
Come a Little Bit Closer

The first time they met, she was punished for impudence! Later, she became his shadow. "I have followed young master for so many years. Master, can you see my heart?" #master-servant relationship #first love #devoted female protagonist #strong love interest #nobility #schemes and conspiracy

_Rosemarie_ · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

Autumn Leaves

Many believe that meeting the love of your life during the spring blossom is one of the most beautiful coincidences that can happen in life, and those who experience it are considered the luckiest people on earth. 

But Yan Xiao met him in a different season. At that time, the leaves had just turned into a beautiful shade of red. When one walked through the streets, the crispy sound of dried leaves under their feet would fill the air.

Autumn may not be as colourful and warm as spring, and Yan Xiao often wondered if that was the reason why her journey to love was a rocky path. But every time she thought about it, she couldn't help but go back to the first time they met..

It was a slightly cold day. Little Yan Xiao arrived at the front gate of the Gu Mansion with her grandmother. Even though Yan Xiao lived in a big house, she was still in awe while looking at the house. 

The majestic mansion stood proudly among the greenery of the suburbs of the capital. 

Old Lady Yan gently held her granddaughter's hand and spoke in a soft tone, "Xiaoxiao, the people who live here are not like us. They are of a different class, so it's important to be respectful. Remember to greet everyone properly and avoid unnecessary chatter. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Yan Xiao obediently nodded her head, although it was unclear whether she truly comprehended the gravity of her grandmother's words. As they approached the front gate, Yan Xiao observed two uniformed guards standing watch. Her grandmother approached them and engaged in conversation, eventually summoning a man in a black suit who granted them entry.

Yan Xiao clung tightly to her grandmother's hand as they made their way through the artificial stony paths, her mind wandering to the fairy tales her mother read to her every night. She couldn't help but wonder if there was a prince living in this beautiful palace too. 

Upon arriving at the house, they were greeted by a respectful servant. 

"Matriarch Gu is resting in the back garden. She has requested you to go there with your granddaughter, Old Lady Yan." 

Grandmother Yan nodded and followed the servant, with Yan Xiao in tow.

As they entered the vast garden, Yan Xiao's eyes were immediately drawn to the elegant lady sitting in a chair, sipping tea. She was dressed in a stunning qipao, exuding grace and poise. Beside her sat a boy, dressed simply in a white t-shirt and pants. 

Although Yan Xiao couldn't see his face clearly, she could tell he was beautiful. She felt an urge within her to see his face clearly, not merely his side profile. Upon sensing a presence, the duo turned their gaze towards the source.

As their eyes met for the very first time, the entranced Yan Xiao thought, 

'How can anyone be this beautiful?'

Hello, lovelies! New author here. Hope you will like my story!! ^_^

_Rosemarie_creators' thoughts