
Coming Home!!

The fight between them sparked when they were kids. She hated her but she loved her back. What happens when after so many years, it is still on but now it is not for toys anymore... Inaaya is a girl who has been invisible to people and lives her life surrounded by books. "Can family be enemy?" she used to ask herself everyday. After 7 years, she returns back to her hometown, to a family which will never be part of her life... But there is a tension between the two sisters. What happens when a boy enters this equation and creates a war between the two?? A challenge between two people makes the worlds of fours people entangle and turn upside down.

S0603 · วัยรุ่น
11 Chs

Chapter 10

"Okay I know I missed many school days but I don't feel so good. I think I should go back and lie down" Charlotte pouted at Inaaya who was pulling her out of the car. She placed her hands on her waist saying, "What is wrong with you? Why do you want to stay home? You have taken more than two weeks off"

She fake coughed, "I am sick"

Inaaya smiled, "Neither your mom nor I believe that anymore"

Sighing, Charlotte got out of the car. She asked, "How is school going on? Did something happen after AK knew who you are?"

"I told you last night that he didn't show up yesterday. No one knew where he was"

Charlotte jumped laughing, "Tell me again how was his face when he got to know"

Inaaya laughed, "I am not doing that again"

"Okay, fine. But before we enter the building and pretend we don't know each other, I just want to say I am proud of you"

"Why do we have to do that? You should stop watching these shows"

Charlotte laughed before running to the school gate leaving Inaaya in parking lot. She noticed a shadow behind a red convertible with black interiors. She knew it was his car. When he came forward, she took a deep breath and walked straight. He caught her and pulled her behind a blue and white truck. He had her hand in his when he said, "I wanted to say sorry to you"

"You said sorry, I didn't accept it. The conversation ends. Leave my hand now" she tried to pull her hand out of his grip. He shook his head, "You have to listen to my side too"

She had anger in her eyes, "Did you not record our conversations?"

He bowed his head, "Yes, I did but..."

"Did you not insult me in front of whole school?"

"Yes, but..."

"Did you not help my sister plan this big charade?"

"Yes, Inaaya just listen..."

"Then, there is no side to listen to" she pushed him back and walked towards the gate.


Mrs. Peyton, the literature teacher entered the classroom. She wrote on the board 'Shakespeare'. Everyone settled in their seats. Ayaan was sitting two rows away from Ashlyn but had his eyes glued at her. He wanted her turn and look at him. His heart longed to talk to her. Zara who was sitting beside him was noticing him all day. There was something weird going on with him, she thought. Switching her gaze between Ashlyn and Ayaan, she knew something was happening between them. Mrs. Peyton greeted, "Good Morning class. Today, we are going to talk about one of the most known scholars of the literature, Shakespeare. Can anyone tell me what Shakespeare famous for?"

One of the students replied, "Romeo and Juliet"

The teacher smiled, "No, it is his plays and poetry. Romeo and Juliet is just one of his plays. Let's just start with this only. Who can tell me what is it about? Anyone?"

She pointed out Ashlyn, "Miss Cortez, would you like to tell me what the play is about?"

Ashlyn sat up straight saying, "It is an over-rated love-story between two people who were not supposed to fall in love but they did"

Mrs. Peyton furrowed her brows, "Why would say that?"

She tilted her head to side, "Umm, because the people don't fall in love like that. The concept of love written by many great poets and writers is nothing more than fantasy."

The teacher remarked, "You must have not loved someone then"

She shrugged, "Maybe I did. See, in reality Romeo just embarrasses Juliet in front of whole crowd"

Ayaan could sense the pain in her voice. She continued, "So, every girl cannot Juliet and every guy is not Romeo"

Mrs. Peyton smiled a little, "It sounds like you don't believe in love"

She laughed, "I used to before but now reality brought me conclusion that a prince will always chooses a princess, not a pauper"

Taking a deep breath and controlling herself, she continued, "Shakespeare wrote Hamlet which is considered one of the finest plays"

The teacher nodded after reading her expressions, "Indeed, Hamlet was a story about a son avenging his father's death. The writing is appreciated by many scholars."

She moved on to question other students. Ayaan clenched the pencil his hand as he replayed the moments spent with Inaaya. Why didn't he stop Zara from playing those tapes? Why was he so scared for his reputation that he hurt her more?

Suddenly, a lady with high-rise ponytail with black-skirt and white blouse entered the room. She said, "Principal Hopkins wants to see Miss Nanda"

Zara grabbed her bag and got up when the lady shook her head, "No, not you. The other one. In..." she looked at the paper in her hand "Inaaya"

Zara gave a laugh, "I think you are mistaken. She left few weeks ago"

Ashlyn grabbed her bag saying, "I am coming"

Zara stared at her as she followed the lady out of the room. Everyone in the room was stunned. Zara sat in her seat but stared at the empty seat till the class ended.

"I heard you spooked the hell out of Zara" Charlotte joked slipping beside Inaaya during the lunch. She continued, "Everyone is talking about you. I can't believe I missed seeing her face"

Inaaya was lost in thoughts. She was playing with her food. Charlotte was concerned, "Hey, what happened?"

She replied, "Principal asked me what they want my name in records be Inaaya or Ashlyn"

"So, what is the problem?" Charlotte took a bite of her sandwich. Inaaya turned to her, "I don't want to be Ashlyn anymore. She is different. Yeah, I feel good sometimes but other times it feels like I am living in someone else's body"

"Ashlyn is good. Ashlyn is the one who can show Zara her place. We need Ashlyn"

Inaaya shook her head, "No, you need Ashlyn. You are just using me so you could back at my sister. You need someone to fight for you"

She walked out of the cafeteria but Charlotte caught her near the washrooms. She pulled her in and checked if anyone is there. Then, she burst, "I don't need someone to fight for me. I needed you to fight for yourself. You do this classic thing that you just walk away from the situation and blame it on everyone else. You blamed it on your parents for not listening to you when you were so scared of your sister that you didn't even utter a word against her. You blame it on Ayaan for ruining your reputation. You blame it on everyone when you are the one who should be blamed for everything. You did all of this to yourself by not standing up to your sister. You want to know why you feel good when you are Ashlyn, it is because you get to say things Inaaya couldn't. So, no I don't need her. You need her. You need her more than anything. I just helped you find her"

She took a breath, "I know Ashlyn is not real but she is part of you. She is that part which is inside of you. She is the opposite of Inaaya, I get that and if you don't want to be her, fine. Be Inaaya, be scared of your sister. Run back to your grandparents."

Inaaya wiped her tears. She hugged Charlotte saying, "I am sorry. I am really sorry"

Charlotte hugged her back tightly. Pulling back, she laughed, "You should have used the water-proof make-up"

Inaaya laughed. After adjusting the make-up, she said, "I don't want to be Ashlyn. She will always remain a part of me. But I miss me"

Charlotte raised one of her brow, "Are you going to have another personality?"

She shook her head, "No, I am going to be Inaaya who is confident and not scared of anyone. She is not going to have lots of make-up because I think I am starting to get itching. She is going to be herself"

Charlotte nodded, "I would very much like to meet her again"

Who do you like more?? Inaaya or Ashlyn??

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