
Chapter Six

While living in Nigeria, I often encountered this particular word in various papers and books, but at that time, it didn't catch my attention, and I wasn't particularly curious about its meaning or significance. However, upon arriving in America, I unexpectedly stumbled upon the same word once again. This time, seeing it in a different context and setting sparked my curiosity, and I found myself intrigued to explore its origins, usage, and cultural significance. The encounter in America served as a catalyst, prompting me to delve deeper into its meaning and learn more about its relevance in Nigerian and American contexts.

"I'll ask my uncle first," I said, turning to him.

I inquired of Uncle Sam, "Could you kindly explain to me what Pycan means?"

"Of course," replied Uncle Sam, eager to assist. "Pycans are not of human origin and possess unique abilities that correspond with specific colors. For example, a Pycan with a red hue may have different capabilities than one with a blue hue. However, there have been whispers of a rare Pycan that exhibits multiple colors, such as green, black, and yellow, and even one that combines the powers of both blue and red."

"Do they really exist?"

"Yes, they do. From what I have gathered through various sources, there are indeed pycans that exist in our world. However, it is important to note that not all pycans are the same. I've heard that there are both good and bad Pycans. The good Pycans are born and raised just like humans, unaware of the power they possess. On the other hand, the bad Pycans hide and wait for the good ones to emerge."

"What my uncle said is intriguing, but it seems hard to believe. Perhaps it's just a folktale."

Curiously, I inquired, "What makes you believe they are real? Have you ever witnessed one?"

"Indeed, I have had the pleasure of seeing one before - a remarkable pycan, possessing the rare and extraordinary ability to emit both blue and red colors of power."

I asked if it was a woman. "No, it's actually a very handsome man," he replied with a smile, then redirected his focus to the road while driving.

As we reached home, he announced, "Now that we've gotten home, there are no more questions," while he carefully unfastened his seatbelt. However, I couldn't contain my curiosity and responded, "Oh no, I still had a lot of questions left to ask." The eagerness to inquire about various things filled my mind and I hoped for the opportunity to engage in a meaningful conversation with him.

He did not respond has got down the car.

With a sulk expression, I exited the car, feeling somewhat dejected. However, my mood quickly shifted as we turned a corner, and a stunning duplex came into view. However, in an instant, my spirits were lifted as we rounded the corner and I was greeted with the sight of a magnificent duplex. The elegant duplex displayed a captivating blend of white and yellow hues, with the roof boasting a resplendent yellow hue. The rest of the building showcased a beautiful combination of both colors and a plethora of meticulously-manicured flowers in a variety of charming tones adorned the front of the domicile, each boasting a different delightful hue. The sight was so enchanting that it made me forget my previous gloomy demeanor, and I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty before me.

"C'mon, let's go in," said Uncle Sam.

"Where's my bag?" I inquired, glancing toward where the car was parked. "Don't worry, I will ask the maid to carry it in," came the reassuring reply. "Oh, so they have maids," I pondered to myself, intrigued by the idea.


Upon their arrival at the house, a warm and welcoming atmosphere enveloped Selma and her uncle. They were met by a friendly and petite woman who couldn't contain her excitement, exclaiming, "Oh my goodness, is this Selma?" Overwhelmed with joy, the woman embraced Selma with genuine affection, and Selma's face lit up with a beaming smile as she returned the heartfelt gesture. Selma, a young woman with a penchant for noticing details, couldn't help but feel a bit surprised when she met her uncle's wife for the first time. The image she had built in her mind about her family was that of tall individuals, and she had assumed that this trait ran consistently through all the members. However, her assumption was challenged as she stood face-to-face with her aunt, who was noticeably shorter than she expected.

Vivian, Sam's wife, placed the back of her delicate hand on Selma's neck, and an expression of concern crossed her face as she softly exclaimed, "Oh, your temperature is high." With a gentle but firm touch, she guided Selma towards the stairs, urging her to shower, eat, and rest. Climbing the steps together, they reached the upper floor, where a row of six doors, each painted in a warm yellow hue, greeted them. The inviting aroma of home-cooked meals wafted from the dining room nearby. "This way," Vivian said, gracefully opening one of the doors, and with a warm smile, she added, "Enter, this is your room." Filled with awe, Selma stepped inside and couldn't help but let out an enthusiastic exclamation, "Oh my God, it's so colorful and spacious! I love this!" Her excitement was evident, she leaped onto the invitingly soft bed, marveling at the comfort it offered. As Selma curled up on the bed, she couldn't help but be conscious of her childlike behavior, as she usually reserved such expressions of joy for her immediate family. Slightly embarrassed, she quickly composed herself, stood up, and turned to face Vivian, only to find that she was no longer in the room. Selma glanced around, puzzled, but Vivian was nowhere to be seen. "Thank God," Selma whispered in relief, feeling a sense of privacy return to the room. Though momentarily disoriented, she appreciated the newfound freedom to revel in her excitement without an audience. Settling back onto the soft bed, she reflected on the warm and caring demeanor of Vivian, thankful to have been welcomed into this hospitable home. The inviting room became a sanctuary of comfort and a reassuring sign that she was among people who genuinely cared for her well-being. With a contented sigh, Selma allowed herself to relax, knowing that she was in good hands.

She took in her surroundings with curiosity. The walls were adorned in a soft shade of pink, lending a warm and inviting ambiance. Her eyes were drawn to a sizeable mirror positioned above a cabinet, offering a convenient place for personal belongings. Two doors beckoned her attention, and her eagerness to explore surged.

Without hesitation, she opened the first door and was greeted with a delightful surprise. The room revealed itself as a spacious and well-organized dressing area. Numerous large wardrobes adorned the walls, accompanied by ample cloth shelves and shoe racks. Excitement filled her as she retrieved her bag, thoughtfully brought in by the maid, and carefully placed her clothes inside one of the wardrobes. Although she noticed that her current wardrobe collection hardly filled the available space, she smiled, anticipating the possibility of adding more to it in the future.

Satisfied with arranging her belongings, she exited the dressing room and ventured into the second door. Inside, she discovered a beautifully designed bathroom, complete with a shower, two elegant taps, a large mirror, and a tempting bathing tub. A plush new towel caught her attention, and she couldn't resist the urge to enjoy its softness.

With a sense of contentment, she undressed and stepped into the refreshing shower, the cascading water relaxing her senses. After bathing, she wrapped the plush towel around her body and slid her feet into cozy slippers. A door in the bathroom hinted at the presence of a toilet, but she felt no need to explore further, already familiar with its function.

Feeling refreshed and renewed, she decided to change into a pink short and a white top, savoring the luxurious sensation of being pampered. While admiring her appearance in the large mirror, a sudden growl from her stomach reminded her of her appetite. "Oh"

Realizing she was hungry, she couldn't resist the call for food and headed downstairs, eager to indulge in a delightful meal that awaited her in the welcoming abode.

"Hello," As Selma descended the stairs, a voice called out her name. She turned to find a young man with a beaming smile, approximately her age, standing before her. His tall and handsome appearance resembled his father's, and he even had charming dimples, much like his father's. It was as if he were the spitting image of his uncle Sam.

"Hi," Selma greeted him, but her greeting was accompanied by a subtle rumbling noise from her stomach. Though not too loud, it was audible enough for him to notice.

A knowing grin crossed his face, showcasing his endearing dimples, and he playfully remarked, "You must be hungry." With a hospitable gesture, he turned towards the kitchen.

"Follow me," he invited, leading the way with a confident stride.

"Okay," Selma replied, feeling at ease with the young man's friendly demeanor as she followed him into the inviting domain of the kitchen.

"What's your name"