

Saki wiped her face even though there were no tears and ran outside. Inaaya followed the girl out and saw Ayaan playing soccer with kids. He had just scored a goal and was celebrating with his team. She wrapped her hand around her wrist. There was something about him that made her heart beat faster. When the ball hit her leg, she realized that she had been holding her breath. She sighed and threw it back to kids. She admired his long hair, which were sticking on his forehead with sweat. He pushed them. Why she had not seen how handsome he was, she thought. In her heart, she knew he would never go for a girl who doesn't even know how to dress-up. He was the romantic movie lead type so he would have the perfect girl not her. She accepted that fact.


Ayaan entered his room. He lay on his bed staring at his ceiling. The lights were switched off. He preferred darkness at the moment. Suddenly, he saw a shadow dancing on his wall. He noticed the light coming from Inaaya's room. He went over to his window and saw her dancing in her room. She was lost in music which was bursting through earphones. She looked cute in teddy bear printed pajamas, he thought. She didn't have her spectacles on which made her look different. He could see Vanilla sitting on bed and watching her roam around the bed. He felt something flutter inside his stomach. Maybe she was better off without him. He shut the curtains and went to bed without changing into his night clothes. He should tell her the truth. She was naïve, sweet and helpful. She would never forgive him.


"Are you going to stay?" Ayaan asked her as they walked down the street. He had his hands in his pockets and his hair messed up. He wore black sweatshirt with ripped-jeans. Inaaya could see he was tired. She tried to keep a distance between them but he moved closely. His arm brushed against her which made her jump. She turned to him saying, "No"

"But why?" his eyes had sadness in them. Was he sad that she was leaving? Did he want her to be with him? She wondered as they went in the park. They sat on the wooden bench. He had his fingers entwined in his lap and was watching the park where people were enjoying their Sunday. She relaxed beside him. She has to make the decision today. She had told him about it. He asked again, "Why?"

Distracted, she asked, "What?"

He asked, "But why are you not staying?"

Sighing, she looked over at the happy family having picnic in front of them. She pushed small strands of hair which were escaping the braid back saying, "We used to be a family but now they are just two people who had given me birth. They are not my family. And I can never be part of their family. Zara, you obviously know my sister, right?"

He didn't answer. He was squinted his eyes while watching people. She continued, "Well, she doesn't like me. I love her and I am scared for her"

"Why are you scared for her?" he glanced at her. She was still watching the family. It was as if she was talking to herself, "Just because of some stuff that I can't tell you. We had an accident which changed both our lives"

"If she hates you, why do you care?" he said. She turned to him and stared. He returned the gaze when she replied, "Because she is family. You don't stop caring for them just because you had some fight. Fights happen but family is family"

He raised his brows, "But you said they are not your family"

She had a small grin, "My parents are not my family. Zara is still my family. We were kids when we had that accident. It was not her fault."

His eyes were studying her face as she started fiddling with her heart shaped silver pendant. She shook her head and flashed a smile, "Enough about me, what about you? What is bothering you?"

He pushed his hair back which were falling on his forehead, "Umm, actually I wanted to tell you something. But if you are leaving then it doesn't matter"

Her eyebrows raised, "You don't want me to go?"

"No, it is not like that" he replied. Her eyes widened, "You want me to leave?"

He nodded then jumped, "No, I don't mean it like that. It is just...Look Inaaya, I am not the kind of person you think I am"

She turned towards the park, "Well, I don't think anything about you. We have met like a week ago, it is not like we know each other for years. Don't stress, I don't think anything good or bad about you"

He interrupted, "See, if you knew me, you would never sit with me like this"

She rolled her eyes, "Okay, are a drug-addict?"


"Serial killer?"

"No, I am not. Why would you say that?"

"Psycho rapist?"

"Definitely no. I am not that" he yelled. She turned to him with a smile and folded her legs, she said, "Then I have nothing to fear"

He tried to protest but she shook her head, "Look, if I didn't think you are good, I would have not let you touch Vanilla. Vanilla would never let you touch her. You are a good person I know that. Living with Grandpa, I have learnt one thing...how to know whom to trust"

She noticed a leaf in his hair. She plucked it out. His hair felt soft as her fingers brushed them. He breathed heavily. Somehow, he felt that someone was choking him. She trusts me, the thought kept stirring in his mind. What if she finds out that I broke her trust? What if she stops talking to me? Why do I care so much about her? He sank his face in his hands. When he looked up, he saw her missing. His heart was racing. Looking around, he saw her playing with small boys near the pond. Letting out a breath, he smiled. Why not enjoy the time that is left, he wondered. He jumped on his feet and joined her in the game.

What do you think Ayaan is hiding??

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